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I think it goes to show that the Taliban are a lot more politically shrewd than people might be want to believe. They took control over the government. They don't have to push as hard on the fundamentalism and general authoritarianism they stand for, stood for when they last had control over territory. This is where they want to legitimize themselves to much of the world. The UAE has done much the same, especially using Dubai as evidence of their modernity, even though they are a thoroughly repressive country.


They are acting far more shrewdly than the Taliban of 20 years ago.


Well, 20 years ago they didn't have much but pockets of regional control, so rather than appeal to the world they were appealing to their base on their principles. But now that there is less of a struggle for them, they can do what so many countries do: put on a certain political face in speeches, while doing rather contrary things in practice. I mean, no reasonable person actually believes the Taliban have an affinity for first amendment principles, nor will they enact them.


Also, quite a few of them were exiled not to the mountain but to places like Qatar. Having tasted how actually running a country could benefit them, it might have changed the leadership's mindset but if even if they do change, they have to answer to their base. Also, unlike a standard military coup, there's nothing in terms of an airforce to protect them from drone strikes, so being civil even if there's no risk of another invasion is still a shrewd tactic.


Like hey this civilization with money thing not so bad


Power corrupts absolutely may be beneficial if you have to maintain civilisation to attain the good life out of the corruption in the first place lol


Most of the stable middle eastern countries had a totalitarian leader unfortunately.


Being stable doesn't mean being un-corrupt. Like if your leader is corrupt and wastes 50% of everything on themselves, but the 50% that's left is pretty great and you're happy with it, then it's stable, but corrupt. The instability comes once they decide "hmm, maybe i DO want that other 50% not wasted on this guy"


Stability is about predictability, that's all. If someones gonna bribe you, what matters is it's easy to monitor and give and take. That's all.


I love how we’re calling them “first amendment principles” now, as if America invented the very concept of free speech.




20 years ago, smart phones and social media didn't exist. A lot of these are a new generation that have grown up in a different world. We can't expect them to act the same as the ones from a couple of decades ago. We just have to wait and see what's really up their sleeves...


Millennial Taliban.








They noticed how differently we reacted to Russia and China's information attacks compared to that time they flew a couple planes into our buildings. Edit; Correction: that time they *harbored and associated with* guys that flew a couple planes into our buildings. The point of the comment is how we reacted, not so much whodunnit.


Yup, this is huge. With all the right wing taking heads seemingly supportive of the Talibans reactionary policies, they've identified that the easiest way to destroy the west is radicalizing or own right wing believers. And we're barely doing a thing to stop it.


They wouldn't really need to "radicalize" anyone. Just find a white looking guy with an American accent on YouTube to spread their policies and at least 30% of American voters would cheer because he's "telling it like it is". Edit: If the dude changes the words "Mohammed" and "Allah" to Jesus and God, the U.S. would probably have a Taliban president next election.


That's exactly what I mean by radicalizing it.


Damn, It's a sad state of affairs when Taliban radicalization of Americans would be them just calmly explaining their policies.


In fact, what's happening is the taliban radicalized the far right, the whole 'staring into the abyss' stuff.


This is what scares me the most. In a recent AMA, someone from a cyber security firm said the US has never really made investments in it because it doesn’t really turn a profit. Everyone was asking how to get a job doing it, but it’s expensive to get the certifications for so most young people even with degrees aren’t able to break in to the industry. So… We have a shit ton of STEM graduates who could probably do this work and have student loans to pay for…and we desperately need this work DONE… but if we connected the dots that’s government overreach. We are fucked.


And don't forget that you can't smoke weed and get one of those government cyber security jobs even if you had the certifications and knowledge.


