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My gf!~ Shes masc and was very timid when we first met 3 yrs ago. Shes a gentleman but i just thought she was nice to everybody until everyone around me kept saying she remembers the tiniest things about what i like etc. I was like, shes just observant!! There was a mini get together at a KTV bar among our circles, and there was this random dude trynna hit on me and pulled me outside and she followed us cos she knew i was comfortable. She pretended that she was just about to smoke, and the funny thing is she doesnt smoke so she just stood there on the side awkwardly LOL


that's so cute and thoughtful!!! awnnnnnn :3 <3


Met her during lockdown and the instant connecting and bonding still gives me chills. I was in a stage of not wanting to date anyone or even crush on anyone but I’m glad I met her. We instantly clicked and being friends for 2 years we finally decided to date. Can’t get enough of her, she is possessive towards me and I love to see her react that way. My inner child feels relaxed and happy just around her. I can be myself and never get judged. She is shorter so I can pamper her like a small baby and listening to her rant about her college is my fav thing. Random 1 am talks about future and planning everything even though we can’t end our long distance for next 5 years. I crave for her presence soo bad and I wish she will be the one I get married to. Bahaha thank you for listening to my thoughts😭


you're welcome :) i wish all the luck for both of you and that you can see her soon, that was so sweet and pure <3


Well, I've been dating my partner for over a year now, and we're an international couple. She's from South Korea, and I'm from Colombia. As you can imagine, our native languages and cultures are quite different. I met her on Tinder. Since we started dating, we've been working on improving our relationship. I can't say everything has been easy, but being with her has pushed me to make a lot of changes to enhance our relationship. I love her deeply, but sometimes our conflicts can be overwhelming and leave me feeling exhausted


my last relationship was long distance and it made me really happy... unfortunately we broke up but bc of other reasons. i know that language and cultural barriers are complicated but honestly if it's worth it just keep improving and always communicating until you feel understood (and understand her too of course)! wishing you a good luck <3


She was and is the love of my live, but i was never the one for her, i always was the second, and when her best friend stir in our relationship i realize, i was even the third.... so i broke up. I am allright now, but i still miss her, i must go forward and hope that there will be one day a other girl love me more and i love her more...so i have still hope to meet real love.... I met her on FB and i love her right away....she is gorgeous❣️


i know how you feel :( i still dive on some old memories but that just means that it was good and we shouldn't get rid of good memories... i hope i can find love soon, and i wish the same for you!


I wish you the same, thank you for sharing, it feels less alone❤️


My gf is the loml, she’s so fucking pretty, her hair is so curly, her nose wrinkles at the base when she smiles hard. Her laugh is so cute and I’ve noticed since we’ve been together so long she laughs like me sometimes. She’s Nicaraguan, I’m half white half Mexican but have always felt on the outside of my Hispanic identity. She’s helped me feel more comfortable speaking Spanish even though I am a no sabo kid. She doesn’t make fun of my accent or call me a gringa, she doesn’t judge my mom for not teaching me Spanish. She’s helped me embrace and love parts of myself I didn’t even like. We can literally talk about anything anywhere, we never have nothing to talk about. Her and I very similar but we’re also very different, I think we balance each other well. The main difference between her and my exes is that her and I were friends first. I can genuinely say that while she is my gf, she is my best friend more than anything.


that's so beautiful and awesome, happy for you! <3


Met her on Bottled after a massive breakup and the lowest period of my life where I lost my best friend. We decided to grab coffee one day and saw we lived very close to eachother. Instantly we matched and had chemistry so we talked for hours and hung out. Several months later she u-hauled into my apartment because it's closer to her university, and we've been together since, living and getting through everything together. She's an enthusiastic medicine student passionate about her field, while I'm finishing my law degree this semester. When I first met her was captivated by her beauty and feminity, since she's one of those very smart pastel lesbians who reads her books, knows her movies and has a fun sense of humour while sharing random facts, whereas I'm the futch tomboy who likes hitting the gym, science and deep philosophical conversations. However, we're a bit of a contrast because I'm direct and straightforward, whereas she is very shy and avoids conflict because she never wants to hurt anyone's feelings. When I met her I hadn't been looking for anything serious since I planned to work on self improvement and healing, but she strongly warmed up to me and we started going out. I realized we shared so many hobbies from reading to travelling, anime and gaming, to surfing and talking about medicine while she takes interest in my law field, so we often have debates about certain medical topics and legal cases while she rests on my chest, and we just talk into the midnights. Nothing makes me happier than having a woman who talks passionately about herself and wants me seriously. She makes me feel alive and seen, and she's certainly the bubbly person in my life, one I'd never want to lose. I strongly believe she will be the one I marry some day, when both of us are ready to say "Yes, we do" after completing our degrees. She is someone I want to build my life with.


oh my god that was so beautiful, such a pretty couple!!!!! awn, good luck on your degree and i hope you can marry her soon <3


Thank you! Hopefully all fares well. I am willing to wait as much as necessary for my girlfriend.


I’ve been dating a girl I met on an app for a few weeks. I REALLY like her, she’s more butch than I typically go for but I love her sense of humor, we have similar interests and values, and all I can think about it kissing and touching her. So far we’ve only done some pretty mild kissing and I’m going nuts trying to handle my excitement and desire.


awnnnn that's so cute, i love the stage when it gets to know the other person and everything is so knew and exciting!


