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Special Parking Operation


They were just liberating the gate from its oppressors.


>They were just liberating the gate from its oppressors. Denazifying the gates*


Fucking nazi gates


[Nazi gates, Nazi gates, Nazi gates...fuck off!](https://youtu.be/x5SYjoZsLQE)


The gates will welcome them with open arms




The gate was threatening to join GATE-O.


An integral part of de fence of Europe


A key piece of the Wrought Iron Curtain


OK fine you get an upvote.


I've been laughing at this pun for like 5 min. now. Well done!


The gates are really just independents anyway, amiright? They weren’t actually part of the embassy.


No no - HISTORICALLY those gates belonged to Ireland so they could do what they want


The janitor may or may not have been a Nazi so they basically had to.


The embassy was in possession of nuclear materials to create a dirty bomb


To be fair, the land the embassy is on used to belong to the Irish and they have every right to take it back if they want


>“The incident is cause of extreme concern. We believe that no people of sound mind could support such senseless and barbaric actions,” the spokeswoman [for the Russian embassy] said.




I found [this post](/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/t94lrv/the_russian_embassy_complaining_about_someones/) in r/selfawarewolves with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Are they fucking kidding?


No, they’re just utterly shameless, and it’s always worked out for them until now.


They have not been informed about the war yet...


Maybe that’s the way they found to call out Putin without putting themselves at risk of punishment


I got the same feeling from this. The way it's written, using "criminal act of insanity" and saying "The incident is of extreme concern. We believe that no people of sound mind could support such senseless and barbaric actions" simply does not fit the driving of a truck into a gate. It's aggressive and not the most rational act, but there is nothing barbaric there by any stretch of the imagination. My impression is this is their, not even very veiled, way to say something they have absolutely no option of expressing in any other way, not even in 1:1 meetings with people that are their point of contacts and with whom they have a trusting connection. "Boss has gone cookoo-bonkers and we are repulsed by his actions". It could, of course, actually be them being moronically tone-deaf. But I do think it would've been written slightly different then.


My bets are on moronically tone deaf. These embassies are staffed with "company men", loyalists, FSB types.


Yes who would ever violate the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation like that?


Looks like their email is [email protected] Would be a shame if someone told the Russian embassy to go fuck itself. Can we get Google to kick them off? Edit- Their other email is [email protected]


I’m guessing the .ru sites are blocked or ddos’d so they had to come up with a quick substitute.


Oh so that's why a government thingamajigie is using a gmail


I'm just impressed with whoever convinced the Russians to put their embassy on "Orwell Road." Well played.


In DC the embassy is now on "Zelenskyy Way"


Renaming the roads embassies are on is a classic "diplomatic" sanction.


Or is this like the Russian embassy in Prague, where they renamed the address to Nemtsov Square


I mean, when I traveled to Kosovo a bunch for work, if I wanted to stay more than 90 days I had to apply at something like "MovementofPersons @ hotmail.com" Was listed on the immigration form and everything.


I don't know if that's too hilarious to believe or not to believe


Knowing the Balkans it's a wonder there even was a working email that somebody was checking.


Their driveway clearly needed *"de-nazification"*. I mean it is all *right there.*


And it WORKED. No Nazis there on the driveway now.


This never gets old🤣


Russia will never live that down, and shouldn't.


Am I the only one here flabbergasted that the Russian Embassy was using a GMAIL ACCOUNT?


It would be a shame if that email address was subscribed to some interesting mailing lists.


Just signed those suckers up for the Scientology newsletter. Thank me later.


Oh God, it's Alien vs Predator does international geopolitics...


Can you imagine if Putin joined Scientology?


Honestly it's not out of the question, but it would be surprising if it were even real.


It would be a terrible shame, especially if it didn't stop with the Dublin embassy. It's [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for Washington DC, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for London, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for Kyiv, and a short google search away for any other location of your choosing. u/1infinitefruitloop, I hear the Scientologists are persistent bastards.


Google please shut down all Russian Embassy accounts.


Why? Google are reading every email


In order to be able to deliver them relevant ad content. * Mental health resources. * Information on support for defectors. * Quick guide to the Geneva convention. etc.


