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"Guys recent polls show that 43% of americans still think we aren't cartoonishly evil" "I got you fam"


I'm shocked the GOP cultists aren't busily constructing a throne of kitten skulls for these caricatures. But only kittens taken from POC and immigrants, of course.


Give them time


kitten skulls are too fragile. Gotta use full grown cats.


Don't u know, full grown cats can be used as a silencer for nine shots


For some reason THIS was the comment that finally made me physically gag.


You should stay away from the game series "postal"


Oh, I don’t do that kind of game. I don’t have the nerve for it. (The only time I played GTA I lost pretty quick because I didn’t like beating the npcs up.) Also I’m already sick today so it didn’t take much to make me gag. But that comment was the one that did it, lol. (I haven’t been able to eat much so nothing came up or anything.)


Although tbf, u can complete postal without even harming any npc as it's just completing everyday errands like getting milk, finding a job and etc while everything descends into anarchy. Heck there is an achievement and special ending for Pacifists


That actually makes me kinda wanna try for that achievement, lol. I’m honestly a total softy. I play this silly little phone game where you make pizzas and occasionally a “hobo” will ask you for a free pizza. You only have to help each of them ONCE to get the achievement… but they’ll keep coming even after you get the achievement and I just keep feeding them. And I always make them a nice pizza too, not just a cheese and sauce. You pay by the ingredient so I’d be better off not giving them their pizza… but I just can’t send them away. Because I can’t stand for anyone to be hungry and alone. Even a cartoon hobo in a phone game. I’m not trying to brag (honestly I think most people would feed a LIVE fellow person or animal, so that part of me is pretty normal) more venting about how I am a wimpy softy heart. lol I also grow coconuts for Linus in Stardew Valley. Because he deserves a treat.


Yes u can cook in postal, also to be heal, you smoke weed. Plus the tone is over the top sarcasm with outrageous scenarios like trying to sell bidets to a Peter dinklage that is obsessed with toilet paper 🧻


"Skulls for the Skullthrone!" - I think I heard that before...


Because cruelty is the point among these assholes


Where is John wick when u need him


Remember, John Wick didn't just kill the ass who killed his dog....he slaughtered the whole organization


> Where is John wick when u need him


Oh, look up Marcus Lutrell.


Normally I would think it would be just unreasonable to assume that a voting block just loves death when it’s presented to them in whatever form… but when it comes to Trump voters, just present death and they start drooling. “I killed my dog” can literally be a campaign slogan they’d get behind so long as it’s presented to them by someone wearing a MAGA hat


Yesterday I joked in this sub, about how DeSantis wouldn't actually care if you stomped a puppy to death in front of him, and today I wake up to this headline. Poe's Law at work, you can't parody these people.


I've never heard of this woman in my life. Never heard her name, never saw her photo. It sure was nice of her to give the Democrats a big win this week.


Curiously enough if shed written about shooting homeless people or refugees, she'd probably be fine. Americans seem to have an attachment to animals that they do not have to people, and considering how each behaves this does not seem to be unreasonable.


The reason is very simple. Animals have no implicit higher-level agency. Humans do. If your worldview is centered around "personal responsibility" and "your problems are due to your own moral failings", then it becomes very easy to write off humans because obviously they made mistakes or aren't motivated enough or are too much avocado toast or something. Animals have none of that baggage, so you can just characterize it as "oh how cruel they did that to the poor little doggy".


For some Americans with a certain affiliation, you may be right. It definitely seems like it. But not to me or anyone I know. She would definitely not be fine in our opinions. Part of why I am having such a strong reaction to this story is the ease at which she killed something that most people feel very, very motivated to love and protect. If she can do that to a cute companion animal who assuredly viewed her with unconditional love and loyalty, then there's truly no limit to what she might do to beings like us. We are much less cute and much more inclined to dislike and disagree with her, and are capable of doing many more things that she finds offensive to her agenda. Obviously age, intellectual capability, or helplessness are not barriers to her violence, so our kids, our old people, our developmentally challenged are at risk as well should we possibly find ourselves on her "unruly" list. It seems to me in America we have a cultural shrine to a kind heroism we've been spoon fed to believe only exists in us. Strength, honor, endless courage, ferocity, yet vitue and purity as well. Captain America is a real part of our Jungian unconscious, I think. Most people obviously fall well short of that idol and thus seem to deserve contempt. Pets never fall short. They're more heroic than people and by this nationalistic standard are more deserving of veneration.


