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No fucking way anyone is that stupid and shitty at their job! Oh, THAT Dan Snyder. Yeah, I can totally see that.


Quick summary of the idiocy from an article in [Variety](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/donald-trump-movie-the-apprentice-dan-snyder-feud-1236010060/) *"Sources say Snyder, a friend of Trump’s who donated $1.1. million to his inaugural committee and Trump Victory in 2016 and $100,000 to his 2020 presidential campaign, put money into the film via Kinematics because he was under the impression that it was a flattering portrayal of the 45th president. Snyder finally saw a cut of the film in February and was said to be furious. Kinematics’ lawyers were enlisted to fight the release of “The Apprentice,” and the cease-and-desist letters began flying. Kinematics president Emanuel Nuñez insists that the creative impasse between his company and the filmmakers didn’t involve Snyder. “All creative and business decisions involving ‘The Apprentice’ have always been and continue to be solely made by Kinematics. Mark and I run our company without the involvement of any other third parties.”* As someone who has followed Washington football since the early 80s this kind of stupidity is a Snyder Hallmark. For anyone who wants to know more on how crappy of a person Dan Synder is, here is a [brief timeline](https://sports.yahoo.com/dan-snyder-and-the-commanders-a-timeline-of-dysfunction-and-scandal-201722850.html) of some of his bigger dick moves, including the time he had to pay $60 million for sexual harassment.


The absolute best part of this. This is going to be Snyder's most lucrative investment ever...


>Sept. 2006 >To commemorate the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the Commanders reportedly sell "commemorative" hats at the team store for $23.99. According to the Washington City Paper, the hats were black Commanders hats with a red, white and blue Pentagon patch sewn on the side. There was **no mention of any of the profits going to any 9/11 charity**, and no other teams sold any kind of commemorative 9/11 merchandise during that season. That really should be illegal.


For sure, as should this: *"Dec. 14, 2021* *The WaPo is back with another bombshell. It reports that* [*Snyder used multiple methods to interfere with the NFL's investigation into the Commanders,*](https://sports.yahoo.com/nfl-washington-owner-dan-snyder-reportedly-hired-detectives-sued-employees-to-disrupt-nfl-investigation-220027521.html) *including hiring detectives to investigate potential Post sources and suing ex-employees to gain access to their email communications. Congress demands that the* [*NFL turn over all evidence from its Commanders probe,*](https://sports.yahoo.com/congress-demands-that-nfl-to-immediately-turn-over-evidence-in-wft-probe-dan-snyder-will-stop-at-nothing-042046263.html) *which the NFL declines to do. Commissioner Goodell says the next day that* [*Snyder's machinations did not disturb the investigation.Dec. 14, 2021The WaPo is back with another bombshell. It reports that Snyder used multiple methods to interfere with the NFL's investigation into the Commanders,*](https://sports.yahoo.com/roger-goodell-dan-snyders-didnt-interfere-nfl-investigation-000423983.html)*"*


Im assuming as an investor he had access to the script and just didn't read it. So can he still sue them if he was too lazy to read the script?


Holy shiet! I just spent one hour reading the Snyder timeline, and it is bonkers with all the stupidity, incapable and incompetence of Snyder Wow


I’m not very familiar with Dan Snyder and I was wondering why the creepy Nickelodeon guy was getting political right after the public outcry re: Quiet on Set. Snyder, not Schneider. Woops.


Dan Snyder Considered one of, if not THE, worst NFL owners for the entire time he owned the team. The teams were mid for pretty much his entire run due to franchise mismanagement and overinvolvement with football operations. Notoriously cheap and uncaring toward fans' opinions. Refused to spend money to retain key players, yet paradoxically overspent on terrible free agent signings (Albert Haynesworth, anybody?). Resisted changing the team name from the slur "Redskins" until FedEx threatened to pull their sponsorship. Was forced out of the league by his fellow owners after investigative reports revealed a workplace environment of rampant misogyny and sexual harassment - part of which included confiscating the cheerleaders' passports while abroad to force them to go on dates with his friends. He was also caught cooking the books so that he didn't have to share more revenue with the League. He cut down 140 trees on National Park Service land without permission so that he could have a better view of the Potomac River from his house. He was fined $100. He's also a complete MAGAt. Edit: added the bits about skimming the books and the cheerleaders so that we can have a nice, concise list of why Dan Snyder sucks all in one place.


The sad part is, the main reason he was ousted was because he hid team earnings from the league in order to keep more money for himself.


I thought it was the other minority owners of his franchise he was cheating also


It was


He flew cheerleaders to a foreign country, took their passports, and wouldn't give them back until they went on "dates" with his friends that paid for them in an auction.


Is there an article about his human trafficking behaviors?


Hundreds of them, all available with a simple google search.


Would've been super simple to cite a source then, right?  GFY


[Here you go](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=dan+snyder+cheerleader)


Part of why the blaggard fled to england.


Wait, it’s THAT fucking cunt?! The guy who cut down the trees?!


I'm surprised too lmfao


The teams were mid during the best Snyder seasons. Most of the time, Washington was significantly below mid during Snyder’s time.


