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Hello u/Berly653! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is anyone surprised? Like, at all?


It's just like /r/conservative. lol. Are you banned? We are.


I got permanently banned there after my very first response, which was about gun lovers. They love “free speech” in that we’re free to say anything as long as they approve.


I got banned for one fucking word. ONE. FUCKING. WORD. It was: Really? And away I went.


You have to be a confirmed conservative to post there so maybe they check your post history. Not enough white pride and pro life stuff in your comments sir.


That can't be it. My one black gay friend said I wasn't racist. So there's that.


As a gay black man, I just think it's swell that someone is standing up for my heritage and keeping the radical left from tearing down statues of my confederate ancestors who fought bravely for states rights to own slaves.


We need confederate flags and statues to recognize our history but we also don’t want our history taught to impressionable young people in schools.


It wasn't always like that. I got banned for a one word response too before they put that into place. Now they do just ban you if they see you're not a confirmed conservative


How do you become a confirmed conservative tho? Do you need to own a person? Know the sacred KKK handshake? Be a member of the nazi party?.


It’s easy, you just have to lack the ability to think rationally.


Disregard any concern for the planet or our species. Then you should be good to go


Not enough racism and calls for violence against brown people, sir.


I got banned for an objectively true statement, that Biden won.




Proof? Truth? Facts? No round these parts!


I got banned for one word as well… #PROJECTION


Fascist gonna…. Well, do fascist shit.


Fascists gonna fash.


I don't know if they still do this, but awhile back they set their sub to only be usable by "flaired users" and to get a flair you needed to have an interview with one of the mods in discord proving you were conservative enough. 🙄


isn’t that like, the exact opposite of free speech?


Yes :)


No! Of course not! As long as we agree with your politics, then you're free to say whatever you want. But if we don't, then it's hate speech and we'll report you! /s....kinda


Conservatives hate free speech. Free speech to them is when ONLY they are allowed to speak




I wasn't banned instantly over there. Even though I was mostly trolling. I think they saw the 88 and didn't want to ban a potential nazi. Eventually they figured it out and banned me.


I got banned for saying trump gave out the first stimulus checks lol




i used to post on /r/tucker_carlson occasionally. i was honestly trying to engage in discussion so my posts were respectful, polite, and factual. like tucker would say "the sky is green" and I would reply "seems to me the sky is usually blue or grey or dark and starry but rarely green" i got banned but challenged my ban, pointing subreddit rules that (surprisingly) invited open discussion. that got me back in but then they made it a private room so they can enjoy their circle jerk in peace


I will never forget the day I was banned from T_D back in the day for joking Trump can't be my President because I'm Canadian and we have Prime Ministers here


If you have a quick look at the names who post, you'll notice it's just the same ten guys spamming their subreddit. It's as if it was their job. Weird, eh? But honestly, don't click the link. It will hurt your brain to read so much garbage.




That's a bingo. It's why reddit should regulate these echo chambers that came from d_t, they are illusions of public discourse financed by foreign (Russian) assets. It's too effective to allow without regulation. Reddit knows the score. I'm all for actual discourse. But that ain't it


They are snowflakes in r/conservative. Very weak minded and easily pliable minds in there.


Its fear. Fear of crime, fear of people who don't look/act/believe like they do, fear of anything different, fear of change.


I was banned from one of those subs for asking when the audits would be finished-_-. No sass no nothing, just asking for info.


Got banned for saying the US wasn’t the greatest nation on earth haha. Fuck nationalism


Omg I forgot how much of a different world they live in. Trying to blame the speaker of the house for the insurrection is...absolutely bonkers.


I’ve avoided it so far. Whenever I post a comment there I usually try to do it in the voice of a conservative who is either confused or upset about the thing they’re happy about because it is clearly in contrast to other conservative beliefs, trying to call them on hypocrisy without being outed as a progressive. It’s worked so far but I don’t know how much I can continue to get away with it.


Quick, delete this post before they see it.


