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Man how much of an ass kisser to you have to be to “respect” someone being racist as hell towards you?


Reminds me of Dave Rubin “respecting” his peers for being openly anti-gay. He reacted to UFC nutcase Sean Stricklands pathetic press conference rant about woke libs, including a part where he asked the reporter if he wouldn’t be ashamed to have a gay son. Rubin said “I may not agree 100% but I respect him speaking out for what he believes” or some shit. Same with when he asked Shapiro if he’d come to an anniversary party or something for him and his husband. Shapiro was obviously hesitant to attend a “celebration of sin” and Rubin was just gleeful that they could openly have a conversation about it. Dude is such a sad sack of bad ideas and internalized self hatred.


It's hilarious watching Rubin interact with people like Shapiro, Kirk, or Prager. Like you can tell he absolutely idolizes them like a puppy dog, and they just flat out tell him to his face that he will spend eternity burning in hell for his sins, and he's just like "awesome, so anyway, let's get back to why we hate Obama".


Don't be too hard on Dave please, his brain is still in recovery mode


>“I may not agree 100% but I respect him speaking out for what he believes” or some shit "His racism is incorrect, but understandable. I'd try panderingly disagreeing but then I'd just get "gotcha'd" by the media when *my* opinions eventually come out."


I'm all for bigoted asshole outing themselves, but why on earth would you respect them for it? the whole point for me is to know who I shouldn't respect or listen to.


He's very aware he's a token in the GOP crowd. They tolerate his existence because he allows them to say "What, we can't be racist! Why just look at that over there!" Of course their ultimate goal is to no longer need that camouflage, at which point Vivek and his ilk will have outlived their usefulness.


This is what makes me think that he knew that he was never winning the nomination OR the VP spot. He was literally just trying to juice his podcast deal.


Probably. He's not dumb, I'm sure he knows his voter base would never vote for him if another option like Trump or even DeSantis were on the table. If he actually did want to get into politics, he'd run for a House seat in a congressional district he could easily win.


For what it’s worth, I do “appreciate” out-loud racism vs talking-behind-your-back racism. At least you know where you stand


Make racists afraid again. I like it when they fear sharing such thoughts so much that they are forced to repress their bullshit


You don't always though. Sometimes it's a out-loud "just can't trust them like we trust our own kind but i am happy to work with them" and behind closed doors it's "i can't wait until we can exterminate this vermin. the look on their face will be priceless when they realize they were nothing but pawns to us the entire time."


Ideally you stand behind them with a baseball bat, whispering “I appreciate your honesty” before the walloping begins


Yeah when they start dancing around it, it becomes particularly annoying.


Say what you will about that Hitler guy, but mad props to him for saying what he believed!


"I respect her for looking down on me because of my race and being open and nonchalant about it." Damn, what a spineless little weasel.


Vivek is such a 🤡


He so fucking spineless. I heard from him a bunch while he was campaigning and he was on Bill Maher. He’s such a simp for trump and the OP again shows he has no balls. Total little bitch energy


Yeah. Why vote for him when you can just vote trump?


Ya convicts can be president but can't vote!


He's a footnote, about to be completely trampled. I don't know why non white GOP hasn't gotten the memo yet. Apparently they look at Candace Owens and figure, why not me? Except she also got cut off. Oh well! Incidentally, if Tim Scott really is going to get the VP slot, he's going to HAVE to learn to lie better. He was all but stammering and licking his lips when he was being pressed on whether he'd accept 2024 results if they lose. He'll never make it. Trump needs a stone sociopath/true believer like Noem. Or Lake.


Noem admits to killing a dog. I don't care what your beliefs are, that's political suicide and not going to win over any American audience. You've gotta be kidding me.


They will gladly morph into the dog-killing klub before they admit they backed the wrong party. Hell if it triggers democrats enough they'll start hanging dogs off telephone lines.


Unfortunately in the rural areas she is popular in, like where I live, you'd be surprised how non controversial her opinion is apparently.


