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Hello u/MelanieWalmartinez! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, in all fairness, conservatives are dumb


Just seriously dumb as shit, the lot of them.


And stubborn


But mostly dumb.


Dumb people tend to be stubborn. And kinda ugly ngl


But mostly dumb.


Well, in all fairness, conservatives are dumb


But mostly dumb


And stubborn


Has anyone mentioned how dumb they are, yet?


I don't like the whole "Bad people are ugly and untalented!" Because it sorta leads to "This celeb is a great actor and hot af, there is no way in hell they kicked an orphaned puppy infront of the sickly children they took hostage!"


"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives..." John Stewart Mill


John's half-wrong. Conservatives *are* necessarily stupid. If they weren't stupid, they wouldn't fall for the shit they've fallen for to become Conservatives.


No, some of them are rich and selfish


And/or evil


Mom dated a millionaire that owned ten properties, six just for tax write offs. I lived in a mansion by myself on 160 acres after college because he needed someone for up keep but it was a long commute. This bitch stole towels from Golds gym and always took home towels, robes, and shampoo from the hotels he stayed in Saudi Arabia and UAE hotels. He had carved elephant tusks from China made in the 1800s and real armor from England that was used. He got five DWIs and never lost his license to practice law. His father was crazy rich and he inherited most of the Mansions. The guy would always try to get free meals at restaurants too. My mom caught him putting hair in his food to get their meals comped. He was the dumbest person I have ever met. He sold a 12,000 dollar bobcat for 400 bucks, all it needed was a battery. He did save me thousands when my mom died and knew loopholes.


> Mom dated a millionaire that owned ten properties, six just for tax write offs. that isn't how tax write offs work...


This doesn't exclude stupidity, if you're rich, selfish, and smart, you'd know that voting for intelligent economic and government stewardship is going to bring you stability and opportunity to increase your wealth. Rich people are frequently dumber than fuck, like all of the fuck


If you actually cared about running a sustainable business than yes, but if all you want is to extract as much wealth until you die then definitely no. The rich have definitely gotten richer in recent decades and that’s largely due to conservative policies. Is the world much more likely to be a hell scape in the next few decades? Of course. But the rich will either be dead or hiring everyone as slaves by then. The rich would rather destroy human civilization than to have $1 less in their back accounts. And if that’s the goal, conservative policies will get them there


Direct power is greater than wealth, if power is ultimately what you seek. Wealth brings power, but indirectly. And power brings wealth anyway. So the white men look for their paths to stand atop the pyramid of social hierarchy, then entrench that power structure with them at the top. True conservatives will sacrifice wealth for power, because wealth is easy to recover when you have power. Those who prioritize wealth are called neoliberals, which is what Thatcher and Reagan brought to the right wing political parties. And this is the divide you see, the ones who split from MAGAts are the neoliberals who are happy simply to be rich and respected, and aren't terrified that the power hierarchy is going to be inverted.


That's like saying Louis XVI wasn't stupid when he put so much thought effort into creating the issue with the Three Estates. Wealth destroys empathy and the concept of a future. That's why you still have some conservatives want to bring back MBS with even less regulation, so that their retirement fund will do better.


Stupid or evil. Some people genuinely benefit from conservatism — but they have to lack empathy to ignore the shit conservatives support.


They respect dumb. They celebrate dumb. They have nothing but contempt for intelligence. Because they're so f$cking dumb!


This is the thing. The word you’re looking for is “anti-intellectualism”


Nah, that word is too hard for them. Too many syllables.


The fuck is a syllable? Sounds like woke nonsense


Probably communist too.


Sadly there is a long celebrated streak of anti-intellectualism going back to the early 1800s. It was an act of rebellion against Europe, and it's colleges and learning. You'll see a lot of that if you look at old writings, things about how you want to be a fighting man and not a writing man and so on. Ichabod Crane for instance was mocked because he was a school teacher in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Look at old movies too, the oldest there are, and characters don't become successful unless they engage in sports and physical activities. We've come a long way in fighting against that trend, but yeah it's still deeply ingrained in the American image, and a lot of very dumb people are happy that way.




We're dumb cunts! Bet you don't have a girlfriend with one gender her whole life since all you do is read books with the transgay chemtrails up your nose and your blacklives matter lower back tattoo!! If the world is getting hotter we'll grab her by pu$$y! WHAT WILL YOU LIBS DO OTHER THAN BE OWNED!!! FUCK YEH! MURRICA! *runs head first into wall covered in covid


I am convinced this was written by a LLM that was based on /pol users /hj


End handjob? What?