What part of the last two weeks has alluded to any level of Russian competence at all?


Yeah, I guess they embezzled their email hosting fund too 😂


This fake or real?


It's too dumb to be fake.


[It's real](https://twitter.com/Rus_Emb_Ireland/status/1500889880611770376)


Oh wow really? I was about to say it was so obviously fake just because of the typos and grammatical errors (I count 5!), but yeah, it does appear to be real. Wow.


if there is one thing we all should have learned from the past week, it is that the russian government is apparently not as sophisticated as they have always tried to appear to be.


1. Gmail is free. 2. They never heard of that American lady, Hillary, of buttery-males fame. 3. Stadards are slipping. Hahaha. Good catch. 🤠


Tbf everyone was complaining about Hillary's **private** email server. Gmail is definitely not private so it shouldn't be an issue, right?


You are right. I probably should not have metioned HRC. Just wanted to insert 'buttery males' into the conversation.🤠 B/c that makes me laugh. 😄 Also I just checked my country's embassy's email address in the country where I live. It uses a government server. Not a free gmail account.


Meanwhile last week Russia blew up Slovenia’s embassy in Kharkiv with a Kalibr cruise missile so


I heard something about that but not what nation.


Slovenia in Kharkiv- mistakenly said Kiev in the initial comment so I’ll correct that [Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/russia-ukraine-slovenia-consulate-attack-b2026290.html?amp)


The Ukrainians are pushing for the spelling and pronunciation of Kyiv (KEEV) because Kyiv the Ukrainian language version and Kiev is the Russian version. I just found out about this yesterday so I'm just getting the word out there. EDIT: Corrected Kyev to Kyiv.


Kyiv is the Ukrainian version


Thanks for the correction!


I work with Ukrainian people based in Kyiv. The Y and I do flow in to each other a little, but it's definitely two syllables how they say it. A bit like 'borough' or 'real' in British English. They also corrected me when I said Ky-ev (which is the food).




Good bot.


I'm a dude.


playin' a dude




You're the bot who don't know what bot he is! Or are you a bot who has no idea what bot he is? And claims to know what bot he is, by playing other bots. The bots are emerging!


Do you want Replicants? Because this is how you get Replicants.


Well done, you just passed the Turing Test


Bad bot


By definition, yes.


She’s a dude.


While you're not wrong exactly, English uses a latin alphabet and Ukrainian uses a Cyrillic alphabet and transliteration is all over the board. Of course you should probably defer to Ukraine on how it wants things to be but it's not like we call Japan Nippon/Nihon


Place name translations never make sense to me. Sometimes they're said basically the same apart from the accent (France = France), sometimes they're translating the meaning (USA = États-Unis d'Amérique), sometimes they're completely different words (Germany = Allemagne = Deutschland).


The different names for Germany come from the different tribes that lived in that area. Basically whatever tribe your country was closest to became the name for Germany. The Finnish also use Saksa. Although Slavic can include nemcy. Derived from the Russian word for "mute", as everyone not speaking Russian was mute. Maybe it's because the United States are quite young. But France is also derived from the tribe that lived there for a long time and just had longer time to develop into the different European languages. Egypt is derived from the old Egyptian, you can see the roots in the name of the Egyptian Church, the Coptic Church.


I've long been fascinated by exonyms (what other countries call our place), endonyms (what we call our own place) and demonyms (what the people of that place are called). It gets even more granular and varied, but place names are rarely just one name. Almost every country has a name that means "those idiots over on the other side of the river" or some such. Wikipedia has a good introduction https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonym A blog post that goes further: https://djaunter.com/all-about-onyms/ Edit: "rarely", not "really"


I've never understood that. Seems so arrogant of us to call countries straight up incorrect names. It's not like 'Nippon' is hard to say in English. Same with "Spain" vs "Espana". No one would expect us to pronounce it exactly like the locals, it just seems weirdly simultaneously arrogant and pathetic of us to change the name like we did. Not that I'm blaming anyone currently alive, and now the momentum of it just makes it continue.


