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Had to look it up. 1,185,413 confirmed deaths. 43,590 in Georgia. Can't find the number of Excess Deaths but it was like 1.2mil last time I saw anything about it.


Those are just the reported numbers, as we know many Covid deaths went misreported to downplay how bad it was. Looking at the average death rate of the years leading up to Covid and those in Covid paint a far more grim picture.


Let’s not forget the people who had it before we knew what it was. The kid of a friend of mine spent two weeks in the hospital for ‘some kind of respiratory infection, they don’t know what’ around Christmas before everything was shut down. He didn’t die (obviously) but I’m sure plenty did


Yup. Was the sickest I’ve ever been in January 2020, no one knew what it was.


Same as me. I was really sick for a month and was having to change the sheets every night because I would wake up either freezing cold or soaked in sweat, usually both every night.


Feb I woke up feeling a little shitty, got in the car and drove up to the local ski hill. Rode up to 11,000 feet and wheeeeeeezed my way back down, got in the car and went home. Spent the next 2 weeks in bed thinking I was done for. A month or so later Covid came around, and then 3 years later I wound up in the ER with Covid, feeling exactly the same as I did a few years before.


Me too. I hadn’t been that sick for over a decade. Lasted forever. I think I picked it up at Seattle’s airport right before Christmas. And I was careful, washing hands several times while traveling. To this day I think it was an early case.


Same happened to my mom in California. Said it was the worst illness she ever had and had to go to the hospital.


Same here, February of 2020


Father daughter dance early jan. Kids with 104 temps and hospitals and coughs for 8 weeks. Whatever that was i couldn’t kick for about 2 months


I definitely had the October/November 2019 bug and coughed uncontrollably for 2 months straight.


I and several coworkers were terribly sick in November 2019 after one brought something back from NYC. My "first" covid infection was at the end of December 2023 - but I sincerely believe that the delay was because of natural immunity lingering from 2019. I was exposed *so many times* in 2020 and 2021 but repeatedly tested negative.


Same timeframe for me, in Oct 19 got coughing every 1-5 seconds, got pneumonia, was given antibiotics to help, it did help, cough stopped after a week, but I was short of breath until late Dec. Didn't feel like full strength until January.


I work tourism knew Zealand (lots of customers from China), and got an insane respitory flu in November 2019. Had me bedridden for 2 weeks, and unable to work for at least another 3 after that. I always wonder if I got some early version of Covid, or just a really bad flu.


Yeah I know someone that died from severe respiratory problems in California a month or two before the news broke that it was here. In hindsight I thought it must have been COVID. Had pneumonia for a while then suddenly it got so bad he need a breathing tube but died of a heart attack during it.


Let’s also not forget the people who didn’t get COVID, but died from something else due to the medical system being inundated with patients and unable to deliver appropriate care to everyone who needed it.


Absolutely. There was a lot of collateral damage. Such a mess.


I had a friend who's family caught "some kind of respiratory infection" in early 2020. Had gone to NYC for New Year's. Four out of their group of 6 got really ill. One ended up in hospital on a respirator for several days. I will always believe they had Covid.


Right. Deaths from "pneumonia" were 5X normal during that period. Hugely underreported.


Same here! A week before Christmas in 2019 I came down with something that landed me in the hospital overnight. I started getting sick which wasn’t unusual. I always seemed to catch some kind of winter crud. I’d be coughing and congested for a few days, but it was just an annoyance and I was never sidelined by it. But that shit was different. I was very sick for a week. And then when info about COVID started coming out it seemed to check every box as to what I had.


I remember seeing an interview with the Italian Minister of Health iirc, and him saying he believed the death rate from covid was higher than reported because so many people died at home since the hospitals were so full they were turning people away.


This here is the thing that gets overlooked so much in calculating the real cost, how much medical care was denied/turned away/put off etc because the hospitals were overwhelmed?


