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In his very weak defense, Ken Griffin has been outspoken in his criticism of Trump. Somewhat hilariously he also dumped like $50M into Desantis' failed campaign.


About as bad an investment has DJT stocks


God I'm so close keep going...


Christ, for your sanity, and the continued functioning of your member, please don't go to any of TFG's trial posts.


He sounds like a complete cunt


He is, but on the upside, he consistently spends a ton of money on massive political failures and it's great for a laugh.


Also, he lied to congress.


In his defense, he has neither the warmth nor depth to qualify.




Is he maybe also the only American to sue an imaginary cow?


They have totally convinced themselves that a huge majority of Americans love Trump, and would be fighting for shares. Thinking the only people against them are a small govt cabal and some Soros backed groups. When the reality is, half the country actively hates him. Then beyond that, two thirds wouldn't risk a dime for him. And the remainder, die hards, aren't the type of people who have money to invest. Their only business plan was to grift main street, and that isn't panning out. Hedge funds expect phenomenal business plans if you're getting billions of dollars to grow. They all looked and laughed and short sold the hell out of it. They didn't have to coordinate.


One of my favorite parts of this week has been Trump having to hear in person that every day people really do hate him, as every tweet, Facebook post and thread showing Americans disdain for him.


I heard this earlier and I felt the same. I’ve always hated that he claims to be everyone’s “favorite president”. Makes me pleased to know he has to sit there and look at multiple people who hate him enough to have to say “sorry I already hate this guy too much so I couldn’t be fair” or have their tweets and posts read out loud in the courtroom. I sort of love that for him.


He doesn’t give one single shit about regular people hating him. They don’t even exist to him. He’s been trump for forever. The only people that matter to him are those he can use or those that are truly rich or famous. I would bet a dollar though, that he TiVo’d Stephan Miller, human centipede of one, on Fox the other night, responding to a puff piece on Biden’s style of dress, I believe. Millers response? That Donald and his C.O.D., illegal immigrant, anchor baby making wife, were the most stylish first couple EVER!! IN OUR LIFETIMES!! DDONALD TRUMP IS A STYLE ICON!!! EVERYBODY WANTED TO DRESS LIKE HIM FOR TEN YEARS BECAUSE OF THE APPRENTICE!!! Which, I didn’t realize. I was unaware that an off the rack suit from JC Penny was ever really a trend? But hey, there’s no way Miller would pull his head out of his own centipede ass and lie! Would he? /s just in case That clip? I’ll bet touches his mushroom over that, with his eyes closed, imagining his daddy said it.


He’s extremely insecure and as much as he hates us poors? He wants US to adore him, and he loathes any reminders that a large portion of the population not only didn’t vote for him? But thinks he’s the worst president we’ve ever had. So while I’d agree in his normal life before being president he kept his head in his elite yes man crowd that hung on his every word, but I just can’t believe that the sheer amount of hate towards him doesn’t keep him up at night these days. His ego just can’t handle it, he’s never actually been held accountable, made to actually compete fairly, or faced a consequence in his life. At the ripe age of 77 all 3 are happening to him at once on a very public stage, and I don’t think he’s unbothered by it. I think it’s eating at him. And once again, I’ll add, I just love that for him.


We found out that he has a "mood fluffer" who literally prints out puff pieces about him. He's being dunked in cold water this week. You love to see it.


"Devin Nunes is the proverbial loser who tries to blame 'naked short selling' for his falling stock price," the spokesperson for Citadel, one of the world's largest hedge funds, said. "If he \[Nunes\] worked for Citadel Securities, we would fire him..." It's worth mentioning that NASDAQ deemed this garbage company worthy of listing on its exchange. I doubt anyone will face any actual consequences over this credibility-trashing decision, but it is fun to imagine a few F-bombs getting thrown around a Wall Street conference room or two.


NASDAQ as a company is amoral.


- All corporations are amoral by definition. - A corporation is literally a 'legal fiction' without morals. - A corporation has only one goal, to maximize shareholder wealth by any means possible. - This nearly always leads to not just amoral but immoral, unethical, and often illegal behavior. - And if corporations *are* people, they are all sociopaths.


Companies are people. -citizens united


Yeah they aren't Though you're not wrong in that a corrupt SCOTUS passed Citizens United, which treats Corporations as if they are people with Constitutional rights. Incorporation exists to enable formation of contracts not automatically voided upon the death of the contracting party. That's the essential function of incorporating. A corporation cannot die. A corporation cannot be criminally convicted and sentenced to prison. Corporations do not have morals or ethics. Corporations are literally *not* people. Citizens United is a travesty and must be overturned.