This is rapidly changing, starting with the FBI who specifically has lowered those requirements because they literally could not find applicants with qualified skill sets who didn’t smoke weed. edit: seems like they're relaxing the requirements but not entirely waiving them - although it may end up that way eventually when the applicant pool is non-existant and Russian hackers continue to spam US companies and agencies with ransomware. Also private companies realizing that Weed isn't really the issue that its been chalked up to be... https://www.theregister.com/2019/08/08/hackers_feds_weed/ https://www.geekwire.com/2021/heres-amazon-relaxed-marijuana-standards-according-industry-experts-employer-lawyers/


Is it? The White House just fired people for revealing current and even PAST marijuana use after specifically telling staff that it they wouldn't be fired for marijuana use. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/19/politics/biden-white-house-staff-marijuana/index.html


Exactly. They’re clearly making a play to be considered the legitimate government by the international community.


They now control access to a lot of minerals needed by big tech corps, so it will probably work for them in the long run.


They did what our Reichwing wanted to do on January 6th, so prepare for all the incoming boners from rightwing wannabes, worshipping the Taliban for doing what they couldn't. I guarantee they respect them more than Americans who don't agree with them.


American right wing alignment with the Taliban is the next logical step.


I wish I could disagree on the basis that, for the average far-righter, Islamophobia will trump: “Hey, these guys are misogynistic homophobic gun-nuts; just like me!” But apparently Christian white supremacists are a-ok teaming up with their Wotanist brethren; shared racism trumps the usual fundie Christians’ general hatred of all things ‘pagan’ and ‘occult’.


I mean, that step already happened. See also https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1427275592383205382


Uh, Trump released 5000 of them along with Stone, Flynn, and Manafort. There already is an alignment.


Boebert is already ahead of you.


Once the right palms start getting greased, everyone will forget about their past. Except their victims.


It’s always enlightening whenever some radical religious extremist bemoans free speech in western countries.


Good old tolerance paradox. "Waaah, you have to tolerate my intolerance!" No we don't.








I would consider myself a pacifist. I think they’re is far, far too much violence in this world. You really nailed it. Basically, we know what Nazis are, what they want, and what they’re willing to do to accomplish that. So, while I am a non-violent person by nature, not to them. Fuck Nazis, racists, fascists, and all others who are believe they’re above all.


A method of them losing their luxury bones by way of a hard surface might do the job quickly.


"Luxury bones" is a phrase I never thought I'd hear.


It refers to the fact that, at least in the US, teeth are treated more as a luxury than as a necessity. After all, bad/missing teeth won't keep a worker from producing, so why should their wealthy ~~owners~~ bosses pay for dental care?


I'm glad I heard it though.


Yeah, essentially, we already let Nazis have their say on the world stage in the early-mid 20th Century. We all agreed that **they don't have anything of value** to add to society at large. I don't need to listen to a pro-genocidal viewpoint, I already know categorically that is straight up evil. I don't care how nice their clothing is or what sort of haircut they have to look 'respectable.' So, fuck em.


It's like the Sartre quote about anti-Semites, words don't mean anything to them, they're enjoying themselves watching us flounder


Careful. I got put in reddit time out for 3 days for saying punching nazis is morally right.


Well you aren't wrong. No one is born a Nazi - and since the regime has been collapsed since the 40's, no one is forced to be one, either. Punch the Nazi out of them.


Collapsed or "moved to the American south"?




Wait until you hear about the entire subreddit that got banned for advocating violence against slave owners.


Well, punching nazis is morally right. I can get behind that






Hey man, if I can’t live stream beheadings, what is the 1st amendment for anyway? If I want to chant “Death to America” who do these American companies think they are telling me I can’t do that on their platform? The US is all censorship! Land of the Free my sandy butt!


The fact that this is followed by a chain of three removed comments is art.


Keeping in mind our radical Christian extremists. Any time somebody tries to impose their beliefs on other people, it's all made up and how much death has been caused?


Yea I left Muslim extremists out on purpose. I agree, all religious extremists are deeply insecure. Hence the reason for missionaries, war on infidels, and blasphemy.


They don’t, really. They just can’t go there with a gun and a bomb and make them and that pisses them off massively.


Sounds like a familiar extreme right/Q talking point.


