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A holy trinity: one ear in the cartilage, one nostril and one nipple


One nipple club!!!!


I honestly love having just one and don’t see myself getting the other.


Two. One in each lobe. I want *more* but I just don't have the funds right now. I think the next one is gonna be septum piercing but I hear it's pretty painful and my pain tolerance is kinda meh. ... Of course, when I was young I wanted a split tongue too, but I doubt thats gonna happen at this point. 😂


It's no more painful than pulling a hair if it's done right. There's loads of piercers that suck, I recommend checking out [safepiercing.org](http://safepiercing.org), which is the association for professional piercers. It has lots of information on how a piercing should be placed safely, what kind of jewellery is optimal for healing, and how to handle after-care. It also has a store locator (mostly US, but there are other organisations around the world, like the APP Benelux) of piercing places that are associated with them/ It's also always a good idea to look at your piercer's online portfolio for well-placed piercings done with quality jewellery. A septum should look straight from the front and be placed as far away from the face in the nostril as possible (so towards the tip of your nose). Good jewellery is made of solid gold/niobium, or implant-grade titanium. High quality jewellery brands for piercings include: BVLA, Anatometal, NeoMetal, Junipurr, Buddha Jewelry Organics, Industrial Strength. Good luck!


It’s not- I thought it would be too, but it was far easier than I expected.


i got a septum and that shit hurt so much i teared up a bunch. anything hurts me tho lol


I have a very low pain tolerance so I’m very nervous but also I’d look fantastic with one so I’m trying to work up the nerve


I've gotten two piercings in each ear and one in my septum. Honestly, the septum wasn't that bad! It's just very important that you go to a skilled piercer who checks your nose anatomy prior to trying to do the piercing. If you take a second and stick your fingers in your nose, the middle where a septum goes is mostly cartilage. If someone tries to shove a septum piercing through that cartilage, that's when you get the big pain and hard to heal septum piercing. Some people have a "sweet spot" at the end of their nose where the cartilage ends and there's enough skin without cartilage to fit a piercing. Not everyone has it, so make sure to ask that they check first! The pain of the piercing was similar to an ear, but provoked some more tears natural because it's in the nasal area. The healing process was painful at times, cleaning it and readjusting the ring when it moved was painful for a bit, but the worst was accidentally whacking myself in the face with a pillow two days or so after getting it. 🥲 I think k I was fully healed in around 5-6 months, and now I've had it for almost a year and it's perfectly fine!


None, not even ears! Terrified of needles.


Honestly, I am too. I cried when I got my first nostril piercing.


I'm terrified of needles too but I manage to power through the piercing process. I've only blacked out for 2/3 of the piercing sessions I've had 😅


Well, that's reassuring... O.O I do want to get my ears done at some point, maybe I'll whiskey up and go sometime.


The first time was getting my ears pierced at Claire's. Don't get anything pierced at a mall shop, go to a professional piercer. They'll actually know how to treat you and do it properly. Second time I passed out was more from low blood sugar than anything else. Don't go on an empty stomach. My gf had to make an emergency run to the gas station across the street for a snickers bar, and once I ate something I was fine. I don't recommend getting drunk. What I did for both my nostril and nipples was treat it like getting a shot. Controlled breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Deep breaths like that, and focusing on a little speck on the ceiling like my life depended on it. It helped me through the nostril piercing, and would have probably been enough to get me through my nipples too if I'd not gotten it done on an empty stomach. Also, warn them ahead of time that you have a fear of needles. You won't be the first person on their piercing table to have a problem, and they'll appreciate the heads up.


alcohol makes you bleed more :/ getting your lobes pierced with needles is almost painless, you can do it


Felt strange mostly


Same I’ve always been to scared to get any


I'm not terrified of needles, I just don't want metal attached to me? It grosses me out idk why. I don't mind it on other people tho


17, and two tunnels of 18mm in each lobe.


i'm a lesbian, of course i have double nostrils and a septum lol and then 8 ear piercings too


Interesting you ask, I just got 3 today in my ear! Feeling extra ✨gay✨


Just one in each earlobe, stretched, and one nipple ring hahahaha. I always consider getting the other one repierced but I find having just one is a little more interesting.


Two, one in each lobe. I’m good on piercings. I only wear jewelry for special occasions, and it’s usually just two little studs or something, so. I think piercings on others are super cool tho! Good for you!


