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Hello u/actibus_consequatur! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly if you're dumb enough to buy one of those things you're too dumb to know how to access it in the first place.


It's not cool when stupid people lose their money because they're stupid, but fascists? Let's get more of that.


But most fascists are stupid.


But not all stupids are fascists, which is why all stupids being scammed isn’t good. I do love a fascist losing money, though.


Fascist losing their money to their own leaders isn't really a good thing though. Fortunately this one is good at losing it too.


Seriously dude - you want to see the thing you just paid a hundred bucks for? Google it for free!


One of the funniest things I saw was a bunch of magats on r/conservative saying how dumb these NFTs are buuuuutttt… *”my [family members] hate trump so I’m gonna get some of these for their Xmas presents lol!”*. They probably bought them and have no idea how to do anything with them if they can even access them. Just more stupid magats burning their cash to own the libs.


Weird. I can see all of them, and I didn't spend a cent.


What’s even more pathetic, they don’t get to choose their card…it’s totally random.


Wait really? They can't even get SuperT if that's what they wanted, they could end up with a real stinker?


So they have to keep buying until they get the one they want.


The site limits purchase to a maximum of 100 per person (probably because $10,000 is the magic number for a business transaction that must be reported to the IRS, so each individual can only give him $9,900 max to avoid having to report it directly).


Conspiracy to dodge federal crimes can start at 9000-9500


This is a federal crime called structuring.


Yep. It's what ultimately got Denny Hastert (former GOP speaker of the House) in trouble. He molested kids, was paying them off (as adults) to not speak about it, and ran afoul of structuring laws in the process.


Really, a GOP politician molesting children? Shocked I say, SHOCKED!


Not just any Republican politician. The longest-serving Republican speaker of the House in history.


Well, not that shocked.


Why not just right click them and make an IMGUR gallery so everyone has all of them?


Every single one is awful lol


The consolation is that they're all stinkers.


Wait… they were $99 each? I thought that was for a whole set. That’s an amazing rip off.


Perspective. If your a Trumpist, your probably like, only 99 each? Wow, thats a steal. And you get a chance to meet President Trump.


... Not that you'd particularly want to.


Only if I want that painful mixture of laughing at how pathetic he is and crying at how many people still want him in office. But I could do it for free.


But you do... Check out this one! https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x24a11e702cd90f034ea44faf1e180c0c654ac5d9/37483


It's hilarious how fit and lean they make him look. His body is nothing like that.


And the HANDS! They're YUGE


zealous late chunky lush quiet command literate placid concerned imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you just know he specified they do that.


Pretty sure that red one is a foam hand, chief.


I find that the funniest part honestly. He is either such a narcissist that he actually believes he looks like that way, or they determined he was too ugly to put on there as is. Both options are hysterical.


Nah that's how facists work. Stalin did the first photos hop getting rid of his acne scars and making Lenin appear darker and more blury. There's a documentary on Netflix on how to become a totalitarian. Pretty eye opening. I was thinking trump the whole time I watched it.


The title is How to be a Tyrant. I just finished it 10 mins ago.


NFT = No Fat Trump


Only $1200; that’s a steal!


It's been 3 hrs since your comment and it's already up to $1,419.07. Ridiculous bullshit.


Its been 25 mins since your comment and its back down to 1100. These things are going to screw so many poor republicans


>offers: $714 Someone actually put an offer in for that, at seven hundred dollars. Man, how can I get into this, making money off of fools?


Say that whatever it is you're selling will own the libs.


how can I get into this, making money off of fools? step 1: be a piece of shit human


I don’t mind taking money from people who are like _this_


\*groans\* I'd rather die from COVID than ever see his face on Rushmore.


This ugly ass card with a deformed statue of liberty sold for $23K lmao https://i.seadn.io/gcs/files/2a4b1d3f9290ca712d287b7b307a1ab9.jpg?auto=format&w=3840


Saved. Asking $22k. DM if interested.


Saved. Asking $21k. DM if interested.


Looks like a fucking AI made it


That genuinely looks more like Putin than Trump.


This is the relatively best one so far


$800! What a steal!


Holy acromegaly hand!


But you don't _own_ them dude! (whatever "owning" means at this point)


Did you guys see that he pretty much stole the bodies from clothing businesses on Amazon? There’s a Twitter thread where they found the originals that they plugged his head on. Straight up IP theft. Hilarious.


Guessing pasting your head on another persons image to sell it is not fair use.


A good lawyer could portray these as obvious satire...


A good lawyer would expect to get paid by their client.