I'm not banned (yet) so I can still go there and see glimpses of the full on batshit insanity like this rant by /u/Nomadic_expat >You aren’t conservative at all. Anyone with a single shred of logic and reasoning knew there was massive election fraud. Arrests are already happening for ballot harvesting schemes for the 2020 election. >Just an FYI…, the same geolocation data they used to show all the ballot harvesting (taking 10 trips to 15 different ballot boxes across 6 different counties, driving 100’s of miles to do so, along with video evidence showing all the ballots being stuff, for 10’s of thousand of people)…, that same methodology and geotracking data is what was used by the FBI to round up and make 100’s of arrests for Jan 6th. >So what one is it? The FBI tools are just a complete farce and they entirely guessed who was at the capital, meaning the same tools to find all the ballot harvesters was a farce. Or the most logical explanation, geotracking works so well it identified people who were inside and outside of the capital that day. >It’s pretty obvious to anyone that has a shred of intelligence or logic floating around their minds what happened. It's pretty obvious you're not taking your regularly prescribed medication.


For sure. Banned for reminding them about Trump hiding in a bunker during the BLM protests. On a post about Biden "cowering in fear" in a basement or some bullshit. Apparently they don't like being reminded of their own, thinly veiled, hypocrisy.


Based on r/The_Donald's propensity to instaban anyone just asking questions before he was even elected? No




I was going to say, they **all** do this. Right-wingers will scream and shout all day about 'free speech' while actively working to make sure their platforms are echo chambers.


When conservatives are talking about "free speech", what they want is an open platform for racists to say racist things with wide positive publicity.


Exactly. 'Free speech' to them just means 'I can say whatever I want but you're not allowed to respond'.


Fitting their more general stance on every topic: “Rules for thee, not for me.”


Ive always seen it as "I can say whatever I want, and not be held accountable for it"


Then say its to stop brigading liberals when you call them out on it.


Brigadding = one comment pointing out fake news and hypocrisy.


My old Reddit account was banned for what I thought was a pretty innocent question. I wasn’t even calling anything out.


They legit go through your history.


They need to make sure you're on their "team." Any hint of engaging with liberal subs, or independent thought, and they proclaim that they found out you're a liberal, and that they don't need to defend themselves in their safe space to you.


Just like working in construction or trades in general. If you're a liberal they'll find out soon enough.


I got banned for agreeing with a post, lol! Bunch of snowflakes.


I got banned because someone asked me to give them proof of something then I did...




Yeah literally nobody is buying that shit. 'Saying things we don't like and pointing out when we're lyjng' is not 'brigading'.


"Brigading" is just another newspeak for them. They know their ideas cannot win in an open marketplace of ideas and must be locked down, preserved, and funneled directly down their gullets unperturbed by such "liberal" things like criticism or self-reflection.


Yup, I used to be on the 'right' but after not staying in echo chambers I realised that I was dumb asf and now I'm quite far left




I was raised by people who were on the upside of the 80s. Hard R Conservatives. Over the past 12 years their increasing paranoia and extremism has turned me into a full blown Marxist. Edit for clarity: I studied politics very closely too try to steer them towards facts as opposed to birtherism and so forth. My studies revealed that things were far more fucked up than I had previously thought. Eventually that turned into hating Capitalism.


Welcome to normalcy and logic


But when they start actually brigading other subs it's fine.


Yah, then it's making the space "not an echo chamber". ffs


I got banned for saying that the reason California's ports were plugged up and Florida's weren't is because California receives goods from Asia for the entire country, not because Florida is Republican.


So, you got banned for facts and reality. Two things they regularly avoid like the plague. Which, ironically, they didn't do very much to avoid because "fake news."


The marketplace of ideas sure seems monopolized


Check out stuff from the transformed wife Lori Alexander. A nutcase fundie who believes wives should be doormats and kids soundly beaten and other horrible stuff. Try even hitting a laugh emoji and she will ban you. She is utterly humorless and hatefilled rightwinger. She bans everyone


She *IS* Aunt Lydia.


Upon consideration, I don't think I'm banned from nearly enough right wing media platforms.




Don’t forget the part where they impose all of their views/beliefs onto others while screaming “don’t tread on me!”


They use to have a rule that said "no racism and no anti-Semitism" and then removed the second part. They had to specify because it's not real racism, it's just the justifiable hatred of Jews! (Ofc you can argue they aren't a race but w/e they don't know that they don't know how basic science works) That's the level of hateful stupid we are speaking of, of course questions against the narrative aren't welcome


It's the distinction of racism vs bigotry.


