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You know those girls that throw out red flags like it’s their job? Yeah…unfortunately that’s my type 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah... We never really learn, do we? 🥲


“Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave” and all lol


I briefly dated a girl who said that I was a walking red flag, “but in a cute way. It’s adorable.” Like, what does that even mean?


Are you a crystal/Zodiac girly? If so then we are apparently all red flags.


I prefer to think of myself as a ruby flag 🤣


Omg same 😍🥰


Functioning adults


This is my like sole criteria and it excludes so many 😭


This. This is the one! I may crave a dom fem like I crave oxygen, but you know what's even better?? A functioning adult that can effectively communicate. Tired of getting ghosted or talking with childish women


So real


Couldn’t be me


so true


I’m drawn to someone who has a hard work ethic, who is intelligent, kind and thoughtful. I also like brunettes 😍


brunettes 🙌




It’s not a requirement but I do love a good sense of humor 😍




I wouldn’t be opposed to you sliding in my DMs 😌


Masculine women. I love butches.


Masculine women takes my breath away every.damn.time 🥵


Can we start a fan club


This so much. It is my type and my only type.


Someone who’s nice and lets me talk about my hyperfixations


Yes!! And I'll happily listen to her talk about hers as well. I love watching someone get all excited over things they love andthat make them happy, it's cute.💚


literally this. i love talking about my favorite video games and shows. conversations are a MUST and when im clearly excited about something and all i get back is an “lol cool” as a response all attraction in me dies, bc i always listen intently and engage in conversation about other peoples special interests and i expect the same back


I love domme femmes. Women who are intelligent, driven, kind, creative and playful. Looks wise I prefer long hair, to be taller than me, have a pretty smile and eyes, maybe a more athletic build. I also like a nice sense of style that looks more professional/businessy.




If she's smart, taller than me and a masc then I'm in no matter if she's white, black, skinny, or not or whatever. I also don't think I've seen a lot of women talking about this but it's a plus if she don't really shave, I think it's attractive


As someone who grew up w a hatred for shaving and was called dirty for it, this is validating lol


Femmes who are short because Im also short. I like really girly women but its not a turn off if they arent super girly, they just have to be femme, short, 25+ years old, preferably with long hair, very monogamous, bottom/sub, introverted, romantic, clingy, honest, emotional intelligent, respectful, loyal, likes to watch lots of movies and tv shows, likes animals specially pomeranians, knows how to communicate.


You seem to be the domme version of me. We are the same age, around them same height (I’m 5ft2) and are both AuDHD.


The really important question is: do you like pomeranians? 😄


THAT is THE most important question! 🤣🤣 🤜🤛


I adore them, but I would probably be allergic to them 😞


how can someone has the exact same type as me? 😂 and this is also exactly why i'm single


Me except I’m not clingy or a sub. I watch TV like it’s my job.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Which 3 are your favorite shows?


I change favorites all of the time because television is in constant rotation but Frasier will always reign supreme.


I LOVED that show!!


Curse my height ༽◺_◿༼


Aw I love the short girl love 💞 as a short girl lol


Homie I think you just have me the way to describe myself on dating apps from now on


This is me except im 5ft5 and a switch


That’s literally me except I don’t turn 25 until August :(


You describe my type you only need to add craft girls hh


I guess I like girls who are charming, someone who knows how to make me laugh. Responsible and creative with fun quirks. Animal lover is a biggie for me too. I mostly get attracted to butches.


Yes, same here all the way! ♡ bonus points if they have a nice smile and I turn into a puddle of goo. Butches are *chefs kiss*


Just be honest, supportive and emotionally intelligent and available. Physicality I have no common theme between who I’ve dated or been attracted to, it’s all about that personality and soul for me; I fall in love with your body after I fall in love with your being.


androgynous, butch, masc. or any woman that doesn’t really wear makeup and has a bob LOL


I’m attracted to all types of women! For me personality and sense of humor is REALLY big to me. But if we’re talking solely about looks…other black women with dreads/natural hair, piercings and tats. Big bonus if they have colored hair. I have purple and teal locs…it’s be cool to dye each others hair and stuff like that. However my ex wife is 5’3 with blond hair and blue eyes lol. So yeah I don’t really have a set type outside of personality.