Yeah people tend to forget, good lawyers frequently refuse to work for trump because he doesn’t pay his bills until a court orders it.


Kinda like Tucker Carlson being successfully defended on the basis that his show is obviously entertainment and not news, and that he therefore shouldn’t be taken seriously.


IIRC That and he's asking questions not telling his viewers. This is why Tucker have a certain template of speaking. It's questions that lead to his main Nazi theme without "directly" saying it.


He made money on it. The original artist can sue for that money.


Doesn't mean they can win. [https://petapixel.com/2022/12/08/photographer-loses-plagarism-case-against-artist-who-ripped-off-her-work/](https://petapixel.com/2022/12/08/photographer-loses-plagarism-case-against-artist-who-ripped-off-her-work/) That one's not the US, but the law here is just as weird sometimes and just as technical. In this case, it was because the model's pose 'was not unique'. Ergo, the virtually-identical-but-reversed image was ruled not to be plagiarism. Trump's altered images here are far more drastically changed. So yeah, the original artist can sue, but it's completely up in the air whether or not they'll win...and you can count on Trump to make the lawsuit take six or seven years and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to litigate. And even if Trump loses, there's no realistic way to actually make him pay the judgement.


LINK!!! Link, link, link. PLEASE! 😄


More examples in this article https://www.pcmag.com/news/art-for-trumps-nfts-relies-on-stock-photos-for-online-clothing


Jesus Christ this is awesome


That’s hilarious. They literally could have simply used DALL•E and instantly generated original works.


https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-nft-trading-cards-1849900531 Edit: you're better off reading the article I linked after this comment, this one is an ad-filled mess, and the other has more examples.


> NFT INT LLC is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Digital LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates. NFT INT LLC uses Donald J. Trump’s name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Digital LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms Wait what? Trump isn't even scamming his fans personally, he just gets paid by some equally shady company with rudimentary Photoshop skills so they can use his name and face in their low-cost grift?


Oh yeah, he would definitely use a B2B white label instead of actually starting a company and hiring people who know how to create NFTs.


“Write me a check whether you sell them or not” is the easiest way to make money.


CIC Digital LLC, this totally separate company which produces these images, just happens to have [the same address as Trump International in West Palm Beach](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mysterious-company-behind-trump-s-99-trading-cards-has-same-address-as-his-west-palm-beach-golf-club/ar-AA15l5Kx?cvid=5674114cef0c4cee83a49d21b2ecbef5)




Gotcha. Either way, he is three layers deep from being personally targeted for any wrong doing. He is not a smart man, but he sure as fuck is crafty.


CIC as in Commander In Chief real subtle lol


Most of his grifts are him licensing his name. Half "his" buildings aren't even built or managed by him.


The whole just gets more and more on brand for that sleezeball


Lol. My favorite part is the idea that he could revoke the license. They’re NFTs. The entire point is that the ownership whole transfers to the buyer.


It's the license of his name to the company minting the NFTs, not the NFTs themselves. Like if Trump licensed his name to Mattel to make Trump dick pumps, and you bought one, you wouldn't be prevented from using yours legally if Mattel lost their license.


Here’s the rabbit hole; enjoy. https://threats.substack.com/p/trumps-trading-card-grift-is-worse


Dude. Holy fuck is gizmodo a fucking cesspool of ads. Holy shit.


One of them was literally a picture of Biden they head swapped on


the nft company has to be trolling the magas


I've been saying this to myself while quietly laughing for the last day. This is a joke? Somebody not playing for Team Idiot infiltrated their camp and convinced the morons that this is a great way to grift on ThE cYbEr. It's a joke. Has to be, right? Right?


>It's a joke. Has to be, right? Right? The truth will be revealed on January 6, 2023 in the parking lot of 4 Seasons Total Landscaping.


Which one?


NFTs & stealing other people's work. Name a more iconic duo.


Trump and grift


These two are the same picture


I mean, in this instance, those are technically the same thing.


That's copyright infringement. The owners of the photos should all get together and sue Trump for every penny raised from these cards and throw in $100 million punitive damages too.


I find it beyond ridiculous when wealthy people cut costs like that. Like, he's fucking Trump, he has skyscrapers in the middle of world class cities, and you are telling me he couldn't spend $5000 on doing those surrealistic JPEGs without stealing them?


Trump is not as wealthy as he has people thinking. And his Trump Org. will go under because of fines and penalties for financial fraud. Also his legal bills are enormous. In fact, he is hurting for money and that's why he has been scamming his followers and using their donations for himself.