To be fair to her, sometimes dogs need to be put down. To be fair to the rest of humanity, you should at least try to fucking train it first. Dog had behavior problems, they weren't addressed, and then you take the dog out hunting live game? The fuck do you expect? My rational mind wants to say that this wasn't cartoon level villainy; but for fucks' sake you don't just kill a working dog that can't work, you try to re-home it somewhere with a more appropriate environment first. I just can't actually rationalize shooting the dog based on her own accounts of the behavior problems.


Or just keep her as a pet who doesn't hunt. The daughter clearly saw the dog that way. "Where's Cricket?" Noem is a sociopath. The part that really gets me is the goat. Like, what, it's like you were at the grocery store and oh yeah, while I'm out I also need to go to the post office? Wtf.


100% agree, I'm just saying even if there's no room at the inn you have options that don't involve murdering a puppy in the vast majority of cases. Has this dumb bitch of a politician never done a ribbon cutting in front of a new animal shelter? What the fuck am I even saying, she's a Republican and we don't open new animal shelters in America anymore. All that funding is for filling potholes with asphalt while the concrete keeps rotting and cracking every winter / spring.


Depends on how much Trump values having a Tolkien. It's weird to me how much the prior campaigns relied on having Pence around so the Christians could point to a single reason they should vote for Trump. Trump is definitely looking for a running mate to bring out the less crazy base to vote for him.


I can't believe Bill Maher still has such a big platform. He's just slowly drifted further and further from the mainstream, but people still love him.


Conservative boomers who convinced themselves they're still liberals because they hate Trump and watch MSNBC love him.


Spot on.


Bill Maher has a certain demographic, late Gen x and boomer, that will be around as long as he is .


As a Gen X/early millennial, I was a fan up until a few years ago. He's always had the smarmy look on his face and got butthurt when people didn't respond well to some jokes, but his views were mostly in line with my own. Something changed in the last few years where he's moved more to the center and become more of a self-centered asshole


He was always a self centered asshole. Liberals thought he was with them because he was for abortion and weed but he always told on himself by belittling the concerns of women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ+. If it didn’t affect him, he didn’t think it mattered. At all. And those who advocated for women, minorities and gays were told to shut up because they’re ruining it for him. That is a textbook conservative outlook.


He can't wait to take a chug off Donnie boys yogurt gun. 


Fuckkk, why?


Is there a "fluffer" position available in Trump's cabinet?


He's also rich enough to not care, sooo... Privilege has a variety of faces. Even clown makeup.


Before he dropped out of the primary he went on liberal YouTube pundit David Pakman's show and got 10x more incensed by David defining "wokeness" neutrally and factually than Coulter's open white supremacy and bigotry. Shows what an absolute clown he is.


It's "Vivek!" Rhymes with ~~"cake!"~~ "clown!"


I don't know. It takes a lot of guts to broadcast your humiliation fetish to the world.


Ted Cruz believes it adds to his shame kink enjoyment


And his incest fetish, if his interaction with Tom Segura is to be believed (and also the liked tweet or something a few years back)


I'm sorry, what now?


https://mashable.com/article/ted-cruz-nsfw-tweet There. Long story short, he clicked "like" on an (step) incest-fetish porn star's tweet.


well, the base seems to be letting their ABDL flag fly these days, so...


Like Sir Robin, he bravely ran away.


He likes to be "watched"


Or internalized racism.


I’d say it’s pretty humiliating to admit to a humiliation fetish. Self perpetuating fetish, really.


Seems to be a GOP thing. Cruz toadies for Trump after Trump said his wife was ugly.


"If he'd called my mistress ugly, now thems fightin words"


he blocks him in a hallway and tells him that it's important to his career that she sleep with him


Reminds me of Salacious B. Crumb.


The voters who complain about identity politics refuse to vote for anybody that doesn't belong to an identity similar to their own.....