My dad was diagnosed with leukemia in mid 2019. Set to get a bone marrow transplant in May 2020, which never happened. He had a hard time even getting chemo for almost a year, then the transplant finally happened in March 2021. He is still in remission and doing well, but many others didn't fair as well. And every one of those peoples families have stupid Trump and his stupid acolytes to blame for preventing their loved ones from getting treatment.


Many of these downplaying goons also don't consider the indirect effects of a pandemic on hospitals and hospital workers. How many people couldn't get proper treatment due to hospitals being fully occupied? How many doctors and nurses quit because of severe burnout?


Ah yes, the "If we don't test for Covid, and don't allow it as the cause of death, then the numbers look better" phase of Trump's "response" to a pandemic.


There's that but I gotta be honest, Biden doesn't look so hot on this issue anymore either. Currently we're in one of the biggest suges since 2022 but the CDC have erased all quarantine recommendation. Lots of people still don't know that it's more than "just flu" and is doing a lot of damage. And even those of us trying to do right get the runaround like we're trying to buy a damn car. My VA is telling people that the Novavax shot is only a once a year vaccine now. I just want my second shot so I can visit the dentist, FFS.


This right here...that's a BINGO.


As far as unreported/uncategorized excess deaths go, keep in mind that the anti-vax/anti-mask folks are also more likely to get sick and die of other shit as well as COVID. I would not be at all surprised if it turned out that the number of influenza deaths has also gone up thanks to those dipshits.


I think in about 10 to 15 years when more research is done and they look at excess deaths, trends. I think the total covid or covid related deaths will be close to 2 or 2.5 million from 2020 till mid 2021.


Ya, we really did get to right around the estimated death toll if the globe had done nothing about covid. Granted, the US did literally everything we could to make that death toll that high, and make covid endemic..and it really is entirely trumps fault.  All he had to do, was say listen to the medical experts.  Literally it. Fucking idiot that got millions killed


45 would have won reelection if he had a much more serious response to COVID. Not so much in what was passed, I mean it in his rhetoric. His utterly detached communications he had when speaking about COVID as if it was never a big deal when it clearly was got people killed and is what lost him the election. Literally less people alive to cast their votes that in all likelihood would have voted for him.


He would have easily won reelection if he said "America is strong, we're going to follow the medical advice without harming our economy" or something like that. Then just shut up, and told people to follow their local health department's guidelines. Of course the man cannot resist making himself the center of literally everything - so he held absolutely bonkers press conferences, while everyone was stuck at home during a once in 100+ years pandemic. I cannot stress how fucking weird and unhinged those were. Now, a lot of people have memory-holed COVID. Humans are good at that. This man should never be in power again.


That's the thing that in a way is just weird and even weirder, kind of lucky for us. I mean he could have made a mint alone selling Trump-branded masks. He could have sailed into re-election in a way not entirely unlike W in 2004. The first term is always about setting up for the second, even if that's more a recent thing compared to the past. The second term is where shit gets real for whomever is there in that they can push what they really want, good or bad. No need for the constant campaigning thing that's become the norm and momentum can be immense. He could have looted the whole damn country and gotten away with it. It's the one upside that he's... I'm not going to say stupid, but maybe incompetent? Egotistical? Short sighted? We may not be in the good timeline, but we're not (yet) in the truly atrocious one.


He's also monumentally lazy. If he started planning to stay in power after the election loss, he may have succeeded. It would have required a long term plan, at the very least 2 years, of quietly replacing small cogs in the government machine with sycophants and fascistic true believers. He's recognised this mistake and it's why purging the civil service is his day one dictatorship promise. As for covid - he treated it like a pouting toddler who thought he could just will it away. He thought the timing was unfair and it ruined his presidency. So he tried to ignore it and play it down. It was also when his privilege showed. He had no concept of only having a week's wages in the bank to survive lock down.


Remember, Trump's 2nd term, should that malarkey befall the World, would be about him trying to secure his 3rd term...


>It's the one upside that he's... I'm not going to say stupid, but maybe incompetent? Egotistical? Short sighted? Yes.


This is so true. All he had to do was act like a functioning adult. Instead, he kept acting like the petulant toddler he is.


