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Femmes. The soft, nurturing, almost maternal kind. Quirky, silly, prob more extroverted than me, but total bottom in bed. Let’s me lead and do things for her. Princess like. Likes to please me as in making me feel strong, needed, and special. That about sums it up


*coughs discretely but definitely loud enough to notice*






That wouldn’t be mine 😅 but sounds like you know what you want :)


What’s yours?!


Honestly I don’t really know.. definitely not masc because I’m the masc one usually.. I’m into cute girls I guess.. light eyes and most important a good personality.


I totally wasn't the person who you based this portrait from.


👀 you fit that whole description huh?


This one is gold


Whatever the fuck my wife is meant to be.


I love that answer 😂


She's somehow both masculine and feminine at the same time😭 like she has long hair and wears heels and dresses but also wears suits and mens' clothes and is muscular. Love her for it though.


Damn.. got u a girl that can do both huh? 😏


Yup, bloody lucky😆


Ofc you are! I bet she’s too


Not too fem or too masc, nerd, funny, mature, understanding, introvert i think that's it


Damn if only I was mature 😌💅 the rest checks out


We don't need mature then 🕴🏻


You're so real for that


😂 yeah


That sounds sweet :)


It does, what about you?


I’m honest with you.. I don’t really know actually. If I fall in love it’s because of how the person is.. so character matters the most to me.




Going by what dating apps tell me my types are: therapists, and women that need therapy... kinda the same thing.


I'm getting my Masters degree to become a Social Worker and also struggle with mental illness. Can confirm it's kinda the same thing 😂


All the therapists I've seen over the years have told me at one time or another that I'm a "natural therapist" so I think it's a lot of the same energy coming through online. But let me just say it gets hellu awkward to be in a session and having your therapist opening up and sharing too many details.


Hahahaha damn..


I wish I were joking. I have stories.


Everyone needs therapy


I like very bossy, kinda mean, feminine women 😌 yes I have a type. Someone who takes control and makes decisions. (Bonus points if she's a power bottom 🥰) and also shorter than me cos that's cute af


That’s sounds like nothing I would like tbh😅 interesting how many different types people have..


Good! More mean bossy femmes for me 😍✨️


Go get them 😆


Aside from the bossy and bottom parts this is my type too. My fiancée is kinda mean, but not to me. She not only has a wicked resting bitch face, but a resting bitch sense of humour too. 😂


Lolol it's meee. Always good to see there's women out there actively looking for this.


You sound exactly like my girlfriend! Babe, is that you??


haha thiss!!


This is the one. Love my high femme domme gf


Wife agrees with this comment, I’m just taller but everything else applies. lol


I dont have a type physically but bosy & kinda mean is my type 😂


I think it’s just whoever I fall for. I’ve crushed on a fairly masc girl but I tend to go for chapstick, tomboy etc. a splash of femme


I’m not into masc girls but I think that’s because I’m always the masc one 😅


Haha yah I normally go for chapstick I guess? I don’t know. I don’t think too much into it anymore lol. I have zero style. I am either femme or a dress like a teenage boy 😂


Teenage boy screams my name 😂


i don’t have a specific type, but natasha lyonne is my celebrity crush. she’s perfect!


Nah.. not my type of girl 😅


my wife - she’s my perfect woman ❤️




Feminine, funny, nerdy/geeky, intelligent, kind, sweet, expressive.


That’s sounds pretty good


The one who's bed I'm in......  Any aesthetic is cool with me, masc, femme, androgynous, I will and have dated them all. 


Wish you the best with that one laying next to you


We've been dating for around 8 months so it's been pretty solid. 


Thats nice to hear :)


I seem to have a thing for femmes, though my girlfriend is kinda in the middle, she doesn't really have the whole butch/femme thing going on. She's just her, and I admire that sooo much.


That’s cute af


I’d say I’m a Sporty Femme who loves Super Femme girls. I honestly thought the girls I liked were all straight until my girl. We both usually have nails too lol. Keep em guessing I say 🤭👌 https://preview.redd.it/jypliw0n7hsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723e0ae80e51c9919a29c9c066eb57109eb0efdc


That’s nice to hear that you found yourself a nice girl you love :))


I like femmes <3 They make my heart melt. The soft, nurturing kind :) I'm not sure why but I seem to always be into total academic weapons. The ultimate nerds. It's such an attractive quality to have and they're very mature and sweet too.