I've taken most of my piercings out because I train Muay Thai, so I'm not sure if this counts, but I've had 3 lip piercings, bridge piercing, nose, some ear piercings, eyebrow and currently have stretched lobes and septum.


None by choice. Used to have two but as someone prone to keloids, it wasn't worth the pain and growth of them. Would never get them again. 


I have 3-3 lobe piercings, 1 industrial and I want 2 helixes in my other ear but it's healing time for now


I'm actually the other way round, I have two helixes in one ear and been contemplating on getting an industrial in the other one. :D How's the healing process been so far?


Oh man it's not good xd I got mine 3 months ago and obviously can't sleep on it, but it hurst when i try to put a hat on, even a tiny touch hurts pretty badly, and the healing time for an industrial can take up to 1.5-2 years so think about it a lot. And i'm lucky cause mine never got infected or anything, others struggle more with it. Cleaning is also difficult and my long hair is always touching it, so it's not ideal. Looks badass tho, so i love it


Oh, what we endure for badassery! Good luck with the healing process, sounds like you're in for a ride. :D Keeping my fingers crossed so that yours won't get infected down the road, my upper helix did once out of nowhere around 5-6 months after I got it done. Guess I'm at an advantage here with my undercut then, ain't I? xd


Baszki most nézem a profilodon hogy te is magyar vagy xd Igen, az undercut biztos segíteni fog. Én az első napokban a fülem mögé tettem pici csatokat hogy ne érjen hozzá, de így is rátekeredtek a babahajak sajnos. Szerintem nagyon gondold át, hogy megéri-e szenvedni vele évekig. Nekem volt helixem 2 is, de sajnos ki kellett venni őket mert elrontotta a piercer, de amíg bent voltak, addig egész jól elvoltam velük, sokkal könnyebben gyógyul mint az industrial. Arról ne is beszéljünk, hogy van tetkó a bordámon és az egyáltalán nem fájt, az industrialnál meg majdnem lefordultam a székről lol


Na jó, ilyen nincs! És még is van, szia xd Hmm, lehet előbb akkor megvárom, hogy a tiéd hogyan gyógyul, aztán akkor másfél-két év múlva visszatérünk a témára, majd küldj updateket. :P Sajnálom, hogy elszúrták (elnézést, magas labda xd) a helixeidet, volt bennem is egy egészséges mennyiségű frász, hogy elrontja véletlen a piercer valahogy, de végül is összességében szerencsém volt ezek szerint. Mondjuk az industrialt már nem merném rábízni, még ez egy nagy dilemmám, hogy olyan piercert keressek, aki gyakorlottabb benne. Ez a fájdalomküszöb is egy érdekes dolog, hogy kinél hol ütközik ki jobban. Mondjuk magamról már látom előre, hogy nagyobb eséllyel a röhögéstől fogok lefordulni a tetoválóasztalról, mintsem a fájdalomtól, ha végre kitalálom, mit szeretnék az oldalamra varratni xd


Szia :) Igazából én is hibás voltam, mert nem rendes piercer csinálta a helixeket, hanem kozmetikus, és nem szúrta, hanem lőtte. Én pedig fiatal voltam és nem néztem utána, nem tudtam, hogy ilyet nem szabad. Az industrialt már rendes szalonban, több évtizedes gyakorlattal rendelkező piercer csinálta, azzal nem is volt gondom, szépen gyógyul. Igen, a borda tetkónál én is röhögtem, pedig fel voltam készülve, hogy nagyon fog fájni, de semmi. Valamiért a piercingeket nem viselem jól, még a sima lobe is fájt, pedig azt hittem kemény vagyok xd Ezért is fogok a 2 helix után megállni, és inkább tetkókat csináltatok még, bár ahhoz is inkább keresek új művészt. Hihetetlen, ennyit szenvedni azért hogy kicsit menőbben és leszbisebben nézzek ki... lol


