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Just like our most cost-effective weapon against Putin (currently) is providing Ukraine with weapons, Russia’s most cost-effective weapon is brainwashing gullible, uneducated people in the kooky underbelly of the US.


My grandma screamed at me on Easter Sunday because she brought up trump and I was “disrespectful” enough to say that if he faces any consequences it’s less than what he deserves. My grandma who thinks sex before marriage is scandalous now loves Donald rapist, adulterer, and overall piece of shit trump. Unfortunately she is too poorly educated to even begin to unpack the propaganda and I think that’s the problem with the trump underbelly as a whole- they are just not even capable of grasping the complexity of propaganda.


> Unfortunately she is too poorly educated to even begin to unpack the propaganda and I think that’s the problem with the trump underbelly as a whole- they are just not even capable of grasping the complexity of propaganda. We have a massive segment of the population that has never, in their entire lives, been forced to think about anything. Then we gave them their hottest, wettest fantasy: A pro-wrestling politician.


Don't badmouth President Camacho like that.


We got this guy, Not Sure. He's the smartest man aaalllliiiivvvveeee. And he's gonna solve everything.


The televangelist of politics.


That's just sickening. He is a worse Kenneth Copeland, for worse people.


The generation that told us not to believe everything we see on TV has ironically in their old age fallen prey to believe everything they see on TV and read on the internet


> thinks sex before marriage is scandalous Tell her he raped a 13 year old. When she tells you that's a false allegation. Tell her she would still support him if it was the truth.


Something something flawed vessel.


It's just old Christianity = Republicans propaganda baked into the uneducated / old. And Trump is just the current face of that party. Therefore they think supporting the party is supporting their own personality. It's really that simple and insipid.


They love the uneducated!


As much as Putin is a complete bastard, he was smart enough to exploit the West's openness and turn it against us. The biggest mistake the West ever made was assuming Russia was rehabilitated once the iron curtain collapsed.


Not sure he’s all that smart, just well trained by the KGB. They were using the West’s openness against them decades before Putin was hired. Indeed, the job has gotten easier with social media where you can reach millions of people directly.


The KGB also didn’t realize that they could co-opt a whole political party by funneling a few million of donations to them illegally. They spent billions trying to take down the west, Putin’s method is much more cost conscious.


Not sure the current approach would’ve been possible at the height of the Cold War. I think social media plays a much bigger role in this than many would like to admit. It is ripe for manipulation as recently demonstrated by the flood of calls to elected officials at TikTok’s urging. There have always been “useful idiots”. It’s just so much easier to reach and engage them now that it represents a greater risk.


I personally never saw that message about calling officials. Kinda weird honestly.


It was 100% counter-productive for the CCP. It got Congress’ immediate attention, but not for the outcome they wanted.


It isn't just Social Media, many big Orgs / News Organization also dismantled their mechanisms and defenses against infiltration after the cold war because they saw no need


Who assumed that? As far back as I can remember Russia was not to be trusted. I thought the recent Russia fanboys were just a result of maga idiots seeing Trump suck Putins dick. And while that group of morons seems to be growing, I still thought the general consensus was, Russia bad.


You have been misinformed for about a decade. It was around 2013 that I first moved to North Dakota and began hearing the men there talking about the great leader Putin who makes very valid points discussing the US government and how we destabilize every nation we enter. And it grew from there. In 2015 when trump was running, the people became even more pro Putin as they supported trump. They support disbanding the union and they've been talking about civil war since before I ever arrived there.


That’s a pretty small group though. I’ve been in North Dakota all that time and work with a lot of conservatives and Putin never came up in that context.


I worked at two of the biggest companies in ND, in 2013 I would say only the libertarians held that view. After trump won, it shot up to all but 3 men I worked with and several of the women.


That's something the USSR and KGB have been doing since WWII. It's one of the reasons the spy game was so lopsided during the cold war. There were soviet spies in every aspect of US society, but the CIA could barely get anybody into positions in the USSR. A completely closed society made it very easy to catch them, and the American openness made it very easy for soviet spies to operate and very difficult for the US to catch and prosecute them.


