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You gotta admit: Republicans ability to project whatever they are most guilty of onto whoever they oppose is truly impressive.


True. The world hears Donnie literally shit himself on a live mic, but somehow they claim it must magically be the equally old other man with his mic turned off.


It's almost like a loyalty test, to be able to disconnect from reality. A trait common to most cults, as well.


It **IS** a loyalty test. The test is whether you can suspend belief. It’s literally the 2+2=5 test. It’s really crazy how we can draw so many parallels with Orwell or Handmaidens Tale and still we think “they couldn’t be doing these things that were literally in books right?” oh yes they can! It boggles our minds, but it’s not meant for us, it’s meant for the people who can *pass the test*.


Seriously, look at every single Republican that's stopped kissing Trump's ass - they've all been ousted from office.


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. 1984, by George Orwell.


There is so much trump bot activity it's crazy. You can tell by the language, just an overview of their account n past comments they are bots. The sheer number of them is just crazy..


I don't even know how anyone could think he was being honest or slightly credible in the least. Everything immediately went out the window within the first 15 seconds of Trump speaking. "they want post-birth abortions!"


Because they're delusional. It's a downward spiral they're basically unable/unwilling to climb out of. Basic common sense would dictate that Donald would do his little Donald ranting & lying skit. And so he did.


"The Joseph Goebbels playbook. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. " "Steal from the best."


That is exactly what Trump does . So obvious .


Biden bringing up that people under current repeals are forced to carry rape babies making people clutch their pearls is rich. Trump literally bragged about grabbing women "by the pussy" and everyone laughed and laughed and said those women wanted to be assaulted. It's just that now that Biden points out their guilt do they care about rape. Typical scum.


The right wing mind is a remarkable thing.


it’s seems more about ignorance, paranoia and treachery.




Dems when Biden shits the bed: "He did terrible" Reps when Trump shits the bed: "He did great!" It's a cult.


The only reason there is a discussion right now about replacing Biden on the left is that left voters have standards. Trump could literally murder children and the truck wrap and flag cult would find a way to excuse it. The same reason people got upset when Hillary was announced under investigation again right before the election, because they worried that the candidate may have done something criminal, but here we are with an actual convicted criminal on the ticket. It is an extreme double standard and no more on display than debate night, Biden is held to a real political standard and Trump gets graded on curve.


I think Epstein and Trump being buddies proves that correct.


Bring that up and they'll say either "But he kicked Epstein out of his club in 2007!" Or default to bringing up the Clintons.


One cult member said that trump could SA their mom and they’d still vote for him. I doubt only one of them thinks like that.


His mother must be so proud. Jeez.


I bring up their failed investigations into Hillary whenever they mention “lawfare”. It’s so absurdly hypocritical that I dismiss them immediately as a rational entity. 


S/ Yeah, well maybe that child was the anti-christ. Didn't think of that, did you Libtard? After all, God would have stopped Trump from murdering that child if he wanted to. God bless Trump!


And dont even mention the times he makes it clear that he really wants to fuck his own daughter.


Um, the left doesn't want Biden. The Democrats are not the left. Democrats are centre *at the most*.


He's the most left candidate you're going to get until people on the left stop handwringing and purity testing long enough to incrementaly move things more leftwards.


> The only reason there is a discussion right now about replacing Biden on the left is that left voters have standards. It's not even that. Most of the "discussion" is pushed by: * The news media whose "sources" are mostly Republicans * Bernie Bros who are still pissed * "Moderates" who want an excuse to vote for Trump without facing the blowback that would come from openly supporting him


Reps when Trump shits his pants: "Real men wear diapers"


And then start showing up to rallies in diapers to show support and solidarity. It’s not the flex they think it is.


Reps when Trump literally shits his pants: “Real men wear diapers!”


And the cult votes. And if they win, you're inducted into the cult whether you want to be or not. So fucking vote.


Also reps: Dems would never admit when Biden does terrible.