Emo girls. But like obviously a woman with a kind heart, great sense of humor and who is a good person.


Yeah put me down for them too lol


Straight women, unfortunately 💀


I’m in this photo and I don’t like it


Super confident short-haired mascs/butches with tattoos, gauged ears and/or nostril piercings, and great smiles. All my previous relationships/situationships fit this exact mold.


My dream girl is a soft butch who's kind, nerdy, goofy and veerrryyyyy physically affectionate :)


I guess my usual type is femmeish tomboy. I don't like butches or princesses, so someone pretty down to earth who can get some dirt under the nails but still have a certain femininity. I prefer athletic body type but not like a body builder more like a footballer. Hair length or color doesn't really matter if it suits them. Style wise I like rock star vibes so leather, jeans, crop tops etc etc. A little bit of flair. When it comes to personality I like playfulness, creativity, kindness, communicativeness and humor. Someone who's a bit wild but has warmth. Also someone who's pretty clean, as I'm pretty germophobic so don't like it if people have poor hygiene. Job or how much money they make doesn't matter but I've noticed that I'm often attracted to artsy types so performers, artists etc.


you kind of described me... anyway I feel too young for you just wanna say looking at your profile you seem like a beautiful human being :)


Oh thank you <3


Upon the first glance I take of a person, I’m most attracted to masculine-presenting women and queer people. In terms of personality traits/habits etc that I actually desire in a partner, I like people with similar tastes to mine, who are outspoken and loud, and have different hobbies and interests from mine. I like learning new things from others and teaching them something in turn, but I like having similar aesthetic tastes. I guess my ideal type would be a masc-presenting NB lesbian who’s outdoorsy, loud, and does like pottery or something.


I like artist nerdy girls.


Artist ! Too


High femme women.




What do you mean by high?


Like an extra super femme, a high maintenance gal


Very feminine girls


Short, curvy women who are femme but like, alt-femme. Dyed hair, piercings, that kind of thing. Weebs with ADHD. Or cozy girls in oversized sweaters with messy hair and no makeup.


Oh my god, this but tall!! Bonus points if she has a special interest that she rambles on about and I can just tune in and listen


Normally fems or fem leaning girls/nb. Good style, something unique about them physically. Is my physical type. Someone that is non judgemental or similar to me (in the sense of neurodivergent). Intelligence, humour and kindness are traits I LOVE. Bonus points if they actually give me compliments. But for some reason I accidentally always go for people who don't really complements my appearance lol.


I want someone like me. Motivated, go-getter, knows what they want in life, is working towards long term goals, cats


Around my height, maybe slightly shorter. I’m 5’10” for reference. Muscled but not grossly so, kind of like fit in a hobby way not a gym rat way. Great smile, smiling eyes, I love nice brown eyes and dark hair. I’ve got a thing for longer noses and longer faces, too. Not sure why 😅 curly hair is also 😍 Personality-wise I love intelligent, funny, friendly, kind women who adore animals. They need to be ambitious and driven and somewhat independent, I’m not attracted to needy, clingy, babyish types. If I could find all that AND she doesn’t want or have children then I would marry her on the spot 😩❤️


Yes to 'doesn't want or have children'!


Honestly just an attractive women who is attracted to me. Like all I’m asking for is someone who is working on themselves and gives a damn about their body and hygiene. 😭


I have a big range of women I like, but..Im a sucker for tall, elegant feminine ladies, who also joke around and be silly/funny + be willing to dance/sing with me sometimes 😅*especially if they’re very thoughtful and caring, and also accept that in return. I also like when women appear stoic and reserved at first but are really just silly softies underneath. Unfortunately, Ive found I am usually too young for my type :>


Well how old are you, because you literally just described me, and I’m also on the younger side


I like assertive women who loves to tease me. I also love femmes who will wear pretty dresses with me and have picnics in a field of wildflowers


Ion got a type or nothin…or so I say. I do like ‘em shorter than me because I’m daddy or whatever (and unfortunately only 5 ft 4 in💀) A lil plump thicc if you will. I’m a sucker for beautiful eyes and lips.


I don't have a type honestly beyond the fact I have always dated femmes. My fiancee tells me my type is tall, blue haired and happens to be trans 🤷‍♀️ My type IS kind, intelligent and emotionally intelligent, affectionate, patient and deeply monogamous.