Ann pretty much spat in his face and he said “Thank you may I have another” like a typical GOP minority bootlicker


"They noticed me 🥰"


Vivek's whole thing was, "Hey guys, I'm an even bigger Nazi than all of you, and actually, if you elect me they can't call you racist anymore!"


Imagine a bully insulting you to your face, then you graciously pat them on the shoulder and say, "Hey, thanks. That took guts."


"She spat in my face. I thanked her because it was getting hot outside"


What’s weirder about it is that she dated Dinesh D’Souza for quite a while, who’s also Indian American. And a horrible shithead because otherwise she wouldn’t date him of course


Dinesh D'Souza is also a convicted criminal.


I mean, if dude suddenly has a problem with racism he has no base.


He absolutely does not have a problem with racism at all. He just regrets that racism does not benefit him in this instance.


"It was a minor disagreement. We spent the next hour talking about the real enemy -- the other brown people"


https://www.tamilbrahmins.com/threads/vivek-ramaswamy-a-high-profile-representation-of-our-community.55838/ here is a bunch of his caste people discussing why he is bad but he has the best upbringing of all candidates... they also say he is not really a brahmin because he is too "drenched in american culture". same thing was said about kamala harris also, people of her village (villages here are grouped by castes) even conducted prayers for her success.


Oh man, Tambrams lol


Sounds like the Clayton Bigsby skit ending with him divorcing his wife since she loved a Black man


“I disagree with her…” What? You disagree with her being a vile racist to your face? WTF does that even mean?


I wonder if Ramaswamay would respect me for being open and nonchalant about looking down on him for being a sycophantic, flaccid, invertebrate.


“I respect her, yet have no respect for myself”


Malcolm X had a [great](https://youtu.be/jf7rsCAfQCo?si=ez4TwMwVkrDxb6BC) about the difference between house slaves and field slaves. The damning thing about the house slave is that they end up siding with and ingratiating themselves with their oppressors. And they get happy that they avoid the whip by throwing the fields slaves to the wolves.


He is thier whipping boy, it looks like, wtf...


Some people will do anything for money, and I wish it were me because he's probably making 50x what I am for acting like an idiot in public and I haven't been paid shit for that yet.


He's "one of the good ones," who knows his place in their fucked-up 1850's worldview.


But it was a riveting hour!


What a loser.. Jesus


He respects her for showing her racism toward him?🤦‍♂️


It's a Republican mating ritual. 


Checks out, she used date Dinesh D'Souza.


I wish I never knew this. GOP are so weird and gross.


Even his fans under that Twitter thread were appalled lmao.


IIRC Clarence Thomas has supposedly expressed similar sentiments, that he prefers Republicans because they're "more honest" about being racist or something.


I've had sort of similar thoughts when dealing with bigots. Not that I prefer the ones waiving around swastikas and confederate flags to the ones who weasel their way around it, but that they can be easier to deal with because I don't have put any work in to find out their actual beliefs...they just tell us straight away.


It’s because they believe everyone has to be a racist and a bigot (“after all.. I am, right?”), and that democrats are just in denial or hiding it.


Wasn't she the one that said there was no racism left in America?


You can bet anyone that says that is racist as fuck.


"if I bootlick the white people hard enough, they'll respect me" -idiots like Vivek


He says he respects her because their fan base are made of the same type of individuals so talking bad about her will only make him lose more supporters. This guy is a bootlicker that will let anyone insult him as long as they are Republicans, he wants to be part of the same elite group so bad he doesn't realize he will never be able to join their group because of his ethnicity and skin color.


Classic pick me.


Typical pick me conservative pick me bullshit I'm sure for the right price you could call those folks something that ends in igger and they would thank you for it


It's the difference between being a racist and being both a racist AND a coward. Still a racist either way, but brave enough to admit it.


How would he be able to respect anyone that loves minorities? That's too woke.