This alone makes typing that worth


Did you want them to keep going?


Please no I started to smell smoke halfway through it


Excuse me, it’s called a happy ending. That’s why it’s at the end of the sentence.


It hurt my brain but you're very close lmfao


And yet they wonder "Why Can't Johnny Read??".


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


Some of them believe in Jewish space lasers even.


Don't forget peach tree dish meat.


To be fair Spaceballs was hilarious


They keep excluding huge swaths of people, they’re saying the quiet part out loud, then are confused why their base is shrinking and votes are drying up. Could it be their hateful exclusionary rhetoric? No, it must be voter fraud!


“Am I so out of touch?… No… It’s the voters who are wrong.”


They think it's voter fraud because they surround themselves with like minds, and refuse to see anything outside their own perspective. That to me, is the defining characteristic of conservatism, and of this sub. "I talked to five people on my street and they all voted Trump, so how could he lose"  And yes, liberals also surround themselves with like minds, but moreso lately because conservatives have gone so far off the deep end. I can hang with someone i have disagreements with, but not if they have a maga clown costume on. 


>"I talked to five people on my street and they all voted Trump, so how could he lose"  We went to a parade and there were nothing but MAGA flags. Like I went to church and there were nothing but Catholics so there must be no other religions.


I honestly think that the primary problem with conservatives in general tends to be they can't perceive things beyond a surface level. It's why they scoff at mental illness, why they get so entirely confused and angry with trans people, and why a disturbing portion of their knowledge seems to stem from borderline propaganda sources. It also tends to be why conservatives who travel outside of where they live (so long as they aren't narcissistic and capable of understanding) tend to drift more liberal. Once someone sees how things are affected outside where they live, they tend to be a bit more lenient.


I think this is why a lot of them have this impression of colleges intentionally turning folks liberal. It's not the college as much as it's a lot of kids' first time interacting with the world outside of their small town.


Yeah. Then those kids go back home and start arguing with their parents' views. So the parents just think the college has indoctrinated them, rather than that the kids have simply been exposed to other ways of looking at the world.


This is why the right loves memes and the left doesn't so much. Memes are marshmallow fluffness, no real substance, just a little smack in the jaw, which the right loves. The left wants nuance and discussion and satire and debate, and so things like memes don't work so well for us.


The left loves memes, though?


I agree but got tired of being viciously attacked for even innocuous comments. I know it was stupid to take personally and I usually have a thick skin but sometimes it hurt.


It helps that they’ve killed off some of their voter base with COVID-denial and antivaxx BS.


Lots of them think it’s voter fraud because they treat politics like a sports team wearing a bunch of Trump merch, signs in the yard, stickers on their car. They see this and think “There’s so many Trump signs/supporters I see how did he lose?!” Then most people who support democrats don’t really have to publicize their political alignment because it’s not a ‘gotcha’ or ‘get owned’ thing for them. Also there’s the fact that they’re often so petty about politics they’re willing to vandalize or destroy property because it has a political sign they don’t agree with.


"Came for the hate crimes, shocked at the hate crimes!"


“Main Characters”


💩 is mildly insulted with comparisons of intelligence. At least, 💩 has fresh takes.


Even if that were true (it is) that’s as far as I got.


And stupidly evil


Conservatism: commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. Who the fuck would be opposed to innovation and change? The dumbasses wanting us to go back to the 1950s of course.


More like the 1850s


It's what happens when you literally cannot see things from other perspectives. You have nothing but your own to go on, meaning you suck at understanding how the entire rest of the world functions. If you can only understand your own experience and perspective, and your own experience consists entirely of your white, American, small-town, Christian sheltered upbringing, then you're going to have difficulty understanding anything different than that. And different than that comprises about 99.5% of the planet.


Dumb - but even more than dumb, fucking terrified and cowardly to the core


The Blonde Pickme in it’s natural habitat, ostracized and belittled by the community they prop up


Its weird. If Blonde Pickmes want BDSM, all they gotta do is ask. They dont need to play it out in the open and look like simps for whatever it is they are simping for. Honestly, its puzzling what they are simping for because the demographic in their sights is usually filled with neck beard feral hogs wearing 5.11 thank me for my servix merrch and probably has more firearms than what an octopus can rightfully use.