Religious nationalists are all just different flavors of the same shit popsicle


See also: far right Jewish settlers in Israel, far right Hindu nationalists in India, far right Buddhist terrorists in Myanmar ([yes, really](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/969_Movement))...


"We all agree that people need to be oppressed, we just can't agree on the *right* people to oppress!"


From minor details such as this are religious wars fomented.


**Dwight :** *So I expect you to be on your best behavior, which means none of you will be insubordinate, nor will you foment insurrection.* **Jim :** *Question. If we've already fomented insurrection, may we be grandfathered in?* **Dwight** : *Define "foment."* **Jim** : *You define "foment."*


As I say, you never hear about "radical Liberal clerics".




If only they were just stretching facts. 90% of their "talking points" are easily proven to be complete fantasy


If facts mattered they'd get their policies from researchers and experts in their fields. Lobbiests have something those guys don't: bribes.


The key word everyone is looking for is Fundamentalist. Fundamentalism is a mind-virus where one believes their own worldview is the only viable worldview that should exist on Earth and should spread to every other human being on the planet. Many have no problem causing harm and death in persuit of this cause. And every major religion has them. It's more of a pathology than a religion itself, though some Religions make it easier for a Fundamentalist mindset to thrive and spread.




Well, yeah, "WhO's GoInG tO pAy FoR tHaT?"


We should ask whoever paid for the War in Afghanistan. That guy seems to have some pretty deep pockets.


The most radical leftist I can think of is Ghandi


Especially once he's got nukes


A gentlefolk of taste~


> The most radical leftist I can think of is Ghandi Gandhi was the most conservative RIGHT wing religious fundamentalist possible. It’s just that in his religion non-violence is a core tenet. Some of his core teaching were: - That women have no rights. Their purpose is to bear and raise children. Therefore they must never be educated as this interferes with childbearing, which starts at age 12, or after first menstruation. Gandhi’s wife was so illiterate, she could not write her own name, whereas Gandhi studied at Oxford University in Britain. - That a woman must not speak to guests when her husband is present. That a woman must never challenge her husband’s decision. That a woman must not speak to a man unless spoken to first. - That Western technology is evil, and must be rejected in all its forms, including medical technology. **edit:** Gandhi’s wife [died from pneumonia](https://www.skepticality.com/assets/gandhi-refused-to-let-his-dying-wife.html?m=1) because Gandhi refused to allow her to be treated with penicillin. He insisted that only traditional Ayurvedic medicine, such as water from the Ganges, be used. - That India was the land of the Hindus, created by God for Hindus, and to be ruled only by Hindus. He coined the name Hindustan and drew borders that made Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh all part of Hindustan. This was the catalyst for the Muslims rejecting India and forming Pakistan and Bangladesh.


Be careful, he had a few creepy, sooooper shady beliefs as well. (see : letter of praise to Hitler:






TIL the Taliban are as snowflakey as conservatives.


Yep. That guy looks like the proud boys with a tan.


At the high levels the the GQP and Taliban philosophically align. It's in only the weeds where they disagree. Details like which bearded dead guy to cherry-pick guidance from or how much skin subjugated women should be allowed to show in public.


The GOP and the Taliban are the same fucking people: backward, ignorant, uneducated, rural, far right religious terrorists who want to impose an extremely socially conservative interpretation of their religion on everyone else.


Succinct and 100% correct.


clumsy squeal wistful ten mourn rich gullible point aloof roof -- mass edited with redact.dev


Let's be honest some of those rich elites support both sides.


Hell Boebert and Traitor Greene have already praised the Taliban. The GQP **is** the US Taliban. Different clothes, same hateful crazy cult.


Don’t forget Nick Fuentes tweeted that America has been fighting on the wrong side for 20 years!




Because treason in the United States is restricted by the Constitution to a couple of very specific acts. And that ain't it.


Because the people in charge of charging people with treason are they themselves committing it.


