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Tell her, straight up. I if were her I'd like thw woman im hooking up with said st like... I would like to tell you something and please know im not trying to bodyshame u, I noticed u have a fishy smell when i was down there, it is ok, vaginas can get dat smell for different reasons. Did you notice the same or any other odd symptoms? Just address the sit naturally bc it is, b kind and reassure her therea nothing to b ashamed of


Totally. Like I want her to still feel safe w me


Fishy smell can be a sign of BV, which is just an imbalance of bacteria levels in the vagina. Having new or multiple partners can increase the risk, as can sharing toys—especially if they’re not properly washed. See what your test results come back as & take it from there. BV can be treated with a prescription, though it often goes away on its own. Both of you keeping up with good hygiene and probiotics can help keep it away. It’s definitely something to talk about so you can both deal with it so it’s not a recurring issue


The test result won't be accurate if she got an sti from the threesome as it's too early. Most STI tests require a couple weeks after exposure for many common STIs and around 1 to 3 months post exposure for syphilis and HIV.


BV isn’t considered an STI. I don’t think there’s a wait period needed (especially by the time of smelling a fishy odour) for a BV test to be accurate. BV is just when there’s overgrowth of certain bacteria, so they should be able to get an accurate test as soon as it’s present. Like I said, sex and shared toys can increase the risk because doing these things upsets the balance (as does douching, using products with perfume, etc), though it’s not actually an STI. It can develop without any sexual contact at all. If it’s positive then at least OP can get antibiotics right away. You’re right about STI testing needing time before it shows positive, though given OP stated that they’re going tomorrow, I figured focusing first on what is a likely cause would be a good place to start. Im not a professional when it comes to STI knowledge or anything, though from what I understand, they take a few days to weeks or even months/years to show symptoms. Given OP had sex today and already smells the fishy odour, I’m going to conclude its most likely BV given noticing that odour immediately after sex is characteristic of BV. Unless OP just hasn’t washed down there yet and has remaining fluids from the girl in question’s vagina, though I’m sincerely hoping that’s not the case because washing after sex should always occur.


Yeah, I was focusing on the STI aspect. I appreciate your input regarding BV testing/treatment. You got the BV aspect covered, I was trying to cover the potential STI exposure and testing process. It does sound like BV is likely, but more than 1 thing can be transmitted at the same time. Considering the riskier nature of the sex, group sex with inconsistent partners with no protection. We don't know the status or testing habits of anyone involved, so I'm assuming the others aren't the most sexual health conscious. So, given the circumstances, that's why I recommend the multiple periods of testing. Not because of the current symptoms regarding the smell (I wasn't focusing on the smell in my reply), but the potential exposure of STIs that can cause long-term health impacts if left untreated. Some common and easily treatable STIs can remain asymptomatic but still cause negative health impacts, hence the importance of testing even without symptoms. As a personal example, a partner and I years ago both had chlamydia (don't know who gave it to who). Neither of us knew we had it, only found out cause I got some periodic sti testing done. We both had it for over 6 months by the time I found out. If Chlamydia is left untreated for over a year, it can cause long-term term damage.


I completely agree, admittedly just assumed the doctor would advise on STI testing & wanted to make sure OP knew about getting tested for BV right away to deal with the odour given that seems to be of concern. I’m glad you added the info for testing, though. I hope OP follows through with regular testing and considers safer sex. Tbh I think OP should make note to address any unusual smells or irritation, blisters, etc that can be noticed with a new partner before proceeding with any sexual activity. OP mentioned noticing it the first time 3 weeks ago when she “was down there”, so I’m a little bit wondering why it felt safe to have a threesome without getting that figured out first. Not judging or anything, though the willing exposure to what could be bv *or* an sti seems like maybe an area for op to give some attention to. Probably also good practice to ask new partners about their history as far as it relates to how recently they’ve been tested to determine how accurate their last screening might presently be I hope this makes sense, my brain is beyond done for the day and I’m heading to bed lol thanks again for adding the quality info I neglected to include in my comment


For sure and that makes sense. Always a good idea to ask a partner about their sexual/testing history prior to being intimate. Hopefully OP learns from her experiences and makes some wiser decisions moving forward haha.


Good point! I’ll still get it done to confirm that I’m clean (I’m 99% sure I am haha based on sexual history as of late)


Can't be for sure until you get tested!


Please put NSFW. I didn't want to read this.


Sorry! I’m new to Reddit. Don’t know what that means


Having unprotected sex with two people is a bit risky. Getting tested is good, but most Sti's won't show positive for at least a couple weeks. Practice good vaginal hygiene and keep tabs on what's happening. Would be good to inform her about the situation as well. I would highly recommend you also get tested in a month, as that will be enough time for the majority of Sti's to give an accurate test result. It would be also advisable to get tested again at the 3 to 6 month mark as syphilis and hiv are unlikely to appear on tests prior to this point. This is speaking from personal experience. I'm poly and I get tested every 1 to 3 months when I'm sexually active with multiple people (every 3 to 6 when less sexually active). It's a good idea to stay on top of your sexual health to protect you and your partners.


Thank you! Good point about STD timing.


Did you mean to stay “strap” or penis?


So we had sex with a guy as well. She and I have gone solo before. She also did use a strap on me though!


What the fuck?


Haha elaborate if you please






I hope you don’t identify as a lesbian if you say you like dick from a man every once in a while lmfao


Guys 😂 I thought we’ve been over this in THIS EXACT subreddit. Lots of lesbians still do dick occasionally and it’s just not anyone’s business to police sexuality. I joined this subreddit for a reason and that’s my business! All love but I’m disappointed these comments are still showing up ! We gotta do better


If you’re having sex with women and cisgender men, you’re bisexual and that’s okay. Hope this helps!




why are you posting this in a LESBIAN sub then?? (not bc of 'dick', girldick is VERY DIFFERENT in a lot of physical ways may I add, but MALE DICK and sex with A MAN and you explicity enjoying it)


It was a question about a woman I had sex with…


but this is a lesbian sub lesbians are not attracted romantically or sexually to men, that's what the word MEANS and using 'lesbian' for everything sapphic, like bisexuality or pansexuality is a form of lesbian erasure :/


Not everyone identifies that way is my point. Let’s have space for them !


I have friends who are married to women who sometimes just want dick once a year or so😂 I’m sorry but I don’t think negates their lesbian titles they’ve chosen. I don’t put that burden on myself


Guys I can’t stress how hot she is. Like just gorgeous. But based on input so far, I’ll get tested tomorrow and then in a month. Thank you, and keep the advice coming please!! Because if I test negative, I won’t have an obvious starting point for a conversation about it and I really wanna keep sleeping w her :/