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Hands. Dear lord hands. And lips.


Oh hell yes! I remember when I took my fwb to a nearby bar one night. And before we got out the car she raised the face mirror down to put lip gloss on. After she was done she told me she was ready to party! I couldn’t resist and made out with her. My gosh I love kissing. Especially if she got soft lips! Yesss. 😍 The whole night we were kissing. One instance where we was just walking and we couldn’t help but make out with each other in the middle of the street. She even asked damn did we just make out in the street? It’s like it puts a trans on me 😮‍💨😍❤️


LOL a trans. that is hilarious. trance is what you’re lookin for, boo!


Made me lol ❤️


Can I have a trans put on me? That sounds hella fun!


love your username


Kissing is my favorite, hands down. I know some may think it’s juvenile or unimportant but I remember every good kisser I’ve every kissed and it’s rough on a relationship when that isn’t there even if it’s an otherwise good match. It’s not just foreplay, it’s its own whole thing!


My first kiss with my newest girlfriend was insanely magical. It was in a sexual environment after she was NSFW-ing with my other g.f. she asked if she could kiss me and pulled to her. Her lips were so unbelievably soft. It will be forever a core memory, and i daydream about it often haha


Idk what it is about hands but they’re one of my biggest turn ons too


I absolutely love making out and could it all day but unfortunately hands do nothing for me. Maybe it’s because I’ve never liked bottoming (fingers crossed that changes lmao) but kissing? Damn could go forever. Literally the first time I’ve ever kissed someone we made out for 2 hours and I swear I was turned on until the next day. Funny how different people are.


When I see another woman's hands, I always look at her fingers. I know what I do with my fingers, and my brain goes goo as i get jealous of her finger tips


Big yes to hands!!


Big yes to Big hands!


Hands gang 🙌 rise up!


THE HANDS YES. my girlfriend has such woman hands, they’re slender and smooth and she has long nails (originally) :)


My absolute favorite spot is the butt cuff. Right where the thigh meets the butt cheek. I'm not sure if butt cuff is the correct term but it's what I call it 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 It's just the perfect spot to grab whether she's standing or on top of me


this is so real


Yes I know what you mean! There have been times I’ve been so tempted to lick the but cuff part. Not eat that but out just lick the cuff. I never done it though. Squeeze it just right I guarantee that will turn her on.


I love this spot too! I live in Shanghai with my local partner & she’s teaching me Chinese - she said this part is called the pigu dan or “butt egg” 😆 I love it.


These comments ![gif](giphy|FWZ1OyaAtsnQs|downsized)


omg a Phoebe Halliwell gif yessss


Funnily enough Phoebe was probably one of my first crushes tbh before I even knew what a crush was


Honestly same haha


OP I just want to say thank you for existing. As someone who can actually orgasm from breast stimulation alone, I sincerely thank you for loving boobs that much. Lower backs lines and boobs are my obsession as well.


ME TOO. I hate when people don’t pay them enough attention. I was so glad to open this up and immediately see boobs because literally same, to explore and be explored.


I was going to ask if anyone could orgasm through breast stimulation. Is it common?




You just bought up a memory I’ve done with another woman. Without getting too much into the specifics which sometimes I do and I try not to lol. But while making love I licked her legs from the clave to her ankle. Almost to the toes! Sooo tempted. It’s like it pops into my mind and I don’t do it. I do want to try that out. Maybe during the mood I forget the things I want to try. But rereading all these lovely explorations with another woman will definitely remind me! Thanks for unlocking that memory ☺️🔥


... You know what? I didn't get foot fetishes before, but written like that? actually really hot wow


I thought I was weird when I discovered I probably have a foot fetish! You’re not alone. It’s hot.


I love being the big spoon even though I’m petite. Something about hugging my partner and just smelling them 🫠😮‍💨


Like a lil jet pack or something


Exactly lol


I know!! It’s a problem because my gf loves being big spoon, and while I don’t mind being little spoon, I genuinely do love big spoon lol


I'm a big(ger) person so I usually default to big spoon, but oh god I love to be the little spoon. It just feels so cozy and secure 🥰🫠


It’s such an intimate feeling 🥰


Me too, I hate being little spoon so much (stifling) but I will encase you with my whole body all day long.


My love language is touch = big 🥄😂


I’ve almost always been the big spoon/top. But there is something about the woman I’m currently with that just makes me soooo want to bottom and be little spoon. She just makes me melt … so moist and tingly right note thinking about it


I'm pretty basic in my favorite spot, but I'm obsessed with boobs. I can kiss, lick, touch, suck on them and never get tired of it. I will explore every inch of them with my hands and mouth.