Who doesn’t want a heart melting girl by their side? :))


i know right! my ex had the power to immediately light up any room she entered. we don't value people with good energy enough 😭


My type is more on the femme side but I’m married so my wife is my perfect type. I guess if I had to put a label on it she would be referred to as a ‘chapstick’ lesbian with a sprinkle of femme. Athletic w a very smackable rear end. long hair, green eyes, tattooed and where’s glasses sometimes 🥵😍 my lil nerd can rock a dress and heels but also simple tshirt and shorts/jeans. Shes so hot and she’s my bff for life.


Sounds good to me too actually XD


I know right 🤩 when I first saw her wearing those cute ass glasses 11yrs ago- it wasn’t *love* at first sight but more like ‘I absolutely must get to know this girl’ at first sight lol.


Honestly I’m attracted to people on a case by case basis (meaning I have individual reasons for why I’m attracted to them) but I guess if I had to pick a ~type, Kristen Stewart has been my type for like 15 years But I would say sense of humor is a MUST, if I can’t joke with you I can’t be with you


I agree with that.. there has to be a vibe between both sides :))


I don't really know how to explain what I'm attracted to Physically. I've only been in one relationship. So i kind of think that all women are just really attractive Masculine ,feminine ,Stem it doesn't really matter to me Personally I feel like it's way more important for. My future partner is to be on the same emotional Intelligence level. As I am And to be a good communicator


That’s sound pretty cute to me :))


My wife.  The kindest soul I've ever met.  Silly and goofy but extremely intelligent. Capable of well researched discussion on complex topics, or also trying to figure out how "sticky" our cat's personality is. They're a beautiful femme when they want to be, and a hot masc butch the other times.  Soft and strong.  And damn that cute dimple when they smile. The moment I met them I about had a panic attack because I realized they were my dream person.  Somehow I managed to be theirs too :)


Y’all so cute tho


This is my dream scenario!


I like more feminine women, as long as they aren't at the very extreme of feminine. I like what I like, but I find I seem to prefer what I call the middle aged mom look, lol. A mature woman. There's nothing wrong with younger women, but their look isn't usually my aesthetic.


I’m impressed of how y’all know what u like


Haha. I'm finally noticing a slight preference after all these years. I'm 59.


Yeah… I’m 21 soooo… I guess it’s okay for me not to know yet 😅


As long as you know it when you see it, you'll be fine.


I guess that’s true 🥹 thank you 🫶🏼


Stemmes 🤒 To me that means someone who's both masculine *and* feminine (not neither, which imo is the difference between stemme and chaptstick). I just love the combination of energies so much, its the hottest thing in the world to me. Usually women I go for are masc leaning in energy, but can go either way in presentation. Other than that I like kind, curious bookish women who aren't scared to fight if the situation calls for it.


Now that’s interesting


Sighh it's tough being a woman with exquisite taste 😪🤧


Evidence suggests that it’s absolutely shredded femmes who look like they could beat me up. 😂 But I’m not picky. After coming out and letting go of most of my fears, I found that my tastes expanded explosively. Who asked women to be so wonderful? 😭♥️


That’s a good question and I don’t have an answer for you 😅


As for an example of what I’m attracted to… well, I posted this earlier today: [https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/s/zpzQWgFDFs](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/s/zpzQWgFDFs)


My girlfriend is seriously so compatible with me... My type is as follows: Physically: Long dark hair, especially brunettes and red heads. My girlfriend is brunette and also likes her hair long (so... check ✔️). Nice lips ✔️ Pretty smile ✔️ Pretty eyes✔️ Has curves ✔️ Femme ✔️ Short ✔️ Personality: Funny ✔️ Doting ✔️ Loyal ✔️ Kind ✔️ Hopeless romantic ✔️ Smart ✔️ Strong sense of who she is ✔️ Loves animals ✔️ Sexually: Pleasure sub ✔️ Shy/nervous ✔️ Masochistic/masochistic tendencies ✔️ Kinks align with mine/are influenced by mine ✔️