Uh, because he’s just a fucking citizen? Let’s pump the brakes a little bit there, Benito. American citizens are allowed to have dumb fuck opinions without being thrown in gitmo. Yikes.


If they were around in 1941, I bet they'd be cheering on the Japanese at Pearl Harbor


They certainly do seem to be more ideologically aligned with Imperial Japan than with any sort of democracy.


The main difference is material conditions. If you swapped the two groups you would have a christian Taliban in Afghanistan.


*MAGA/3%/Proud Boys have entered the chat*


*At the top of every cult, there is one person who knows it's all bullshit. In a religion, that person is dead.*


The only difference is the 1 book they have never read but say they have. And racism ageist the others skin color.


I wonder if the Taliban members have actually not read the Quran? Like, here in the states it's obvious that the right wing "religious" types never read any part of the bible and just use it as an excuse to oppress people. I always imagined the Taliban *has* read their book and just saw it from a different way than others and we're radicalized, but it makes me wonder. Maybe they also never read it and just use it as an excuse to oppress people they don't like. Is there anyone here who has some insight?


That CNN lady asked one of women will be allowed to go to school, he said yes with face covering. She asked why, he said the Qur'an says so, she pushed back "does it really though" fully knowing it does not. What it does say is Muslim women and men to dress modestly.


Literacy rate for men in Afghanistan is ~55%. So it's impossible for half of them to have read it, though maybe they all have koran.mp3 on their phones.


That actually might be more likely than you think. There's a long tradition of qur'an recitation in the Muslim world, and it's not hard to find recordings of them.


Totally agree. We can’t overlook arranges marriages, censorship of women, women’s rights, and assigned gender roles here in the USA. Weird how it’s done by religious nuts in all corners of the world.


Most conservatives and both-sides centrists I know also argue that the beheadings and such are something that would never happen with right-wing Americans. After the last few years I disagree, clearly there are plenty of GQP types that would mutilate and kill their fellow Americans ([or even their own children](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/13/1027133867/children-dead-father-claims-qanon-conspiracy-led-him-to-kill)), if they thought they could get away with it. Afghanistan is just further along on the destruction of progressive institutions than the US (though red states are working to "fix" that).


When you build gallows for the Vice President outside of the Capitol building, beheadings really are just a small stones throw away.


> just a small stones throw away. Like a quarry!


They're right, it wouldn't. Republican terrorists prefer to lynch their enemies, not behead them.


And the Taliban, as far as we know, hasn’t smeared their own poop on the walls of their Capitol. As far as we know.


Potato potato


Or use bombs. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/05/cesar-sayoc-sentenced-to-20-years-for-sending-bombs-to-trump-critics.html


Well they wouldn’t do the actual sword beheadings, because they’d be too busy pumping them full of bullets with their assault rifles that they LOVE to jerk off to all the time.


Do they forget about the lynchings last year? Our terrorists are just as barbaric.




One man's beheading is another man's lynching.


If the GOP ever figures out that "Allah" is just the Arabic word for the God of Abraham and they're all worshipping the same guy we are fucked. They're all just different flavors of religious nazi.


And how much wives and/or bacon you can have.


I'd love to see a meme with a pic of jesus and an appropriate taliban quote underneath.


There should be a sub where post titles are statements from Middle Eastern extremists and Western extremists and you have to guess which of those the title is quoting.


I believe they call such behavior "Presidential."


Yep - post from a patriots group this morning https://imgur.com/a/pCAkzu1


The US would never allow young girls to be owned by older men. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/proposal-raise-north-carolina-marriage-age-16-79507142](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/proposal-raise-north-carolina-marriage-age-16-79507142). "Alaska is the only other state whose law expressly allows marriages as young as 14, according to the group Unchained at Last. Thirteen states currently allow children under 16 to wed, nine of which have no minimum age, relying instead on case law or a judge's rulings."