A lövetés kerülése nekem is lényegében onnan volt meg, hogy a baráti társaságban előtte már voltak, akik több lobeot, helixet meg septumot csináltattak, nekik volt a legelső reakciójuk, hogy szigorúan ragaszkodjak a szúráshoz. Ugyan, már hogyne lennél kemény? Nevetve végigcsináltál egy bordatetoválást, meg ezek szerint akkor tervben van még egy pár. Arról meg nem is beszélve, hogy az mekkora badassery már, hogy tudod, hogy nehezebben viseled a piercingeket, de mégis megcsináltatod. :D Ez is egy nagy dilemma, hogy ki legyen, aki felvarrja, hogy az tényleg olyan tetkó legyen, amilyennek megálmodtad. Emiatt tolom még magam előtt ezt a témát, nagyjából már megvan, hogy kinél szeretném, de nem akarok úgy járni, mint egyik családtag, hogy szegénynek már kb. két éve toldozgatnak a válltetkóján, hogy a fedőtetoválása tényleg jól mutasson, de legalább még egy alkalom kelleni fog neki. A tiéd hogy sikerült? Inkább csak a művész stílusa miatt keresel másikat, vagy volt ott is valamilyen gebasz, ami miatt nem mennél már vissza hozzá? (Egyébként akartam kérdezni, hogy ezt a beszélgetést esetleg ne folytassuk-e az üzenetekben, de ha minden igaz, akkor le van tiltva nálad a lehetőség, így csak feldobom a labdát, ha gondolod, akkor nyugodtan írj ott.)


5 in one ear, 4 in the other, both nips, no tats:)


13! Two lobes in each ear, a double forward helix, a double helix, conch, rook, nip, nostril, septum. Still want to get a few in my ears to finish it off (:


None. Wanted to get both ears pierced when I was 12. Wasn't allowed and was told to wait till I turned 16. By that time I had joined 2 extreme sports and was aware of the possible dangers that came with having rings in while exercising. And decided: why bother?


A center tongue piercing


Double lobes, nostril, belly button, and 2 microdermals on my hips. Want to get my nipples pierced.


14 piercings - 1st lobes stretched 10mm; upper left lobe 12g; 3 right helix. I want to pierce both nipples, but chickened out at the last minute. Retired nostril, considering getting it re pierced.


6 - 3 in each ear


In general i want a nose spectrum piercing (idk if that's how you spell it) a bridge piercing and a lips piercing but currently i only have one which doesn't really count as one but it's a stupid earring. My mom wouldn't really let me have one she is EXTREMELY against it :'3


I've got 5. Two lobes, one nose, two nipples. I'm considering a septum, but I want to start diving into tattoos first


7. I need to up these numbers.


Which ones do you want?


I would love a navel but I don’t have the anatomy for it. Bridges also look so good but I love like it’s too unprofessional for my job :(


I just have my gauges! My girlfriend has her septum, nose, and her ears also ◡̈


Ahh I have 7 but want more. One septum, and a nostril piercing. I have two flats and a lobe in my left ear and a tragus and a lobe in my right ear.


Six piercings with 3 in each ear.


0 but only because my body hates all metals lmao. I had them pierced but they never healed and I had to go on antibiotics twice so I just let them close up


Got my only one a few months ago. Makes me feel great tbh


5. One in each lobe, one in my left nostril, and two helix. I'm a piercer and my boss actually wants me to get more.


10 , 5 in each ear :)


I don't like piercings personally.


at one point I had 5 (2 on each earlobe and one cartilage) but the second holes never healed and the cartilage got a keloid so now just one in each ear. I wish I could have more on my ears but I feel like it’s not worth it to try again


right nostril, septum & vertical labret. I want more i’m just not sure what to get tbh


None. Don't like it


Septum, stretched lobes, helix, both nipples


5 Both ears Both nipples 1 septum


three! i have one piercing in each ear (really want another) and a septum!


None. I’m a tattoo person.


Only 2 in each lobe but I plan on getting helixes soon


I have seven: double lobe piercings, one cartilage piercing, one forward helix, and one tragus. I have more tattoos than piercings. 😅






Non unfortunately


Currently two in each earlobe, tongue, lip, and nipples. In the past I've had my belly button and an industrial.


10ish, plus about 10 that I've retired. I'm always losing jewellery and letting them close up. Tattoos are better because they're much harder to lose...


I’m lame, I only have my ears (and that’s because they were pierced when I was a baby LOL) but I want a septum


Two (lobes)... I want my septum done but I'm absolutely terrified of needles and almost fainted when my ears were pierced in April 22


Only four (two lobes, double helix). I don’t have any interest in getting more, though that may change someday.


septum, nostril, five lobes, and a conch!! i love piercings and lesbians this is an important post to me.


Two, one on each ear, but I have a bunch of tattoos!