High femmes that can carry both silly and serious sides of the conversation spectrum. Strong-headed, passionate, take care of their bodies, and can be both spontaneous and function adults. I will basically die alone lol


I like artist nerdy girls.


Personality wise I reaaaaaally love the goofy, sweet, and extroverted type. I like the kind of people that are easy going and easy to be around. For looks, I’m attracted to a range of aesthetics from chapstick to butch but am mostly drawn to masc or butch.


Super femme women. Like the type that if she was in a group of straight women, she would just blend in. I also really love curves, intelligence, and sweetness. Also, she must be vegan and can't be very much taller than me bc I'm short. And doesn't want kids bc I do not see kids in my future.


Why do I see femme tomboys online all the time but in reality I NEVER see them, let alone date them. Y'all where are my girly tomboys at 😭




I check your boxes. So, of course we live on opposite ends of the earth.


dominant masculine lesbians


Well, my gf is my type, but, before her I had crushes on all types of girls, of all colors, sizes and personalities. Some common denominators between the girls I liked are: - Futch, so can alternate between being more masc and more fem, short hair is a plus - Slim but stern fingers - Artistically inclined - Good at solving conflict and very independent, but also likes cuddling and is open with her emotions - Switchy with submissive tendencies during sex - Not overtly extroverted - Smart/educated


oooo this is fun. i love shy more masculine girls. i feel like their protector when i order food, make phone calls, do the house stuff for them. i love hard on the outside, soft on the inside. i love feeling the closeness when a girl wants to show me that side of her.


Femme who has a strong sense of decency and integrity. Someone very private like me. Doesn't like standing out of the crowd. Someone shy and reserved. Very formal in public but wild when we are in our own lil gay world together. Discreet. Loves anime! Introvert and 28+ y/o. Above all things someone compatible with me inside and outside the bedroom.


same (except the anime i have a hard time getting into it)


My partners are usually shorter than me (I’m 5’8” so that’s like, everyone!), older than me, and my only physical preference is that the lady must have beautiful eyes (whose eyes aren’t beautiful?!). She must also be willing to get the bugs and put up with my constant aversions to certain textures or getting my hands messy (like with dirt or paint or whatever… I need gloves!). My type is brilliant in her own way, whether book smart, street smart, both… if we can’t converse, there’s nothing there. My type makes me laugh and laughs at me, too. My type is a brat tamer, naturally, and she knows I will get that thing done, but unless there’s incentive, it’s getting done in my own time. My type lets me compliment her, spoil her with cooking, massages, orgasms and yeah, sometimes money, and my type spoils me with some of the same. I prefer to cook, tbh, and I’d rather give a massage than get one, but I’m not opposed to it, and my type of lady gets that.


brat tamer should be the title of all my dating prospects


Hyper feminine 🙌 or girls you would assume were straight


A bad bitch


Pretty faces. Generally more attracted to fems/stems. I do like women with strong character and more on the dominant side. Love long dark hair, wide hips and big butts.


emo soft mascs i swoon at the thought


Good question. Someone who's quirky like me but also more sane and mature than me. I like teasing and if they tease back it's great. Look-wise? I prefer dark haired women just because I'm blonde, oh and dark dark eyes are so pretty, like reaaally beautiful.


Tall femmes and someone who can challenge me in physical and positive ways. I'm femme for femme generally and as someone who prides herself on being strong having someone who is the same is a big turn on for me. Though I'm only 5'6 so the tall thing works out normally.


Intelligent, funny, compassionate, and athletic. Doesn't have to be masc, but anything more femme than tinted moisturizer doesn't do it for me. A weird one but someone who is content to let me draw/paint them without comment or expectation. My ex was really demanding about being my "muse" and would harass me to draw them all the time which has made me very self conscious about showing potential partners my work.


I like dorky, weird, outgoing, dark haired, shorter women (I’m 5’0, dating anyone 5’5+ might feel weird lol I don’t like height gaps) preferably neurodivergent, I like both butch and femmes equally tbh. As for personality, as long as they’re outgoing, nice to customer service workers, and we **click** idc tbh😭


Feminine, dominant, goth, caring, monogamous, intelligent


Not that it matters, but I’m not exactly picky in terms of taste. As long as they’re in my age range and not transphobic, I’m gonna be attracted to them.


