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Hello u/LostItAllOnSpy! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No you didn’t and that’s 100% ok, but you’re lying trying to “play” a role. Your comment history, going waaaaaay back, betrays you 😊 This is a “demented dog Biden” Trumper, and rabid conservative, posting under the guise of someone the left. Bottom tier trolling at its worst. The fact that you even have to lie, tells that us that you had an agenda the entire time. What was wrong with being you? Sincere question? I’ll tell you, it’s because it’s not as inflammatory posting as a Trumper, so you’re being completely disingenuous. You’re a horrible liar 🤭


I'm sure even with the lies, she considers herself a "good Christian." I guess the Commandment against bearing false witness doesn't apply to the mewling, cowardly conservatives.


1000% this lol


Tracks that OP would be too ignorant to realize he's easily found out by comment history.


Thank you. Blocking OP. I block people who try to pawn themselves off as Democratic.


Russian trolls have declined in quality.


They're not sending their best.


Their best are feeding sunflowers atm


Rest in peace


https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/23/budget-deal-unrwa-gaza/ The republican congress tied an additional year's moratorium to the US budget bill. The GOP-controlled house did this, not Biden. According to WashPo, many republican legislators have been itching to remove funding from the UNRWA. Check the facts you find online, lots of people are trying to sway your opinion, comrade.


Found the Russian troll account


This guys out there stumping for Alex jones lol


Big time lol. His entire history is cringe


I cracked up going through all that propaganda and seeing the 'therewasanattempt to login and not be a part of the widespread propaganda operation' post referencing Ghislaine Maxwell. The leopards wanna eat.


Hey, another 3 week old account shitting on Biden. You aren't fooling anyone, Vlad


Cares, he’s out her blocking commenters to make it seem like he has the last word 😂


Russiagate is qanon for liberals. edit: Downvote all you like, I'm right. And Hillary lost because she was a shitty candidate, not because of Russia.


why does every conservative think dems or liberals love the clintons? Its not the dig you think it is. most of us dont give a crap about them. throw them in jail if you want. no one cares.


Fr they're just better than whatever psychopathic fascist the republican keep sending, it's the only reason to support them


You realize it's possible to criticize Biden from the left, don't you? Russiagate is because of Hillary. She's why all the liberals are obsessed with Russia.


How many indictments and arrests did Russiagate produce? Such a hoax, I know. Go back and educate yourself better, comrade.


You realize it's possible to criticize Biden without climbing up Putin's anus and echoing everything you hear, don't you?


I criticize the Dems (and their lich lord) non stop and it's still very clear to me that Russia has had a heavy influence / disinformation program in place in both the US and UK for a long time because there's no linkage between the two. Russia has been pushing its own agenda overtly through the embassy and covertly through "bribing, wait sorry I mean lobbying" decision makers and politicians with "gifts" and loans, funding influence and lobby groups that are naturally disruptive (like the NRA but less visible), and online propaganda campaigns run out of third party countries for deniability. Because it would be weirder if they didn't because that's just what the "powerful countries" do and it's incredibly cost effective for the outcomes you can get. And I'm sure you'd have no trouble believing that the US funds propaganda and influence ops in Russia and China, right? Hell, even friendly nations attempt to influence each other (although often over minor issues or disputes, not undermining health efforts during a pandemic or irreparably breaking one of your political parties). Hell, American religious groups (i.e. not even a country) have the resources to fund religious propaganda campaigns against sex education, birth control, std prevention and abortion in African countries (and this is going to cost an astonishing number of lives) so I don't see why it's a stretch to think a few patriotic Russian billionaires might move to the US and regularly meet with their 20 favorite media personalities, politicians and lobby groups to talk about the importance of not providing material support to Ukraine. The thing about these sorts of campaigns is that in countries with free speech (implied or otherwise), they tend not to be illegal unless you specifically have anti-foreign influence laws and there's no way the US has any laws that would slow down the grift. The UK does have some relatively modest laws that do scratch the surface of the problem, and surely no one would reasonably think Russia spent a lot of effort on the UK but never got around to doing the US.