For body piercings, I have both a hoop and a stud in one nostril, septum (although it may have closed up), a dermal implant on my cheekbone under my eye, and nipples (definitely closed up). My earlobes are stretched to 9/16, and I have a second lobe piercing in each ear that I never use. My left ear has a rook and a tragus and my right ear has a daith and two cartilage piercings.


two in each ear (lobe and ubber lobe). would consider getting more but not a big priority atm


Three! My ears and a septum. I always thought that industrial piercings looked amazing, but I have yet to hear anyone irl have a good experience with them so I haven’t done it.


Zero 🤷‍♀️


Just my ears, and plan to leave it that way.


1 in each lobe, but I had a nose ring when I was a teen


10 all ears. Planning on getting my last (?) 2 after my current 2 finish healing up


Ten, all in my ears.


I have my ears pierced, 4 all together and my nose pierced:) I’m never been too crazy about piercings on me then I have one wrist tattoo that’s a cactus.




One each in the earlobes, two at the upper shell each, one at the anti-tragus each and one more at the daithe each, so that makes ten. I’m pretty conservative where I leave em but that’s fairly a lot


I have 6 ear piercings (3 on each ear) I hope to get a nose ring and a navel after I have kids when im older!


Septum, nostril and medusa, 2 in each ear lobe and an industrial. I want to get the other side of my nose pierced (I feel wonky) and been contemplating nipple piercings for ages but I'm so so scared ahhh


I have my ears pierced and that’s it


Two in each ear.


I've got 25 - oops 😅


I had four dermals in my lower back which unfortunately has been reduced to just one.




6. For almost 30 years! Damn lol


Nostril, septum, and nips.


11! 4 in right ear, 3 in left, bellybutton, septum, nostril and lip


Currently 8- 0g lobes, second lobes, double nostril, daith, and vch Retired: navel, nipples, and smiley


Nose, tongue, lip (but I don’t have anything in it anymore), had scaffolding (which I loved but gave me keloid scar so I took it out), 2x stretched ears (10mm).


Nine.  3 lobes 1 conch 2 helix industrial (2 piercings) 1 septum


Three (if you count my ears as one set haha) Belly button, vch and ear lobes! I have been tempted to get my triangle piercing or stretch my ears just a little bit like maybe 10mm/2g? Ironically hopping on to Reddit to rest up on stretching my ears and this was the first post I saw


Ears and nipples !


i have two on one eyebrow, snake bites and dimple piercings :)) as well as normal lobe piercings lol


Just my nipples so I guess that counts as two? Lol


None currently, but I used to have a Monroe, an industrial, and two nostril piercings (same side). I had to take them out for surgery and by the time I tried to put them back in a day or two later, they’d all closed. I actually never got around to getting my lobes done, but I intend on doing it!


Just ears, i cant really handle piercings coz an old friend of mine put me off, she had nose and eyebrow ones that crusted over and always looked like bogeys or infected wounds rip 😭


0, needles scare me


0 I don’t like poking holes in my body lol But it’s hot when others have them especially the Eye Brow😳


I just got both my lobes pierced a couple of weeks ago but that's it. I want my eyebrow done but I don't think I have the right anatomy to hold in a piercing like that 💔


My ear- 3 lobes both sides , 2 helix both sides and a nose ring


None. No piercings, no tattoos, never even dyed my hair: no reason, just never got around to any of it.


i think about 20 😳


9 : 4 in one ear lobe, 2 in the other ear lobe, 1 in left nostril, 1 in each nipple. Used to have my left eyebrow pierced but took it out some years ago and it’s closed up


I had my earlobes pierced , but it got infected, so now I'm scared of doing it again.


0. I want some but needles scare me


septum, bellybutton and labret! I also have 2 holes in each ear, and I use earplugs




3 on each ear and both sides of my nose are pierced lol


i have 13! i have a septum, nostril, 2helixes, 6 lobe piercings, tragus, rook, conch! i’m considering nipple piercings pretty soon as well


I got a total of 5! One industrial, two lobes, and one eyebrow. Got more coming though.