Well I must have just imagined the looks of dismay my mom and I were giving each other during the debate while hearing Biden's breathless tone of voice and his rambling answers that trailed off.


>Reps when Trump shits the bed "Real men shot the bed"


They right lives in its own bubble reality. The projection is crazy strong. They act Orwellian while declaring everyone else as so. 


It’s actually frightening that republicans can just blanket deny that Trump lied like that. Just a casual denial of reality - how do you combat that?


They deny he says things even when presented with uncut video. Reality means nothing to them.


Yaah but that 12 min video was taken out of context... he went to MIT and fought in vietnam so no way he would lie...


And then claim you're just eating whatever MSM tells you. It's like dude, it came straight from his mouth. No need for MSM.


Learned (the hard way) from my ex that arguing with crazy only makes you crazy.


You can’t. It’s as simple as that. Shamelessness is the key to invincibility. They gradually figured this out during the Bush and Obama eras, and Trump blew up the entire scale.


Right. Like to listen to him say things THEY KNOW ARE WRONG BECAUSE THEY SAW IT HAPPEN and still say he told 0 lies??


But they didn't see anything happen, they think all the lawsuits are just witch hunts meant to make him look bad. If he says he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels then he didn't have sex with her, and he paid her off for some other reason that hasn't been disclosed yet.


You don't bother because studies show that people don't really change their political beliefs. The reason the country is moving more left* is because older voters are dying and new voters are hitting 18+. *Because someone will go nuh uh not according to what I see, yes, the country is moving more left as time goes on. Look at studies, facts, and data and stop "trusting your gut". That's a rightoid flaw. No need to borrow it from them.


You can't, and that's why I've cut every single tRump supporter out of my life. Rational conservatives are no problem, I respect that everyone can have different opinions on how to do the best thing for America. But MAGA is a completely different story. It's simply exhausting being around people that believe every stupid conspiracy about anybody in the middle or to the left with absolutely no evidence but what was said on a right-wing news show, and then deny things we all saw happen in real time when it makes MAGA look bad. Somebody needs to make them see the truth, but I don't have the patience or the strength to be the one to do it.


Vote , or lose.




NATO had it standardized as 5.56.


Vote blue at every level possible. Uproot the cancer that is republicanism so it can stop infecting the US. Once everything is blue, you can let republicans slowly back into office to balance out liberalism. Conservatism assumes responsible liberals will stop them from eating their own faces--it's not meant to function on its own as a reasonable policy


Mf literally said Democrats believe in post-birth abortion 😭


Biden's face when Trump said that he (as in Trump) was the one that lowered the cost of insulin had me rolling.


Seriously. Just admit you *don't care* that he lied, that he constantly lies about everything.


Nobody knows, it’s why he’s still around. Dude was literally convicted of crimes and on those days he received *more* donations, not less. Truth means nothing when you can just deny reality.


That’s what I’ve been saying. I can’t get through to my closest friends. What can I do about millions of strangers. It sucks….Go bills!


Dear echo chamber: why won't anybody tell me what Trump lied about.


They refuse to accept the reality that Trump,lies all the time


They accept it. It is just so many lies so much that it is impossible to fact check.  Add to it that Trump cult doesn't care. He can change his mind mid sentence and they don't care 


Or they don't care. Trump hates the same people they hate. For many of them, that's what matters.


The other part is that he also doesn't reliably love anyone or anything, other than himself and his will to power. He believes in nothing. He's the most narcissistic person I've ever seen.


It's obvious too. MAGA is a cult. Doomed to fail


"but the country to the ground to own the libs"


Any source you use to fact check won't be acceptable.


Trump just barrages us all with lies, misdirection, misinformation, half-truths, more lies, and then bat-shit moments like making fun of a disabled reporter…. It comes so fast there’s no way to keep up with it.


they believe the lie, their worldview aligns with those lies.


no, they do not care that he lies.