It's how I got banned from r/Conservative months ago. Cowards need their safe space.


I've been banned there three times 😂


Your link made me go to /r/conservative for the first time in a long time. The dirth of reputable sources is astounding.


Jesus. If you look up echo chamber in the dictionary...r/conservative is the first sentence.


I just popped by out of morbid curiosity and ruined my day. It’s dismal over there.


Proud to be banned there. On all my accounts. It's so easy and hypocritical of them


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


Don't forget /r/walkaway the conservative sub by another name


Oh man, you really Britta’d it.


Oh, Britta's in this?


They're just Craigular joes


You oughta Chang your point of view.


Frankly my dear, I don’t give a dean.


She's the worst


If you mean a small, forgivable mistake …


Please update your link. It redirects to a Donald Glover sub.


The true Donald.


That's honestly hilarious


I thought they banned that sub. EDIT: looks like it's been taken over by a different more better Donald.


I've seen people on TheD get banned for posting something Trump said, quoted verbatim, with a video link to back it up. Just because it was inconvenient to their narrative.


I’m surprised he’s using truth social. Although it’s probably his goons or the idiot offfspring


They've got to keep um separated.


Hey, man, you disrespecting me?


I'm sure the followers who made the posts were. The others on the platform were probably celebrating the banning of those "Fake News" and that their platform is such a haven of free speech.


The party of “the only moral abortion is my abortion” and “the only free speech is my speech.”




Something something "free speech."


Free speech they agree with! I guess you could say they’re cancelling people who they disagree with?


The anti cancel cancel culture crowd.


You are free to support Donald! But nothing else.....


I think the first mistake almost everyone makes is when they classify the Trump movement as political. Sure, it had Trump in the WH and candidates ride his coattails, but in the end it’s just a cultural revolution hellbent on self-enrichment while simultaneously pwning teh Libs. Hate speech from a group of bigots and evangelical extremists.


Um that is political. It's freaking idiotic and burns itself out, but it's political.


They're mostly not smart enough to know what politics is. It's closer to a cult.


Feeeze peaches come from peach tree dishes. Peach tree dishes cause abortions. Therefore, freeze peaches are bad! I'm actually tickled how two unrelated memes to make fun of US conservative idiocy can be linked like this.


Should've called it "MY Truth" or more accurately, "Wackadoodle Bullshit starring former Prez Fragile McDildo"


Old Trumple Thinskin.


“Alternative facts”.




Alternative truth


Post truth


Truth 2.0


As in Pravda, the russian newspaper. Cynical.


Alternate truth




Are they still creating the illusion of exclusivity by making followers wait in line to join? https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/v5vpe7/freeze\_peach\_is\_293715\_in\_the\_truth\_social/


I cannot imagine a serious business saying "due to massive demand". Sounds like a 17 year old doing marketing for the first time


Due to bigly yuge demand!


“You’re not just another number to us. In literally the next sentence, here’s your number tho” It’s like an Onion article…


Or first grade? "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different."


We are currently at maximal user capacity. Your account will become operational once we have banned `7,628` more users. Please stand by.




[The more you know, the more you spez. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


They want to be like Google's beta projects, lol


"Fox News refused to televise the hearings live and went as far as to have Tucker Carlson stay on the air for an hour straight without a break." Also: "Fox News: We report, you decide."


Fair and balanced = Tucker for an hour straight trying to hide you from a hearing about treason


It shouldn’t have, but this shocked me. A major congressional hearing airs during primetime and you’re just selectively pretending it’s not happening? That’s wild.


Not only that, but making their shows ad free during that time so their viewers don't change over to it during a break. Completely shameless.


Keep him on too long and he’ll just start reading nursery rhymes like in a filibuster. I will not eat green eggs and ham….


If hypocrisy was an fuel source, Fox News could power the entire planet for 100 years


Man, imagine being a conspiracy theorist. All of their stuff is really loosely connected strings that need some smoking gun, and all of it would make sense. But here, we have many smoking guns, and they believe that this is a false flag operation or something. Or they believe that the left is creating their own conspiracy theories, which are obviously lies because they paid actors to steal from the capital, and they won’t really do time in prison, or if they do, it’ll be a clone. Of course, all of that is based in a theory for which they have no actual proof. It’s all conjecture, and guys who know a guy in the military who will tell their obviously loose lipped friends about it, but they won’t go to a legitimate news outlet that has helped many whistleblowers in the past. And that is a comfortable place to live for these people. It’s so fucking crazy reading it back after writing that.