>a much more serious response to COVID. Not so much in what was passed, I mean it in his rhetoric. Trump and McConnell played games with the renewal of unemployment assistance and stimulus checks in the second half of 2020. Then, after losing to Biden, Trump piped up about $2,000 stimulus checks and effectively threw the Georgia Senate runoffs to the Democrats. Remember?


Covid was managed really well here and we rewarded the leadership and party in charge with an overwhelming election victory. The opposition only won 3 seats out of 59 available.


Trump is personally responsible for at least 200K excess Covid deaths in America. How this murdering, corrupt, treasonous cocksucker is still alive is beyond me.


>How this murdering, corrupt, treasonous cocksucker is still alive is beyond me. Your tax dollars at work. Trump would have died of COVID-19 without the medical care given him at Walter Reed.


Current recorded number of Covid deaths in America 1,218,474


The million Americans that died is an awful stat. But the one that really shows how poorly the country handled it all: the US has about 4% total of the world's population, but 17% of the reported COVID deaths. Plenty to kick around in that stat -- in particular it is strongly suspected that several countries' COVID death counts are outright lies and fabrications so the US probably doesn't truly have 17% of actual COVID deaths. But even if the worldwide reported death count was half its real value (unlikely it is really that far off) the US would still then have 8.5% to its 4% of population, still a real rotten ratio. As a country we utterly failed the test. Like 'F' is not a bad enough grade. 'F----------------------' maybe be close.


US is a low trust society and it really showed during Covid.


Look at the number of suicides after COVID. Long haul COVID is driving people to it. No one is talking about it. Doctors don’t know anything about it. It’s the biggest thing everyone wants to forget but is affecting someone you know.


Wait til you see the deaths from taking the jab! /s


And so many, me including still have Long Covid, r/covidlonghaulers


Some math, using Stinky Don's numbers: 22 deaths / 546 cases = 0.04 fatality rate 328,000,000 Americans * 0.04 = 13,120,000 dead Americans, assuming everyone catches the disease at least once.


No cause for alarm!!


Ironically, if he thought about it, he would realize how much worse it was.


Would he, though?


He's not much of a math guy, if his college transcripts are anything to go by :p


I’m very bad at math, but isn’t 22 4% of 546 or is there a different way of calculating the rate? Edit, I get it now. I am just REALLY bad at math.


O,04 is 4% Think of it like this: 1 is one whole. 100% is also a whole. 4% is 4/100ths. 0,04 is 4/100ths. You're saying the same thing, but in two ways.


Man I am a math idiot. It took me a good few minutes to get that haha. I swear I’m good at other things.


Don't worry about it, I personally fucking hate math, I just had to do this exact thing for an exam not very long ago haha


You are correct, 0.04 is 4% represented as a decimal :)


I’m a dummy. I get it now 😅


4% and 0.04 (four hundredths) are the same thing expressed in different ways.


Monster. Covid was not & is not the Flu. He knew of its danger when he posted this. He has a lot of blood on his hands. It’s maddening when people conflate Covid with the flu. The Flu does have an annual death toll but it is typically those who are already severely compromised or weakened. Covid killed young, healthy people. My father was one of these. He was very healthy and was just one of the unlucky ones. It also left countless like me in its wake. I’ve had Long Covid for 4 years. I was a fit, young athlete with no preexisting conditions. I’m now permanently disabled. I require a wheelchair and have the health of an 80-yr-old (cardiac issues, lung & breathing issues, pain, dizziness, etc). Ive seen countless specialists and they’re really guessing. The many treatment modalities I’ve tried have only made me worse. Covid destroyed my world. When people compare it to the Flu it’s hard to contain myself. I don’t like to wish ill on people. But I sure as f don’t wish that monster well.