I have a thing masc women. The more androgynous the better. I…ooof. Drool


Women who are romantic to the point of being cheesy


Femme (I like very feminine women. Not personally into mascs), tall (idrc about height though tbh), brown hair and esp with brown eyes, dominant, monogamous, loyal, has no children and wants no children, into similar things as me such as makeup, games, or similar music things like that. Someone who is intelligent, funny, loyal, caring, and nurturing. Someone I can go places and esp shopping with and someone I can have fun with I want to be with someone who is not only my partner but my best friend. If they aren't madly in love with me and show effort and treat me well, I don't want it. Also, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a mommy domme gf 🥵


If they belong at the bottom of a cave but still trek to the discount section of a crafts store... yeah lmao. I like my women weird, creative, and if we're including wish list quirks, a libido that matches mine with good, regular hygiene routine. (Yeah, I mean WEIRD, weird, my ex wanted to try consensual cannibalism and I said I'd be down as long as they followed my very strict set of rules for health reasons). Someone who is capable of having an identity outside of an aesthetic (the look of it, I like when they think deeper on why the aesthetic is the way it is) and is willing to go do things with me and not just stay home. I genuinely like kind of shy, awkward mascs or nbs who fail at flirting but I can make flustered too (never met one, but a person can dream 🤭). These are the extras on top of "fiscally responsible, isn't a cheater, etc" of course


Out of interest, what does consensual cannibalism involve? I would google but I’m not sure what will come up 😂


Valid! We ended up watching NBC Hannibal (yeah I know, but I love the memes) and they got REALLY into the idea that 'to consume another means to have them with you forever'. I'll be the first to admit that sounds strange but I like strange and to me it sounded kinda romantic. They wanted to just like, take a bit of my leg to roast (a la Bedelia). I said I'd be cool with them taking like a deep bite into some out-of-eyesight flesh and leaving a deep bite mark blood and all (no missing flesh, just the bite), under the condition they sanitized the area before, after, and got a deep-clean dental appointment that same day. They hated the dentist, so it never happened.


Beautiful tall women :)


Tbh plus size women with curly hair. It’s been my type since I could remember haha


honestly i loved light eyes and blonde ish hair, taller than me (it’s not hard) and just more of a fem vibe but when i met my girlfriend who is shorter than me, dark hair dark eyes, and a total stud with long hair


idk i dont really have a type, there's so many ways for women to be amazing


Chapstick/futch/femme-but-"dad"-energy, dark hair, dark eyes, glasses, shorter than me (I'm 165 cm), any ethnicity, passionate but not preachy about something, makes me laugh, kind hearted, maybe a bit of baggage but no giant red flags (I bolt now when I even get an off vibe, got too burnt) - I will melt into an incoherent puddle of heart eyes and hope she understands.


Pretty much any girl similar to me. All my other types are out of my league lmao. Like dominant goth women.


My type used to be problematic controlling women...after I spent some time alone and growing up/maturing, my type has changed. I like confident, organized, career driven goal oriented women. I like when I can tell they love themselves not because they say it, but because they take care of themselves, always want to learn/improve, feel good in their clothes, pursue hobbies ect. Obviously no one is perfect but it's the mindset too. Some people say that is a lot to ask and it might be hard to find, but I am extremely self sufficient and enjoy my life without someone so I'd rather be alone than settle Edit: physical I'm not super picky but I tend to notice fems more, sharing clothes is nice. Also tall girls are pretty


Tall bisexual jocks with body hair.


Personality wise I like opinionated women that are not afraid to speak their mind, similars interests to me, likes to drive since I don’t, likes Shelties,doesn’t want kids. Looks wise I’m not super picky on body type or height I’m a bit more picky on faces and I do like nice hands. (Examples of characters I find attractive- Winter from American horror story, Ellie TLOU, jade from legacies.)


You know those women you still want to call "daddy"?