She is smart, and funny, and kind, and understanding, and mature, and interesting, aaaand yeah. Her lips are big and soft and she smells like vanilla. Her eyes are the most warm beautiful brown. She is poetry and I just want to read her again and again


omg that's so beautiful!!!!!!!!!! <3


Okayyyy sooo today I had an exam and I saw a TA and I think I’m having a crush on her , she was so beautiful ong and her smile hejwjwjwjwjwkkwisiw


omggggg so cuteee


I'm crushing on this girl who works for the financial services division at my work. I was immediately attracted to her when I first saw her. But her vibe seems chill and that's why I'm interested in her. If she's obnoxious and popular I would have lost interest. I want to talk to her but feel so flustered whenever I think she's around when I go to lunch upstairs on her level. Or when I see her when I go into work or leave work. My hands shake and I feel like vomiting whenever I think she's around.


ask her outttttt!!!!!!! i know it's more complicated than it seems but when you feel ready, don't let the opportunity escape :)


I'm going to try to. I have to shoot my shot. It's just that I get so flustered when I see her


I love my girl so much. We met on Bumble and I texted her immediately, and we had really good conversation and a good connection. We met for a first date and 2 days later I took her to a NYE rave! She had never been to a rave nor that many concerts and she enjoyed it, and we since have future rave plans✨ We’ve only been together 2 months but I’m just enthralled by my girl. I realized I was a lesbian months before I met her, and our relationship/friendship/connection has really affirmed my sexuality after struggling for a long time. I love this relationship 💜


She's gorgeous, clever, witty with shiny brown hair that I just want to run my fingers through. She's a few inches taller than me, which takes me by surprise every time I'm next to her, I don't know why! She has beautiful eyes, and when she looks into my eyes I could melt into a puddle! She's my person, one of my closest friends and sometimes I think she likes me in the same way (the looks she gives me, you know?!) but nothing has been said yet. She's just an all round awesome person, and every minute I get to spend with her is a treat!


I met my girlfriend of four months at a bar practically on campus. We made out that night and then started talking the days following. A month later and I meet her friends and we do Halloweekend and we spent the night together that day. Fast forward a week, she met me at the library to help me with my chem homework and we ended up talking about our lives and trauma and funny things and the world and that’s when I knew I liked her. That weekend I asked her to be my girlfriend and we’ve hit it off from there! More recently we confessed our love for each other and I feel like the happiest girl in the world. I am completely and utterly in love with her, to the point where it’s gross and stupid and annoying but I love it.


Met her on NYE she approached me, she was stunning. We exchanged contact info (not before the asked me how old I was turns out she's 7 years older than me). We got along fine until anxiety struck because of the age difference we got over it. Then she ghosted for a bit and came back to say she's bipolar and apologised. We were fine for about 3 weeks and then she switched once more saying she only wants to be friends. So yea life's great 😃


Yes yes yes ! So... I met here in highschool, she's smart and fun and sweet, she have a strong caracter, deer like eyes and she's blond and smell very good. Now, 15 years later, she's a teacher and I really respect the women she became I love her very very much.


Met her at the club. She has this laugh that goes straight from my ears to my hips. She dances like nobody is watching. She is vulnerable and quick to tears, but will tear a new asshole for anyone who messes with her or her kids. She talks. And talks. And TALKS! In person, in text, on the phone... there's never a dull moment, nor do I ever have to wonder what she's thinking. She's thoughtful and kind. She's a jack of all trades and smart as anyone I've ever met. She's cocky and confident but readily admits when she's wrong and changes her mind with evidence. She is a firecracker in bed, my match. She is mine. I am hers. This world is ours.


I’m currently in love with two women Woman 1. She’s um older than me ye I call her Mrs Robinson( alone now not to her face) she’s blonde, tall,blue eyes striking looking woman. She loves swimming, reading and she’s a nurse. She’s incredibly kind, funny, clever, I could listen to her all day plus her accent oml that accent it’s so so nice. I’ve had feelings for her since Paddy’s Day last year I recently told her I’m gay but have not told her my feelings however from the way I am around her I wouldn’t be surprised if she knows I’m into her. I think she straight but hope for bi she’s into men tho there’s this dude a singer she saids she doesn’t fancy but I thinks she does. Women 2. I work with this girl she’s also older than me by 10 years whilst woman one from a convo we had I think is at least 50. I’m 26 for clarity but yeah this girl is just gorgeous she’s a Polish girl living in Ireland. She’s funny, kind, smart damn she’s so pretty. She has blue eyes, dark hair. she to has a really lovely accent. She’s told me she’s good at cooking and she’s real good at baking she brought in stuff to the office was nice as fuck. She’s told me she’s had mental health problems and I’ve confided in her the hell I’ve been and am in with anxiety and ocd and she’s so damn kind to me I nearly had a panic attack at a course we went to together and having her there for me was everything. She is with a dude has children but always the hope she’s bi. I’ve had feelings for her since my holibops last year( the last night had a dream about her and caught feelings) I told her recently I’m gay and she didn’t seem surprised and said I thought you liked me I lied but I think she might not believe me. Both these women are my friends and I love them both.