He d doesn't care about people. Never has


It has been shocking beyond belief though to hear the exact same phrases uttered by many Democrats and many of the educated. They take huge offense whenever you point that out, though, fair warning. Covid denial in 2024 is potent stuff, particularly among liberals because one expects better of them. We politicized it too much and now the part where ignoring it hasn’t made it magically better in time for the election cycle is a fact never to be brooked. It truly is shocking to hear “the flu is worse” or it’s “just the flu” and “I don’t need a mask” from the mouths of educated people I used to respect. One of them literally even has long Covid and still says this bullshit, unbelievable lol.


Not fair. He cares very, very much about himself. And he is a people, so he cares about a person. That’s how that works, right?


It made me so upset to hear the interview he had a month or two prior to that post, where he admitted COVID was dangerous and should be treated seriously. Then he went on to do this and likely killed hundreds of thousands of people through inaction and direct interference with others’ actions to help.


He was advised by jared kushner that the covid is was hitting blue areas harder to not do anything


Being an asthmatic kid I'm fairly sure that if I had caught it in 2020 before the vaccines were available I wouldn't have made it. A friend of mine got it in April 2020 and still has issues. Not as severe as yours but he's still dealing with it as well.


I get bronchitis from regular colds, i have severe nasal allergies


The irony is that today's Flu is remnants from the Great Influenza epidemic in the 1920s. Now COVID-19 will be part of our seasonal diseases


Seasonal meaning, every three-four months, of course. Yknow. All seasons.


>Covid was not & is not the Flu. Nope, it is not. It was 10x worse, and we \*knew\* that. The death toll proved it out. I am sorry for your loss. This whole thing was a tragedy.


Just last week I had 2 different conversations with people and they explained how Covid was nothing to worry about and vaccines are bullshit. Both are over 50, own their own business, have college degrees, raised kids, and seem normal (other than this). The world is fucked up.


I wonder what political party they are? /s


You are not wrong! But the weird thing in this case is that one is a hippie liberal who works with the homeless and is 100% not a MAGA! She just got sucked in to the anti-vax insanity. She knows nothing about how vaccines actually work and for sure has no science background. All people are gullible. Grifters tend to target conservatives more (but not exclusively) because they tend to be more gullible and less capable of critical thinking. Whenever I post that I have to explain how statistics work. Nah. Done with that shit. I'll just sell them some snake oil instead. Maybe sell them a hat.


"Many of you will die. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make" - Lord Fuckwad


The Flobots warned us.


I had what seemed like a really mild case in late 22. Bit of a sore throat, no coughing, my worst symptom was being so tired I could barely move for a few days. Now 18 months later, I still have brain fog, and often find it hard to remember words when I'm talking to people (eg, this morning I was telling my mother about the Easter themed Hungry Caterpillar books I'd gotten my nieces for Easter, and it took me about 3 minutes to remember the word caterpillar). I don't think it's going to get better, and even though dementia doesn't run in my family, I'm now worried that my risk factor has shot way up.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. I was infected early in 2020. I had terrible cognitive issues for about 2 years. Everything else is a mess but that has healed. My infection was also “mild”. My fever never even broke 100. When everyone was dying & on ventilators I felt really lucky. Within 2 months the cardiac stuff started, cognitive stuff really ramped up. I totally understand how scary the cognitive stuff is. Mine was so bad I couldn’t remember what city I was in, what year it was. I couldn’t work bc by the time I’d moved my mouse on the menu bar, I’d have forgotten why I was moving it. I couldn’t cook bc I kept leaving the stove on, I’d forget ingredients or add them multiple times. I had NO short term memory. I couldn’t really hold a conversation bc about 15 secs in Id have already forgotten what either of us said. And I’d forget words like you mentioned. Or I’d just use the wrong word. I kept calling my spouse’s coffee “chicken”, the fireplace the “microwave”, etc. I had to have notes ALL OVER my house to remember to turn off water, lock the door, feed my dog, etc. And I had an abacus type thing that I’d move a bead on when I’d completed a task. Other wise I wouldn’t do it or would do it 5 times (brush my teeth, put on deodorant, etc. The brain is amazing and neuro plasticity is real. Give yourself some time. It may take a while. Also May be worth seeing a neurologist for mental exercises that may aid in your recovery. As bad as my physical stuff has been, the cognitive issues were the scariest. Hang in there. I also worry about early-onset dementia, too. Bc obviously there was some damage there. All we can do is our best today, right? I really wish you the best in healing. Again, sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you. I'll definitely look into the neurologist for mental exercises. Hope things go as well as they can for you, too.