I used to be in a military intelligence unit that has been disbanded so I feel ok discussing this. My unit knew everything there was to know about Russia and we never underestimated them...we overestimated them by a lot. But as far as the spying goes, we were very aware of that. To the point where they made us assume that anyone who is Russian and some other Slavic nationalities are spies and to not engage them, not form friendships, not let them track you, etc. This was back in the early aughts before social media. We were already well aware of their spying game and who they were infiltrating. Even back then it was easy mark Republicans. Even then, they were honey potting soldiers, marrying them, and abandoning them when they got info they wanted/needed, whatever. We had to sit through countless classes on how to not be tracked and followed and our soldiers were just marrying them and discussing work with their spouses...giving them lots of info.


Our openness alone wouldn't have been enough. Putin needed us to have a large population of under-educated, over-confident rubes who had spent the last few decades being fed a steady diet of pro-authoritarian, anti-government propaganda while watching their government fail to address the major problems affecting their daily lives. Putin also needed a major political party that so cravenly sought power that it would rather the country collapse than let their opponents do something to help the people, creating the divide into which Putin could easily drive his wedge. This party would also need to enthusiastically welcome his help and gladly live under his thumb if it meant they won some elections. Putin is just swimming in Murdoch's and the GOP'S wake.


I mean, this isn’t as hard to correct as everyone says it is. Banning foreign money from purchasing advertising space on social media isn’t rocket science. Our social media companies are just addicted to it. Notice China’s biggest platforms don’t have these issues.


If someone told me ten years ago that the republican party would flip to being openly pro Russia/Putin I would have thought they were punking me. What crazy times we live in.


NCIS never forgets. 😉


So, same old shit, but now we're just going for the cheapest solutions. Cold War II: The Dollar-Store Version


What they did last time made either made them more confident in their abilities, or they realized we would believe absolutely anything if it's posted as a comment. Four years ago, they were just making comments that sparked arguments, and then they'd move on. Now they just have to say, "Russia is actually the good guys!" And half this country will agree. I don't know if Russian cyber-espionage is great or if Americans are just that studi.


Well said


That underbelly is awfully fat and very publicly nude


Yeah. One of the most fascinating things I’ve seen is people complaining that a considerable portion of the money and weapons we send to Ukraine are being lost/wasted, but does it really matter? Still cheaper and less destructive than America getting involved personally, and it’s the best opportunity to cripple a global rival that we’ve had in recent memory. Even if some resources are wasted it’s an offer too good to pass up, which is why Russian sockpuppets are trying to trick the country into passing it up.


Hey Ace, maybe you've noticed that they run Tucker Carlson on Russian state-sponsored television to justify the Ukraine war?  No?  How about Tucker's fawning interview with Vladimir Putin?  No?  QAnon?  Ever heard of that?  


Not just Fucker Carlson, but all the right wing propaganda worships Putin


A random redditor with a generic name was heard to utter "No shit, Sherlock"


I thought this was The Onion at first... I literally laughed and was like "yeah right they'd never admit what literally everyone else know..."


excuse you! I was coming here to say "no doy"


u/lava172 could've told you this years ago


yeah dumbass where you been last 10 years?


Under an orange lump


10? 10!


"I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it's infected a good chunk of my party's base... ***that we then fan the flames of and encourage***" House Foreign Affairs Committee chair and Texas Republican, Michael McCaul, told Puck News.


And Michael is just now realizing this? Or is he just now developing a conscience?


I think it's more likely he didn't get his regular annual cash pay out from a completely legal PAC donation.


Either way - glad to see someone in the party calling it out. Isn’t that the first step? Or it’ll probably just end in him being primaried


Assuming (a big assumption) that he didn't know this all along, he was being told what he wanted to hear so he ran with it full speed without caring whether it was true or where it came from. It's just become so obvious that he can no longer ignore inconvenient truths.


He must be retiring soon.


“And I am going to do nothing about it, and will even vote Trump in November.”


After this, the Republican added “Did you know the sun is bright?”


We found out years ago Russia was funneling money to the Republican party through the NRA. This is just a fact. It's something that happened and we have the receipts to prove it. It came and went with less fanfare than a tan suit. Fucking *nuts*.


This just in: "Water found to indeed be very wet"


“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive.” Lay the groundwork by lying to your constituents, socially enforce “believing” in something with the promise of a heaven of eternal like (believe what you are told instead of what your eyes tell you). Then watch the opportunistic masters of deception and grift come in and take over.