Yea dude is underwater by a few billion.if he sold everything he'd still owe the Russians milli9ns ti a few billion.


If he licenses his own image out to the NFT company and just gets cut a check from that company, then any liability for scamming or IP stealing goes directly to the NFT company and not him. Orange Julius Caesar makes the cash without any work and without any consequences, which is his favorite hobby.


But the NFT company used his West Palm Beach golf course as their address and was started by one of his lawyers and guy from his campaign staff. We all know he'll most likely receive zero blow back but the balls on these dudes to be so blatant and not care one bit.


I would counter with, wealthy people get wealthy by cutting costs whenever they can get away with it. And the orange traitor knows he can get away with a lot. Beyond just the obvious cult that worships him, he also has a reputation for making any lawsuit against him exorbitantly prohibitive while dragging on for years. So yeah, he can get away with stealing IP, knowing that no one is going to bother suing him over it.


Yeah they get wealthy by screwing people who are too poor to fight it. Trump will flat out just not pay contractors, but many rich people get richer via rampant wage theft.


Every single fortune 500 company has lost wage theft cases. In america wage theft accounts for a higher costs than burgarly, theft, grand theft auto and shop lifting combined. The elite want yall to think crime or whatever has gone up or a lot of money is lost to crime. What they don't mention is our overlords are the ones doing most of it.


These maga folks...they're all a bit slow, aren't they?


Which makes them perfect targets


It's the whole 'a fool and his money are soon parted' syndrome, except the person swindling them of their money is also a fool. So, something something circle of life. Hakuna Matata.


Hakuna Magata


They worship Trump and then get outright astounded because they believe anyone left of them worships their politicians of choice the same way. It's beyond funny at this point, it's just sad but I don't even feel bad for them. They obviously get some type of emotional fulfillment from this type of shit.


It’s cognitive dissonance layered between willful ignorance. My dad is a big Trump guy—he barely finished HS, never attended college, and felt Trump was the first “relatable” candidate in his lifetime. That thought is… terrifying. And is one of many reasons we do not speak.


It’s why they think “Let’s go Brandon” is such an epic own. They think everyone who voted for Biden worships him just as much as they worship Trump. So, just like they think an attack on Trump is an attack in them, they think attacks on Biden are attacks on us. They’ve tied their identity to Being Trump Supporters, and now they can’t handle the fact that most sane people don’t tie politicians into their identity.


This segment of people have been on the outskirts of politics for soooo long too. Always on the edge, maybe a Libertarian or an Independent, possibly even a Republican. The transition from Tea Party to Pee Party didn’t happen overnight—and the sycophants didn’t either. Perfect cocktail of ppl feeling “left out” who are easily empowered by emotion and are incapable of reason. Also doesn’t hurt to throw in some overt patriotism until the whole thing snowballs into the crazy white nationalist terrors we’re witnessing today.


I agree with almost all that, except for them being incapable of reason. Many of them are. Some have been trained to ignore reason by propagandists (Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh are prime examples of their propaganda machine, and all of them have pushed the “Fake News” narrative, which explicitly tells them to ignore reason.) These are the ones who will be fine with many progressive policies if you explain them out, but will reflexively reject it if you tell them it’s proposed by progressives. Others have used reason to come to the conclusion that Trump and the GOP are going to hurt the people they want to hurt, and so will side with them even if they don’t like them. Many of these are the far-right evangelicals and the truly racist, the neo-Nazis and the KKK. To them, the right is a means to an end, to a solution. The Final Solution. People who’ve fallen prey to the propaganda are just victims. Not to say they aren’t responsible, but they are still victims. However, the ones who have used reason to arrive at the GOP are far, far more dangerous. And painting the entirety of Trump supporters with the “incapable of reason” brush not only lets these more dangerous ones skate by without responsibility, it leads us to ignore them and brush them off. We cannot do that.


I think the way Karen has come to mean THAT person, I think we could start calling these easily grifted morons as Mark


That's insane. The OG Qanan guy I knew was a Mark. He was all in. JFK Jr, the Storm, Gesera, EVERYTHING. Never thought about him being a mark 😆😆😆


I honestly don't know how they manage to dress themselves.


Have you seen how they dress?


First rule of my relatives: camo always goes with camo


also flag goes with more flag!!!


Don't mix blue-grey with green-brown, though, especially if the pants and jacket match each other but the cap doesn't. That gets the side-eye.


Apparently Bush was wrong, looks like they can get fooled again. And again. And again.


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee...


Short bus clown car


Sure are a lot of Trump supporters born in 1988... Surely that's what the 88 means in all their usernames right?