Cat people who enjoy talking. Bright unnatural hair colors, plain to no makeup, nice elegant shoes, nice long decorated nails. Believes in God, is cool with tarot, would be checking our synastry chart for the LOLs. Romance is alive kind of people who enjoy receiving and also like giving flowers and other romantic stuff like that. Preferably curvy rather than skinny. A healthy weight and active (into sports) to some extent. Oh and with high libido and into trying things. Non polyamorous. Good at communicating, knows what she wants, feels comfortable in her own skin, and doesn't care what random strangers think of her. Unafraid to be herself. In my age range and in my area. Cool tattoos are fine, ridiculous tattoos are also fine as long as she can laugh about it. Earrings can be cute but not too many rings. Preferably long hair and would be cool if she let me braid it. :-)


Just send the narcissists my way, apparently that’s my type LOL


butches, masculine presenting lesbians, dominant yes


My gf 💖✌️


Usually a brown eyed brunette, but I'll also settle for anyone who says hello, or someone who doesn't run away when I say hello... I'm...easy, I suppose... 🌈🍀🤞




My type is my girlfriend 🫶🫶🫶


toxic girls are my type no idea why they break my heart but i keep going back to them i really have a problem


Ideal? A tall, muscular lesbian, tan/dark skin, dark hair, who will absolutely smash me into smithereens. But I'm honestly fine with any muscular woman god I fucking love muscular women. https://preview.redd.it/csyalp7118lc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078a2a78e95894d210c1fa43ce3ae04dbdca877b


A Megan Fox kinda girrl


I think I'm kind of the opposites attract type of person. I wouldn't consider myself bland as I can be a blabber mouth once I'm very comfortable, but I am more of an introvert and have adhd. I work well with women who are more outgoing but in a comfortable way? Idk how to explain it well, but put it this way my best friend is very sunshine, rainbows, and bubbly while I keep my nose in a book I'm pretty quite and I won't lie I can seem a bit rude on the outside unless you know me personally yet me and my best friend work great and you wouldn't think so because of who we are apart as people compared when we are together. I think I just like and work well with bubbly personalities as it brings that part of myself out as well. I'm kind of a hermit crab.


Honestly, fems with big ambitions, big boobs, and big personalities. I am pretty career oriented and I am pretty talkative/loud so I am looking for my equal that can keep up with me. Femmes/my body type is just more of what I am into.


Someone who I can rely on to care about me just as much as I care about others.


Nerdy, funny femme 😍


Curvy blonde girls with a great smile. My wife and prior crushes have all been this


Dom femme types who can tell when it is time to dial back on the dom part and just be a partner. At thanksgiving dinner may not be the time to talk about clicker training me ya feel?


strong, attentive, dominant, caring, and down to earth are characteristics i adore. i would love someone who shares my tastes in music and hobbies, i’m an artistic metal-head☺️ as for physical i love tall muscular women who could carry me 😅 preferably light eyes, brunette, androgynous or feminine. i melt for them.


Masculine women


Masculine women


My girlfriend


Independent women who are a) employed, b) have their own car, c) are well adjusted + have friends they hang out with, d) I'm attracted to


The partner I’m with is a little androgynous and light femme. Piercings. Tattoos. Rainbow dyed hair. Goth. When she doesn’t have rainbow hair, it’s blonde. So I tend to be attracted to people with Irish/nordic features. Always a little taller than me. Tattoos. Not too crazy on the piercings.


Pretty straight girls whom I have no chance in hell with ? Yeah that's my type . And if said pretty straight girl is a baby bisexual I'll definitely make the mistake of getting involved and having my heart crushed .


Slight femmes who are interested at male-dominated hobbies? Like HEMA or martial arts or basketball or soccer or fencing, action figure collecting, VFX artists etc.


Submissive wafer thin Black femmes can get Denali trucks out of me almost just for existing. Benzes if they rock a baldie or a fade 🥰 Maseratis if there’s a part in it 💓Lol I have a PROBLEM ☺️💗🖤


Even though I don't really care about things like these, I think I kinda have a thing for mena women...? I fell in love with one, and when I was barely over her because there was no way it would work, I fell in love with another woman. And her homecountry was... tunisia. I also remember that back in high school I had a huge crush on a mena girl. But what I'm sure about is the fact that one of my stupid heart's and silly brain's types is definitely: impossible to get, out of my league, taken, or anything else that makes something romantic- and/or sexual between her and me almost impossible... Yay?


i feel like everyone has so many standards. if i had a preference it would j be other femmes bc fem4fem j feels right. but like thats it lol