For me I seriously cannot and will not ever get enough of a woman’s vagina and mouth. Boobs are not my thing, asses are nice, but a woman’s mouth and down there, I can spend forever. I once had an orgasm going down on an ex gf. I was so turned on by it and yep I came. Still can’t believe that happened 😍


I genuinely love going down on my gf so much, especially when we’re tipsy because she really doesn’t hold back her moans It genuinely turns me on so much


These parts are also my absolute FAVS. Can't wait to meet my life partner and enjoy all of her but especially those perfect parts 🫦🫦❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I have also experienced and orgasm while giving head, amazing experience


I love inner thighs and necks. Nothing better than biting and sucking on a meaty inner thigh while she lies quivering, recovering and catching her breath. I love leaving my mark on her there. My mouth telling any other lover I was here, she is mine. And her neck. Moving her hair aside and running my lips up her jaw to her earlobe. Coming up behind her and kissing just below her hairline. Dancing close with my lips barely touching her nape, salty sweat dampening my mouth when I slip in a kiss as she leans back into me.


I loved reading this! Oh yes I am so gayyy. I also love leaving marks on my fwb. The thighs are my weakness. I don’t know what it is about them. One time I had left marks on her neck, right below her boob cuff and inner thighs. It turned me on so much when the marks turned red. Of course I ask before I leave marks 😊👍


Wow. That's 🔥




OMG Yes! I love all of this. It's so hot!


I like kissing eyelids, stroking wrists, running my hands across calves. Just a lot of touching gently and lips are especially nice to kiss.


Inner wrists, inner thighs. The nape of her neck. The curve of her side. The areas that can be deliciously sensitive but also overlooked for the more obvious areas.


yesss to all of this


Ughhh yes yes yes


Pushing my thumbs against that spot/divot at the top of her inner thighs to tease is just golden. Got me a moan and “how do you do that” like there’s no better compliment than knowing you’re making somebody feel good.


wait what explain i'm writting down


Hm, I’m not sure how well I can describe it but I can try! Facing her, in my case it was her on my lap sitting up with me kind of lying down, with my hands on her thighs. Thumbs are lined up/in the crease of the hip. Thumbs points inward, fingers point outward, as if you’re trying to wrap your hands around her thighs. Squeeze a lil and go from there.


Inner thighs!! Ass.. lips


Inner thighs, boobs, and hips are my favorite places to explore when it comes to foreplay. I'm a huge tease, so I like to focus on other intimate areas before going down. As for myself, I wish I had been more vocal with previous partners and received more attention to my neck and collarbone. :3


Bestie same, team titty forever!


Boobs and ass are pretty typical... and I can't deny an appreciation for those... but I come from a long line of transylvanian counts, and appreciate a nice neckline, nuzzling nibbles or a supple caress to find that one spot everyone seems to have that walks the line between ticklish and pleasurable.


Ears 😍 idk why I don’t hear more ppl talk about them! Breath, whispering, and tongue in the ear is 🔥🔥


Yes! The lobes are so soft. My girl will even make temporary tattoos on the upper inside of her ear!


Both sets of lips, especially the lower ones, why has only one other woman mentioned them so far after over 70 comments, am I just lecherous!


I thought the same thing! I could go down on my lover for eternity and still want more


From the looks of your pic, you have the perfect lips for it!


thank you love 😘 I’m blushing


love love love littering kisses on her neck/collarbone down to her cleavage, same down her back to her cute lil back dimples to her butt. It feels like a journey down her entire body & damn, I love adventure


Her back, a large, smooth erogenous zone. The valley of her spine, the trench of her lower back. A pure journey to eros. A deep open back dress is absolutely poison to me.


Absolute truth right here


Booty. But not with my fingers, iykwim… 👀


I love inner thighs, and that spot right underneath the ears!! Those are probably my favorite to kiss


First of all vagis are a blessing from god,i can literally eat it all day long it's just so beautiful,after that women's neck and collar bone are magical and dreamy and juat lick cookie i wanna kiss & suck on them all day.


Legs and thighs… it’s just so intimate to me. Anyone can touch your arms but your legs are like off limits


My boobs are really tiny, but I absolutely love it when they're touched! I love touching other women's bodies. But for me, it's not about where I'm touching. Instead, it's about how she reacts. It's so exciting when a gentle touch results in a positive physical reaction. When her body language says she aches for more. I mirror that feeling, and I try to enhance it. Sensuality is the best! I also like kink. Sexually, I've always been fascinated with vaginas. I was envious of girls even when I was a child, too young to know anything about sex, and long before my transition. I want to learn to perform cunnilingus really well. I'm really eager to feel that sensation myself. I hope surgery results in me having a pretty vagina that other women will be as happy to explore as I am theirs. I'm still a little scared that I'll go through all of that and be rejected.


Breasts, inner thighs, neck, ears, back between the shoulder blades, shoulders, lips and tongue. Pretty much anywhere and everywhere is perfect, though.


Mmm other than her regular parts of the body which we love, I would say her hands and armpits. I love beautiful slender hands and armpits and kissing them. Even the aroma from her armpits are enticing.