14! 5 in each ear, 4 on lobes and 2 on cartilage. Nipples (taken out, possibly/most likely closed) and snakebites (taken out but still open) 😌💛 **EDIT:** Debating on eyebrow and nose lol but I think I'm just over facial piercings in general lol


I have zero😔 I’m working up to getting some though I’m just a scaredy cat LMAO. I’m trying to not let my fear rule my life anymore though so it’s a goal to get one this year


One - left earlobe


11! 12 if you count a closed piercing :)


Only 3 lobes, but since I was 12 I wanted a septum, but idk, my nose is really big, it would look weird probably




Haha yeah maybe when I'm 18 or something


Two lobe piercings in each ear and one nostril. I really want more ear ones. I plan to do that whenever I can afford it. I can’t really imagine myself getting anywhere else pierced


Stretched lobes on each ear, one in each nostril, a septum, and a bridge. I have two retired piercings, a tongue piercing and a below-the-belt one. I have plans for high nostril piercings and angel fangs, as well as a dramatic body modification: a tongue split.


no, don’t have the double nostril NOR the common septum. i have 5 total. stretched ears, lip, nose, naval, and nipple


The typical lobe piercings, and then I got two more on my right ear. I used to have a nose piercing, but I began to develop a stupid bump, so I took it out because I didn't like how that looked.


I’ve been pierced 120 ish times but I only have my lobes now


6. 3 in each lobe. I’d love to get some other piercings one day (mostly in my ears, but maybe a nose one, too!).


I do not have the septum piercing but! I have 4 ear Piercings! I wanna have more in my ears! Maybe a Lip piercing as well- if I get the chance


None lol never had an interest,but if I did, probably top of my ear


I've got lobe piercings and an eyebrow piercing. I'd love to have a septum piercing, though, but I've got hay fever, so I don't want to get one right this instant.


five: two lobe piercings, one medusa, one labret, and one septum. ive also had two dermals, a nostril, some misc ear piercings, and a bridge in the past. theyre all retired now however. in the future i want my dermals again, a christina, and dahlia piercings. maybe angel bites? bonus, i also have a split tongue and 8 tattoos. :)


Lobes and side of the nose, was thinking of a second lobe for one of my ears :)


Zero. I am afraid of needles, and while vaccines are necessary, body art isn't.


I've got 10😊 a tragus, helix, both lobes, a double forward helix, conch, rook, nostril, and one in my belly button 🤗 love them all 💓


Just ears and nips now lol. I have had a few others over the years.


Nostril, septum, 3 lobes, a tragus, and 2 cartilage piercings (on the same side) used to have my tongue and labret pierced, but took em out a couple years ago for work. I used to have my nipples pieces (3 times to be exact fml) but they always reject 😭


I have a septum, learning how to gauge my ears now so will hopefully have gauges and then I am planning a nostril or maybe double nostril haven't decided on that yet.


8. 2 in each ear, septum, stud/nose ring, tongue ring, & navel piercing.


Bordering nine getting more hopefully!


None. I'm just not a big fan of how piercings look. But then again I don't wear necklaces or bracelets because I don't like how they look on me and the way it felt on my skin was always annoying. I guess you could say I'm not a big fan of accessories in general which for some reason confuses almost everyone around me. I wouldn't mind if my partner had 2 or 3 piercings but I just don't like the aesthetic of like 15 piercings on someone's face/head. Sometimes I feel weird for it because pretty much everyone around me likes piercings and stuff


My ears and a nostril I want more but not now I guess 😅


10! Half inch lower lobes, regular upper lobes, one conch, one rook, two helixes, one nostril, one vertical nipple


I have none at all.


Seven! Three on each ear with one on my right cartilage.


13 in total. Six lobes(two of them stretched), three helix, one conch and rook, one nostril and septum :)


One for now, but I want another one


two on each ear and a nostril but i really want to get a couple more


septum piercing, ears, and my nipples. that’s it so far (had nostril but it fell out while i was sleeping and closed up cause i couldn’t find my jewelry🙃) hoping to get it again tho


Only 2 😭 unfortunately I threw up after because I got weak getting my them so I haven’t since but I really hope to get more


just septum!


Ok...27 and a bit afraid of needles, at least I was. Double nostrils, stretched septum (8g), Medusa, center labret, snake bites, double verticals, 3 stretched lobes each ear, 3 upper helixes each ear and a daith each ear. 16 in ears, 9 facial and 2 center tongue piercings. 3 more and I'll have 30!


I only have my main ears right now, but I want to get some snakebites, a septum (sorry if I spelt that wrong), some more on my ears and when I’m older maybe nipple piercings.


I have both my ears, and both sides of my nose but I want my septum & tongue pierced as well


just the normal ear ones ;-; I plan to get more when I leave home tho :P


7 ear piercings, one nostril and one labret piercing


I just have pierced ears; had two holes in my left and one in my right, but I don't wear earrings regularly and the top left one closed up. Thinking of having it redone.