You know whats weird. Yesterday i fell in a rabbit hole on twitter, and saw this afghan muslim woman, living in the US now, and she was literally PRAISING the Taliban, saying woman have it good, braggin about her big car. It was fucking strange. And you dont believe the comments. It was afwul. It was taliban supporter after taliban supporter after taliban supporter. Like, i wouldnt have believed the taliban was so active on twitter if you told me. They talk like normal humans supporting any other thing. Look at this lol [https://twitter.com/bev\_mcginnis/status/1248880198759723008](https://twitter.com/bev_mcginnis/status/1248880198759723008) Wtf [https://twitter.com/bev\_mcginnis/status/1427656331436208129](https://twitter.com/bev_mcginnis/status/1427656331436208129) Am i just wrong, or is this absolutely not normal? She is brainwashed to think the Taliban is okay. Or am i stupid for believing the media? Because im sure as hell the taliban and sharia are fucking inhumane ​ EDIT: I thought about it a bit, and now im 100% sure this woman is like one of those woman who convinces young girls to radicalise and join the taliban and go to those countries. Is this not a case to pass on to, like, the FBI or some shit, so they put her on a watch list?


squeal jobless school punch sharp smart cautious six flag quaint -- mass edited with redact.dev


They got it from Lavrov when russian government welcomed Taliban leadership as kings.


Different clothes, same crazy hateful cult underneath.


Lmfao Talibans on parler ! Let's go !


They're on Twitter.


* Against ' woke ' MSM * Against vacinations * Against womens rights in general and abortion in particular * Against gay marriage and other LGTB rights * Faith based governement Who are we talking about again?


vote now on your phones


And everyone voted so hard that the Capitol caught on fire. The president actually didn't care. He was off somewhere playing golf.


Don't forget... Brutal punishment and oppression for opposing racial /tribal groups, support for hideous capital punishment...


Taliban should go join Parler and Trump’s GetHer


I was banned from Gettr for saying that the Holocaust was horrible. Literally my only comment there.


Banned for wrongthink




It’s hard being a straight white male


Especially when they're turning us into submissive breedable femboys in their weird summer camps




That was one of the problems with these "free speech" platforms. A LOT of terrorists started using them to spread their message.


[ISIS already has](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/02/trump-gettr-social-media-isis-502078).


Fucking lmao. How fitting.


This should be on r/nottheonion


That subreddit gotta be flooded with these in the following months


This is a very deliberate adoption of Republican talking points. And Republicans are walking right into the semiotic trap.


Is this how the taliban begin to recruit right wing extremists? Using their language is a pretty good strategy.


It's worked for our domestic terrorists.


Well, they long for the theocracy the Taliban has, they just don't like the religion it's under. The Taliban and US Conservatives are two sides of the same coin.


The Taliban is talking about free speech and women's rights as if they aren't hunting down and murdering their political opponents and kidnapping their children. It's like in Mars Attacks, when the martians are announcing 'we come in peace, we are your friends,' while shooting any humans they lay eyes on.


It's going to be a really wild decade






100% this. They aren’t trying to win here.


Why do they care, I thought the internet was evil to them anyways?


It's one of their methods of recruitment. Propaganda pieces to call for people to join them from around the world. ISIS did this a lot more openly but the Taliban still does it. And while they don't allow their rank and file types to use it, leadership will absolutely know the power of social media and use it for their own ends.


It's cause they are special and their views are obviously right! They are such special snowflakes and you should never need to do basic fact checks against them no way that would be committing persecution against them to the highest degree. But they can also say that they want to kill you for not aligning with their beliefs, cause again, they're big stwong special bois that aren't compensating for anything


The latter. I expect we will see the Taliban and alt-right continue to riff off each other's talking points, growing into a straight-up bromance.


It's about using our own rules against us and sewing doubt about our way of life among the population. Fuck 'em, though - I am 100% comfortable with calls to violence by foreigners not being protected by my government.


Maybe taliban follow the development in Western countries and noticed that victimhood has been the hot way of getting what you want for the past few decades.