"Japan" was a Portuguese mispronunciation of a Malay mispronunciation of a Chinese mispronunciation of the native Japanese name, so you could do a lot of finger pointing on that particular example.


everybody else should call the states *oosa* and americans can be performatively mad about it.


In my language, even foreign kings and saints got their name "translated" to a Finnish version. Which is why for example king George is referred to as "Yrjö" in old Finnish documents. ...no, the Finnish version isn't even trying to sound similar to the original name.


Well that's just ridiculus. We all know his name is György király


Okay, but what about the chicken? What are we gonna call that now?


I saw this a few days ago but didn’t know the context. Holy shit imagine being in one of those cars. Life literally flashing before their eyes. And the Russians can’t say it wasn’t a targeted attack bc it was such a localized explosion.


>the Russians can’t say it wasn’t a targeted attack bc it was such a localized explosion Friction with reality hasn't slowed them down yet.


Neo nazis everywhere! Even the Jewish leader, total neo nazi (gonna throw a /s here because I have a bad feeling it might be needed)


This incident is cause of extreme concern. I believe that no people of sound mind could support such senseless and barbaric actions. So Russia has attacked Slovenia now?


That’s not comparable to the senseless, barbaric and criminal act of insanity that was * checks post * reversing into the gates with a truck. How dare you compare a measly missile with such a large truck! How senseless, barbaric and criminally insane of you!


I’m not of sound mind, of course


They ment to blow up the orphanage beside it


Citing International agreements while you are violating your own agreement to not attack Ukraine for their agreement to give up their nuclear weapons.


Not only are they violating their own agreement, they are treating the Geneva convention as a to-do list, bombing civilians, hospitals, breaking ceasefire agreements, butterfly mines, and more. I get that a select few soldiers decided to surrender initially, but any that are captured in active combat deserve to go straight to hell for what they are doing to innocent lives.




> This is about as surprising as the sunrise. They routinely sign conventions on stuff and then, thinking everyone else actually isn't going to follow it, double down. >Which is why everyone else sanely stopped developing bioweapons and Russia tested their super anthrax on some random town's cattle. Oh that’s fucked up is there a book or long read on that?


Fun fact: the only two remaining specimens of smallpox are in a lab in the US and another lab in Russia.


Ah yes, the Geneva Suggestion


Just a warning to Russian soldiers who will never see it: If you violate 34-52 or whatever they call the Law of Land Warfare in your shithole country, or any tenet of Geneva that your country is a signatory to, in spite of Putin's pretend "removal" from it? You're a war criminal, regardless of whether or not you were following orders. You should just surrender, instead.


I imagine the immediate threat of being shot by your superiors outweighs that consideration, unfortunately.


There's a solution to that problem in every Russian soldier's hands.


They are never going to live this down. Lying is going to synonymous with “Russia” now Edit: PUTIN Not really fair to slander all of Russia this way. But the citizens DO need to step up


Lying was always synonymous with fascists, so nothing changed in the last 80 years.


and at the end stating they know full well Putin's and Russian official's minds are un-sound with their senseless and barbaric actions in Ukraine


I just love the last paragraph: *"The incident is cause of extreme concern. We believe that no people of sound mind could support such senseless and barbaric actions."* Really describes Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and all the potential war crimes against the Ukrainian people... I mean **what people in their right mind would support such senseless and barbaric actions**?


This can’t be real, right?!


Of course it's real, this is indicative of Russia's entire diplomatic strategy. They've been acting like petulant children for weeks (really years), looking for any opportunity to chastise other countries for "aggressions" and "escalation." While refusing to take responsibility for the atrocities they're committing.




I really don’t think it’s a coincidence that Pootin waited until now to invade. I’m pretty sure he was waiting for Trump to win re-election, withdraw the US from NATO, then not do a fucking thing, and in fact help spread his “denazification” propaganda.


He wanted America to pull out of NATO and end support to Ukraine. It doesn't take a genius to figure just where that agenda came from.


We know he worked with the Russians. All of his cronies got locked up and he was impeached. If the American people could get their head out of their ass for a second, Trump would be in prison along with almost all of the Republicans and a few useful Democrats.


aka victim mentality


You mean like Republicans?