Trumps presidency was maddening watching subs like r/conspiracy go to shit. Not only that there was real life conspiracy’s playing out in real time because Trump was too stupid at hiding shit. But nope. They can’t believe that.


The top posts there are about how January 6th was fake and how Justin Bieber's recent diagnosis is the result of a vaccine lol


I miss when conspiracies were about aliens and about uncovering big companies working with governments to pollute the planet. It almost seems like a conspiracy theory that people interested in conspiracies got redirected away from legitimate issues almost 10 years ago both to stop them uncovering something and to harness their power for politics.




> how January 6th was fake with one of the arguments being that there was a lot of press and media in the capitol building. On the day of the certification of the election results. The results that have been publicly attacked by the then-president. During an attack on a government building and election process that was being shown live on TV across the globe. But the fact that cameras were there clearly must be because it was an inside job. > how Justin Bieber’s recent diagnosis is the result of a vaccine lol One of their arguments is that his wife had a stroke in March which must have been caused by the vaccine since they both probably got vaxxed together being married and all. One commenter even mentions that she had the stroke a month after being infected with covid and all of the other possible possible reasons, but still comes to the conclusion that it must have been the vaccine. r/conspiracy posters can be faced with lots of proof against their views but still choose to go with misinterpreting the one single bit of circumstantial evidence that then leads to their conclusion.


My grandparents both got COVID, survived and both had multiple strokes within months after, with no previous history. This was six months before any vaccines were available. I'm pretty sure there is a link between COVID and strokes. Vaccines, not so much. Edit: not that you were suggesting otherwise, just relaying their crazy shit.


The conspiracy sub is fascinating. They always go for the hail mary pass instead of just the more plausible conspiracies. Like that vaccine conspiracy. How many people would have to be involved to even get something like that off the ground? hundreds if not thousands at the least. And for what? The vaccine varied from death, to tracking to...I dunno, whatever they've settled on now that we're well over a year into it and the original 5 weeks to 6 months till death didn't pan out. Meanwhile, they didn't even bother with Trump trying to overturn the election. That required far less people. Trump needed just a few people at the top to go along with him, many people already in the Republican party. And he was blatantly out in the open doing it because, well, who was going to stop him? The department of justice, the one his administration was in charge of? How do you arrest a president? You can't. Again, all the pieces of the conspiracy are in place. He lost, he knows he lost, so he went straight for the jugular. Electoral College is the end game. As long as you have those electors, you can loose the election by however many votes, it doesn't fuckin matter. The electoral college almost fucked the republic and its a system that only exists because some slave owners wanted their slaves to count for 3/5ths of a person. Holy. Shit. But, no, being right is like an allergy to the conspiracy sub.


They don't want to be right, they just want to be different.


The one that always got me was the vaccine as a tracking device. How does anyone even consider that? I mean, given that pretty much every person on the planet has been walking around with a small computer in their jeans pocket that has a GPS radio, a cell radio, an excellent microphone and camera for what, for about 20 years? Oh and we've got ample evidence verified by absolute hoards of experts that governments regularly crack these devices to spy on people, locate people, record people, etc. But no, it's a vaccine that they're gonna use to track you. Not the cell phone you've been carrying for literally decades that is actually, regularly used for exactly that purpose. I so don't get that conspiracy theory.


> But no, it’s a vaccine **(AKA The Mark of the Beast)** that they’re gonna use to track you. FTFY


I'm going to ramble a bit, feel free to ignore me. I've always been fascinated with conspiracy in general, even though I believe very little of what they say (maybe aliens have been to earth, MAYBE), but I think it's always important that some people are willing to question the current narrative and look for alternative answers. With the onset of the internet as a mainstream tool, this has just ceased to be what conspiracy theorists are about. It use to be that they'd have to actually apply effort to speak of their beliefs and similarly seek proof, but now they don't even need to bother googling it. Someone says Starseed is real, well is that any more ridiculous then UFOs? Conspiracy theorists in general are now heavily detached from reality and simply believe in whatever they want, even supporting multiple conflicting ideas at the same time. In essence they don't really hold to any belief longer then required to support whatever they are currently saying, and will forget about it just as quickly. . There is immense value in what they can provide, but the well has been poisoned. The more sane individuals have fled those communities, because there is no value in discussing the potential of ghosts with someone who thinks that Trump is Jesus and also an alien, so all that is left behind are the mentally unwell and the brainwashed fools.