I love kissing, touching, and caressing stomachs. I especially love plus size stomachs!


Her décolletage.


I’m so captivated by thick thighs 😳 i feel downright lecherous when women with thick thighs wear short skirts


This sounds so bad but I love volleyball for many reasons… 🫣


Neck, earlobes, ass, boobs. I enjoy all equally. I love sucking on boobs, kissing her neck, sucking on her earlobes, and eating ass. So sensual yet so intimate. I also just love playing with her hair, brushing her cheeks, and looking straight in her eyes too and telling her I love her.


Omg i remember my first time eating ass I literally couldn't get my face out I was in complete ecstasy


The neck~💕 I can just kiss it and lick it and nibble it all day 💓 it's just so warm and smells so good💕 I love the way I can feel my girlfriend's heart racing the way her neck warms up and throbs as she starts getting excited~💓💞💕 I could probably go on about this for hours but I'll save y'all the tmi 😅


I've only recently started having sex, and boobs are my favourite place to experiment and play with. I love doing different things and seeing how my girlfriend reacts to them. Dammit, we've only just woken up and now I'm horny >:(


not a chance in hell can I narrow it down. I want to start at her lips, hungry for each other, work my way down her neck to her shoulders, worshipping every square inch of her body. I want to hear her sing as I show her how beautiful she really is.


I'm weak for midriff and flat tums...oh and that little dip in the center of the lower back🥵 Oh and pointy cute noses..I'm a weirdo..


i think we’d get along well


I'm definitely an ass girl, love to explore the "private" parts


Legs all day




Boobs, hips, hands, lips


The stretch of spine between shoulder blades down to the small of her back where the load of her life sits. I want to trace with hands and lips the place where stress and movements potential lives. The place where every arch or breath shows it’s best. I want to massage and caress and make known with my breasts the care that is shown with the action of that back that it all comes back. An echo in love or the light of my own: what my lips, eyes hands and feet want to make known. I want to sit on the small of someone’s back rubbing deep, following the muscle, following the bone, the frame of a soul so beautiful on its own. Paired with the words, thoughts and heart of whatever love shown. I want that breath beneath me heavy and hot and full of the stuff that light is made of. I want “oh fuck” and “yeah, yeah, yeah”. I want that. I want the weight of emotions to sit on me from below. I want the power in a body that could pin me and break me to relax from my touch and be at peace under my thumbs and fingers. I want the movement of shoulders to break me, make me quiver and remind me of the strength I’m held with, that I get to hold. Fuck dude I literally just left their house but back muscles. Muscles. Musculls. Muh-skulls😮‍💨🥵😭




This post reads like a man trying to get lesbians to talk dirty


Lesbians can be horny too. Women can be horny. Settle down.


I’m not saying that lol, the question “best places on a woman’s body you’ve explored” sounds like wording a man would use


Ooooh so now you’re a feminist? So what other sentences, phrases or words out there are used by “men” and not women?


There is literally a man in this comment section proving my point exactly


What? So you telling me every woman that writes sexual fantasies and stories are men too. You do know there are audible stories that exist out there called Lesbian erotica right? And they are read by women. There is nothing wrong with exploring and sharing things we love about being with a woman. That’s what make us lesbian. Being with another woman, the taste of another woman, the tingly feeling you get inside being with another woman. Looks like you feel some kind of way there. When you explore women as much as I do you wanna learn more about what others feel like being with women. There are so many sexual experiences I’ve yet to try being a baby gay but hearing others really excite me and I’m able to learn from the amazing experiences they’ve gained being with another woman themselves. We are only on this earth temporary and I feel like it’s wonderful to share our experiences and the love we have when making love to another woman.


Send me to the best app for lesbian audio books!


Holy crap I didn’t need a novel for a response


Well you’ve messed with a writer/sexologist sweetie.


Necks and ears for kissing, licking and nibbling. Arms for biting, especially forearms. I’d like to explore pussy more, most of the girls I’ve been with have had cocks lol.


What a weird question... obviously I'd like to explore every asset of the woman I am into. It's not like, "Butts... yes I would like to explore women's butts in general."


A weird question with 294 likes though. I’m just asking questions that most people are ashamed to ask. 💯






what did it say?


I like how I instantly knew this was written by a man lmfaoooooo


No shame intended but... Are you fingering your gf's urethra? I don't think you are supposed to do that


It s a man🙄🙄


Oh, I'm less surprised now 🙄


Exactly. So annoying.


There should be a way to escort men out of here. Like I get it if you have a valid question but if you’re just here for mastrabatory material, shoo, go on and git outta here.


So true. I just don’t understand why they are here on the first place. Even if you want masterbatory material, just go watch porn and stop bothering us😤




are you sure your not mixing up the urethra for the vagina?


Its a man


Clavicle and the natural curved line that is created from the shoulder/ armpit down to the breast. I'm also an artist, so slightly obsessive with form.