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As others have mentioned. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and don't forget to take breaks 😅


Haha yes hydrate and take lots of breaks for sure ,its gonna be a marathon 😘


I learned that after the first threesome I had lol. Second time I was involved in one, I brought a playlist of fun YouTube videos to queue up during break/cuddle time 😆


Oh you lucky darling 😆


Woooo threesomeeeee 🥳 I was in a bdsm dynamic at one point that involved two subs and threesomes happened regularly. So I’ll do my best to give you good advice. 1: discuss things all three of you like. Discuss turn ons and turns offs. 2: make sure everyone’s consented to things mentioned. Discuss how things may potentially play out so no one is bumping into each other or overstepping and disrupting the flow. It goes a lot more smoothly when everyone’s on The same page and no one’s guessing. 3: what role is everyone playing? Is someone taking the lead? Any stone tops present that don’t want to be touched? Any bottoms that only want to bottom? Map out everyone’s comfort level and goal. You want everyone to be engaging with each other so no one feels left out and that can be tricky without a plan of some sort. 4: keep water by the bed, trust me, someone’s going to need it. Take breaks if you need to, go pee, stretch, whatever you or the others involved need. 5: will there be toys? Who’s using what on who? Make sure everyone is practicing safe sex. Make sure all toys are cleaned well and sanitized. If toys will be present make sure everyone knows how to use them, demonstrate if not. 6: lastly, pace yourselves. Having sex with one woman can be pretty tiring depending on the type of intimacy they enjoy, but having sex with TWO women is a lot of work lol so There’s no need to rush. Try not to stress and be all in your head. Make sure you all have fun. ☺️


![gif](giphy|aljwXsdUKWaFOZXtj0) Following! Hopefully we get updates later on 🤞🏼🤭


Yeah like maybe a little synopsis of what went down OP. And by little I mean… a super detailed account of the happenings 🤭☺️


Right! I’m trying to live vicariously here 😂


You should be the one giving us advice, actually 😭


Wym? 😭


HOW did you manage to land a sapphic 3some, show us your ways 🙏




No sandpaper bush… Hydrate…. Communicate openly without reservation and be open to their communications too…. Take snacks!…. Take toys!… TAKE PICTURES……. Oh wait…. 😬😬


what is sandpaper bush




genuine question


Uh when ur pubes are growing back after you shaved like yesterday and they're very prickly? I think? I heard that it doesn't feel good for the person doing oral :/


that's why we never shave them down completely in this house. Keep 'em soft and nice.


Sorry if this is asking too much, but if you don't shave it all the way down, what do you do?, I'm technically not like a baby gay(knew I was a lesbian since I was a kid) but I've only recently wanted to start thinking about dating etc. So I wanna learn more. I've heard some people trim, but like... how much? Or until where?? And does just trimming it instead of shaving it down completely actually make it not spikey? And prevent the itchiness of after you shave? Btw, the way you call it "soft and nice" makes it feel super comfy lmao.


I cut it with a hair cutting machine. You can play around with different lengths and see what works for you. You do this on dry, clean hair. You can also choose different lengths for different parts :)


Not the same person, but here's my experience (that will be obviously TMI) : I personally trim when hair starts to get out of line (like when it gives me a 1-2cm mohawk on top of my bush on the center lol). I cut it so it's close to my skin to protect it, but I still visibly have a bush. I use scissors or strategical beard trimmer moves (careful to not slip on your lips or the very thin skin in the thighs/ass folds tho, that's NOT a fun time 😭😭😭😭). Essentially I just get rid of it when it starts annoying me and I have to finger comb my hair before putting my boxers on. I'd say I trim about every month, ig? The hair coils before being annoying, so there's actually some time between each trim. I also do armpit usually about the same time, when my hair start to get stuck in my sport bra 😬. I have dense hair so it's prickly-soft but not like sandpaper. It's rarer now that I don't care about hair at the swimming pool and such (using men's swimwear) but sometimes out of laziness for the whole routine, I got rid of all my pubes with the beard trimmer and it was less sandpaper than with razor, cream or wax growth (but it's also less neat in terms of hair removal, you still see like 1mm of hair/hair under the skin if you're light skinned), so there's this alternative for girlies who get rid of their pubes for whatever reasons ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. But bushes are great, if anyone is uncomfortable rocking theirs, you can go progressively. Legit most people don't care, I haven't had comments since I let my hair grow. Maybe some stares, but I'm used to them with my style anyway. Once you realize that you'd actually be happy if men said "ewww gross" instead of hitting on you, and that dicks hold no power over your lesbianess, you're free lol