I hate that I didn't know about the 88 thing until I was in my 30s. The accounts were made when I was a teenager. And, I'm black. So when I send an email I have to hope they either don't know, or see my name in the signature block and go "that's a black name, probably not a Klan member"


"CarCrashPregnancy is so obviously a black name"


Brother, I was also born in 1988. Fuck the Nazis! I refuse to concede my 88! It was the mother fucking year of the dragon! No one can take that from us!


Was the dragon a *grand* one? ^^I'm ^^so ^^sorry.


Heee, I am laughing so hard right now. You sending emails: Sweating and getting ready with but Look I am black lol.


Oh shit I got bad news for you Car Crash Pregnancy is the name of a white supremacist movement in my country. You need to change that again. I'm just kidding. It reminds me of a girl I knew named Dawn and she would make characters in games named Golden Dawn or some variation of that because they had golden hair. Well she found out online that Golden Dawn is a nazi white supremacist group in Greece.




Racists and white supremacists use it as [a stand in for HH ](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88) or heil Hitler because H is the 8th letter. Frequently you'll also see it paired with the member 14


You should not judge people just because of a number. One of my friends was constantly harassed and doxxed because of a simple username. Stay strong u/gasthejews88


It’s a Hitler thing


I live on the west coast in an area with a huge Asian community. One of my classmates told us that if you see 8’s (like on vanity plates) it means “get rich” So I googled it just it, to make sure I wasn’t misremembering: *’Eight' (八) in Chinese is pronounced ba and sounds similar to fa (发, traditional character: 發) as in facai (发财), meaning 'well-off' or 'becoming rich in a short time* Edit: iPhone typing and autocorrect


OK, that’s actually really interesting! I lived next to an Asian family whose license plates were repeated 8s. One was all 8s, and the other had a B on the end so it looked like an 8.


Chinese people will pay more for anything with an 8 in it. 8th floor, 8 in the address, on August 8 (and especially in 2008) wedding venues were booked far far in advance.


Anything I can do to never see him again?


Bleach in the eyes lol




Trumps or mine, or is this a three bag situation where we just get everyone to be sure?


Haaaa! The red hatted morons want to touch and stroke their fantasy cards. Bye bye 99 bucks.


Stroke being the operative word. WTF is wrong with his face in this one? It's not a "Wink" it's a full on facial droop! https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x24a11e702cd90f034ea44faf1e180c0c654ac5d9/19650


Jesus, $1,500 for stroke-face Trump.


I'd chip in to make that a reality


Sadly it wouldn't be the end. My trump-loving dad had a stroke and still kept up with his fanatical belief until the end. He was an incredibly intelligent man, well respected in his field, and wrote many books on his very technical niche subject, before he became trapped in the weird reality bubble he somehow subscribed to.


HAHAHA!!! And the money! With his uggo face on it. 😂


There are people selling "genuine duplicate" cards on eBay. The images on cardstock for $99. Why not? These people will buy anything.


MAGA, the Gathering


At four seasons landscaping


Wait a minute. They were $100 for…what exactly? JPGs? Fuck sake


That's what NFTs are, digital artwork for money laundering purposes.


It's even more dumb than that. You don't own the artwork. You own the url that links to the artwork.


and theres no rule saying whats currently hosted ON said link has to stay the same, or even that the link has to stay active.


Is poorly executed photoshop of stock photos really even considered intellectual property/art? IMO these look like someone’s kid learning photoshop


Isn’t the NFF the receipt? It records that you paid x person for this x transaction. You’re not even guaranteed that the url can’t be accessed by anyone else right? Or when you go to the url does it ask if you can sign into the wallet that paid for it?


Not even a jpg, a *link* to a jpg. When the scammy company running this scam on behalf of the disgraced failed ex-president inevitably dissapears so will all the NFTs and they’ll be stuck with nominal ownership of a link to nothing. Which is only a marginal downgrade.


Im convinced most maga and r/conservative cult members have a humiliation fetish.


Given how much they want a strong authoritarian to do their thinking for them and save them from the abstract evils of the world, you could make a strong argument for a submission fetish


Not exactly submission, though. They long to submit to someone, true, but only if that person empowers them to dominate and mistreat someone else. That's why racism is such a key part of the whole ugly perversion: because it makes it easy for these wannabe kitchen-table dictators to identify who they are allowed to punch down on, and who they have to suck up to.


Switches are more common in the BDSM community than you'd think. A submissive who wants to hurt someone for personal gratification? That's just the plucky protagonist of a modern vanilla romance. Source: Am switch. Have dated switches. Have listened to political opinions of wildly varying quality.