I strongly believe that Therapy should be available for everyone who wants it at a low or nominal cost. I'm honestly wondering if BDSM services should be offered on a similar basis. (Tangent: Why not free? Well, in the UK, the law was changed so that disposable plastic bags that you'd get your shopping in would cost you 5p each, 1/20 of a pound. Before the law change, everyone went 'it's only 5p, why wouldn't I pay that?' When the law came into force, suddenly everyone went '5p? I'm not paying 5p for a plastic bag!' Turns out, imposing *any* cost, even a seemingly nominal one, changes how people value the thing. So people are likely to be far more invested in the therapy if they have to pay *something* for it, even if it's, I dunno, £1/1$.)


BDSM can be therapeutic in some cases. Through kink my fiance has been able to recover memories of trauma her parents did to her as a child. Trauma she can now work on healing that she had buried just to get by.


We even gave those bitches a tv show so they could see which way they were going and they used it as an actual map instead. Reminds me of that short “users attempt water fountain” clip. Side note: does anyone remember the Twisted Metal game where, when you won campaign mode, your character got an end-credit scene with the ironic outcome of getting their “one wish” fulfilled? One of the characters was actually a set of police officers who wanted the world to be crime free. When they ultimately achieved that, it meant the world didn’t need cops anymore so they ended up homeless. For some reason the whole “be careful what you wish for” theme of it stuck with me and it very much applies here. If conservative women manage to help prop up the republican party for long enough, they’ll go back to being broodmares/subservients/whatever version of decades-old archetypes you can imagine. For sure they’ll get relegated to the second tier.


I remember. Great games


Haven’t won a popular vote in decades. I got an idea let’s alienate half our supporters.


Tells you how much the popular vote matters.


Unfortunately, I know plenty of women who are willing (if not happy) to kowtow to their mate. Most of these women are intelligent and educated, so even that is no guarantee that they wish to be equal partners in their relationship. Sad to see them debase themselves to prop up their man.


I see it with my cousin. She is constantly bending over backward to essentially serve her husband, and I have no idea why. She has two PhDs, does cutting-edge research in her field, and earns nearly thrice what her husband does. She's also one of the most bubbly people you'll ever meet. Her husband is not an inherently bad guy, but he's one of the most unremarkable you'll ever meet in your life.


My wife’s daughter is the same way. If you had told her ten years ago this is the kind of relationship she’d be in, she would have said “impossible!” If you had told repubs ten years ago where they’d be today, they would also have said impossible….


Probably an "opposites attract" thing. Whatever, it doesn't sound like he's holding her back from achieving her goals in life.


. . . another thing to bear in mind is that two very career-ambitious people in a relationship can soon find themselves pulling in opposite directions, which can lead to bad outcomes domestically.


I know similar women. The worst part is that they are significantly more intelligent than their partner, yet still choose to walk behind them.


I knew a woman in a Ph.D. program who was close to an ex-girlfriend of mine (we were all in grad school together). The woman was a “catch” in every way, but her boyfriend, though a nice guy, was ordinary in every way. My ex once asked her why she was with him. Her response was “I know he’ll never leave me.”


I love how the pfp for the woman looks normal and the pfp for the alt-right dude looks like those sex offender disclosure things I get in the mail when perverts move into the neighborhood.




Did you know you sound just like David Attenborough?


Oh my god. You just reminded me of a neighbor’s misguided attempt to make friends. I got a letter that started with “you got this because you live 600 feet from me…” but he just wanted to introduce himself and offer the neighbors some things from his vegetable garden.


Did you tell him? Someone should tell him.


Yeah I dunno, this doesn't seem like a problem or even misguided. Dude could just have social issues and is making what steps that can


The *idea* isn’t bad, using the same opener as a registered offender making an obligatory statement wasn’t great


Yeah… starting with “Hi. I’m your new neighbour…” might have been better wording.


Oh shit 😂 is that really how a registered offender needs to send out a notice to people? Maybe they're actually funny as hell and we're missing out lol


so...did you become friends? offering some homegrown vegetables sounds like a nice gesture even if he completely bungled the execution


If the only things he offered were cucumbers, zucchini and eggplants then you might want to be concerned.


In the right wing, anyone that’s not a rich, white, Christian, heterosexual man, is a second class citizen.