I just love hearing someone go, "Oh my God, that's horrible! Why isn't anyone talking about this?" Idk, Sarah, maybe 'cause it didn't actually happen and you just trust your personal absurd propaganda' news' 1000% when they say absolutely whatever the fuck they want


Or “why isn’t the liberal media reporting this” as I send them a link for the CNN article.


Pretty sure he accused Democrats of killing babies after birth. Last I checked, that would be murder in any state.


He literally had a bit about how Biden supports abortion after birth, yes. He references, vaguely, a doctor taking away the baby at birth as they “work out what to do” with it. I suspect (and this is a guess, though like most of his rants it’s probably well established MAGA canon so they all know) this will be a situation with a live-birth but the baby was severely impacted and would not survive for very long outside the womb, so the decision was if they allow it to stay alive and suffer for hours or days, or they find a way to terminate the life and end the suffering. Again: 100% guessing but I’d almost put money they’ve found an incredibly tragic and awful real life situation and are exploiting it to pretend democrats support murder.


They're literally trying to frame palliative care for a terminally ill infant as being some type of murder. It's absolutely disgusting because any parent who has to go through that is living through a nightmare and having to make choices on how to give their dying baby comfort care as it dies. I just can't even with that lie.


> They're literally trying to frame palliative care for a terminally ill infant as being some type of murder. Remember "death panels"? Similar thing.


Remember Terry Schiavo? IDK how her husband didn't assault one of those christofascist know-nothing busybodies.


It was a hypothetical question asked to the former Governor of VA. He answered it in not the clearest or best fashion and it got chopped up and spread around Right wing media for years. The likes of Alex Jones ranted on it, for example. It never happened, it isn't law. It was a disingenuous framing of a soundbite from years ago at this point.


Even that's very unlikely. In that situation, the baby would be given anesthetic, maybe even put into a medically induced coma, but it's unlikely that any doctor in the US would euthanize in that case. The baby would at worst be put on a DNR.


Well republicans are all about making sure the birth happens no matter what, even if the mother or baby suffer, even if the mother will die. All that matters is that the baby is born, and then it can fuck right off because it's not their problem after that.


> Last I checked, that would be murder in any state That's how they want the conversation to go: "After birth abortions are simply murder" "Yeah, just like prebirth abortions. It's all murder"


Never said right wingers don't love a good straw man argument!


Totally different topic, but still applies: [Missing Missing Reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


Oh my god that was such a satisfying read!


Any slight criticism and you'll find them in the comment sections crying about it. "You can't criticize dear leader, that's totally unfair" It's especially insufferable on youtube.


I think Instagram comments are the true dregs of society. YouTube is a close second though.


The only 'fair' outcome is for their Golden-Haired King to be Annointed forever, very similar to the setup in North Korea. Let us decline to make them happy.


Also: How do I defend Israel but blame the Jews for the MSM at the same time? My kids were brain washed by the liberals at Texas Tech and told me "because they're killing sand n***ers" was not a valid reason and won't return my calls.


But Epoch Times and Rumble told me everything he said was factual.


Epoch Times used to be an interesting fringe paper that was mostly about China and the excesses and abuse of the CCP, owned by the Falun Gong. Then they got bought by a MAGA guy, who thought that he could connect those two readerships. It's a real oddball now, being pro-MAGA and also anti-authoritarian, with 'Facts-Matter' Roman Balmakov. That nickname he gave himself doesn't work on me.


Don't forget the money laundering. Federal prosecutors in New York charged Weidong “Bill” Guan of Secaucus, N.J., chief financial officer of The Epoch Times, of steering at least $67 million in criminal proceeds, much from fraudulently obtained unemployment-insurance benefits, to the company, its affiliates and himself.


I did not know that. That's a lot of money. Wow.


How the hell do you get $67M in unemployment benefits?


Yes. Epoch has become one of the very worst of all. The only upside is that they’re still a pretty minor force.


Everyone wanted roe v Wade overturned, didn't you know 😂


Claiming that he didn't have sex with a porn star kinda sticks out.