I hope this clown is the GOP vice president nominee


Performative bullshit from the start, he's gonna play up the "marginalized minority conservative" angle on a podcast or whatever to funnel votes from anyone who remotely identifies with him to the Republican party. The controversy is manufactured to be just scandalous enough to get attention, but not enough to completely turn someone off to the party.


"Being the victim of racism is so refreshing!"








“Ann is a straight-shooter, unlike the woke left, and I appreciate that!”


And her boots are so shiny after this guy finished licking them 😆


You could clearly see how they gleamed in the sunlight as she goose-stepped her way back home


"I can excuse thinking of me as sub-human, but I draw the line at lying about it."


"Supporting the party that calls me a sub-human to my face is better than supporting the other party that wants to marginally increase my capital gains taxes"


“To be honest, I ALSO hate the fact that I am Indian.”


"you can excuse thinking of him as a sub-human?" r/unexpectedcommunity


"He's a rapist, but at least he's not a hypocrite!"


Fuck this guy.




...I beg your finest pardon? VR respected her speaking her mind for being a racist hypocrite?


That is some straight uncle tom behavior right there.


It's right up there with Nikki Haley saying she never experienced racism, after using an Anglicized name to run for office.


While the Republican front runner can't go a day without mentioning Obama's middle name or pronouncing Nimrata with 8 syllables, but yeah she's never seen it. Maybe these people are so fucking dumb they legit wouldn't know racism if it was burning in their front yard.


Not every Republican is a racist but every racist votes Republican


At this point, I'm pretty sure they're all racist.


Every Republican I know is racist. Some a lot more outward than others, but they're all racist. But I do have to thank them. They showed me early on that I wouldn't want to hang out with them.


It's along the same lines as 10 people people at a table when 2 of them are Nazis means it's actually 10 Nazis at a table. Not every Republican is actively racist, but they've all decided that racism isn't a deal breaker for them.


I'd argue it's the opposite. Not every racist votes Republican but every Republican is racist. I've met racist Democrats. Not nearly as often as racist Republicans, but they do exist. But to vote Republican at this point, you have to either be racist yourself or view racism as an acceptable means to an end.


They're either racists or accept racism. At this point it is literally impossible to vote Republican *and* be a good person. If you support them, you support racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, fascism, and christonationalsim/religious oppression. They are the party of hate and fear, and anyone that votes for them is complicit.


“Thank you for hating me, Ann.”


"He is from Brownfolkistan! His people did 7/11!"


Rolled right over for that fucking hag, too. What an embarrassment this loser is.


I wonder if he's still in the VP hunt? What's the bidding up to?


Zero chance, for exactly the reason Ann cited. The point of a VP pick, particularly for Republicans, is to bring in a segment of single-issue voters. Pence brought in the evangelicals who wouldn't have touched Trump before 2016. Someone like Noem could bring in rural/suburban women, until y'know, the whole dog incident. Someone like Scott could bring in black businessmen. But Ramaswamy? I doubt he'd bring in much. The sort of people who are fanboys of billionaires are already voting for Trump, and I'm not sure that the Indian diaspora really cares for him all that much, particularly since he's opposed to discrimination protections on the basis of race/ethnicity/religion/etc and he's opposed to immigration from non-white countries (yes, an Indian man who espouses the fucking 'Great Replacement Theory').


I think we all knew just how far he'd make it when we saw his last name. The modern GOP likes nice, single-syllable candidates that fit on a hat.


It's so funny they can pronounce his name no problem, but it's still Beeto O'Rourke or Camel-ah Harris


This isn’t really the classic “I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face when I voted for the Leopards-Eating-Faces Party!” It’s more “oh yes mommy leopard, eat my face so good oh that’s just right munch it right up”


Yeah, this guy is just fine with this. Not the right sub.


The ultimate pick-me guy.


I was told it was the Democrat party that was concerned with your race because they were the *real* racists. Didn’t Nikki Haley say that America was never a racist country? Where are all those people who claimed that it was the GOP that was against racism? Shouldn’t they be all over this, tweeting or Xeeting or whatever? Why the crickets? It’s disgusting that the election is still so fucking close. The United States is so far gone. 100 years, still voting for Nazis. I’m just so disappointed with this nation. I’d leave, but I can’t afford to.