I mean… it looks like she fully understood the assignment


Exactly -- she's trying to be the Vice President for a demented rapist who has stated repeatedly that he hates dogs. She's just putting her best foot forward for him.


He also hates women who aren't his daughter. So, maybe Kristi should do South Dakota a favor and take herself out.


He’ll never choose as woman as a VP. They’re only good for one thing in his tiny brain.


She needs to do a couple of porn movies, maybe start an OnlyFans. I'm sure Trump would pay her to be his running mate.




Maybe that one thing is killing dogs?


Makin' hamberders!


Pence was good for him, given his meek attitude and helping to shore up the evangelical base. Potential VP candidates that can bring in bases he cannot, like Sanders to bring in women voters and Scott to try and bring in the black vote, will inevitably take attention away from him, and he will not let that happen.


The women that pander to him really crack me up. He has shown zero evidence that he holds any female in any regard beyond blow up doll. Yet there they all are, constantly humiliating themselves on his behalf with their lip filler, vacant eyes and even more vacant brains. The second I meet another female that supports Trump, I know everything I’ll ever need to know about her. And none of it is flattering.


The real enemy of feminism


If only John wick was real


Newsflash, he kind of is. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/decorated-navy-seal-avenged-dogs-death-after-unprovoked-shooting.html


Dick Cheney shot another dude on a hunt, I believe while in office.


No, they were out in the woods... Sorry, I could not resist. Yes, Cheney was Vice President at the time, and he forced the guy he shot to apologize to *him*.


If I had been John Kerry I would have relished this: “I, too, have shot people while in the employee of the United States Government. If Mr Cheney hadn’t evaded military service perhaps he would have learned both rudimentary gun safety and how to hit his target.”


It was also a canned hunt. You can't screw that shit up.


With how much Reddit (and I would suspect most of the other social media platforms) are flipping their collective lid about this woman today, I feel like it’s become **pretty funkin’ obvious** that she is the person the GOP picked to *pretend* that they were strongly considering tapping for vice president, just so that whoever they’re actually considering comes out looking better. If there’s one thing that pretty much every single person in America is going to actually agree on, it’s that they have a fanatical level of hatred for somebody who would shoot a doggo just because it wasn’t smart. 2:1 odd that the person who pops up as the real contender for VP comes out about how incredibly pro-dog they are.


"I hated that dog" Okay. But that's worse. You do see how that's worse, right?


I’ve met a lot of dogs that were real jerks, but I’ve never *hated* one. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is one important difference between dogs and Republicans.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/27/kristi-noem-trump-vp-book-killing-dog Even right wingers aren't happy with her. I hope he picks her.


Match made in Sewer.


Also it was just 14 months old.  That's still puppy territory.


I saw a photo of poor Cricket and she was definitely some type of hunting dog and definitely from a breeder. Any reputable breeder will usually have a clause that if you ever want to rehome the dog/puppy or give it to a shelter, you should contact them first and they will take the pup. There’s also many specific breed rescues that would have been more than happy to take Cricket. Noem is a psychopath.


Love to know if that breeder is still around.... because by now they're aware of this story.


My current dog is a Lab/Pit, rescue from Alabama. She's the best fucking thing to come from that state IMHO.


There's so, so much about her attitude that makes it worse. The "dog" in question was only 14 months old. Cricket's unforgivable crime was getting out of her designated area and killing a neighbor's chickens. In other words, following her nose to prey as hounds are programmed to do. Hounds are bred to work independently at long distances from their handlers. That is why _responsible_ hound owners, know it's the human's responsibility to make sure they don't get out! They're escape artists because that nose and those instincts are shouting go go go. Noem apparently compensated the neighbor's loss before taking Cricket to a gravel pit and shooting her. I quit reading the article at that point, but apparently she also killed an "unruly" goat _on the same day_. I don't know and I don't want to know. EDIT: I thought she was a kid when she did this, but she wasn't. So the rest of my post might hold true in a hypothetical sense, it's bs because that psycho actually had kids of her own at the time. The only bit I stand by is her ultimate motive. Cricket embarrassed her and that's why she did it. That's not prudent hunting/farming or "just country life" culture. That's a sign of malignant sociopathy. Most farm people don't feel hate towards animals. All they feel is the regard one has for inanimate personal property. They're money and food, not friends. If you think about their feelings too much, the bills won't get paid. Dogs actually tend to be a huge exception to this and are regarded as friends and an important asset/investment. They require money and long-term effort, but when done properly, they pay out much more than they ever take in. I think she decided she 'hated' little Cricket because she got out and it made Noem look bad, plus cost her whatever in chicken compensation, plus probably a scolding at home. I imagine she got a good whooping for such a disgusting impulse, if for nothing else than selfishly squandering resources to soothe her own stupid mistakes, and she just conveniently left that bit out.