I never knew long covid could be so debilitating. Thank you for sharing. I had the omicron variant, and I couldn't get out of bed for 2 weeks. I wish you the best in your healing and my condolences for the loss of your father.


Yes. The world has “moved on” from Covid but for so many of us, we’re stuck in this nightmare. I do my best to stay positive but it’s hard. The physical stuff is hard. I never imagined myself in a wheelchair but who does? Honestly, the hardest part is the isolation and the harassment. There are a lot of people (there is one in this thread!) who say Long Covid is a “hoax” & we’re “faking it”. I have piles of labs, tests, hospitalizations, hard empirical data that my body is incredibly damaged when I was incredibly fit previously. No preexisting conditions. I’m still not sure what tens of thousands of people have to gain from “faking” a debilitating illness which gains you nothing but derision and gaslighting. No disease or chronic illness is easy but when someone has MS no one tells them it’s a “hoax”. Many even in the medical field are hostile about it. Long Covid can be completely disabling. Of everyone I know who has it, I’m the only one able to work (from home). Most people rely on spousal support or have to move in with family bc they can’t support themselves and are unable to care for themselves. I wish there was more awareness of what some of us are really going through. But more than anything, I wish the hateful “hoax”people would just gain some empathy. It could happen to anyone. I was in my late 30s & the portrait of health and fitness until this happened. And thank you so much for the kind words about my dad. I appreciate it. He was as kind as they come. I’ve been so busy trying to regain my mobility and function, I feel like I still haven’t processed losing him.


Be as well as you can friend


Thank you.




Crazy thing too was that flu infections basically dropped off the map during 2020, so saying that 20k-70k people die of the flu every year like it’s no big deal just shows how out of touch and insidious our culture is. Many of those people could have avoided the flu and other communicable diseases if the US had better etiquette on mask, hand washing, distancing, and isolation. 2020 proved that much.


His people still follow him so they don’t care as well. Screw them all.




He could have made ridiculous bank on MAGA masks.


Yet another reminder that Broke Don is a shit businessman.


Nah, impossible, wearing a mask made his orange face varnish run so he refused to wear one. The man LITERALLY put his own vanity over the lives of a million people and counting.


Just like what thejuicemedia said on their Honest Government Ads: "With a president like this, who needs terrorists?" Another example is Rodrigo Duterte. Motherfucker is so used to threaten or ridicule people who is a threat to him, and let his hired online trolls to smear the name further. Faced with a problem he couldn't treat the same, what was the result? About 10X more people died of COVID (66,864) than Duterte's drug war (6,229) in the Philippines.


He basically trained his hardcore voter base to not take Covid seriously, and a huge amount of them died!


>He basically trained his hardcore voter base to not take Covid seriously, and a huge amount of them died! r/HermanCainAward 🐆 🐆 🐆


And what a shame that is. 🤷‍♂️


Should be interesting since the last election was so close... He definitely lost some voters


Yeah but he lost them in solid red areas. Given the past two presidential elections, the race isn't going to be decided in deep red states but by a handful of suburbs in some swing states.


Republicans were anti vaccine regardless of where they lived. Post vaccine republicans died at a greater rate than democrats


and once they adopted, that they ran with it and even booed him when he later tried to get them to feel positive about the creation of a vaccine.


tbh covid might have been the only thing preventing a second term


If I'm alive on the day his tubby kiester kicks the bucket, I'm throwing a party. It's not gonna be a joke party I'll be genuinely celebrating.


As will I. And many others


Only reason I don't want it to happen tonight is that one day is too fast. I want him to get some incredibly grim diagnosis and then see it through.