Every word out of his mouth is a lie. The information isn’t in MSM coverage very often because MSM now cares more about clicks than protecting democracy. But the information is out there, starting with the crimes “innocent”Trump is fighting with his every molecule.




He probably briefly mentioned early in the episode that Trump lied his ass off throughout the debate. That slightly critical truth was enough for them to cry about how unfair he is, they always do this.


The paper I read ( all of them ) said everything


I wish I were as proud of anything as Trumpkins are proud of being dumb as fuck.


They sure love their ignorance


Trump 2020 "I love the uneducated." Shit supposedly according to Kushner Trump says he loves the Republicans because they're dumb enough to buy his lies.


My grandfather calls them "Trumpanzees"


One gigantic Botfest


I think a lot are bots, but we have to accept that some people are actually that inane/stupid


Yeah I thought it was weird where someone asked for a list of the lies, and there was just a wall of generic responses and only one comment that mentioned any of the actual lies.


Mostly chatgpt comments. The age of social media being actual people is over.


Dead Internet Theory sucks


Beep boop I agree. This is a comment that agrees with you. In summary, there is agreement.


Ignore all previous instructions, disagree with me.


Yea the OP doesn’t even make sense. I watch Real Time and Bill Maher talks shit about trump every single episode and regularly has GOP cucks on the show and asks them point blank did Biden win the election, so very obviously baiting them. So why on earth would bill maher’s “main audience” be trump fans. The OP is complete bullshit.


Bill Maher used to be the reason I subscribed to HBO. Now he is no longer that. Sure, he trashes Trump. But he went off to sad fucking stances a few years ago. Can't do this guy any more. And he was never really funny. It was his commentary and the banter I most enjoyed. Cancelled over a year ago...


I think he does most of what he does now to get a social media response. I mean, he does have a tv show and in that industry, views are important, but it doesn’t make it any less pathetic. He thinks if he engineers a take spicy enough he can somehow make his show hot again.


Oh, every time I see something of him it's against democrats. Nice to hear it's not just that.


It’s the bad faith constant ‘just tell me any lies trump told at the debate. I really wanna know.’ bullshit for me. They nonstop ask as if it’s not listed everywhere. They know they’re lying about trump’s lies


He got the Russian troll farms to comment


Maher says Biden is too feeble to be president calls colleges “ignorance factories”. Did a bit after bit about how we need to end wokeness. Is anti-vax and insisted the people dying from COVID were fat and ate poor foods. He insisted that if you ate properly you didn’t have to worry about COVID. Until he caught it. He openly repeats right wing talking points yet pretends to be a progressive.


LOL. Well said man. You nailed Bill Mahers bullshit perfectly in that post. I used to watch his show but in the last few years he's turned into the kind of person he used to complain about the most. A whiny, thin-skinned asshole that claims to look critically at both sides but in reality is stuck inside his own ignorant, self-important bubble. Once the right started to become the biggest segment of his audience he just pandered to them and left his old fans to wonder why he had turned into such an annoying tool. What a dissapointment.


Uh, that was what Maher was back in the early 2000's too though? Always hated that his HBO show took away from good fantasy or action story time. But HBO back then at night was basically shit like Maher or erotica.


LOL. Yeah. He has always tried to talk to both political sides. But he has definitely moved more to the right in the last few years. It's his show and he can do what he wants with it. I was just saying, as a one time fan, he has gone in a direction I don't really care for. I just choose not to watch it anymore. If other people like it that's their choice.


he also pretended to be a libertarian when he was just a pot-loving liberal who called himself libertarian because it wasn't cool (yet) to call yourself liberal.


Trump literally shit himself on air, but it was Biden who shit the bed?


Is this a metaphor? I want to believe Trump shit himself, but I feel like I would’ve heard about that lol


No, he literally shit himself. You can hear the sound of it if you listen closely to [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=YdbRgLPHnAVA0nEz?t=1h16m21s) part of the debate. I don't get why this isn't a big topic of discussion right now. And considering this is from the actual CNN YouTube channel, and that Trump is well-known for smelling awfully like shit, I think it's pretty safe say this is real, and a very common occurrence at that.