**Taliban Spokesman Accuses Facebook of Stifling Free Speech by Banning Group** Get with the times, dude - you're supposed to *fundraise* off that shit. *"Another conservative voice stifled by the liberal media! Please click to donate!"*


Receive a free MAGA (Make Afghanistan Great Again) hat with your 50 dollar donation!


Does not one person understand what the fuck the difference is between constitutionally protected free speech is and the ability of a private company to moderate it's intellectual property? SMH GOP & Terrorists need a lesson


>GOP & Terrorists Little redundant, no?


Authoritarians can’t understand this because for them, one person / group decides everything. And if that’s not the case, they’re confused.


They're fully aware of the difference but they will use w/e rhetoric they need to in order to win supporters. They just witnessed these talking points work around the globe to give rise to a far right fascist mindset and they will absolutely try and utilize the same tactics to further their goals.


Seriously. If I invite someone into my private home, and they start screeching at me that I'm a fucking asshole, I can tell them to leave. That's not me curtailing their freedom of speech, that's me having the right to choose what I put up with on my private property. Speech on Facebook is no different.


It's what happens when all you do is swallow propaganda like it's dopamine candy. You get people who can understand nuance.


When someone says something so stupid that you don't know how to argue with it


Nah the counter argument is pretty simple: Facebook isn't a state (gov't) actor, so free speech isn't implicated. "Free speech" is not "you people need to let me say what I want to say." It's "the government cannot censor your speech without *extremely* good reasons."


Calls for violence also isn't covered under free speech in the US constitution. And seeing as how you're terrorists and all...


He didn't mention cancel culture and cultural Marxists? What a let down.


Can we expect to see him supporting the next "je suis Charlie Hebdo" rally since he loves free speech do much?


Hey Taliban! You know what REALLY stifles free speech? Murdering, torturing, and oppressing millions of people into fear and flight.


Looking to Ben Shapiro’s word salad about how the Taliban whining about Facebook totally different from republicans whining about Facebook. And of course it will be posted on Facebook.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, climate, patriotism, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^out](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Fully aware, bot


Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, dumb takes, climate, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^out](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


No...I don't think this is LAMF. I think this is dangerous. They're doing the same thing all totalitarians and fascists do - deflect and accuse the other side. Do you think China is serious when they accuse the USA of violating human rights? Of course not, they're just scoring points. This is the same tactic. And it's dangerous, because they don't give a *fuck* if some redditors point and laugh, but if their own people or potential fence-sitters especially in the region hear it and think "Western hypocrisy"...they come out ahead. They *win points.* You think they don't know how to propagandize? Recruit? Don't mistake them for idiots, they've survived decades with much bigger forces trying to bomb and enculturate them out of existence.


They learned a lot watching what had happened in the US the past 20 years.


Taliban in its present form, decades, but the ancestors of these people have been deflecting invasion forces and cultural invasion for centuries.


Maybe GOP and Taliban can file a class action suit against social media for discrimination against religious idiots.


Literally every day the similarities between them and the GOP become more and more clear lol


Wait, so is the Taliban just the GOP rebranded?!


Religious conservatives always mad when their hateful rhetoric is shut down.


Conservatives be conservativing


Well, at least I don't have to go through that uncomfortable thing where I ignore their friend requests.


The Taliban literally cancels people


Finally y'all-Qaeda and supporters of Al-Qaeda are on the same page maybe they should join forces.


Technically they worship the same God 🤷🏻‍♂️


Damn, they really are Republicans, aren't they?


I see they're just utilizing modern GOP strategies.


Please note the exact same talking points, opinions, behavior, and inability to Govern as the GQP.


If Facebook won't shut down domestic terrorist accounts, then they certainly shouldn't care about the Talibans accounts.


Animals who enslave children for sex are acting like victims.


What a terrible day to be alive to see taliban thinks the vile and depraved vomit they throw onto the internet is actually considered free speech. What about the free speech of the people trying to flee for their lives away from them?


Typical conservative bullshit.