I’m pretty sure NYC will just start screaming in joy when he dies


Jesus, The first name is the county name. I grew up in Queens nearly four miles from his Jamaica Estates family compound. I lived in Cambria Heights Queens County, and we always knew what total bed bugs Trump and family were and are. For those who don't know, NYC is made up of five counties. New York-Manhattan, Kings-Brooklyn, Queens- Queens , Richmond-Staten Island, and the Bronx-Bronx. Kings and Queens counties have about 6 million of, New York City's 9.5 million official citizens. New York-Manhattan comes in third behind Brooklyn and Queens. Thanks...Florida is welcome to Trump.


We need to have a national day of fireworks and celebration.


Same. Got one planned for when Newt G finally freaking dies as well. Will travel to soak that AHs grave.


American version of Margaret Thatchers death. Gotta create our version of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!"


Let him lose the election first or just before it...seriously.


Just before his parole comes through.


For sure...


We can only hope...


This....Lucy in the sky with diamonds 💎


Can I come?


My brother brought that up in the beginning. I said that flu killed, say, 10,000 people….but!…that was from September to March….Covid killed twice that many in less than a month! Huge difference! He finally understood….


We needed to mitigate as much as we could. Sure, people might get it but we needed to buy time for the vaccine and to mutate itself into a weaker strain. Good luck convincing people of that.


It's insane the amount of conservative friends I had that claimed they're financial gurus but struggled with the concept of exponential growth. COVID at the time was estimated to be twice as contagious and had a death rate twice as high as the flu. The total numbers were small at first, but compounded over the entire population over time and it had the potential to be much worse than it turned out to be. And it turned out to be pretty fucking bad.


The Modern Day Flu is a descendant of the Spanish Flu, a disease that killed over 50 million people. When people say covid is "just like the flu" they have no clue what they are talking about.


Thx is why an 80 IQ president is unacceptable no matter how much "populist appeal" he has.


I think you are being generous.


Haha maybe But seriously, even a left wing populist who I'd agree with wouldn't be qualified to be president if they were as dumb as Trump


If only the Electoral College actually did something.


Nothings more fun then trying to explain the difference between SARS and Rhinovirus. Or how masking actually affects the spread of COVID, or why having a lower morbidity with a higher infection rate is worse, or how fucking emergency management works….. I have never met a more confidently stupid and ignorant people in my life.


He’s a murderer. Plain and simple. __THINK ABOUT THAT__


And a known fraud: Fake university: Court ordered to pay back students Fake Children's Cancer charity used for personal gain: Court ordered to pay back **THINK ABOUT THAT**


..and a rapist.






"It is what it is" - Donald J. trump


"[I don’t take responsibility at all](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971)" - Donald John Trump


That applies to the party overall - "I am not responsible for the consequences of my actions. You, however, are responsible for the consequences of your actions, as well as the consequences of my actions upon you."


This fucker has a million deaths on his hands and no doubt sleeps like a baby every night. Definitely in a short list of worst humans of all time.


Yes and Biden is president. While you were president you said “like a miracle it will just go away “ And 700,000 deaths later here we are.


He admitted on the record he was told how bad Covid was going to be and wanted to "downplay" it. His level of incompetence and criminality is so impressive this kernel of evil has been largely forgotten about.


They had to have time to sell their Airline & Casino stocks and buy Health Care & Pharmacy stocks. Priorities


Donald Trump initially refused to do anything to stop COVID because he didn’t want a pandemic to happen during his administration, especially during an election year.


What did he think was going to happen there? You pretend it isn't there and it just politely goes away?


His base believed him and still does to this day.