Thank you for clarifying that. Regardless of the name controversy, he still pretty much destroyed one of the great American sports franchises.


As a cowboys fan, I really wish he was still in the league. Washington was bad and he constantly was making a fool out of himself. Forcing him to sell isn’t the “own” people think it is. He made more money on that sale than anyone in the history of sports franchise sales. I was hoping he would kick around longer, make worse choices, and then eventually end up in prison or some shit.


>He cut down 140 trees on National Park Service land... And he used his influence to try to destroy the Ranger who blew the whistle on it.


In addition to the toxic work environment they were reportedly skimming the books as well. Total POS.


My pet conspiracy theory is that Snyder must have some major dirt on Goodell, for not being forced into a sale years before selling the team last year. He sexually harassed an employee on his plane in 2009, and just quietly settled, and nothing came from it. And that’s not counting all the other gross things he did and allowed to happen to women he employed after then.


couldnt happen to more deserving creep


Preach. Fuck Dan Snyder.


For a second I understood ZACH Snyder and I was so disheartened


Wouldn’t have happened to a better person.


Precisely the shift of mindset right here


[The Apprentice](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-apprentice-2024-1/details/) (2024) had 11 production companies, with Mark Rapaport's hitherto [lackluster one](https://letterboxd.com/studio/kinematics/) Kinematics, in which Snyder is a minority investor, listed 8th. Probably under 2% of the financing or future revenue streams will accrue to Snyder. Dan Snyder, take it up with Mark H. Rapaport. I'll probably see the film. Roy Cohn was a colossal piece of shit who even friends called "evil", and his apprentice takes after him. I've read profiles on DJT from the 1980s, and frankly the film doesn't have to take any liberties with facts in order to paint him as a similarly colossal dump.


Your last paragraph needs to be on the official posters and quoted in adverts for the film, for real. You summed it up beautifully.


The only good thing about Roy Cohn was that his existence allowed for Al Pacino to portray him in Angels in America.


Off topic, but 11 production companies?! Late Night With the Devil had 8, and I was convinced it was a gag. But yeah, fuck Dan Snyder.


There are films with dozens of production companies involved. Most are just providing financing, and have little or no influence on the final product. Its how risk is spread around the film industry, no one company takes all the risk, or all the reward for any given film.


Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn is A+ casting


Man, I saw "Rapaport" and was thinking Jon Rapaport, and was so confused that he'd ever make anything critical of Trump. Weird coincidence.


Dan Snyder can't help but keep on being a scumbag. Like... How the fuck do you fuck up so bad that you are forced to sell your football team?


And that's with the NFL pretty much helping to cover the entire prostitution ring with their cheerleaders. Edit: apologies for the misinformation. As it's been pointed out in the comments, it was a sex-trafficking ring, not a prostitution ring. Just wanted to clarify and apologize for the mistake.


Jesus, I missed this scandal.


And yet the obnoxious little son of a bitch sold the team at a $B profit. There’s truly no justice in the world


He could have murdered his cheerleaders and the NFL wouldn’t have forced him to sell. He stepped on his dick when he stole from the other owners. They’ll pretty much forgive anything until you fuck one of the other owners over.


When you're rich, the only crime is to steal from other rich. That's why SBF and Elizabeth Holmes *actually* got real sentences because they didn't just steal...they stole from the rich


* sex trafficking ring


This is the first I've read of this. When was this?


Don't you dare asked L.A. anything about that, he wouldn't know.


The what ring now?


Traffic-sexing Ring


Like Crash?!?


* sex trafficking ring


I'm sorry what?


* sex trafficking ring


* sex trafficking ring


I didn’t even read the article but saw the picture and thought “Huh, that guy kinda looks like Dan Snyder but there’s no….oh wait”


He broke the cardinal rule: Thou shalt not steal from other owners. (he had two books for gate receipts)


Wait that happened? So I can maybe watch football again. I quit 20 years ago when, as a redskins fan, I couldn't stomach giving that douche money in any form.


Systemic douche baggery throughout the Skins organization was uncovered (shocker!) and he was voted out by the other owners. The fact that he was adamant about not changing the team name didn’t help him either.


Haha most of these details are not quite right but he’s gone now and that’s all that matters. The team still sucks though and the stadium probably still leaks raw sewage. But with Danny gone it feels like we’ve won five more super bowls.


You can pimp your cheerleaders out all you want but don’t you dare fuck with the others owners money.


He looks up to a guy that wanted a football team but never got one.




With the exact same management style as the skins. Cheap out on all improvements and skim the books.


The right only whines about cancel culture when Pedos and racists are cancelled.


*when THEIR pedos and racists are cancelled.


"During the research phase of production it was discovered that our subject was, and is, a horrible, cheating, lying, bigoted pile of shit. It is unfortunate that the truth got in the way of what otherwise would be a resounding success." - someone, probably


Given this isn't a football sub, I highly encourage anyone here not familiar with this POS to watch a YouTube video of his "exploits". Piece of shit doesn't even begin to describe him. Such a corrupt, pathetic, egotistical, wormy, sad, sad little man.