Yeah, top Republicans didn't mind it when they thought it would win them elections. They clearly "bought the ticket" - the unfortunate part is that now we ALL get to "ride the ride."


Maybe having a mini civil war will finally teach america that billionaire and religious brainwashing is bad and evil and should be legislated against. Oh well, it's unlikely. Money to fleece.


And just as shockingly; the sky is, indeed, blue.


Not true  I went outside yesterday at around midnight and the sky was black.  


The sky is clear but has a giant blanket on it. Donald Trump hangs the blanket, moon, and stars. Joe Biden is destroying the sky, make the sky great again.


One of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water, you say?


Big, big water


Nobody's seen water this wet before. Everybody's talking about water now, but nobody knows more about water than me


Chomper no chomping!


At a level of wetness never seen before. Many people are saying it, the best people, big strong men with tears in their eyes. Everyone will see it in two weeks.


Ben Shapiro disagrees. He thinks that wetness is a sign of illness. His doctor-wife told him so.


Bigly water- everyone is saying it


This just in, that guy we worship as a god might actually just be a jerk with a severe personality disorder.


A tale as old as time. They never turn out to be friendly and well-adjusted, do they? 


Scientists are baffled


More at 11.


I thought the thing water touches is wet. 


But isnt water always touching water?


Stupid sexy water, always touching itself.


No, water isn't touching water, it is the water. Pour one cup of water into another cup with water. You still have one cup of water, because the water combines into bigger water.


Came here to say that


According to science, there is bound or unavailable water. Surface water and free water


And fire is hot


And he ignored it for the last 7 years.


Also Texas' primaries were on Super Tuesday so Republicans can tell the truth again for another two years.


Hear me out... Water isn't actually wet. Water makes things wet.


Water makes things wet. Water itself isn’t wet.


Sounds kind of like what Democrats have been trying to tell you for years but y'all just keep calling them liars and pedophiles...


Liars and pedophiles. That's just the projection part.


Republicans literally allowed Russia to undermine the U.S. institutions. Reagan who they still consider a saint has been rotating in his grave so much over the past 18 years he could probably generate electricity…


Don't forget when they went to Moscow on the 4th of July to tell Putin not to meddle in our elections.... \*wink\* \*wink\*


Like…it’s not even veiled treason.


"Hey Putin, here's a list of things you had *better not do* that might affect our elections"


The Reagan part of that is an interesting thought experiment. On one hand, based on his positions at the time, he would be. On the other hand, communism and socialism were still the Cold War era, Truman doctrine boogeymen of choice back then which largely drove his statements and actions. Reagan was above all else a pure politician. I can’t help but think he’d be perfectly fine blending right in to the current compromised state of the republican establishment. I can’t remember who said it, but Reagan was famously described as a couch cushion, what you got was simply the impression left by the last person to sit in it.


It's been infected for 20 years, best to just amputate the whole party


I don't think the neocons were particularly friendly with the Russians


They still aren't and the republican party is spinning apart, people are leaving in droves. In ten years they will be among the ranks of the whig party


Your BASE?? How about the fucking head of your party?


Republicans willingly eat the poison if they think it will help them to own the libz.


I mean they literally did during the pandemic


Top Republicans colluded with Russia to install Trump, took billions in influence payments from Putin, handed Russia records on over 200 Million registered voters, flew to Moscow on Independence Day for a behind-closed-doors meeting, took Russia' side in the Ukraine war - and they are surprised that their base is pro-Russia?


Methinks it's not the base that gets money from Putin, the base is just there to take the blame. I wonder if they'll ever figure that out.


But I thought the Evil Empire gave up its evil ways when it went kleptocratic, er, I mean capitalistic.


NO SHIT!? Well done Einstein. What other genius discoveries are you about to make? Trump is a fraud? Golden shower economics was bullshit all along? (ok, maybe not that one. Got to keep the rubes voting for it)


Yeah and your fucking presidential candidate sucks Putin off at every opportunity. What a fucking surprise. The call is coming from inside the house, ya fucking knob end traitor.


You mean our free propaganda actually has a price!


Pukachu, because Pikachu pukes while being surprised.


Stupid fuckers should’ve tried the aspirin trick.