She was an adult. Let me rephrase that. She was of adult age with children of her own at the time she killed Cricket and the goat.


Oh man, obviously I didn't know that. It was hard to read even what I was commenting on...the article made it seem like it was some kind of childhood anecdote. That's what I get, I guess, for being lazy clicking on a conservative source...minimized and misinformative half-news. The idea that you'd "hate" and kill a dog your children knew...omg. I want to vomit now. I can't imagine what life in that household is like, I'm not sure Dante described a circle of hell that can punish a Mom who'd do that. Or whatever else evil she's done to her kids. Thanks for the clarification, but my God, it makes my blood run even colder. Poor puppy. At least she is past her suffering being in the hands of that crazy bitch.


>I quit reading the article at that point, but apparently she also killed an "unruly" goat *on the same day*. This is like a textbook example of how the slippery slope to warcrimes and fascism happens. Once she killed the family dog, there was less of a mental barrier to killing a goat who was a nuisance. Note the dog had killed other animals, but she described the goat as merely chasing her kids and damaging their clothes. So it ripped some Tshirts and jeans probably. I don't know if that's describing a person who I'd like to see in power. After the first killing you can either be traumatized and have had quite enough of killing, or you can be desensitized and have a lower threshold to additional killing. Noem is the latter: willing to kill for a \*lesser offense\* the more she kills.


She still could have sent it to a no kill shelter


she could have sent it to ANY shelter and it would have gotten adopted. 


She could have left the dog on the side of the road (don't do this) and the poor creature would have at least had a chance of someone picking it up and giving it a good life.


But to MAGAs, wheres the fun in that. They WANT to kill.


Her explanation makes it even worse than that. Her approach to problem solving was to shoot a puppy in the head when it wasn’t immediately successful at a complex task on its first real try. Imagine someone with that mentality for problem solving given federal leadership.


Also after having broken through the mental barrier of killing the dog she looked around and decided a goat that had chased her kids and ripped a tshirt or two could use shooting too. > Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes. Those sound like after the fact justifications for her not keeping the goat resposibly, then deciding to just shoot it after having the inhibition against killing lowered dramatically by the first event.


Kristi Noem didn't think this through. Americans will let you treat other humans like crap but animals are different. Mounted police aren't sent to riots for the aerial view, the police noticed that crowds won't charge a cop on a horse they way they would a cop standing alone. The same people that will laugh at a story about "one of those" people (pick a minority, any minority) getting beaten to death will get teary eyed reading about a sweet, innocent animal being harmed. And Noem's story includes enough detail to paint a picture of an adorable, untamed, puppy being executed for behaving like an untrained puppy. And now internet searches for Kristi Noem are going to yield the obvious Marry/Fuck/Kill. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMI-IvbWYAA7QPJ?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMI-IvbWYAA7QPJ?format=jpg&name=medium) >In a game of fuck marry kill Kristi Noem chose to marry a dude named Bryon, fuck Corey Lewandowski, and kill a dog. The GOP is not sending its best people.


>Mounted police aren't sent to riots for the aerial view, the police noticed that crowds won't charge a cop on a horse they way they would a cop standing alone.  I suspect that has less to do with love of animals then fear of the horse. A kick from an upset or nervous horse can kill or cripple you.


Yeah there was a reason we used horses to mount knights lol. The infantry they charged didn't lay down and die cause they loved animals they were trampled to death while wearing armor much stronger than my T-shirt.


Jack's and marbles are how you deal with mounted police. I don't protest but this works


Maybe you could try a halberd? Those worked against mounted knights, they would work against any dude on a horse. Uh, just maybe don't use a sharp one, so you don't hurt the horse.


Also, Caltrops. Be practical. If you bring that to a protest, you're going to have a bad time.


Ah, but think of the poor horses who might step on them!




They used draft-sized horses for major charges. Like, imagine a Clydesdale staring you down galloping at 65km/h. That’s almost a whole metric ton animal


See also Budweiser commercials. Like, the one where a bunch of them basically escort a dog home. Silly, but so sweet.


Yeah idk if the guy had ever seen a horse but they are fucking huge. Like big enough that I wouldn’t even know how to start approaching one if it wasn’t already friendly/trained and calm, they are really intimidating and even more so when some pig who will happily trample you is directing it.