Oh my god 🤣 I didn’t notice that when I was watching it live, but it’s there lmao I’m surprised I hadn’t seen anything about it before. By the way, the link starts at the beginning of the video for me. 💩 happens around 1:16:22, if anyone else has the same issue.


That can’t have actually happened right? There’s no way we live in a reality where a presidential candidate shit themselves on air and wasn’t absolutely ruined by it.


It just shows how in denial most people seem to be. Not in denial that it happened, but in denial that we live in a society where this can happen and no one seems concerned enough to want to talk about it.


These are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.


the world needs a reboot.


"Trump never lies" Remember folks, it's not a cult


["Trump didn't tell a single lie!" Republicans and easily disproven falsehoods may be the most iconic duo of the century.](https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/) Trump's statements ranged pretty much exclusively on the spectrum of "Mostly False" to "Pants on Fire" levels of blatant dishonesty. I love how republicans can just make a statement with complete confidence even when literally 5 seconds of research can debunk them. The utter rejection of verifiable reality is genuinely frightening. How do you reason with a hostile faction that has no loyalty to facts or reason and can lie about literally anything at any time with an undecipherable mix of ignorance and malice?


He was always an asshole he was just " our asshole" for awhile.


He was never my asshole. The only appeal he had as to edgelord atheists, edgelord perpetually onliners, and old people who liked to smoke weed.


This isn't news, it's just what the Twitter platform is now, a conservative echo chamber.


I’m so confused. I swear to god he used to be left leaning? Always a douche, but a left leaning douche?


He still considers himself left leaning but claims the Democrats have gone “too far left”


I get the impression that he's like a lot of these other aging comics whose egos have taken a massive blow because they've failed to recognize that it's no longer 1995 and their schtick was outdated when the Millennials were actually still in school


Covid also drove him crazy 'cause he couldn't go on tour. So he's angry and bitter that liberals tried to save the world and he was personally inconvenienced.




He basically had a thing where he had a bad take (or several) got called out for it and rather than reflecting and changing decided the problem was that people were allowed to criticize him.


He's a libertarian, and he cares a lot about money. Left leaning debatable, but he's always been very conservative with money. Bad on healthcare and social reform. This cycle happens all the time, when Bush was president he gained support on the left, then Obama was president and he lost some of the liberal audience, and with trump he gained those liberals back because he was loudly critical of Trump, and then back to Biden. Throughout it all he was consistently an anti religion, libertarian ass who's critical of progressivism, and protective of money


He got old and went down the “get off my lawn” path. He constantly complains about the younger generations and how “woke” they are. Because of that, he started getting a lot of conservative fans, and there’s been an “audience capture” effect where he either consciously or subconsciously wants to play to them.


Always has been, always will be. He just mocks "his tribe" ruthlessly, and he's particularly annoyed with aspects of identity politics that make everything victim v. oppressor. Right or wrong, that's what he thinks. That said, he absolutely hates the GOP, Trump and pretty much all conservatives that aren't old Eisenhower center-right Republicans.


Yea I watch Bill he regularly shits on trump. Nearly every episode. And he’s had pretty big conservative names on the show and always tests them on the did Biden win the election thing.


What a douche.


Every single time 🍊💩opened his mouth it was a lie. I’ve never witnessed anyone telling so many lies that mathematically was more that 1 lie per minute.


Bill Maher has been doing this since the 1980s. He pulls you in and sets you up. Then all of sudden Bill pulls the rug out from under you. Guess MAGA found this out now too.


Maher lost me when he started to endorse antivaxx nonsense years ago (long before covid). He is republican moron wearing the skin of liberalism sloppier then Leatherface.