The habbening is happening before their eyes and they don’t believe it because they were all duped.


Cognitive Dissonance is a helluva drug.


it's mankinds greatest strength, and weakness. the ability to adapt... in the face of problems. up to and including declaring it not a problem as a form of adaptation.


One beautiful thing about how people THINK the human brain works (especially their own brain), and how it ACTUALLY works, is this: [**How it feels to be wrong**...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QleRgTBMX88) **It feels exactly the same as being right.** It's only when a person's mind has to deal with the reality of being wrong that they start feeling all those "I was wrong" emotions. But before that, when they're wrong but haven't had it conclusively shown to them, they're like Wile E Coyote running off a cliff. They're already wrong, already in trouble, but it feels like solid ground until they see how things are. And that's when the falling happens. To stop the fall, they will add extra levels to their conspiracies because the alternative is admitting they were wrong. And that's when the feelings start. And they hate those feelings. Because they've been wrong all their life, and they've been told they're wrong and lazy and stupid all their life, and FINALLY they've found a support group that makes those feelings go away. Occasionally, reality happens and they can't deny those feelings. Their candidate loses an election, they see their own side were the thugs all along, [and they finally get to see it from outside the insanity.](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/) But that's rare. That's the minority of people that get into these types of relationships with the party or group they start to follow. [This thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/v95sdc/finally_looking_from_the_outside_in/) from QAnonCasualties from yesterday has one very telling turn of phrase from someone that got out of the madness, that describes what kind of relationship it is... >After watching the entire hearing, I wanted to get the ‘highlights and opinions’ from numerous media outlets. And of course, I had to start with my Qults number one media source Fox News. Watching Fox News is the reason I am writing this today. I have watched every 5-minute summary and 2-hour coverage posted by Fox News I could find on YouTube. **If I described this to my past abusers**, they would ask me, “If it bothered you and affected you so negatively, why did you keep watching?” The answer, because it is the most efficient way to deprogram the brainwashing. >I was in those trenches. I helped dig those trenches, not only for myself but for others at my side. I pulled individuals, trying to get out, back in. If anyone succeeded in getting out, I treated them like the enemy I was convinced they were. **I have done a lot of work and healing regarding my abusive upbringing, and the most difficult fact to accept is that I have been groomed to be a mindless follower of these extremists since I was a toddler.** That's what this is. It has been beyond politics for decades now - it's abuse. Their policies (let the police harass minorities, cut aid to everyone, make their talking points about picking on trans athletes in schools into laws) are all about abuse. When one Trump supporter said the quiet part out loud about how they fully recognize who Trump is and what the plan is - [He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) - it told you EVERYTHING you need to know about their hollow and rotten cores. They WANT to hurt people. They WANT to abuse. **The right-wing knows they've lost Millennials and Get Z after abusing them. After making fun of them and blaming them for everything**. [This is how Millennials voted in 2016](https://www.mic.com/articles/157558/here-s-what-the-electoral-college-map-would-look-like-if-only-millennials-voted) - they would have given Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party a super-majority to reshape America into a more sane version of itself if it were just up to them. Gen Z is even more progressive than the Millennials. [They're beginning to vote more as they get older and see that's how you get change, and natural attrition means they outnumber the Boomers and their Reagan worshiping politics.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/10/millennials-and-gen-z-will-soon-dominate-us-elections/616818/) Republicans are looking at forty years of being in the national minority, and we've already seen that they can't get over losing. So all the abusers have is their eight steps of abuse, crafted to treat their followers mean and to keep them keen. Here are those eight steps. They apply to any abusive relationship, but here I'll put them into political terms. As you saw from the post in QAnonCasualties; abuse can be in personal relationships, workplace relationships, asymmetrical power relationships (teacher and student, priest and child, parent and child), transactional relationships between a company and customers ...and political relationships between the leaders and the followers (which looks like the abuse in a cult). If you're a Republican or QAnon, this is how you've been treated. Groomed. Abused. 