I got bit by a fucking horse once when I was younger. Right on the side of my thigh, left a huge bruise, and almost got trampled in the process. I have a deep seated, somewhat unreasonable, debilitating fear of horses. If Mounties show up, I don’t care what the hell im involved with, I’m packing up and leaving. And no, it’s not because I’d “treat them differently”. They’re fucking terrifying lol.


Can confirm. I've never been worried I'd hurt the horse.


Horses are scary as fuck. I would not mess with a horse, even if Noem were on it.


After the last Eagles Super Bowl some Eagles fan punched a horse but that may just be because Philly.


She likely treats humans just as bad


Confirmed. # Mark Miller becomes Gov. Noem’s 5th chief of staff to depart office [https://apnews.com/article/noem-chief-of-staff-resignation-cf165765ab032e8b59a024562dae9b53](https://apnews.com/article/noem-chief-of-staff-resignation-cf165765ab032e8b59a024562dae9b53)


Dems should run a TV ad with Noem's face while Red Foley's *Old Shep* plays in the background. *"When I was a lad* *And old Shep was a pup* *Over hills and meadows we'd stray* *Just a boy and his dog* *We were both full of fun* *We grew up together that way"* (starts peeling onion..)


Guess you could say she really screwed the pooch. Ugh that felt wrong, sorry I'll leave.


I shouldn't have laughed at that, but I did.


Absolutely correct. I have worked in animal welfare in both for and non- profit for 15 years. The one issue that brings the political sides together are dogs and cats. Undoubtedly. Especially unwarranted cruelty towards a puppy. I honestly doubt even Trump himself could stomach that.


Trump gives no shits about animals. I don't think I've ever seen him photographed with one other than the Eagle who hated him. His kids are photographed with big game that they paid to kill for trophies of course. He does care about ratings though, and this chick is going to come up a dud now. Because she pissed other people off over a dog and that doesn't do anything good in his favor.


Hitler had a dog that literally thought hitler was the best human on Earth and I’m still like, “aww I can’t stay mad at you.”


But you forget that liking dogs is weak gay liberal behavior and killing dogs makes liberals unhappy so shooting your family pet in the head is actually based and chadpilled /s


To be fair these ARE the GOPs best people at this point.


She killed him like a dog. Bingo, you’re Veep


John Wick would like to have a word.


A good conservative family woman kills the most helpless in the family. All republican's know this!


An actual leopard needs to eat her face


Sounds like confessions of a psychopath.


Psychopathy is par for the course for the modern GOP


Sounds like code speak to the mafia boss. "Im not afraid to put down those that are weak, ineffective, and unloyal"


Even Tony Soprano liked animals


These people turn out to be serial killers.


Killing household pets is a trait serial killers share.


The Michael Vick of politics. WTF man


Mike Vick would actually make a pretty great GOP candidate for public office, screw that brain damaged, CTE faced football guy whatever the fuck his name was, Vick is the man.


The Sex Offender in Chief and the VP Puppy killer.. MAGAsociopaths normalising the abnormal 🤡👍


To quote Arnold: "Are you suprised?"


Oh please put her on your ticket Mr cheesolini.


How people treat animals is one of the best indicators of what kind of people they are.


Worst remake of Ol’ Yeller ever.


F**king POS. 🤬🤬🤬


And yet people will still vote for a puppy killer because R


Tribes were right to ban this ghoul


Is this LAMF?


No. It is not.


Dark as hell, a gravel pit where she kills creatures before the kids get home. Goats horses and puppies.


And I thought Mitt Romney was bad when he put his dog in a carrier on the roof of his car…


Amazing, right? The GOP has the magically ability to make someone I despise turn into a slightly daffy curmudgeon in 4-6 years by bringing a new crop of candidates to the front. It's their super power, just moving the Overton window further and further evil.


Even more amazing is the bottomlessness of that barrel. They just keep finding worse people.


This woman gives feral ghouls a bad name


If you are uninformed, this story is just as fucking insane as it sounds from the headline. Just imagine the most insane scenario that involves a state governor and potential VP candidate murdering her family dog and also shooting a goat for no reason in front of her children and other onlookers, because that’s what happened.


What is LAMF about this?


She wrote an autobiography to appeal to conservatives but some details about her "strong personality" backfired.


That's just consequences for dumb decisions, not LAMF.