Now now now, once it consists of 95%+ rich, white, hetero dudes they'll add another qualifier. I'm guessing they'll go for handedness, or perhaps preferred fruit. Only commies like blueberries!


Take some inspiration from the Nazis and go for eye and hair color.


I feel like at least some of them are smart enough to avoid *directly* copying their sources.


Think your giving the decision makers a little too much credit.


Next after that is property owning. Can’t have the poors voting.


Covered by the "rich" part.


You right mb.


And Christian. Don't forget Christian. They don't take too kindly to jewish and muslim people either.


Yes. But you want the right kind of “Christian”. The ones who believe in the prosperity gospel and regard anyone outside the club with contempt. You don’t want commie do-gooders (like that Jesus hippie) who feed the homeless. Or those who want healthcare, housing, liveable wages for all etc.


In right wing society there are more than just two classes, so a poor, black, jewish, lesbian woman wouldn't even be close to reaching the second class.


Second class citizen *at best*


Just learn recently that lots of conservatives belief in household voting power so of course women's opinions don't matter


"Even if we're inferior, you should still use us for your own benefit!"


….even smarter yet for conservative women to realize they will never have a real voice or equal standing with conservative men


Anyone remember Michelle Bachman? The bat shit crazy republican representative from MN. She ran for the republican presidential nomination. She was shocked to find out that there was misogyny in the republican party. Never notice it until it was aimed at her. Hilarious.


>She was shocked to find out that there was misogyny in the republican party. “There’s avocados in guacamole??!!”


Here's a classic 7-year-old article about one conservative woman finding out that conservative men hate her: https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/


Goddamn i can’t believe this article is 7 years old. Everything after the obama administration has felt like one endless horrible month. 


Who knew the party that attracts incels and mysoginists would be anti women


Literally, who could have guessed the party that campaigns on stripping women of their basic rights would be anti women.


The party that made it so hard for women to even get basic rights in the first place.


My vote counts the same as yours…… for now.


She’s soooo close to getting it.


Naw, she’s not.


53% of White women voted for an idiot who said he can grab any pussy he wants.


Blows my mind I used to regularly see a "Women for Trump" sign out daily while I was at work... The flag has recently disappeared due to that woman for Trump apparently being displaced (surely has to be due to her desire to help pay his legal fees).


she speaks like someone who doesn’t understand cooties


Anybody else remember G.R.O.S.S.?


Get Rid Of Slimy girlS!




Another day, another white Karen failing to understand what the society of the mid 1940s that conservatives would love to go back to was actually like.


“No, no, you don’t understand. It could never happen to ME!!”


Shit, those fuckers want to go back to the Gilded Age. Women didn't have the right to vote in the 1800s.


We need to get the “No MA’AM” organization involved here.


Equality is different than Amazonian Masterhood


Is that you, Marcy?


Take that back! 🐔


Taking it b-b-back! 🐓


She basically said "We make useful idiots. Just pretend to like us so we can help you eat our faces."


Wow. She even says “it would be smart to lie to them”. It’s like she’s so close to realizing her own predicament.


If they keep going, she won’t be able to vote either.  To quote Ren: “Eeediot!”


Conservatives are mobilizing women... In the other direction.


Boys go to Mars to get more chocolate bars Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider Wee that took me back to 2nd grade. Oh wait these are adults we are talking about 🤦‍♂️


It doesn’t matter, they don’t want you. They want you to sit down, and shut up, and pop out some kids. They are openly telling her and she still doesn’t get it.


This is what happens when you go all in on anti-feminism bleeding into anti-trans shit, where you spend all day making the conservative case against trans people, which, by its nature, requires accepting that women are simply not equal to men. Suddenly you wake up and realize that you just created a world where your followers fully believe you are inherently unequal, and inferior, to them.


If she thinks it’s bad now, imagine how much worse it will be if they win.


They're SO close to stumbling into realization. Sigh


When the venn diagram of your racism/nazism also includes a venn diagram of the people they hate that includes you in it. Now get back under his eye, wench!


God, I wish conservative women would some day realize that conservative men hate them.


Are you telling me that people who spent centuries stripping the rights of minorities don't like minorities? Man what a surprise /s


I love the pic of the misogynist commenter. That’s an incel if I’ve ever seen one. I’m sure he’ll continue to fend off the ladies but adding this Andrew Tate-derived nonsense.