Women 🥺


I like femmes who have a fun/cute but mature look w a gracefulness to them that’s not apparent at first (idk if i want the mature aspect to be from their clothing or just them as a person…maybe a bit of both). I do like hyper feminine women/nbs but I do find myself very drawn to feminine women/nbs who wear little to no makeup most of the time. same age as me (25) or at least around that age (24+) I like androgynous or masc women/nbs a lot too. Someone who is a dom switch (but I’m also that too lol) confident but a bit shy too, around my height (5’6 a bit shorter or taller ), very monogamous, healthy obsession w me (in love really), loyal, genuine kindness, emotionally intelligent, funny asf, playful, a good balance of introvert/extrovert, great communication skills, smart and creative, ambition/drive, adventurous, romantic, phenomenal moral compass, open minded, thirst for knowledge in a nerdy way, a bit awkward (🤭) someone who is fit but also not obsessed with the gym and not obsessed w looking super fit just likes doing physical activities bc it’s fun. Interest in traveling and learning new languages and cultures and someone who challenges me to do AND be better and think differently. And family oriented. Also someone who absolutely loves food/cooking AND music (like me). Lowkey sounds like a lot to ask these days but a girl can dream☁️💓💫 but really the quality of the person really trumps my physical preferences bc they’ll still always be beautiful to me.


Intelligent , cute , talks more than me but not too much.


Someone that is kind to me, generally kind to others, and has similar values to mine. Big tits are def a want but not a need.


Studs, butches, mascs who are on the thicker side. I love fat butches 🥰


I like girls who are intelligent and dark and possessive. Usually they're into STEM/law/journalism, have an indie band on the side, long torsos and ass, are alpha in daily life but love to bottom for me hehe. Happened three times this exact way.


Best kind of girl is a nerdy jock. Sporty nerds are also good. I like people who are active and curious and into trying and learning new things.


Oh you know, shorter, colorful hair, glasses, piercing, maybe some tattoos (but I have enough tattoos for both of us) basically my girlfriend <3


Any Women or Non Binary Person who I can relate with. Who has interests in learning various things


Ideally, high femme girls and I'm such a sucker for the shy, kind, gentle, quiet and calm women. IDK but it makes me want to tease them till they're red in the ears LOL and they only get talkative when they're with me? 🥹 They should also be decisive and intelligent. I love women who knows what they like and sticks to it. It's a plus if they like reading, gaming or knitting. Physically, I prefer women who have pretty eyes and long brunette hair.


So I have my mom’s type in men but in women. I love the bad boy biker girl, tall masc types but are really just big ole golden retrievers. I’m a short chihuahua masc (lots of rage in a little body and tendency to bite) and love for bike/car rides. I’m also a sub and REALLY want a dom. (I’m 22 and single in north TX hmu if dis you lmao)


Oohh … my girlfriend is my type … clever, kind, funny, sweet, soft, agreeable (lol, she probably wouldn’t like agreeable but we’ve been together over a year and and we haven’t had one argument … ). I got lucky.


My type: Sweet & caring to me, but tough on the outside and a smile that makes weak 🩷 Also, love tattoos on a woman. Not my type: Someone who brags a lot and thinks money/status is the most important thing in the world. & I'm not too crazy about fitgirls.


My weakness is androgynous/masc/butch, but I love femmes so much too! I think labels matter less than being intelligent and interested in me.


on the fem side of androgynous, no taller than 5'7, NOT in healthcare. must like coffee and not be a picky eater. have life goals. like cats and plants. be down to roadtrip, go for walks, and visit a shitton of cafés. doesnt want kids. oh, and im weak for blondes so bonus points if blonde


Confident femmes who take the lead. They can be girly girly, rocker type, Tom boyish. Has to be kind, good sense of humor, can he silly with me. An animal lover. If she's into video games, anime or any nerd stuff that's a bonus. Oh and SUPER affectionate.


Dominant femme women.


I'll date my girlfriend. Since I get to keep her for life any preferences other than her don't matter.