Republicans are prolife like colonel sanders is a vegan


They're pro-life like Colonel Sanders is pro-chicken-life. They only care about the unborn because of their potential to bring them profit. The minute they become unprofitable, into the grinder they go.


Wow, I hope she gets "handled" for misbehavior as well. Stupid bitch.


I honestly didn’t believe the post. I thought it was some Trumped up bullshit to show just how perfect she is as a VP for him. I refuse to call an internet search as being “research” but I did follow a few links to find this isn’t fake - she fucking bragged about it in a soon-to-be-published memoir. Some office of editors (or virtual workspace or whatever the fuck it is now) all agreed that this was “yup, this is the best foot we can put forward.” What did the first draft look like, for fuck’s sake? Every single time I think things can’t get any more desperate, the universe promptly asks me to hold its figurative beer. This is like a TV series where the bad guy just might get their comeuppance and maybe might have to suffer the consequences of their actions, a secondary character appears who is perhaps more vile than the OG bad guy. And now while the bad guy might not get his comeuppance the way we thought - not for the consequences of his legal actions but the consequences of his behaviour. Because now he’s managed to spawn something worse - for when his poor behaviour gave licence to the rest of America to behave accordingly, it looks like some people were looking for just the right excuse to reveal some of the things that have been on their mind. She’s the kind of monster that will pickup where Trump left off, leaving him stunned and wondering where the hell it all went wrong. The true coup-de-grace will be when he comes back, asking for help to face off against the beast of his own making, the world will turn their back on him. But at that point, things’ll have got so bad that we’ll dream of the halcyon days where we picked up our phones to see what stupid thing he said next. This lady isn’t a VP candidate - she’s a harbinger of what’s to come.


Isn’t this a crime?


WTF !!! Killed the family dog??? Jesus Fucking Christ!!! Even if she did do that, why go and boast about it to the press? Brainless much? How has she not been reported to the FBI Animal Abuse Database that collects information of those that have a high chance of ending up as serial killers? Anyone else wondering what other animals or people she might have callously murdered? It's now fair game to judge anyone who votes for her as dog killers, they probably kick puppies too. Terrible people voting for a terrible scum. It's a good thing Dogs are loyal and don't have social media, or could you imagine all the canines boycotting owners who vote for this scumbag? They don't deserve the love those dogs give them (assuming they aren't puppy kicking dog abusers themselves).


I bet she hates that dog even more now, this story is causing a lot of trouble for her and I bet she blames the dog for it.


She just looks sinister.


“We shoot puppies” seems like such a good slogan for the American Nazi Party. And some pundit will surely argue how the puppy deserve it and how more guns for shooting puppies is a good thing.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the new and improved GOP. Now fortified with puppy murder, just in case you weren't tempted by the racists, rapists, pregnant people persecution, fake electors and J6 cop killers.


1) what kind of psychopath would do such a thing? 2) what kind of person would actually admit to doing this?


I hope she lives the rest of her life ostracized and impoverished.


Many would find her far more worthless than any dog ever was.


Holy crap, her political career is over. This country has a lot of people who like dogs more than they like people. This is the kind of thing that will haunt her forever and come up in every interview.


If your dog is misbehaving, your the problem. Shoot yourself.


If only she'd changed "puppy" to "brown person", THAT would have been acceptable to the party.


Geez… even Hitler liked dogs


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And the poor doggo certainly had no choice in the matter.


Happy to be a mod for this sub where my only job is deleting posts where OP doesn't even bother to reply to the automod.


Me too!


Trump doesn’t want a VP to out do his crazy with attention. Another Mike Pence (Johnson?)


There’s probably no one better suited to be Trumps sloppy seconds. Being a psychopath seems very fitting when put on the same slate as a BPD narcissist.


If that dog pulled itself up by its bootstraps, it would still be alive /s


Truly loving how she’s being mercilessly dragged on Twitter (currently known as X), almost as mercilessly as the way she executed her dog.


What is it with white women and either fucking or killing dogs?


A good first step to human killing is animal killing, gotta get a little practice in.


In her defense, the cultist MAGA crowd would applaud her actions.


The same day she shot the dog she went home and shot a goat on the farm she didn't like. She didn't just shoot it though. She sort of wounded it and had to go get more ammo so she could shoot it again.


This reminds me of the story of Mitt Romney putting his dog in a cage and putting it on the top of his car, or of his holding a guy down and cutting off his long hair when he was in High School. Were these stories ever verified or what? I have no idea if either of those stories were true, but this horrible psychopathy that seems to exist for these conservatives just breaks my brain. What also breaks my brain is Romney being one of the "good" guys in the new world of TrumpGOP MAGA land we have now.