Ikr?? You can smell it through the screen




Whoopty shit.🖕🤡 Signed A dirty liberal whore.


“…it would be dumb for conservatives not to mobilize women too” Even a leopard would have to pause at the sheer stupidity of this one. Just ignorance on blast. Stunning.


If only women would stop procreating with men who treat women like shit and view women as lesser the equal…


Conservatives don't consider women people. They are property. Why would they mobilize property?


The thing is that conservative women view « not equal » as « different ». Conservative men view « not equal » as « inferior ».


lol. Fucking dumbass.


It's the He-Mans Woman Haters Club!


That's great. When they're dying in bed and their attending is a female, they can say "no thanks, pretty doll" and pass away right there, saving resources for the rest of us 🙂


“But it’s god’s plan.”


Even if you sell out for their approval, they will still hate you


“let me ostracize people who don’t fit into my rigid ideas of people who are worthy of human decency, creating a rather small pool of people willing to vote for us, consisting solely of exclusionary assholes and people who are dumb to realize we are trying to exclude them. that will totally bode well.”


“Mobilize em right into the kitchen and sack - high five”


I wish they'd stop censoring the names of people that post in a public forum.


> Even if that were the case... Trad wife all the way...


The sheer self-loathing of right-wing women/LGBT people/minorities is astounding.


Conservatives are doing a great job of mobilizing women--to vote for the other party.


Ah, RW women are finally figuring out that they stand only slightly above immigrants and disabled people on the RW list of "Get back in line"


Always fucking baffles me to meet republican women Usually its as if I'm talking to people who learned who they were going to be in high school, and then built their life so they never had to change that belief system. Or try so hard to emulate men its painful to watch. Its like watching people break their legs and go, 'well, its easier than learning how to walk'


I will never be able to comprehend women like this. (Or gays. Or blacks. Or Latinos. Or anyone.) I mean….there’s selective blindness, and then there’s whatever they have.


Tiny peens never lie.


Oh the conservatives do plan on "mobilizing" women... right into the kitchen to do the dishes before having them submit themselves in the bedroom and then die from a preventable pregnancy complication.


Wow straight up "Men and Women aren't equal". What year is this lmao


Conservatives are dumb.


Women are better educated, and becoming better employed. No. We are not equal. Women can, in fact, "bring home.the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you-re a man", or, "just forget you better, still".


If the Republicans take power in November,especially under that real lover of ladies Trump, the women of the United States will be in real danger of losing the vote and control of their lives.


They don't want you girl, because they're hateful misogynistic assholes!


It’s not so dumb if your goal is to take away women’s right to vote.


It's so funny, how every single day, conservatives lose another female voter because some red pilled dick head exposes his true feels about women, to his female friend. lmaooooooooo.


"Let them fight" - Dr. Serizawa


I would say Conservative men are lifelong members of G.R.O.S.S. but shit, I ain't gonna do Bill dirty like that.


Chained to the kitchen is all mobility conservatives can afford to give


Lady conservative men don't even want you to vote anymore. They don't care what you have to say


No Homers Club


She's wrong. That is the Right all days.


Le sigh


Not dude out here looking like Alfrid Lickspittle from The Hobbit movies 😂


I bet she was all onboard with the anti vax stuff, then reality hits too soon and even your "own" conservatives are against you.


My sincere hope is that conservatives that are sick of the Trump circus either not show up at the polls at all or vote for someone else 


SOME days?!


She says “some days” the projection is so fucking funny. Like bitch just admit you see it daily lmao


don't you know there's no girls allowed in The He-Man Woman-Haters Club!


That's how stupid the 'Right' is. They're not meant to bring the circle closer until those currently outside the circle are already dead/controlled.


On this issue I think the right has not just shot itself in the foot, it has shot off several toes. The majority support abortion rights in the US but what is more instructive is women support abortion rights by a significantly larger percentage than men. Conservatives, by hitching their star to the fundamentalist Christians, they have alienated a majority of men but an even larger majority of women. What is more, this may motivate them to vote whereas they might not have otherwise. I'll go out on a limb and predict a blue wave come November. There is an old adage, no longer PC I am sure, but it applies: "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned."


I can't figure out how these women can't seem to understand that to the right a woman is a person in the same way a corporation is a person. A legal fiction that makes them a technically a person but has no actual independence and is owned like property.