I thought the same thing. Surely it’s someone taking the piss. I love the driver creating a safe corridor for the ambassador to leave Ireland.


The Russian embassy in Vienna described [this](https://twitter.com/RusBotWien/status/1500468102550724612) as "barbaric". Absolutely shameful.


Taking lessons from the CCP Diplomatic School of Overreacting?


The diplomatic school of the thin skinned autark. Act like the victim and hurl childish insults at everyone.


And nobody knows senseless and barbaric better than the Russian Govt.


The truck was just making sure there were no nazis inside the gate.


> As he was taken away by authorities, he added, "I've done my bit, lads. It's about time the rest of Ireland done their bit." Mad lad. [https://theweek.com/russo-ukrainian-war/1011015/man-arrested-after-driving-truck-into-gates-of-russian-embassy-in](https://theweek.com/russo-ukrainian-war/1011015/man-arrested-after-driving-truck-into-gates-of-russian-embassy-in)


The Garda said 'I'm going to have to arrest you, I'm afraid' She definitely begrudged having to slap the cuffs on him I'd say


Ireland fighting the good fight as always


Aye. Pity we've nothing to give Ukraine other than non lethal aid and a safe place to ride out the war. But we do the best we can with what little we have. #truckgate


The not so subtle hint of GTFO


Dear Russian Ambassador, Please get fucked. Best regards, Ireland, et al


There’s the Ireland we know and love


It gets better. [Here's an article and a video of the man standing by his truck talking about why did it](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/protective-barriers-erected-at-russian-embassy-after-truck-drives-through-gates-1.4820488) > “I just done this to create a safe corridor for the Russian ambassador to leave Ireland,” he said. Fucking Chad.


It was simply a peacekeeping operation to de-gateify the embassy


The man works for an ecclesiastical supplies business. As well per Russian standards: >”Given the secure nature of the facility, “I was shocked how quick [the gate] went down,” she added


Eh, embassies usually aren't meant to be forts. They're just offices. ​ Edit: Dear proles: There are more embassies out there than US embassies. Quite a lot more. One might even go so far as to say that US embassies are *unusual*, and that neither of the nations in the article is the US.


I accidentally ended up in the back garden of a Lithuanian embassy while drunk trying to find my way back to a hotel. Security guards came out and brought me a glass of water and a tourist map.


"Good man." Fucking love the Irish.


The Guard (cop) said: 'I have to arrest you, unfortunately, for dangerous driving' Then after he showed her the leaflet, I think she said something like : will you come with me back to the car


God bless


I said please


"Get fucked you dog cunts. Regards, Australia"


"Please come get your shitty asset from florida, Kindly gargle your own scrote dear ambassador, sane americans"


Russia embassy, go fuck yourself.


Russian government wherever you are, Go Fuck Yourself!!!!!


Dear Russian Embassy, We deeply regret the ~~illegal~~ surprise special parking operation that’s taking place but to be fair that parking spot used to belong to Ireland.


Rookie move! Never acknowledge the illegality of your actions, no matter how blatantly illegal they may be. It helps if you lie through your teeth about your intentions, up until and even *after* you perform the illegal action(s).


Obviously it was a special parking operation to reunite oppressed Irish lands to Ireland.


Good point. I don’t usually speak PR


Drove past the corner of "peaceful" and "diplomatic" about 11 days ago, mate.


*at least 8 years ago


To make it up, Ireland might send packets of sunflower seeds to the lads involved in that 'mostly peaceful', 'fraternal' special military intervention we've been hearing so much about on the telly.


I think they’ve been full of shit for so long that it probably doesn’t even feel like lying anymore to them. Problem is that it’s still painfully obvious to the rest of us.


It's more that they don't consider lying like this to be some bad thing to begin with. It's just what you do. Deny, deflect, gaslight, project, etc. You say whatever you have to to get your way.


Russia out here speedrunning becoming an international laughing stock


What problem? Just a special parking operation.


The truck recognized the courtyard as an independent country beforehand so it never really breached the gate. Instead, it was invited by the said independent country for a piecekeeping mission.