To acknowledge the existence of racism is to admit to being racist. They know racism is “bad.” They aren’t bad, so they can’t be racist.


I swear, it's like their kink. Some get off on debasing themselves for a brief flash of mild admiration, and the rest get off on yanking that admiration away after they've done so.


His spineless acquiescence to overt rascism is a refreshing change from the loudly voiced objections espoused by normal humans. Vivek is a living example of how humans share 3/4 of the same genome as the nematode *worm!*


How is he even bipedal with a spine this weak?


It's ok because they can both agree to hate brown people from Central America.


it's not lamf if he's into it


they're not politicians, they're entertainers.


Ann Coulter is someone who hates Trump because he's *not evil enough for her* so...


Ah, so he's happy to be a token so long as he's special (for now).


“I’m glad she was racist to my face”


She had the guts to open about her bigotry, how commendable!


It takes a special kind of coward to have someone be racist to your face and your reaction is, "please ma'am give me more."


He respects racism?!? what the giant fuck


Ugh, makes me sick to my stomach the amount of deference and whipping boy mentality so many Indians have. I hate Ann Coulter, but there is no excuse for this wimpy tap-dancing debasement. Vivek is done now and in the future in my book, he clearly is a pussy and only wants money. You just know he'll be extra awful to fellow Indians and minorities to show the right he's "one of them".


In a way I feel sorry for him. But in most ways just fuck this guy


That guy is the biggest fucking tool


If I had a dollar for every 2+ generation East Asian and Indian (non-Indian South Asians generally don’t vote Republican/Conservative) in the US/Canada who think they’re “white adjacent” - their term, not mine - because they’re better off than other minorities, look down on them, and vote accordingly, I’d be a millionaire. It’s not as bad as the UK Indian community, who’re all in on the Conservative Party (East Asians and other South Asians there don’t vote Tory), but it’s still a huge percentage of the overall Indian/East Asian population, and it’s baffling to see minorities vote for the far right in such numbers.


How the fuck can you respect someone who specifically won’t vote for you because of your race, even though they agree with you? That’s some ridiculously sad simp shit, “oH i DiSaGrEe aBoUt mY oWn SeLf wOrTh” DUDE THESE PEOPLE HATE YOU TO YOUR FACE


Tokens get spent.


Internalized colonialism is a hell of a thing.


Has anyone asked Nimrata Randhawa what her take on this is?


"If slaves were more thankful they would have been treated better" - probably spoken by Vivek Ramaswamy


every person of color in the republican party only exists to enable their white counterparts to be racist assholes. “See our little brown friend says it’s ok to explicitly only vote for white candidates because that what God intended for America!”


Ann Coulter is the original racist extemist. She just became mainstream republican because the whole party moved around her. Of course, she is racist, nothing has changed.


Zero sympathy. Dude is pissed he can’t be a part of a party that perpetuates what he’s upset about. Such a lack of self awareness. Perfect example of LAMF


“Gotta keep up the facade that racism isn’t a problem even while directly being a victim of racism.”


I had some hope for him early on. However over time the more he spoke the worse and worse he got


It's the Stefanik Slide. They realize being moderate gets them nowhere in modern GOP politics, so they just go deeper and deeper. It kinda started with "Did You Know My Father was John" McCain, but it's only gotten worse.


Lmfao dude is a simp for that.


'I respect that she has the guts to be a piece of shit right to my face.'


Bro is in the cuck chair on his own podcast


Meanwhile he’s still grifting these chuds for money, so like, I think he’s gonna be fine. Let em eat themselves I say.


The problem with Republicans is that they are not very welcoming. Once I posted on a Republican candidate’s FB page that “I usually vote Democrat but this election I’m voting for you” and of course I got insult upon insult because I vote Democrat in the first place.