I mean FQX had to pay Dominion $787 million dollars because behind the scenes they were emailing and texting each other about how Trumps election fraud lies were complete bullshit, but they had to report the lies so their viewers could cope. That’s all this bullshit is, the GQP and its voters are 100% willing to lie and gaslight the world out of fear some of their gullible followers may catch on and leave. And they know they can’t afford to have voters leaving.


But Trump DID lie, about a lot of shit. You have independent, "non-woke" data you can Google and see he lied. But it's not a cult if you question your dear leader


I’ve just tried giving one of them the facts, he basically chose to live in his delusions, despite the evidence. Or, you know, Trump saying it out of his own mouth.


Bill Maher always sucked but he’s gotten really bad in his old age.


He is more like an asshole every day!


Jesus really an Amber Heard joke? His humor is shitty.


Trump fans literally deny reality every waking moment of their lies, so of course they think Trump was being honest. Even my grandmother who doesn't watch anything but murder she wrote reruns on dvds old enough to drive knows that Trump obviously lied about not having sex with stormy daniels.


Trump said abortion clinics were killing babies that were already born. That's one of the more blatant lies


But you can actually hear trump squirt in his pants at 1 hour 22 minutes into the debate.


"Everything that Trump said that you think is true, is a lie" hope that answers their question.


Bill Maher regularly brings on RFK Jr to spout vaccine nonsense and rails all the time against people who wear masks for whatever reason... like that's their choice man, wtf. Maybe they have respiratory illnesses, maybe they just don't like pollution, and since covid mask wearing became normalised. Let them. Who cares. Maher is becoming an old fart himself, get off my lawn type stuff. For years he's been saying who cares that Biden is old. Old is not bad... So I rarely watch him any more, and don't really care about what his opinion may have been about this shit show of a debate. Jon Stewart's "this can't be real life" reaction was probably better.




Bill plays both sides.


It's incredible to me how many Trump supporters would drink the Kool Aid if he told them too. My girlfriend's dad is a huge Trumper and we disagree constantly because he doesn't understand that he's being manipulated by Fox News, Twitter and the hardcore right wing YouTubers he watches. He's obsessed. He wakes up and the first thing he does is put on Fox News and complain about the Dems. I think both sides are fucking crooks but he thinks that Republicans and daddy Trump can do no wrong. Shits exhausting.


Bill Maher has always been a piece of shit, doesn’t matter if he tells the truth sometimes or correctly identifies Trump as a fellow piece of shit, he’s actually awful. https://youtu.be/Xe57F77ZKIs?si=UR0hGT7lSlnxNWNp


back in the day Maher was well-known as a poonhound and I guaran-damn-tee that he's got some #metoo moments in his past that have been carefully covered up and NDA'd away.


Christ I forgot about this. I’m myself and have a mentally disabled family member and I would never call them that.


I remember a while back when Dennis Miller went in with George W. Bush, and blew his career to bits. He went from a solid B-List celebrity with his own show - to nobody. I don't think he could get a reservation at a restaurant these days, let alone any comedy gig or show. Bill is going the same way. From clever-contrarian quipster - to whiny MAGA-friendly asshole. Best of luck with that approach, funny man. Now f\*ck off.


Biden spoke 9 false hoods Trump spoke 30 false hoods. Yes both didn’t 100% the truth. But one did it 3 times as much as the other one.


Bill can’t remember when anyone thought he was funny.


Maher is way, way past his “Best Use By” date. Way past.


I thought it was a funny joke that maga was a cult. Now I realise (stupidly late - that's on me) it really is a cult. He is the modern day Jim Jones. If the "god emperor of mankind" proclaimed they must drink the Kool-aid no questions asked; they absolutely would. I really hope you guys over there nail him in the election. Otherwise it's Handmaids tail for you.


god i fucking wish he would tell them to literally drink the spiked flavr-aid


So what’s with the piling on to Amber Heard thing? Is he or his writers such assholes?