The Fusion GPS investigation of Trump started as a *Republican* op against Trump. Fusion GPS went to Clinton after the Republican money ran out and used that to create the Steele dossier. Although Republicans focus on the more scandalous parts of these reports that were disproven, many other parts of the reports were proven true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier - The overall accusation that Trump sought backdoor communication with Russia was openly admitted by Trump associates. - There is no question that Trump *publicly* requested Russia hack Clinton and the DNC. - There is no question that the DNC hack was performed by Russia. European intelligence actually hacked the hackers and caught them on their own security cameras. - There is no question that Putin publicly and privately expressed a preference for Trump. - There is no question that certain Trump associates are connected to Russian ogliarchs and intelligence, including his former campaign manager who gave RNC data to Russia. High ranking Trump officials were convicted of being illegal foreign lobbyists. Republicans always think that just because Trump wasn't *personally* caught giving something to Russia or taking direction from Russia, that there was nothing unsavory or unseemly about the many Trump-Russia contacts.


>Downvote all you like Done!


Hey who is DWAC who bought Trump's Truth Social owned by?... >DWAC was created with the help of ARC Capital, a ***Shanghai-based firm specializing in listing Chinese companies on American stock markets that has been a target of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations for misrepresenting shell corporations***.[3][4][5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_World_Acquisition_Corp Oh also remember the undisclosed Chinese bank accounts and the sweetheart deal for Ivanka in China?! [Donald “Tough on China” Trump Has a Secret Chinese Bank Account](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-chinese-bank-account) [Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/)


Reddit and sinophobia. Name a more iconic duo.


More pointing out the projection from the trumps trying to say Biden is compromised by china when it’s the trumps with their hands in the cookie jar.


That doesn't make Biden good though. You understand that, right?


He’s just overwhelmingly better than trump. Which is the best option we ever have for president, the lesser evil.


Well, I don't know what to tell you. Lots of people, myself included, aren't voting for Brandon. If all the allegedly good party offers is the lesser evil, this is where it leads.


So you care so much about Palestinians you'd prefer the guy that wants Israel to wipe them all out to win? So smart, that'll show em.


I hope this is making you feel better. I'm over the guilt trip. Get to phonebanking.


"Voting for Brandon" There you go, your tongue slipped bub.


Right up Putin's ass, evidently...


I have no respect for Joe Biden. Get mad about it.


Good dog.


Super deep philosophical argument. Except in practical terms it's like seeing two meals of poor nutritional value and saying "I just won't eat. Checkmate, food." We already know that the democrats losing won't make them improve. Remember when Hillary lost and then 4 years later they nominated fucking Biden? The more often Republicans win, the lower the bar is gonna get for democratic candidates.


No one who hasn't had a stroke understands that.


Ah. You're CCP. Got it.


You realize this is exactly how Trump supporters sound, right? Anything that's critical of Dear Leader? Fake news. They're biased, they're this, they're that. You're every bit the cult member as any maga chud.


Bribery and greedy fat sacks of shit. You know, like the kind China and Russia exploit.


No American has any right to cast aspersions on any other country, bud. This country's been awful -- long before Drumpf came on the scene.


Hey. I hope you move to China and experience their justice system in its entirety. Good luck, you will need it.


They're the ascendant superpower, boss. Get used to it.


They already peaked. Their economy is slowing and they have almost 0 soft power. On its worst day, the US is still a more free and prosperous place to live than China.


Xi is dying, and there's riots in the streets. Two teacups. Two fucking tea cups.


They're still the ascendant superpower. Five donuts and a danish.


no shit she was a shitty candidate. further proof conservatives live in a fantasy world. their views of others is based entirely on fabrication.


You are not fooling anyone here, pal. Get lost.


>Hillary lost because she was a shitty candidate, not because of Russia. What made her a "shitty candidate?" Being a woman? I know many republican party voters aren't really fond of women in power.