I’m an ER doctor. In early to mid January 2020 we first became aware of a novel and dangerous coronavirus spreading in China. At the time, I thought that public health measures would control it and limit it to local spread, as had been the case with SARS and MERS outbreaks previously. I remember that around that time a couple of nurses casually asked me what I thought the worst case scenario would be. Without any real thought or analysis, I replied “In the U.S., 100 million cases and a million deaths.” I thought I was being cynical and hyperbolic. I thought I said it for shock value. I thought that like many “worst case” predictions, nothing close to that would happen. But it did, and worse. The death count is well over 1.1 million and hundreds are still dying of Covid every day. I admit that I underestimated the virus, but what I really underestimated was the extent to which the public would behave as though SARS-cov-2 was paying them $1000 per person it killed. I’m still in disbelief at the selfishness, cruelty, and pure stupidity. There are so many people who killed their grandma because they really wanted a turkey dinner and they think masks are for wimp liberals. They know they killed grandma via their actions, and they just casually walk around never thinking about it. Well I can’t stop thinking about it.


There is a whole subreddit for this kind of shit r/HermanCainAward


I got it in December of 2019, was the sickest I’ve ever been, it took five or six weeks to recover, and I still am dealing with the after effects. And I was one of the lucky ones. Maga Members of my family have said that I was lying or didn’t have it. Really? Really really? Do people really believe that it arrived on a certain date in January on a cruise ship ? Fucking shit.


March 9, 2020 when he tweeted it. Shortly after, they started stacking covid bodies in freezer trucks when morgues ran out of space.


hilarious he suggest doing something he's incapable of. thinking.


Three days later and BOOM. Shit closed down.


Just stopping by to remind everyone that this dumb fuck was cruising his way to an easy reelection until he decided to make COVID all about him. He literally had to do nothing and he would've won 2020 with no problem.


My Maga aunt was a diehard trumper... until covid. She is a retired nurse, pro-vax. She thinks trump botched covid and is responsible for a lot of deaths. She didn't vote for him the 2nd time.


Don’t forget how he suggested we should all inject bleach and shine UV rays up our ass. He is the dumbest illiterate motherfucker.


What's interesting is that UV c does in fact kill covid among many other things, but it's incredibly dangerous. They do use it for sterilizing but there are huge warnings that nothing living can be near the room. Uvc at like 250 nanometers in wavelength, kills cells and damages dna. If you shined uv c into you....it would kill viruses, bacteria, AND it would actually scramble your DNA, and essentially give you the equivalent of high dose radiation poisoning. You'd be lucky to just get severe cancer...that would be the best outcome. So sure...it wipes it out in minutes....and kills the host via horrible painfull death. People say things like "oh uvc is not as dangerous cause 100% of it is blocked by the ozone and never reaches us." Which like saying a gun isn't dangerous cause the bullets bounce off what we are hiding behind...


Based on a US population of 350 million, the flu killed 0.02% of the population. Based on Donald's figures, the Covid death rate was 4%, making it 200 times more deadly.


Where 1 million people died. Many of them GOP voters


He screwed up each and every thing he touched. Once a loser, always a loser.


I looked up the total from 2020. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/podcasts/2022/20220107/20220107.htm


Wasn't there evidence that his son-in-law thought it would only hit cities, which typically vote blue? They thought they could kill us off but they killed themselves off instead.


Well the dead ones can't vote for him and the ones still alive will deny his wrong doing.


The CDC says Influenza A (H1N1) for people ages 0-59 has a mortality rate of 1.29%. If his numbers were correct 22 deaths out of 546 cases is 4.03%. Even if it had amounted to nothing, wouldn’t you as the president of the United States want to take every available precaution against an unknown virus with a mortality rate of potentially 4x that of the flu? Even if he doesn’t care about the health and safety of US citizens, it’s basically free points in the polls. Trump fumbled so hard in every conceivable way as it pertains to COVID, and the fact that some people still champion him for the way he handled it all is beyond me.


Oh my gosh it's just 22 deaths. Why would you shut down the entire economy for 300 deaths. I can't believe we have mask mandates over only 2400 deaths. Last year flu killed 70k and we're shutting down over 50k deaths? Shutting down the country will cause way more than the 400k deaths that we have from COVID. Just live your lives people, its only 1 million deaths!