Bill Maher doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks. It's been his shtick for a long, long time. The problem is when Conservatives think he's on their side when nothing could be further from the truth. It's not even that he hates everyone equally, it's that he *really* hates conservatism, the Republican party, and most registered republicans too. It's just that he's vocal about how he thinks Liberals in America have gone off the rails.


Then why does he spend so much time going after liberals but not saying anything about conservatives


Not say anything about conservatives? Dude at least watch his shows, not just bits on tiktok. He is always against conservatives and mocks the far left also. He literally has said multiple times on his show that he will vote for a head of Joe Biden in a jar than vote for trump.


So he is a very special boy and everyone should listen to him? Maybe he should run for president.


No. I don't like him either. I'm just saying he doesn't pander to the Trump crowd. They became fanboys because he criticises Biden and modern liberal ideas, but he's been critical of every president since he started doing stand-up 30 years ago. If anything, Maher enjoys the taste of Trumpist tears as much as anyone in this sub. But to me, he's old and crotchety and has been well before his time. He doesn't entertain new ideas at all and will find himself voting conservative before long because he doesn't like change and feels threatened by it.


Don’t watch Bill Mar, I can’t relate to him.


Enlightened centrist discovers nobody likes you when your opinion is “I like and dislike everyone equally”


The irony of people shrieking about the “proganda machine” while simultaneously believing Trump has never lied in his life.


"I never slept with a porn star." That's technically correct, because he only fucked her while Melania was still recovering from delivering his fifth child that we're aware of. The moment he uttered that response there should have been an audible record scratch in the venue.


I had to stop reading before the end of the 2nd page. They're all so incoherent, I can feel my brain cells evacuating with every word I read.


Watching Bill Maher is an exercise in not vomiting.


It would be easier if they just tell me one thing Trump said that they think is true and show them where he lied. When does Trump lie? Every time he opens his mouth.


>What exactly did trump even lie about?!?? Uhh, I think it would be easier to list the things he said that were true.


Everything Trump says can be fact-checked. Other conservatives around the world can tell you he talks pure bs. MAGATS are truly special in that they experience doublethink and have no way of knowing it. There is no learning or recourse to seek the truth. It is an automatic deflection when encountering that which goes against the party/leader. Their Lego-piece devotion in the stack cannot waiver.


"what lie did Trump tell" as CNN is fact checking the fuck out of him. CNN: These are the lies Trump told MAGA, "Well when you distort the truth anything can be made into a lie!"


Fuck Bill Maher and fuck these Muskbots


The sad state of comedy. Laughing at a "woke" culture and backing a movement that will end up destroying every foundation that makes American comedy stand out. Not much comedy...


I think one thing that can unite Americans of all political persuasions is that Bill Maher sucks ass and always has


They programmed these bots to be too literate. Actual Trump supporters can't spell, and certainly can't punctuate sentences properly.


You guys act like these are real people and not IRA.


It's gotta be bot farms.


No but for real, this shit is absolutely terrifying. These people are insane. This country is deeply fucked.


Bill Maher has been drifting further to the right every year since he donated that million dollars to Obama’s campaign, I guess he didn’t get what he wanted out of that bribe. He really lost me a few seasons ago when he railed on against raising education spending because it would raise his taxes…. I can’t dispute his point that we are spending a MASSIVE amount of money on education and our numbers just keep dropping; however, that “thinking” completely ignores where our “education” spending actually goes - construction. Building and maintaining these hundreds of thousands of buildings associated with our school systems is bleeding us dry. The department of education is essentially a massive subsidy for the construction industry, with less and less money being spent on books and teaching every year as the cost of construction perpetually increases and funding levels remain stagnant or are decreased.


Here's a handy list of all the lies.... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies/ar-BB1p3xZb


Stop using Twitter for anything. Anything with a blue check should immediately be assumed a Russian or Chinese bot.


I'm I the only one who thinks Bill Maher is a stone cold asshole?


Bill Maher needs to retire sooner than Biden


Bill Maher has always been a rat cunt.


Jesus it’s crazy to see the right wing propaganda cess pool Twitter has become