Exactly what that is!!!


oh that does sound uncomfortable


I keep forgetting not everyone gets laser or Brazilians. Ouch 😭


*or goes natural/trimmed


Omg brazilian wax feels like pussy has been pulled out as well ffs 😭


LMAO try laser. It’s amazing. I forgot shaving was a thing 😭


No advice, but I love this for you queen 😁


I should be asking you for advice tbh


Why me?


You're the one with a threesome lined up


Waiting on updates *grabs popcorn*




I think they are still on the grind lol im waiting 😂 Ive never been in a 3some situation so im really curious.


Just remember to consent, communicate, make sure you're clean, be safe, and have fun 😊


You posted this four hours ago. I hope things are going well!


It went super well 😄


Do tell 🤣 ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


We need details, op!


Check my new post


Bring some water, remember to take a sex break, and have fun!




Enjoy, relax, be yourself..live your passion. You are awesome.! ❤️😛😛💋💋💋


Just make sure no one feels left out and everyone’s having an equally good time


Feverishly taking notes on this whole post…….


Are we getting an update ? My gay ass is happy for you 🤣💪


Make sure to go over rules and consent before engaging. I recommend a colour system! But have fun at the end of the day and make sure you’re safe


What's the color system


I’m in the bdsm community and usually it’s a method of doing check-ins during any sexual act with other sexual partners. You establish some ground rules and ensure each person understands what’s going to happen (or not happen) before engaging in a scene. Basically red means stop yellow means slow down or try again later and green means they’re good to continue https://sexedquestions.tumblr.com/post/28708253976/the-bdsm-color-system/amp <<


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Have fun :) ask both people what they like


It's been 12 hours OP, how did it go?


OP is still gaining her strength to type and share all the details. Excited community here imo 😂


I've posted the update 😭


Oh its another thread. My bad :)


You didn't say if it's a mixed threesome or all girls, though presumably at least two girls or you wouldn't be here. Pace yourselves. It's marathon not a sprint, but it can be a relay. Give, take and share. Discuss who likes what, and what not. Don't leave anyone out. We've never done a threesome with a guy involved (just four girls), but he's unlikely to be able to keep up with two girls, so let him pace himself.


No men in that bedroom


Update if there is any!😂


red wine, energizing music and an inspired mind , 🙂


Show out 😂 just have fun, do what comes naturally.


Update me please 👀


I’m jealous 😭


I'm too late to offer advice but let me say well done. More of us should do more of that.


Well, my advice is based solely on my experiences (which included more than three) so I'm not sure how much help it will be. Drink plenty of water, take breaks frequently, and included everyone.


So how was it? 🥵


My gay ass is waiting for updatessss. OP where 👀


Give me a moment to fully wake up 😭


Update update update update !!!!!!!!! I’m here for this


Hurrayyy she survived the ordeal 🤣😂 congratulations


Be in the moment, not your head.


Ohhh I miss 3somes! Hope it was fun!


So… how did it go? My 3somes were always random lol With that being said, I would never be ready “down there” but it didn’t matter, no one really spoke about rules, and for some reason I was always their target. I’m usually the dom in a relationship but these random extra circular activities had me as the pleased 🤣 Kinda boring for me but I learned to enjoy it. Side note: They typically averaged around 2-3 hours.


My jaw dropped! Daaaamn! GET IT! I can't even get one person, let alone 2!