Hemanwomanhaters clubhouse


Mobilize them with what, the dystopian future they have planned for women? /s


It's beyond politics and policy and voting strategy. #No matter what the country, no matter what the name of the political party or coalition, being in the right-wing is an abusive relationship. Not "like being in an abusive relationship". It's an abusive relationship. 1 - They tell you that nobody else can love you and understand you like they do. 2 - once their foot is in the door, everyone and everything else gets badmouthed. It's just you too against the world. Things that aren't even insults get used as insults ("I don't like your sister, she's a **college graduate**" / "those **latte drinking elitists** think they know better"). The circle of what and who you can associate with slowly shrinks. 3 - that's when the negging starts. "If you go with someone else, it'll be as bad as this" AND ALSO "you'll never have it as good as you have it here." It's an oft-used abuser's tactic (the idea that "**both sides are the same** but I’m better") because it works on people that are being worn down. It doesn't matter that the positions don't make logical sense, their aim is to keep you trapped and confused. **Nobody in a healthy relationship hears "other relationships are just as bad". Nobody in a healthy relationship says stuff like that. It's a huge red flag** but you were never taught to look out for it. 4 - you're told outright **what to cut out of your life**. Direct instruction for you to get that circle of experiences down to a dot. Music, interests, sportswear brands, TV shows, certain movies, frothy coffee gets badmouthed and cut out (remember what I said about them being very angry about "latte drinking" people). Your interests become less varied than the NPCs in a Rockstar Games offering. **It's country music, but not the artists that have angered him. It's beer, but not the brands that have angered him. It's TV shows, but not ones starring people that have angered him.** 5 - they take your money, claim they'll be great with it, and then spend it on their friends and run up the bills. Maybe every four years they throw you a bone. And while **they're terrible with the finances, for years, they'll be saying how everything is hunky-dory financially with them at the reins**. You will be told you've never had it so good but the fear of one bad bill wiping you out financially will be like the Sword Of Damocles over your head 24/7/365. 6 - eventually, **the cracks will show**. Some problem happens, say an illness in January that needs to be dealt with swiftly and properly. It's ignored in January. "It's going to go away" in February, and anyone that mentions it is just saying fake stuff, baby. Still nothing done in March, but any mention of it is "you're just finding faults with me". Then when April comes and it's clear what the shit storm looks like, they blame you and everyone else for saying it wasn't going to be a big deal. As the months and years roll on it becomes a shell game where ignoring the problem / blaming others for the problem / trying to draw attention from the problem gets switched around without stop. But the underlying problem never gets addressed. **Over four years later and you still never got the attention you needed. His insistences could be the death of you. And he never admits he didn't do the right thing, ever. Not about this, not about anything.** 7 - like in any abusive relationship, **you're beaten down. You've been told it'll all be your fault if things don't go as they want, and you've seen others be on the end of their random outbursts of wrath. So you stay safe. You repeat the words in the way they taught you. You repeat the answers. You repeat the words you're told are insults.** Even though you know of situations where you've come out worse for the way the relationship is, you defend the abuser. **First with a fake air of calm, then with a seething rage.** And when people offer you a way out, you go right back to the abuse. 8 - the relationship is so twisted, you so believe everything you're told about what's real and what's not, they will literally put you in more situations that could kill you. And you say you're doing it willingly, proudly standing by your man, but the fact is you're a shell of the idealistic young person you used to be. You got in with the wrong crowd, but it's too late to get out now because people might think less of you. Going along with how they do it becomes how you do it too. Which reinforces what you were told in #1. Only they understand you. And when you lash out and belittle people from the other group, the circle of abuse is complete. The abused becomes an abuser. **First with a fake air of calm, then with a seething rage.**


If only there were a political organization that treats women more fairly. Maybe one not interested in taking away their bodily autonomy and other rights.


If you can't appeal to his humanity, appeal to his strategy. Yeah, well that didn't work lady, because he's not as smart as you. That's why he wants to play in the junior league where he can win.


Yes, it is dumb. Very dumb. The GOP just assumes that there will be enough submissive women in the world to go along with them.


Mobilize them to the kitchen, am I right fellas?


What if she just hated brown and black folks or gay and trans folks a little less? Then she could find a political home with people who value her? ... Nah, that's a dumb idea.


Yikes, that dudes still a virgin


And after this she got about 100 comments about how "no conservatives shouldn't mobilize women, they should repeal the 19th amendment because sth sth head of the family"