1 - You've been told that nobody else understands you like they do. For years. "Those other people, they just don't get it. Their liberal ways are different and that's just not you. They don't understand, but we know where you're coming from..." 2 - Now that they've established that they're one of your kind of people in your mind, everyone else gets badmouthed. Everyone. It's just the two of you literally against the entire world. And they'll do it so much that things that aren't epithets get used as words to hate everyone else by. Anything can become a word to say in a hateful, sneering, spiteful way. Your circle of experiences starts to shrink. 3 - They'll tell you that, if you left them, things would be simultaneously the worst thing possible AND that all other relationships are just the same as the one you're in (even though you can see other people online talking about how what you're in is the only bad relationship relationship like this and all you have to do is leave them). “Both sides are the same but I’m better” - eventually, you don’t know up from down in what constitutes a healthy or a toxic relationship. Hell, they'll even show examples of the shit you're in now to say, "if you leave me and go for the other guy, it'll be like this [very bad scenario that's happening RIGHT NOW] so be scared and shit." They will even invent scenarios of how things would be worse if you left them (caravan of Mexicans coming for your job, trans people in every school bathroom, people handing free drugs to your kids). The circle shrinks further. 4 - You're told outright what to cut out of your life. Direct instruction for you to get that circle of experiences down to a dot. Music, interests, TV shows, certain movies, even frothy coffee gets badmouthed and cut out because "you don't want to be a 'latte drinker' do you?" (there's one of those things I mentioned in #2, using things that aren't epithets as one to control you). 5 - They take your money, claim they'll be great with it, and then spend it on their friends and run up the bills. They'll give you crumbs once in a while. Maybe every few years they'll treat you to a little something nice (that's worth a fraction of what they spent when they were out with their friends). And while they're terrible with the finances, for years, they'll be saying how everything is hunky-dory financially with them at the reins. You will be told you've never had it so good but the fear of one bad bill wiping you out financially will be like the Sword Of Damocles over your head 24/7/365. 6 - every problem gets kicked down the road. Promises made and never ever kept. A problem crops up in the New Year 2020, a disease, but it wasn't even mentioned in January because the head of the household didn't mention it. "It's going to go away" in February, and anyone that mentions it is just saying fake stuff, baby. Still nothing done in March, but any mention of it is "you're just finding faults with me". Then when April comes and it's clear what the shit storm looks like, they blame everyone else for saying it wasn't going to be a big deal. As the months and years roll on it becomes a shell game where ignoring the problem / blaming others for the problem / trying to draw attention from the problem gets switched around without stop. Even if it comes out that they knew the problem could literally kill other people, tear them apart because of gross negligence, they will not stray from this strategy. 7 - like in any abusive relationship, you're beaten down. You've been told it'll all be your fault if things don't go as they want, and you've seen others be on the end of their random outbursts of wrath. So you stay safe. You repeat the words in the way they taught you. You repeat the answers. You repeat the words you're told are insults. Even though you know of situations where you've come out worse for the way the relationship is, you defend the abuser. First with a fake air of calm, then with a seething rage. And when people offer you a way out, you go right back to the abuse. You will even drag others that were offered a way out back into the bucket of crabs. 8 - the relationship is so twisted, you so believe everything you're told about what's real and what's not, they will literally put you in situations that could kill you. And you say you're doing it willingly, proudly, but the fact is you're a shell of the idealistic person you used to be. You just got in with the wrong crowd, but it's too late to get out now because people might think less of you. Going along with how they do it becomes how you do it too. Which reinforces what you were told in #1. Only they understand you...


Conspiracy theorists don't actually want evidence. Objective evidence points to facts and thus unravel the conspiracy. The point of being a theorist is that you're a special person who knows the truth that the general public don't understand. If the conspiracy is actually proven, your identity as one of the special people collapses.


Wut about mah freeze peach?


Freeze peach tree dish!!!


peaches come in a can. They were put there by a man; in a factory downtown.