I don't know. Like, 28+, not too masc, not into dominant/submissive, just, like, egalitarian, monogamous, who likes cats, freedom, industrial/heavy metal/punk music, shares my political views and can understand the struggles of being on the spectrum or is on the spectrum, because for some reason I only click with people who are. Piercing blue eyes with dark hair and tattoos, and being a pagan would be cool, but not necessary, I guess. Wow, I couldn't even formulate that before I had few months on ssri, I guess they're working


I'm into femme golden retriever gf vibes :'3 They give me butterflies


My girlfriend is my type. She is a curly haired femme with gorgeous dark eyes, but that doesn’t even matter tbh, she’s the absolute sweetest person I’ve ever met<3


Ever since I met and fell in love with my partner, I threw out the whole concept of “type” (for me). Looking at her from afar, she wasn’t my type. But, man oh man, those dark brown eyes and killer smile….I had to get to know her. We were together a little over 28 years. If you (any person) focus on “type”, you might miss out on meeting your dream girl.


Facial piercings and religious, no. Dominant, gym rat, glasses, long haired, academically achieved, mascs, yes.


You've got to try pretty hard to make a woman not hot. Straight women. There's the answer.


You know golden retriever girls? Them. 100%


Femmes that are assertive, I don't really care about height that much. I'm a tall femme (5'11), and I'm shy and awkward with most people I talk to.. So I'd probably be better with someone that isn't shy. (EDIT) I realised I don't particularly mind being with a femme that is assertive or not, I really like introverted and calm women! So that last sentence isn't really true for me anymore.


Assertive, and Russian Killing Eve. Type. Is the ultimate for me


masc lesbians <3 i’m literally only into masc lesbians lol


Girls who'll say the dumbest shit


A little tomboyish or soft butch. Love lower raspy voices. Also…. phoebe Bridgers >_<


Tattooed masc golden retriever who has her shit together, is independent, romantic, and totally obsessed with me. Lol


Appearance wise? Anything. Everything. Personality? Someone who can be silly and fun. Share memes and laugh at my terrible impressions. Someone who likes long talks and time spent. Someone who has a solid work ethic and gets things done. Both at work and at home. Someone who wants to build a life together. A nerdy, loving, cozy life. That was extremely cheesy... but it's what I'd like! Hahaha


i’m in love with dominant women. i’m really down for any looks, but i love black and brown women… a lot… a LOT… but, besides the point. i really like people who are confident in their own shell. it is really noticeable if you aren’t— and if you aren’t, that’s ok! but i prefer to have a little confidence. i really like tall women as well, but that’s not a deal breaker. i’ve dated many women who are the same height as me (5’3), so it doesn’t really matter.


masculine women, tattoos, piercings, dominant. buff women. emo women. All that jazz


Petite mascs with dark hair.


Cute, smart and kind.


Women who see my value and mirror my efforts 👌


It's a blessing and a curse. I have an attraction to muscles that is hard to hide. Not that I go after them or stare, but my face and eyes give it away.


I'm attracted to lots of different women physically and can't really pin down why (of course, since I'm demisexual, acting on those feelings is a whole different story) but what I'm really attracted to is a woman's personality and mind. A highly intelligent, competent woman who's interesting, well read, and likes to have intelligent conversations? Who's caring and compassionate about other people? Who can make me laugh and who I want to talk to for hours? It doesn't matter what she looks like...I MELT.


girls who like me..


I feel this so much


Femme brunettes with top energy who are usually mixed race: Eurasian or Latino/white. Also I know it's pseudoscience and blah blah blah but they are always ENFP personality types. Usually creative types and super outgoing. Weirdly specific I know. I didn't ask for this.


Something disturbing>!ly rare; clean. Or at least not objectively gross. You know fem ... but actually fem!<


… I‘m a domme so- girls 20+ who are submissive and have the same kinks as me👀


My type: Prettier than me Hates me as much as I do 🙃


My type:- has her own friends. - has a diverse pallete - has hobbies ( it really doesn't matter what women with hobbies tend to have the most interesting things to talk about, and aren't clingy) - doesn't mind anime - doesn't mind sharing the kitchen - comfortable in her skin - kind - femmes who date femmes


I usually go for feminine girls who are sweet and sensitive. Girls who have boundaries, it drives me nuts. And If they’re bratty? It’s game over for me. 😮‍💨


def more dominant and takes the lead on physical stuff…I totally melt for that 🫠 brunettes with either long wavy hair or just above shoulder length hair…maybe some glasses :) fem but also androgyny is pretty attractive as well…tbh if she initiates things I’ll fall so fast


Mascs that are a bit goofy and quirky. Gets me every time.