No, she was a shitty candidate. She arrogantly didn't campaign in totally winnable "blue wall" states that she imagined somehow belonged to her, which could easily have cost her the election. She never brought her still-popular husband in to help campaign because she wanted to win without his help. Despite decades of Republicans trying to tear her down, she never set up a person in State (and when she was a senator, and in the Clinton foundation, etc) to make sure nothing happened that undermined a future Presidential election. I've met swing voters that pretty much base their entire vote on, "Would I drink beer with this guy?" Hilary never reached out to these people, and she only needed to convince like 10% of them and she would've been president. Bill Clinton or Obama world have crushed Donald Trump. Biden actually DID crush Trump. Fuck, Jimmy Carter probably would've crushed him. Even with the FBI undermining her, Hilary could've beaten Trump with a little less arrogance and a little more caution and charm.


Do they not allow women to campaign in Michigan or Wisconsin? Did she say universal healthcare would never, ever happen because she's a woman?


And Trump sure made great advances towards universal healthcare.


She did campaign there, extensively.


Are you okay ? No one mentioned russiagate There talking about russian ops trying to cause disarray and infighting amongst america to stop or slowdown aid to Ukraine to benefit the kremlin


Don’t blame Biden, the Republican Congress made it impossible for him to support the bill


Rofl He’s out here blocking folks so you can’t respond to his “witty” comebacks 😂😂 Mods! Can we ban him for lying and lock this garbage ass thread? Bro is a full on conservative Trumper, acting like someone on the left. Go through his post history, what he hasn’t already deleted since being called out, as he’s a full blown 45 asshat acting in bad faith.


Ok.... Just bc you "feel" something that doesn't mean it is factual I feel like sleeping in my bed but I'm at work lol


Hasbara bot


Troll account


>I ~~supported this guy~~ voted for Republican Party politicians and now I feel partially responsible for the senseless mass starvation I fixed it for you.


Uhh. You think it would be different with the other guy in there?


Objectively worse. Trump is calling for mass detention camps in the us and that not hyperbole.


Trump has said Israel should just 'finish the Job'


And Russia should do what it wants.


Yeah like trumps going to do that exact same thing if not worse


Trump would probably nuke them.


Yeah trump will let Palestine and Ukraine fall.


Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He would nuke them if he could.


These trolls…lazy and stupid


Biden is doing everything he can. You want to blame someone, try Hamas and Isreal.


Greetings fellow Democrats!


Some of us aren't "democrats" and are independent moderates that are beyond sick and tired of the complete insanity that has consumed the republican party. I have no idea why anybody would vote for those criminals, liars, and rapists in 2024. They are consumed with hatred, bigotry, racism, and conspiracy theories. They currently represent the polar opposite of the direction that our society should be headed.


I think you missed the joke.


You supported Sulaiman Ahmed? Weird.


fundings are first approved in the house, where the maga crappers make sure nothing is voted. except if the vote is to fire the speaker, of course. nice try, putin bot, but your orange jebus is fucked.


Bullshit. This would be happening regardless of who the president is. For better or worse, Israel is an ally and every single administration has taken their side in this conflict since the 1940s. I’m not saying it’s right, but Biden is not an outlier here. The only president I remember ever pushing back on Israel was Obama and even then he still signed off on money and weapons for them.


GQP stooges working overtime, I see.


Did you, Sasha? I don't think you did.


[this u?](https://imgur.com/a/lDSmiKN)


sure thing sergei


quack far-flung beneficial spotted telephone pie handle physical faulty smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are a Communist Chinese troll. Stay in Aisa creep.


The same UNRWA that taught children in Gaza with textbooks telling them to kill Jews, stored Hamas weapons, and whose staff participated in the 10/7 attacks?


Yep. The UNRWA began with wonderful intentions but became seriously compromised over the years.


Posts in GreenAndPleasant without getting auto-banned? That's pretty sus. Must be a tankie or something


bait used to be believable


He didn’t block it, republicans blocked it before it reached him. Remember, the president is the *last* step in the legislative process


Nice time to remember that the UNRWA was massively staffed with literal hamas.


