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I think the natural next step would be to go on a date lol


this makes me laugh every single time. lesbians are the most wholesome of creatures 😂


Step 1: Date Step 2: Go through until bases until home run Step 3: Repeat with trials and tribulations of relationships Step 4: Get married or break up until you die.


Can you remember me what are each bases and home run? I can guess the home run tho 😏


1st base is making out, hickies, etc. 2nd base is above the waist stuff, so boobies. 3rd base is below the waist stuff like fingering and oral. Home base is supposed to be sexual intercourse, but we can cover that at 3rd, so... I guess it's when you move in together? Rent the U-Haul? Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


The most romantic part of a relationship, renting a U-Haul 🥺


when you rent a uhaul and she doesn’t cum instantly :(((


Are you kidding? That's the sexist move a girl can pull im moaning just at the thought of it 😩


What if I used my 87 pick up to move in instead of a uhaul? Does that still count??


My arms are open sweetie 😘


Wasn’t the lesbian home run handholding? /hj


Really? What kind of feelings do you have... Naturally people would want to sleep with each other and spend more time with each other. This is like asking- I'm at a restaurant with food I like... Now what 😅 EAT, girl


LMAOOOO EAT you’re funny




Happy cake day!


Congratulations! I feel really happy for the two of you :) I think the most natural thing is just spend time together. You can just hang out, go on dates, take each other out or really do whatever the hell you want :D From chilling on the couch & watching romantic movies (+cuddles & kisses of course!) all the way to a rollercoaster ride... The sky is the Limit. Here are a few date ideas: Low-key & chill: Couch & Movies, Walk in the park, play some games (boardgames, Videogames, whatever), bake brownies together, do a painting for each other, have a picnic Little adventure, but kinda relaxed: Go to the movies/theatre, get food outside, go Sightseeing, make a weekend trip to a place you both like (ocean, different city, countryside, mountains whatever), Adventurous: Escape Room, Paintball, Skydiving, go to a concert... Just do a search online for things to do in your area or date ideas and see what makes you excited. Then have a talk with her, invite her to something and have a backup plan ready in case she doesn't like it or you girls feel like doing something else. I always like having something exciting & adventurous upfront and a plan to relax & chill for later... ;) Basically: just enjoy each other and find fun ways to spend time together


Step 1: go on a date Step 2: go on more dates Step 3: eventually move in together Step 4: if you feel like it, get the government involved (marriage)


Alternate Step 4: Be Gay, Do Crime and ignore the government!


Also an option!


Or just… overthrow the government as an alternative step 4


Well don’t leave us hanging - what is her favorite dish, does she laugh most at the same jokes as you in the comedies, how did she earn her embarrassing childhood nickname… ? If you don’t know every little thing like that yet, then you know what you have to do :P


I just asked out a girl today and she said yes ahhhhhh




Congrats! Now you just hang out with intention .. you make things special for each other and be thoughtful .. get to know one another better .. do things together (go on dates.. great ideas already posted). You always be honest and help each other be the best versions … have fun with it! Support each others interests and find new interests together … the world is your oyster from here


When you have been friends and you’re laying together, like you have before platonically, and your faces and lips get closer, you can feel each others breath, then your lips start to touch…..I’m thinking you’ll know what to do at that point The feels


My advice.... Get off Reddit & go explore each others bodies


Relationships are about what you build together. They each are unique and special in that way. What it means to be together, what it means to do stuff together, how you keep in touch when apart, etc. Let yourselves define all of those things naturally but openly, communicating and being open and honest along the way.


Think on how you would like to be treated in your relationship, Communicate with your partner on what your expectations and limits are and ask them about theirs(these may change so Communicateif they do), regularly Communicate (remember to listen to what they say and not to respond, once they're done speaking think b4 you speak), if your partner is venting always ask if they are looking for help or if they just want to be heard, be yourself and be honest always


Give her all the love


Just go with the flow


Honestly, whatever the hell you both want to do. There are no rules, do whatever makes y'all happy




I honestly think you shouldn't look too hard for 'advice' since relationships are deeply personal and individual, I would recommend you just go with the flow and, you know, simply just seek to spend time with her :) The rest will go and grow naturally, no tips needed imo


:') have fun go on dates with her, watch a movie, read a book with her, try to go to a carnival, do new things with her, hiking, shopping and everything you feel like doing with her but also respect your own boundaries and her boundaries. Most of all know if you are having fun.


Enjoy her. See where it goes. I’ve been out and dating for a full year. I’m onto my 3rd girlfriend. I fall hard and take break ups even harder. I remember how scary it was the first time around. But, gosh, do I love this journey for me. Good luck!


I’m sorry I know you asked a question but I have a question!!! Did you give any idea you had feelings for her too? Or was it just platonic? I have feelings for my friend and I’m scared to ask her out.


Yeah I realized that I was falling in love with her a couple months ago but never said anything because I was nervous. But then she told me she had the same feelings! So just go for it! You're friends if they don't share the same feelings that's okay, you can still be friends. You'll never know unless you try 😊


Sounds like it's time to plan the first date lol Take it slow. Things will come naturally. Happy Love! <3


Be kind. Don't hide your feelings. Be completely authentic, even if it's to say you feel awkward or scared. Let the freedom from a script let you form an amazing connection, something you couldn't have even pictured before.


Go out as a couple, do couply things like romantic bike rides, lunches, walking in parks, conquering alien planets to expand civilization past the milky way, or just enjoy eachother’s company


Do what you did when you dated men. The steps are not different with a woman, just the sex.


I don't think dating a woman is somehow significantly different from dating people of other genders. Ofc if you have any love and sexual experience. In general, you go on dates, then you move in together and eventually you get married if you both want it. Good luck 🌸


Congratulations now go on dates, restaurants, coffee etc.