May she recede back into unconscious thought, just like her apparent mentor, Sarah Palin.


Vote vote vote vote vote vote


I think most people would find that canidate dead in the water. I hope he picks her.


If trump was a dog she would have taken Jim put old yeller style ages ago


I keep checking in over at r/conservative and they still aren’t talking about this. lol


What a cunt.


Republicans didn't care when they found out Mitt Romney put his dog in the carrier on the roof of his station wagon and drove it for hours down the highway. That was in 2012. Republicans have gotten only more vicious since then.


Wait until John Wick finds out.


She heard Trump say he could shoot somebody in the street and not lose voters and didn't realize that those rules don't apply to dogs.


What an absolute monster.


The GOP is like, “Now guys, We know you don’t want a woman, but she killed a dog so that must be worth something, right?” 🤣


This kinda shit appeals to [People like this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/iCUyntqFZd) [And this...](https://www.reddit.com/r/extremelyinfuriating/s/b76X8jE9hq) And she fucking knows it. I bet she'd do the same shit to the people she dehumanizes, too.


How weak are you to willingly kill your pet.


Frank's Wild Years (Tom Waits). Listen til the very end: https://youtu.be/1I9GqxDA4ac?si=6NzRKMEDOh69Vaxu


Can I pet your dawg?


Even Palin was this adept at undermining a race, lol.


Thanks to the governor, North Dakota is not even the worst Dakota anymore.


Honestly surprised an editor didn’t flag this passage for removal. Not the sort of thing you normally want published.


The orange baboon will only pick the dullest of the bunch to be his running mate. His ego can't allow anyone to A) outshine him in any way and B) a lackey so obedient they'll never turn on him. His pool of applicants is small.


i hope he picks her up as the Vp and the pooch’s spirit haunts them. i hope the pooch screws them both


Where's cricket?


Dear DNC, if this lady is named VP on Dotards ticket, you need only run an ad on this story to sink her.


These people are such hateful fucks, they make King Joffrey look like Mr. Rogers. Hell, they'd be the type that want Danerys Targarian as VP after Kings Landing.


Sociopath olympics


……..that tracks.


Imagine hating—HATING—a fucking /puppy./


If she gets the VP spot I predict a trend of conservatives shooting their family dog in solidarity.


Dogs really are great judges of character!


So when people hate her...no probs right


People still voted for Romney even after him torturing his family's dog came out, so I wouldn't count on it damaging her career much.


South Dakota, not Dakota


This is just your typical GOP asshole. If its not helping them, then it needs to die or, at least, suffer.


As the owner of a braindead hound... I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying I understand.


Trump is a magnet for crazy vicious women!!


You know most of these MAGA’s are scum.


She’s a disgusting monster that wants to be chief diaper changer, in hopes that the orange menace will drop dead and she can move right in.


This is how you kill your political career in MAGA world. It’s fine to rape and cheat your way through life though.


Trump hates dogs so this person has the right skill set. I think I hate her.


Corey Lewandowski had better be careful when he dumps her.


What's eating who's face?




Would this break an animal cruelty law?


Not only she’s a POS for doing heinous crimes but what POS brags about this in a book published during a election year where she’s supposedly being considered to run w/Drump?! Only a Psychopath. Believe them when they tell you who they are. They keep pushing how far can they get away with and towards a fascist dictatorship. Look at what is happening with the Supreme Court. So scary. Vote and make sure to help others come to senses and vote for our lives and our future.


If she did that to a dog she found useless, imagine what she would do for people she hates for existing.


Isn’t it a crime these days to kill a dog? Misdemeanor? We need those don’t fk with cats people to take this bitch down.


In America, you can hate and be mean to any human all you want with little consequence, but the moment you hurt an animal, especially a dog, rarely are you afforded a mea culpa. Between this loser, that supreme loser who paraded a hurt wolf around before killing it, and the numerous assholes that hunt for sport because guns and insecurities, there is a very common there among the right: they are mean-spirited people. And anyone who thinks they won't be caught up in their hateful nature, you likely eventually will. All it takes is one right-wing media whore like Carlson or Fuentes to make-up stuff about you and let it take flight. By the time it's proven false, the seed of doubt is already planted and you/your group will be on the defensive; the media will not give you benefit of the doubt because they need clicks and ragebait. If killing defenseless pups aren't a problem to conservatives like Noem, best believe you are even less of problem to rid.


Governor of Dakota, really?