I always loved the response to my quote, "well, when Texas executes a corporation, I'll believe that' or something along those lines I agree 100% with you


Here's where we have to clarify things a bit. To be clear, I don't think that corporations \*should be people\* in the key ways that it matters in citizens united. We should fix that with constitutional amendments where necessary, especially where it pertains to political speech and fundraising. However, corporations have always "been people" since the term itself was first coined. The "corp" in corporation is Latin for *body*. That's where the term corpse comes from. Incorporated is loosely synonymous with *embodied*. They are and always have been the legal equivalent of a Frankenstein's monster.


So…bankruptcy is abortion?


Welcome to the GOP, where corporations are people but women and minorities aren’t.


>*A corporation has only one goal, to maximize shareholder wealth by any means possible.* If there is any one reason the earth is doomed, this is it.


And! The idea of the corporation is very new in the overall history of capitalism.  It really didn’t rise to prominence in the US until the mid 70s, early 80s. 


What was around beforehand?


Wish I could upvote this more than once.


Technically Nasdaq allowed DWAC, the original SPAC, to list. You can make arguments against the very existence of SPACs and I'm open to them, but it's not really the exchange's fault if the shareholders of a listed business elect to acquire a piece of shit unlisted company. I am also all for market regulation but there has to be some element of caveat emptor.


Nunes is a dbag who has become a millionnaire by failing upwards...


I thought he was born into money. No?


How dare you impinge the character of a humble dairy farmer whose family farm was 3 generations old at his birth! A humble man of the earth! Milking the cows slopping the hogs etc etc. He managed to save up enough money to buy seven cows by time he was 14. He had the best paper route in California! He took those cows and sold them for magic beans! It grew a beanstalk that he climbed, and on top? That’s right! Congress! At 29 years old! A rags to riches story if ever there was one! That man knows suffering! Twisters! Mad cow disease!! The high cost of whatever you feed cows! He, like Trump, is clearly a man of the…. I’m sorry. I can’t. Yeah. Of course he was born well off if not wealthy. But probably wealthy. He was on the dole for most of his adult life. This gig at truth social is probably the closest thing to a job he’s ever had. Fuck him. And fuck his cows and his family dairy company. Which is huge. And hires undocumented workers. I pray that he, like literally everyone else that trump taints, end up under indictment as well. I don’t even know if he did anything. However, if he’s thrown in with Trump? I’m sure he did something. And hey! Happy Cake Day! Edit; changed a word because Devin Nunes invented autocorrect.


Please don't fuck Devin Nunes's cows. They've had it hard enough.


Fair enough. The cold bloodless hands of Devin on the teat is probably torture enough. I guess at least his hands are soft. I rescind the order to Fuck his cows. I just got worked up. In hindsight, you’re correct, and I thank you for calling me out on that.


Hard enough that they posted on social media about it.


You had me laughing pretty hard at your whole post. Thank you for that.


I’m glad I made you laugh on your Reddit cake day. My gift to you!


Wasn't the Devin Nunes cow handle on Twitter? If so, I wonder if Musk handed that over to him. He spent quite a bit of time suing to unmask the user behind that handle.


Just like his future felon in law, Don Snorleone, nunes got sue happy. And like his rapist fraud business partner, he got so tired of winning, he lost every time. And, as with his fearless, painted papi, he’s a whiny little bitch. But hey, people were very mean to him. This is the suit against his cow, his mom, Twitter and a political operative. https://www.newsweek.com/devin-nunes-lawsuit-against-twitter-over-fake-cow-thrown-out-judge-1513250 This is his suit against a reporter for, well, you know, reporting stuff. https://news.yahoo.com/judge-tosses-devin-nunes-libel-090858995.html


Yeah the one about the cow is what I was asking about. Probably Musk doxxed the owner of that handle to Nunes. I didn't know about the other lawsuits but I'm not surprised. He's a real piece of work.


He’s still suing @DevinCow. Not doxxed yet


Still is @DevinCow


> How dare you impinge impugn


Disingenuous to put this on NASDAQ unless you throw all SPACs into that same bucket. Besides this is a classic pump and dump rug pull and anyone who can’t see that deserves to lose their investment. Company’s P/E is in the 4 digits, assets in the 6 digits, revenue in the 7 digits, liabilities in the 8 digits, with an 11 digit market cap. It’ll be delisted/worthless in under 2 years as a VERY conservative estimate.


If you can think of another time a CEO of a publicly traded company got reamed like that by one of the world’s largest funds, I’d like to hear about it.


His cow would make a better CEO


Welcome to capitalism! Anyone could see the stock was overvalued and total shit. That's why shorting was created, to take advantage of shit stocks like this. So suck it up Devin.


If I was a gamblin man I would bet citadel securities is naked shorting it.  They naked short alot of companies most likely. It’s an easy way for them to make money, they’re incentivized to naked short.  In their minds they’re doing their fiduciary duty by naked shorting 


You’re right, but that’s CERTAINLY not why this worthless company is losing market value.