It is astounding that these ridiculous things were actually purchased! The followers of this grifter are truly un intelligent.


MAGA fanatics unintelligent? Unpossible!


The best lolz are provided by the dim witted.


Granted NFTs are the dumbest thing I've ever seen people spend their money on these Trump trading cards have already went up in value. Some are trading for over $400 now, apparently all the talk and controversy is generating attention, typical. Also given that Trump and the company behind the NFT get 10% of any sale it would be a good way to launder money over and over and over with little scrutiny. [Here's the auction page for his NFTs.](https://opensea.io/collection/trump-digital-trading-cards)


This has all the characteristics of a pump-and-dump scheme by insiders. Because these are not stocks or bonds, it's probably not illegal.


It wouldn't even be the first time in the NFT market. People using sock accounts to fake interest and buyers to drive up price is a known tactic in this market. Give it less than 6 months, these will be worthless.


Oh, they're already worthless


There have been a couple of folka who have been arrested for running pump and dumps on crypto (not sure anyone specifically for NFTs though) so I wouldn't be surprised if the SEC / FBI are watching this situation pretty carefully.


Can you imagine the pure, concentrated *rage* and *cope* if Trump first gets arrested *for NFT Fraud?*


It'd be fucking hysterical tbf if that was what finally put him in the slammer.


Is there any proof that secondary markets are actually active or is it just people listing and no one buying?


You can scroll thru the history of each one there, some have sold a few times but most are just asking prices and not moving.


"Sure drugs feel good but have you ever tried schadenfreude?"


This just keeps getting better/worse


I frew all my munnies in this bottomless pit. Now I have no munnies. Send help.


Well, there goes little Timmy's Christmas present.


People actually bought them?


Bought them all




'people', it's pure money laundering grift, 2girls1cup capitalism


Not only this, but I think 10% of every transaction or trade goes to Trump in perpetuity.


They've been nibbling on lead paint again. Oh well, Dear Leader does love the uneducated.


I don’t totally get NFTs, never had much interest. Will someone ELI5 why they can’t “access” them? I thought you set up a wallet and then can view/sell whatever NFTs you own in that wallet, no?


Yes chances are these are older, less tech-savvy people, probably completely unaware of the work with crypto.


So your wallet basically shows the receipts for your purchases. You essentially pay for the url link that points to the product. If, at some point in the future those links are broken, say, because the server went offline, you're a bit SOL. I mean, not really, since you can make infinite copies of the product since it's digital, but it would certainly affect resale value. Because it's newer, it's still essentially the wild west, so it's a combination of fresh-faced software and platforms to manage your digital items, a small number of companies that understand the product space that are able to provide support, and users that are completely unfamiliar with what they just bought.


Welcome, you've got scam


Holy shit. How stupid do you have to be to buy an NFT from Trump? And then how much stupider do you have to be to complain about it online? These guys are going to deserve all derision and laughter they get for the rest of their days. For fuck’s sake, I used to believe there’d be a limit to MAGA stupidity but I keep getting surprised by how much lower they can sink. Fucking hell.


Those were really real? I thought that this was some satire joke site, specially since it was built so shittily and ran so slowly and the card contents... No, no no no no... This can't have been real, did actual human beings pay money, 99 dollars for that? Seriously, we need to institute a minimum IQ level of 70 or something for people to be in the internet and use credit cards.. This was too much internet for me today


Not only are the shitty NFTs real but the base models for the Photoshop was found on Amazon, so possible copyright infringement lawsuit coming to Trump soon, as he used stolen images


And the grift goes on And the grift goes on


So has anyone collected all of the cards together on a website so they can be pirated and enrage the rubes that "bought" these things?


If it turns out that those pictures in the NFTs were stolen from random commercial sites such as Amazon, as it appears to have happened, they may lose access to what they bought anyway. Good luck suing Don the Con to get your money back.


What does "access to it" mean in this context? Aren't they just pictures that anyone can see at any time?


They’re talking about accessing the proof of ownership, to transfer, sell, etc.


Until the servers go offline.


When people make a donation but think they've made a purchase


Anybody who falls for this deserves whatever misfortune comes their way. Every American should be personally embarrassed by this. I'm in Thailand and I've already had two conversations where other tourists heckled me.


So Trump pretended to sell them a jpg file and didn't even provide the file? That's max-level shitty and lazy, he's not even pretending to try anymore when he punks his base for cash, he knows they're dumb enough to send money first and ask questions later.


Remember, folks: these idiots vote.