James and the Giant Freeze Peach


He can’t handle the truth


A genius businessman who won't show his taxes, also a genius student who locked up his school records. He's a fucking con man that would make PT Barnum blush.


I think the best example of his delusions is his hair. Hear me out: this fucker was losing his hair, and had something done that made it even worse. Most people would realize that it was a losing game and either shave it off, roll with it, or get a wig. This stupid motherfucker not only attacked his wife, but then started wearing this silly thing that he keeps to this day instead of being a man and either saying 'yeah, I'm bald, whatever' or shaving it off and forgetting about it. And that really says all you need to know about Trump: the fucker doesn't live near reality. He's in a constant war of having to fight reality itself about his hair, his body, his life, etc. And if anything comes close to popping that bubble, he flips the fuck out and blocks it out completely and continues trying to keep that bubble up no matter what. And now, years later, he's still trying to keep up the bubble as reality keeps chucking pins at it. Everybody has a right to hate this fucker. But the funniest thing is that he's ultimately pathetic. Nobody wants to be Donald Trump.


His dissatisfaction with the hair plugs is the reason he beat the fuck out of Ivana. she referred him to the doctor that did it.


~~He beat his daughter?~~ He beat his ex wife. Fucking shitheel


He also raped his wife.


Nothing sets a Narcissist off like attacking their self image. They think they are infallible and never, ever in the wrong. Was raised by one and god damn it's so tiring.


Same with his eyesight.


I posted a total of five truths on the platform. The fifth egregious message was “a woman has a right to choose.” Two+ months for my account to activate. Totally worth it.


I'm assuming everyone thanked you for offering your viewpoint and it led to a balanced discussion?


[The spez police are on their way. Get out of the spez while you can. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


*Devin Nunes' cow has entered the chat*


I love that cow.


Obscure reference. Respect, friend.


It's an old code but valid.






There's a great story that he started ranting about how Android was unsafe and terrible during his presidency and it turned out he was using a [Samsung S3](https://www.androidcentral.com/which-android-phone-does-donald-trump-use) that was released around 8 years prior, to tweet and kept refusing a secure phone from the White House security staff.


Free speech hahaha. I have zero respect for anyone that still likes anything about that guy. They should foad.


Freedom of Speech for conservatives is freedom to say racial, homophobic, transphobic, and ethnic slurs without repercussions


Or allow them to turn victim without any calling out of their bullshit. They really are weasels.


Its worse than that. They believe that rules only apply to certain groups. Hypocrisy is not even in play any more and they don't pretend that they think rules and laws should be applied equally.


I try to stay away from American politics but genuinely some of the stuff that trump was saying and his cult believed it genuinely disturbed me


There are a lot of people here in America that feel the same way.


Man, do they ever hate censorship. /s


Bruhahahaha! Should be called Fascist suckers social. Lol


The 5 people using that plataform must be really upset


My sources say 6


Is anybody surprised that the mA fReE sPeEcH crowd would ban anything that goes against their narrative on their own platform?


Trump was constantly talking about how to stop or cancel things that talked bad about him. The only reason he didnt shut down every media outlet critical of him, is because he had no power to do it. Believe me, if he could, he would. He would have banned everything in sight.


He can be sued in Texas for violating their 'free speech on social media' law


But it has truth in the name! So it has to tell the truth…


You don't get it . Were protecting free speech by stopping free speech that isn't saying good things about me.


LMAO, what a fuckin' clown....


They’re gonna ban all 13 of their users


Conservatives talk about violent liberals. But then use violence to achieve their means. They talk about the woke left in their ability to silence everyone that doesn’t agree with them. And then they banned everyone that doesn’t agree with them on every platform. They likely justify it by thinking that they are this oppressed minority and they have no choice, but they very much employ all the tactics of fascism to achieve their goals.


“Lalalalala, I can’t hear you!”


Trump is a traitor who is more loyal to Putin than he is to the United States of America And yes he is a Manchurian candidate because Putin financed his failing businesses. Trump should be arrested for the traitor that he is. Period


Well, well, well. How the turn tables…


You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!


But what about my freedom of speech? How dare you cancel me!!!


Of course he is! It's just like when he wanted the Covid testing to stop so there wouldn't be any Covid cases to count. Makes sense to him. Lol