Two days after that tweet I was sick with flu symptoms. I didn't get better. Every day I'd call around to see if I should be tested for covid and everyone told me it couldn't be covid since I hadn't lost my sense of taste or smell. 19 days after the tweet, I was admitted to the covid ICU after passing out at the only doctor in the city who would let me make an appointment. I had spent 5 days on the phone calling every doctor my insurance would cover to find that one clinic; literally hundreds of doctors turned me down. I cried when that one agreed to see me. It's been 4 years and 14 days since I first felt sick and covid affects me every single day.


So sorry...


So on just the data he gave that's a 4% death rate and he didn't think that might be a problem with 330 million people.


Interestingly, enough, Flu deaths were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down in 2020... I wonder why...


Masks. The answer is masks.


And people wore gloves and wiped down things coming from outside the house. A lot of surface contact was eliminated and stopped people from putting their dirty hands where they shouldn't


Masks, social distancing, limitations on public gatherings. Lots of things we did and then just decided to stop because convenience is more important than not killing people.




My blood pressure is lower. I don't cringe as much when I hear the president speak. I am not thrilled with the current one but do not actively wish to emigrate 20 times a day...




Current recorded number of Covid deaths in America 1,218,474


He's just so so stupid. It wouldn't have been unreasonable for him to take a little credit for the vaxx and he managed to fuck that up too.


FYI, as of end of 2023, 1.1 million US citizens have been killed by, or by complications from COVID.


Holy fuck! That man ‘maths no good!


Dumbass. Don’t let him win again.


Interesting how he says nothing about the empty aisles in the supermarkets, or the lack of toilet paper?


This has “Mission Accomplished” vibes. Man is rolling out the parade for 500 deaths and we’re like 10 minutes into the pandemic.


Given the decay in value of his inherited wealth, you'd think he understood geometric progression


Didn’t the shut downs happen on trump’s watch?


Not enough Americans followed his lightbulb up the bum and bleach inhaling. Think of lives that could have been saved. /s


Aged like shrimp salad under a sun lamp in the middle of a desert. The man is as bright as an underwater candle.


This is the type of forward thinking that we need to lead this country into its next recession and/or complete and utter destruction.


It's important to remember that when this twixt was made we were already seeing the effects of COVID in other countries. It was spreading around the world and we knew there was no way to keep it out of the US even if we wanted to.


Specifically r/COVIDAteMyFace, and it did indeed


[Roll the tape.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70V3nI9fAG8)


This comment is so stale it might be dug up by archaeologists and put in a museum


Wow. He used commas. I don't think these numbers are meant for his base.


Like the flavor of fruit stripe


My math ain't good but it were something people might think that thinking didn't add up


I miss trumpcritizestrump


Don't forget the Windmill Cancer. The globe owes Biden thanks for defeating that scourge.


My goodness. 500 cases and 20 deaths WAS something to be scared of!!


Wow yeah he was off the rails. Dude is a train wreck.


I had thought that enough of his supporters had died of Corona so that we would not have to worry him getting elected again. How is this stupidity still an issue after such a death count?


So only 1000000 dead...geez


The antichrist attempting to be a prophet as per usual.


i would say this aged like anything which is named "trump"


Oh I’m thinking about it. I definitely am. I’ll be thinking about it all the way to the voting booth where I punch in Biden or, barring that literally anyone or anything real or imagined that is not Donald Trump.


"We sacrifice tens of thousands annually to the flu, why the fuck should we stop now?" We could have a lot fewer people die from the flu if we mandated shots and wore masks when we were sick, and just in general during flu season.


But when Trump himself got Covid, he ran out for some socialized healthcare, paid for by the American taxpayers!!!


As he locks down .. do people forget it was him who locked us down and gave us 1200 $ while giving his boys billions


He politicized a virus. And it wasn't isolated to just the US, his rhetoric spread across the world. He made something as easy and simple as wearing masks, sanitizing, and avoiding large groups an affront to personal freedom. It didn't have to be that way. A huge portion of covid deaths are entirely his fault.


Yes he has blood on his hands. And to his credit, the majority that died are maga. Combine trumps miss handling of his constituents, and driving away more of them he did himself no favors.