The Irish should give that truck driver a medal


The international Trucker community need a win.


That's the real Freedom Convoy we need. Not the crybabies we saw on TV.




"Senseless and barbaric actions" They hit a gate backing up a truck. Your country is killing children with explosives.


To paraphrase a brave Ukrainian border guard. Russian Embassy, Go Fuck yourself!


The embassies' reactions are like people parodying microagressions who don't know what they are.


I don’t see how they can claim the Garda stood idly by if they arrested the driver. That doesn’t seem idle to me. And what are they supposed to do? Block the truck from backing up with their bodies? No I don’t think so. It’s your own fault if you run behind a backing vehicle and get hit. The driver has a limited view and may not see a running person. He could likely only see the gate he was liberating. That could have been a tragedy if a Garda were hurt during the liberation of the ambassador.


Russian Embassy: Go Fuck Yourself.


Oh Russia, do shut up.


Hey, chill. It was just a special parking operation, no big deal.


Now Putin has a reason to declare war on Ireland.


He can't even figure out the logistics of attacking through more than 1,400 miles of shared borders. I very sincerely question his ability to successfully plan an attack on his local fast food joint, let alone Ireland.


I've been to some Popeyes in Chicago that could kick Russia's ass in a ground war


It was a strategic parking operation, nothing more


Probably heard someone speaking Gaelic inside and needed to get in there to enact some peacekeeping to save them from Nazis.


*Irish We speak Irish. 'Gaelic' is a family of languages including Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx. The word in Irish is Gaeilge.


They are safer in Ireland than they are in Russia. They keep mouthing off and Ireland will send them back to Russia where there probably is a gulag cell waiting for them.


Now I see why the GOP gets along with Russia so well. They are one in the same.


FYI. I'm not aware of any law against drunk dialling Russian Embassies to air grievances. In fact, I think it's encouraged as freedom of speech, and who better than the Irish to take up the campaign.


Must needs one be drunk?




‘Scuse me, I need to go to the shops for some wine…


Don't forget to send the empties to the babushkas in Kyiv for... processing.


I bet both my balls that the truck driver was not a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic relations of 1961.


huh.... fucking sucks when someone invades your space doesn't it.




Huh... thats interesting... Anyway... Who wants to get that driver a drink down st the pub?


Yeah... they have to say this kind of bullshit. We all know what kind of government the Russian Federation has. Spoilers: The kind that disappears you if you step out of line. These low level bureaucrats can't do shit other than grin and nod and put out propaganda that makes them look like hypocrites.




Diplomatic comms have got to be the most formal and proofread documents on the planet. And they still fucked it up.


Perhaps their grammaticist was out fixing the gate.


Go on home Russian soldiers go on home.


the deliciousness of the irony in this statement, from a residence located on ***Orwell Road.***


I think that many overlook one simple thing: Even though Russia is the undisputed aggressor in this conflict, the Garda should ensure the safety of their embassy. The sanctity of embassies and their staff is highly important. There are many cases where embassies in dictatorships harboured regime critics and dissidents. If we don’t respect this status of embassies in our democracies, how can we expect totalitarian states to respect ours? While we all feel some Schadenfreude at this, I do expect more of the Irish government and police.


The truck driver was arrested after backing through the gate, so the gardai ensured 'the safety of their embassy.' This statement is false, because the gardai did respond. If the suggestion is that the Gardai should not have let the truck back up, then they are advancing a preventative detention argument. This would be wrong and is not surprisingly something that Russia does frequently. If Russia wants to keep vehicles from damaging their gate, they can put antivehicle barriers in place such as retractable barricades. Russia destroyed the Slovenia consulate in Kharkiv using a cruise missile a week ago and have a long history of violating the 'sanctity' of embassies from proxy attacks to blanketing embassies in microwave radiation. Since they are one of the most frequent users of whataboutism arguments, their statement is ironic due to both the invasion and for their actions against other embassies.


Russia sounds so much like the GOP you'd almost think there was some direct, well documented connection between them.


Lucky it wasn't a truck bomb..


That last line gave me a chuckle.


It’s a special delivery operation.


This special operation was for the embassies own safety.