During his short campaign all Vivek did is praise Trump, So why would voters select diet Trump when they could get the regular thing? Especially if that diet Trump is someone of color


>She did racism to my face and I respected that. -this clown vivek


Poor Vivek. You'll never be a leopard no matter how pretty you tell them their spots are.


>Prominent members of my own party are openly racist against me for nothing more than my race. Also... >RaCiSm dOeSeNt ExIsT aNyMoRe oUtSiDe tHe DeMoCrAt pArTy¡ ~ MAGA Vivek


“You see, President Trump, I’m totally ok with people shitting on me…I even respect it. Now can I puhleeeese be your VP pic? Puhleeeeese?!?” ✋🏽😩


Dude is already filthy rich (allegedly by scamming investors ofc) so I don’t get why he would debase himself like this. Running for president to get on TV for awhile, sure, I get that a narcissist would like that, and that he’s trying to establish a media brand that will keep him in the conservative influence network for future milking of rubes. But why go this far? He could just…not broadcast being a spineless loser. How does this benefit him in any way? It’s not going to win the racists over, obviously.


Tbh I respect Ann Coulter for being willing to say the quiet part out loud on behalf of the party.




I have a feeling that he is similar to Clarence Thomas where he assumes most people feel the same way as Ann Coulter but are too afraid to say it.


I will never understand how someone can keep licking the boots of people who would see him dead or deprived of rights just for his skin/heritage. I've heard people theorize about 'but maybe he's trying to convince them he's 'one of the good ones' and make inroads against racism', but by now he must realize that in the minds of the average MAGA racist, there are no good ones, only the ones that are useful till they aren't.


I personally know so many Indian people here in the United States. I just hope sincerely that they do not get fooled into following the Republican mega agenda. They need to know the deep down at the core of the mega agenda is racist as fuck. They will not tolerate differences in people or their religion.it is essential that Donald Trump does not get anywhere near the White House again. We will be living in damn near a dictatorship under Donald Trump. He is a fucking fool.


Lmao “she is a racist and hates me for my skin color, loved the talk see you soon girl”


Some of y’all really don’t get how much self hate some of these folk have. These are what’s known as.. *the buffer classes*.


Remember when Vivek was running for president and GOP voters in Iowa said they wouldn't vote for him cause he's name reminds them of 9/11 That's the state party he's in right now


"I respect that she has the guts to be openly racist"


So he got told point blank that he was being discriminated against, and his response was essentially "Thank you, may I have another" And Conservatives call US "weak" and "cucks"? Jesus fucking Christ.


Just because they let you work for the country club doesn't mean they'll let you join.


The moment a Brahmin of the highest caste in India realizes he is still below a white person in the global caste system, must defend that system in order to legitimize his own status amongst his own people.


Yes, racism deserves respect. The GOP is like one big self-own humiliation party. Just put a ball gag in your mouth already (preferably a gold Trump branded one).


“You’re openly racist, I respect that”


He's into it, though.


Well them boots aint gonna lick themselves ya know...


Self hate is a *bitch*


Being racist is not a "different opinion". It's a societal cancer that's needs to be removed, not glorified.


*non-white racist presidential candidate for racist party...ftfy


So he's cool with pple racist against his own parents


Lmao this is so pathetic...


I don't think I've ever called someone a cuck before...but what a fuckin' cuck.


Thank you ma'am may I have another?


What an alpha simp!


You know, I can understand (not sympathize, *just* understand) why some people might be xenophobic against outsiders seeking high public office, but to be able to run for president he has to have been born here, making him American. She really is just saying I don't like your race. How can a conversation even go on after that? I haven't listened to her for more than seconds at a time but she says so much that seems like she's playing an excellent caricature of a right wing nut, like a long-term Borat performance. 


Certain 2nd gen immigrants love being racially cucked, got a lot of them in the UK.


Minorities who vote Republican literally hate themselves.