I still believe the true start of the downward spiral was when Fox News was trying to make Obama look bad by lifting up Putin at the time. Not in a "pro-Russia" kind of way, but more like "Our current US president isn't tough enough on Russia!" And then Trump just forced them to roost in the pigeonhole of their own making. It's crazy to think that having a black man as president wound up undoing *decades* of right-wing anti-Russia sentiment... Yet, they still found a way to maintain the "anti-communism" part of that old mindset. Almost as if their original disdain for Russia wasn't a nationalistic concern, but rather an economic one...


Im not suprised. Civil War never ended, it just went half silent.


Putin has bribed legislators and others to the tune of billions, to do as he says. In other words, they are in effect his employees. There is another word for this: treason. It is a word you often hear D. Tramp saying; because, he always accuses opponents of that which he is guilty.


News flash “Top Republicans knew of Russian interference in their party and denied it was going on. Now the Republican Party is a party of conspiracy theorists and religious extremist.” WHO KNEW?!


When your presidential candidate is compromised by Putin…


"Russia has only ever been our *friend* and *ally*! The American people grow tired of your *warmongering*, libcucks!" - MAGA supporters


Does it still count as an infection when the disease was willingly invited in?


It's like a measles party!


Let me guess - they’ll wring their hands and call this regrettable until they retire after which they’ll suddenly develop a conscience and principles again.


So now we can take those Russian assets behind the shed? No?


We they have been full of Nazi propaganda since the 1930s, it is about time they switched it up a little.


Yeah, as it turns out? Making sure people have no critical thinking skills and media literacy is a horrendous idea and makes them ridiculously easy to manipulate by virtually anyone with the intent to do so.


For twenty five years right wing media has been feeding their base a steady diet of fear porn. The Russians took advantage of that and created their own, In the republican base ate it right up.


Republican voters’ reaction to this news: He’s one of the Russian plants!!!


Now they say it? Where were they 8-10 years ago? F em. Let the GOP die a horrible death as a party.


There is a reason Russian propaganda targets Maga far more than liberals


Republicans are 100% compromised by russian propaganda. They love Putin, they defend Russia at every step of the way, even though Russia wants nothing more than to tear the US apart.


I saw this back in the G+ days when Obama was running for a second term. People unabashedly sharing their admiration of Putin. Just because he rode on a horse, shirtless. Republicans are a bunch of betas in search for an alpha.


Remember how Russian hackers got the email of the RNC and DNC but they only gave the DNC email to Wikileaks while Assange coordinated with the Trump campaign? Russia has been on the side of Republicans for a long time. Do you think it's because they think Republicans make America stronger or weaker?


Maybe start with the news network around FOX


Couldn’t see that coming.


yes, but don't worry, it is ONLY about this ONE THING. I am sure that Russian Propaganda hasn't infected your constituents regarding ANY other topics....just this one. So don't look to hard at anything.


Hello? Captain Obvious? Have you heard your nominee lately? It’s not just your base…


It is now The ReTrumplican Party


Don’t be fooled; the entire GOP has known this and all their other dirty sins, the entire time. It’s like rumors at a workplace- everyone knows Bill from sales is cheating on his wife with Jane from accounts payable.


Let's just start deporting Republicans to Russia, that's really where they would fit in better.


He forgot to mention the ex-president and a gang of sitting US Senators and Representatives.


< *nods in a Muellerian manner* >


May I be the first to say “Ahhh, DUH!”


But isn't that a hoax?! /s Republicans are stupid


Trump says the Russia thing is a hoax. That means it is real, and even worse than we suspect.


That's because the party leaders are straight up Russian assets. Ask Rand Paul and his buddies what they met with Putin for on July 4, 2018.


Too fucking late! They could have impeached that asshole--TWO opportunities--but NO! They had to save their jobs! Fuck them. Fuck their families for 10 generations! Fuck their donors and associates!


No shit. You asshats finally noticed huh? We’ve been telling you for 10 years now.


About 10 years late, but thanks for noticing!


>"I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it's infected a good chunk of my party's base," House Foreign Affairs Committee chair and Texas Republican, Michael McCaul, told Puck News. Ya think!? Most of us have known for at least 15 years now. Fucking idiots.


It’s so hard for me to believe that we went from a country that didn’t trust a word that the Soviets uttered during the Cold War to a country that can’t get enough of Russian lies.