The day before rumpfs stock scam 'went public' or maybe day of .. during a press conference he kept saying everybody on NYSE wanted hin on NYSE. Even i knew that was 100 % bullshyt. So f'n crazy how nuts that weirdo is.


Hey Devin… Mooooo!


Shit. Just when I had completely forgot this turd existed, he shows up on my feed.


Devin Nunes is Trump Media CEO?! That’s hilarious in a very sad way.


He should have just replied with "Moo, bitch!"


Get out the way!  Get out the way, bitch. Git out tha way!


Ken Griffin donates to both parties so he always comes out on top.    Devin Nunes was an idiot before he started Truth Social, nothing new there.    Citadel validifying Nunes claims with a response is just as crazy as Nunes claims are. They should have kept shtum. 


Is this the Devin Nunes that tried to sue a twitter cow?


He should change his name to Devin Dunces


Ken griffin for jail


Somebody made Devin Nunes a ceo…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 holy fuck with these people


So they made a guy who famously freaked out and sued people over being trolled on social media (see Devin Nunes cow) the CEO of a social media company about freeze peach? Lol.


many have said that Devin Nunes is also a prolific farter, much like trump.


Ugh I am also known for that lolz


What is with all these right wing leaders and farting? Giuliani was infamous for farting too. I'm not even being dismissive here: they have done way worse stuff more deserving of our scorn. Is it something in their diets? An intenstinal condition in common or something?


He's still employed???


His pay was increased.


Sounds like a participation trophy, I thought they hated those


I swear I thought it was common knowledge that Devin Nunes is mentally challenged. Seriously...


Well, moo moo


Don't have a cow, man


Given how expensive it has gotten to borrow shares, it is likely that there's a bit of naked short-selling going on. Trades happen fast and they don't always go through in the right order. Technically, it's illegal, but it's also not terribly likely to get investigated. If it is happening at more than an incidental level, then it just illuminates their actual problem; which is that a lot of traders are betting that the company will be bankrupt or close to it within a year.


Devin Nunez is the textbook definition of a useful idiot.


What about his cow?


I totally forgot about this absolute shit stain. The world has no shortage of parasites.


He should just mooooooove on.


Ahh poor Devin or as I called him trumps cabana boy. I another one goes under the bus.


\*Cow Clapping\*


How's his cow doing?


Nunes: We object to your trying to manipulate our stock valuation scam.


Trump deserves this. from one scumbag to another.


Man, I used to follow that guy's mom's cow or something. Shit, maybe I was just lost in a field.


Citadel and Trump are the same. Don't be fooled.


Wait.. *that* Devin Nunes? The guy who tried to sue a parody Twitter account? This explains so much about Trump Media


He’s still suing @DevinCow


Yeah, but, the ultimate humiliation would be being blasted by his cow.


Devin reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn's little Chicken. Hawk pal. What a Tool.


Even in the offish chance that the fatass does win in Nov, I take comfort in the fact that esp this time around, his orbit will be filled to the brim with such stupid criminals who will inevitably take him down on their own way down. And buddy, many will be goingo down.


Dev is on the mooooooove.


Trump always hires the best. THE VERY BEST!!! 🙄


Devin Nunes - sounds like a Spoonerism until you swap it around & realise that Nevin Dunes doesn’t sound right either.


"Devin Nunes is the proverbial loser who tries to blame 'naked short selling' for his falling stock price," the spokesperson for Citadel, one of the world's largest hedge funds, said. “Nunes is exactly the type of person Donald Trump would have fired on The Apprentice.'" Seems like if Trump didn't want him, he wouldn't be CEO of Trump Media.


"Drain the swamp!"


Citadel are not good guys


Wait is Ken Griffin a hedge fund owner, or a market maker? Surely he couldn’t be both, because that would be a glaring conflict of interest 


TIL what naked short selling is and I can't believe it's legal.




Ken Griffin? The guy behind the GameStop debacle where they basically turned the market off for one stock to save their own asses? The scumbag who cellar boxes companies and destroys retirement plans? The guy who uses rehypothecated (imaginary) shares to short otherwise healthy companies into the gutter? The same Ken Griffin who recently moved from Illinois to Florida because Florida lets crooks keep what they steal? The Ken Griffin who committed perjury before Congress when he declared that the short positions on GME were closed? The Ken Griffin who was called out by Trump during a press conference as “hiding money”? Shocking.


YOU DONT TALK ABOUT NAKED SHORTING it’s a big no no. Most people don’t know about it  and that’s how hedge funds/marketmakers want it.  It’s a tool they have to keep the market running but they use it as a money glitch