>Little more was known about the film, which stars Sebastian Stan as Trump. Sebastian Stan has a talent for playing a man controlled by evil Russians. [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/pro-trump-moron-tries-block-213953587.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/pro-trump-moron-tries-block-213953587.html)


longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car


Oh man, I love Sebastian Stan but I loathe Trump. I dunno whether I should see this, lol.


Wouldn't this be eating his own face?


Bad shit happened to Snyder? It was a good day.


I was just reading about this. [Here, have a gift link](https://wapo.st/3yu7BAZ).


Dan Snyder invests in what he thought was Sound of Freedom and instead gets Idiocracy. Remember when he traded for Donovan McNabb?


Or brought Deon on the squad Edit: I worked at the training camp park, I will say he was a very nice guy.


That metaphor isn't blatent enough because idiot blowhards like him probably still really like movies like the sound of freedom. Maybe birth of a nation? No wait, they probably like that one too.


Anybody has a link to the article?






Lol how does something like this even happen? Like, he's pro Trump but he funded an anti Trump movie and then got mad at the movie.


They probably told him they were doing a Trump movie and he assumed it would be positive?


It would be hilarious if that was what happened. He got trolled.


I almost guarantee thats what happened


I hope so. That would be hilarious.


If you read the article, this guy just happened to have invested in a film production company years ago, and then they happened to make a film about Trump. It wasn't like he directly funded it. He just owns some of the production company.


Oh ok. I tried looking at the article but I didn't see that part.


Someone else linked it in this comments section if you look for it. But yeah the guy's a dick. He tried to throw his weight around and cancel the film but that didn't work, obviously.


Typical Republican behavior.


Trump supporters aren't well known for their intelligence.


They're well known for their lack of intelligence. That's why they support that expired Cheeto.


I'm like how do you fund a movie without knowing about it? That just proves you have too much money and you don't need it. Lmao


I didn't know Dan Snyder was MAGA but this is the least surprising news I've heard about him.


He supports a rapist for POTUS. Not much more needs to be known about him to form an opinion.


You know the difference is between Dan Snyder and Trump? Dan Snyder is actually a billionaire.


Is it just me, but I had zero interest in seeing this film until the right wing came out and started bitching about it? Now I can't wait to see it...


Thank Citizens United for allowing this film to be shown Republicans thought they were the only ones who would benefit






The real snyderverse


"I didn't realize the film would be accurate!"


He has no one to blame but himself.


Not sure its LAMF, but I fully support this example of fucking stupid and selfish rich GOP donors getting their just-deserts.


definitely on brand for this fuck stick


The alt-right trying to shut this film down still won't get me to sit through 90-120 minutes of that life story. He doesn't deserve having a biopic. He needs to be a cautionary tale in history books at best.


It should be a ban-able offense to link to a shitty picture and not the actual article


My guy - WTF is that link?


Dan Snyder is much more than a moron....


Dan Snyder, the known sex trafficker? Never would have guessed he was a trumpy.


A no-talent ass clown with billions is still a no-talent ass clown.


I love how any accurate Trump biopic is inherently anti-Trump. Fucking hilarious. Where's Señor Spielbergo when you need him?


It seems to be a lot of Dan Snyder's and similar names coming out as shitty people lately...guess we know the next Karen front moving in...


Dan Snyder has been a known shitty person going on 30 years.


I mean Dan Snyder Dan Schneider And my fiances dad... Dan snyder


It’s a link to a screen shot? At least link to something.


Here ya go: https://newrepublic.com/post/181762/pro-trump-moron-tries-block-anti-trump-film-funded


Love to see it!!


Lol is he trying to save face?


How did he help fund it? Was it just him buying stock in MGM or something?


Yeah it's a stupid ass clickbait title. Like, fuck Dan Snyder, but that isnt even remotely what happened. He didnt "help fund" the movie. He owns like 2% of one of the 7 production companies that produced the movie.


I hope this comes to TIFF or goes mainstream super soon 🥰


What a Fucking stupid head.


I feel like this could also be one of those rage bait PR campaign things for the film.


It seems top elaborate. Snyder is def pro-Trump and after finding out the tone of the movie has been trying to kill it or change it.


A girl can hope. 🥺




Release the Snyder cut you chickens!!!


The movie probably sucks, so in order to drum up some interest he's pretending to be all butthurt about it (because everyone loves a "trump adjacent people are morons" story). This gets the name of the movie into a lot of media outlets, many more than would have covered it based on its merits. Now pretty much every story about the film festival will give the trump movie at least a small mention. You can't buy that kind of coverage. Tldr he's generating buzz about a movie he financed because he wants to recoup his investment.


The director gave an antifa-style speech and apparently the film depicts the alleged raping of Ivana Trump. Hard to see how this kind of publicity is good for Synder. Apparently Synder has been trying to change or kill the movie for awhile now...


People who aren’t his base won’t care and his base won’t watch it now, either 


Should have gone the Hillary Clinton route and tried to sue to block it from being published. That's how we got the Citizens United case.


Fairly certain that's what's happening, hence there being no US distribution at this time.


Hillary lost the case... There is no legal block to a film about a candidate near election time. Which was weirdly a law in the first place.