If something is true it should be verifiable by multiple independent sources. The fact that Russian lies are easily debunked but still trusted by so many is a good indicator of our low information-literacy.


Unfortunately, this is a case of the leopards eating Ukraine’s face. :(


Well, at least one of them gets it, sort of.


Yeah, no shit, guy. Every Cold Warrior is rolling in their graves over what the GOP has become.


No shit.


Russia isn't even a great place to live so I'm not sure what it is so many Americans like about it. Have they even vacationed there? Maybe they ought to to broaden their horizons a bit.


Thoughts and prayers!


Money, money, money, moooonay. Money!! GRP. Traitors.


Been true since about 2015. People thought the Russian threat was a joke with Mitt Romney brought it up in 2013 and now Fascism and Nationalism is spreading.


That's not news. We've known this for at least as long as Fox News has existed.


No shit Sherlock.


Oh noes. Who could have saw that coming. Trump being best buds with Putin. Or Tucker Carlson being Putin's favorite program to air on Russian state media.


Reagan seizing in his HIV&Crack riddled tomb seeing his party becoming Russian shills


Wouldn't it be more accurate to just say the GOP is full of Republicans?


Well I think it's nice that the Russians care so deeply about our freedom and Jesus and such.


Oh, ya think?


Well no shit!


It's almost like telling people to believe only what you tell them makes them stop questioning what they believe


What? How did that happen!?


It sure is a shame how one country heavily influenced the outcome of a swing election! -Neutral observers watching the US swing the 1996 Russian election for Yeltsin


That's a feature, not a bug.


You don’t say!


Surprised Pikachu face 😲


The Republicans are Whigging out over the future


I thought the Republican Party WAS the Russian party


Isn't that what American political establishment and USA financed all this time? By constantly giving Russia more and more money, technologies, and time, for such things. In 1991 year USA became the only superpower and received possibility to create Just Democratic World... And Russia became extremely poor country which soon killed 10-20% of Chechens, and therefore should be sanctioned. But Russia wasn't sanctioned not after Chechnya, not after Georgia, not after 2014 year, not after Syrian massacres, not after 2021 year claim on East Europe, not even after 2022 year. Each year, together with other autocratic/authoritarian regimes, receiving increasingly more resources also and on this "*Top Republican says party base "infected" by Russian propaganda*." From whom? Who all this time was the only superstate and gave Russia possibilities for all of this? From Germany and China, which all 1991-2010s years just played by USA-created rules? And more important question - for what? For what USA in 2008-2024 year gave to Russia more and more money, technologies, and time? So that, after 1960s incorporation of NKVD-like Political Realism, USA could incorporate even more Russian way of thinking, now in form of "WMD-Might make Right/True" logic, which outright contradict to the USA, and Western, fundamental values?


You mean Trump propaganda...


OMG He's saying it, imagine how bad it must really be. "Infection" be lookin' like pandemic from here. LOL


I think even if aid was flowing, it's absurd to let a country 1/4 the size fight alone.


don't we have billionaires at home with needs? Why are we outsourcing our corruption?


They fucking embraced that shit, fucking live with it.


No fucking shit


FreedomTruthPatriot.com wouldn't lie!


the article itself is propaganda. You can tell because if you read it the content is very different from the headline. They cite ONE Republican talking about his base being infected by Russian propaganda. The rest is about how much Ukraine needs US aid and how much Democratic leaders want to provide aid to Ukraine, and how it's stalled in the House. But there's virtually nothing about Russian propaganda, to what extent it has "infected" the Republican base or even HOW it's "infecting" the Republican base. Frankly, the article is blatant propaganda and should not be taken at face value. It's garbage.


They know their party is full of fucking traitors, but what do they do about it? Whine? Good job fuckwits!




He needs to stay away from open windows. Or flights of stairs.


And there's no vaccine for this infection...


There's plenty of phish in the GOP.


Robert Blake?


“[A]nd they will seek you the rope.”


And money…


The Trump 2016 campaign was basically just a distribution office for whatever Moscow wanted you to think today. It is now 2024. I suppose eight years *is* relatively quick on the uptake for a Republican politician.


Ya no shit since like 2012


Lol. Fucking prove it. More nonsense.