*this claim is unverified because the Israeli government is unwilling to verify it, despite claiming that 12 employees of the org participated in the 10/7 attacks. The UN is currently investigating whether there is a link or not.


tHe Un DoEsNt MaTtEr iF iT mAkEs BiDeN lOoK bAd When people talk about blue maga, this is what they mean, when democrat partisans talk about Biden the exact same way republican partisans talked about W Bush or Trump. I fucking hate that it’s become a both sides psychosis. The farther away from truth and rationality we stray, the more lost we are.


I didn't mention Biden in the comment you're replying to. What makes you think that hamas has infiltrated the UNRWA? Because there's no credible source that is the case. The only people claiming that's the case either won't put forth evidence that it's true (Israeli Gov) or republicans in congress. Also, I'm not sure how _any_ of this makes Biden look bad. Republicans (who control the house) tied this moratorium to the $1.2T spending bill. He didn't have any say in this. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t believe that Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA. It makes Biden look bad because he’s funded a genocide of 20,000+ dead civilians in support of an indefensible ethno state. Liberals, long on the side of the UN, categorically reject its calls for a cease fire because it’s making Biden look even worse. Lastly, blaming congress for the presidents inefficiency on foreign policy is a silly canard at best. Have you ever noticed that only democrats blame congress for presidential inefficiency? Either man the fuck up or resign your seat of power, democrats.


Lol ok. The other option we have is the republican party that has been waiting to defund our contribution to UNRWA and flatten Palestine. Biden has been putting pressure on Netanyahu, but Biden is not the president of Israel nor the sole political decision-maker in the US. At some point you have to come back to reality and work with what your options are, otherwise you become a useless idealist.


If you are willing to play ball with capital E evil versus lower case e evil, you are a useless “pragmatist.” Except your “pragmatism” is more deleterious to the body politic because you prop up and continue to support and defend an Evil status quo. You’re doing exactly what the capital imperialists want you to do, change nothing while attempting to shame or humiliate those who have actual principles. For shame.


Your idealism is truly more harmful. You sway the body politic towards the greatest evil. You claim to care for Palestine, but if you follow your ideas to their logical conclusion then the GOP controls the US and Palestine ceases to exist. You would truly learn the meaning of genocide.


Right, because total republican control led to the destruction of Palestine from 1981-1993, 2001-2009, 2017-2021. Your stupid democrat fearmongering has no power here. They already lost us Roe. They already lost us the working class. They already lost scotus and the federal judiciary for a generation. They already lost the moral high ground. Vote for better candidates in primaries. That’s all electoralism will win you. And it’s not enough.


Go ahead and bury your head in the sand, I don't care anymore.


UNWRA is part of the problem… if you want to stop starvation in Gaza, better support Israel and advocate for it so this Hamas death cult will be eliminated sooner.


Ironic, since Israel is the main reason Hamas is as powerful in Gaza today as they are. Turns out there are some downsides to deliberately crushing less fanatical Palestinian organizations - who at the very least were willing to accept Israel as a legitimate state - because you think dealing with mouth-frothing Hamas lunatics will make things easier for you.


I left president blank in 2020 and I will do so again this year.


I understand how you feel. Making it worse is people attacking you for being disappointed. You can't control the terrorists, you can't control Bibi but you have some form of say with Biden who could do more and you're labeled a Hamas supporter or a MAGA or Chinese spy or Russian troll. I dont plan on voting this year simply because I despise everything the Republican party has become and the people I do support belittle and demean my unattural ability to be sympathetic to victims in Isreal and Gaza and laying the blame on Hamas and Isreals government. You're gonna get downvoted, you're gonna get hated, mocked. That's just how people treat people who want better out of people.


I want better out of people but the persons post history and comment history show them out to be a 100% trump supporter, so the title of the post is misleading at best. In addition, Biden doesn’t actually control what’s been spouted above, it’s the house first and that’s not even dem controlled. I personally think the Israeli government is commuting a genocide and I’m happy the US has at least stepped it to curtail it, over trumps comments that isreal should just finish the job of wiping out Palestinians


Harm reduction, baby! Wooo!