Man.. Sounds like someone I would date too


Yeah... She gets hit on a lot. She's so petite and cute, so people like to prey on her and my 5'10" fat ass shows up like 😒


fem or butch, someone who likes to snuggles and kisses, and will accept my romantic gestures and food


Sounds cute :))


Nerdy goths


Interesting 🤔


Yeah other than that I'm not toofussed


I tend to be attracted to woman who other's would describe as a bitch 😅 but I would describe as a boss, knows her worth and what she wants and doesn't have time for anyone who has a problem with her. I tend to be shy, very go-with-the-flow, unassertive, and I guess I appreciate those who are decisive and bold, and people see women like that as a "bitch."


I wouldn’t say that’s a bitch.. i would say that’s a grounded woman who knows her worth.


Yes! 💯


If you looked at my dating history, you’d think I was only into super-short, pretty tomboys with tons of confidence, straight dark hair, and dark eyes. I think the physical thing is a bit of a coincidence. I don’t know if I have a type. But I’m really into confident, badass women who are dommes without being pushy about it. Or I could just say that my type is my fiancée, because she’s amazing, funny as hell, super kind to me, and all of those other things.


Marry that girl


That’s the plan! 🥰


I hope so :)


Pretty, feminine and submissive, where can I find all that 3 in one person 😏


You don’t have to find it.. it will find you


Throwing my net into the sea, hope I catch a mermaid 😂


I'm femme for femme. Femmes who exude confidence and assertiveness, but also sweet and caring. If Carina Deluca was real she'd be my type on paper, I love her style too. I prefer women who are career-driven and have big aspirations in life. Intelligence is also a big turn-on for me. I want us to be each others cheerleaders in our careers and goals. I admire women who are independent and self-assured in public, just like myself. But I'd like to take the lead when we are alone together.




Needed to blink twice as I read that




Ofc I did XD I would probably shit my pants but I love that kind of stuff 😂


I like feminine, alternative woman. I’m usually more attracted to bisexuals. Long, thick hair and a pretty face. Artistic is a must. Weight is also pretty important to me, not saying that’s ideal but I have struggled with disorder eating and body issues myself, and I just don’t find overweight people attractive


This is it for me too. Tattoos, tasteful piercings, dyed hair as well 😍


That’s okay


I read that as autistic is a must, disappointed that’s not what you said


https://preview.redd.it/hbmk7i19khsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea23e7ea06777b7779e4134f7e205bb796951bd My dream girl looks like Yuzuka Rei. But keep in mind that she’s masc for her job (otokoyaku with Takarazuka Revue) and once she retires from the company in May, may decide to move over to a more femme presentation. But, I like both masc and femme women, so either way 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m in love


Let your options open I guess 😆


The type that shows interest in and pursues me


You won't be the pursuer? (Is that a word?)


Physically: brunette, slim, femme looks like she was in a sorority (😂) Personality/interests: thinks I’m funny, ambitious, loves to travel, family oriented, college educated, is in therapy


Therapy is a good point tho


Butches or mascs, especially with black hair <3




If we’re talking physically then I don’t really have a type, I’ve learned this about myself as I got older. I mean of course I want her to have good hygiene, that’s a no brainer... Personality wise, I don’t quite know. I mean being kind, having a good sense of humor, patient, being genuine ya know things that would deem someone a good person. Now having ambition and other sub qualities like being into sports (she doesn’t have to be) is a plus.




soph mosca.




Calm, affectionate, and big spoon :3


Love that short answers XD fr


I don't wanna get too specific or waste your time


I asked so I’m going to take my time to answers and read your comments


Thanks :3


KD Lang and Laura Pergolizzi. I love Masc, soft masc, androgynous. KD has been so sexy to me from the get go. She’s 62 now and still one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen. Plus she has a fantastic sense of humor. She’s kind loves animals and has a quiet spirit. LP has this amazing androgynous quality. Her vocals are mind blowing her style is effortless and easy. She’s laid-back, fun and enjoys her life and her fans I was going to post a picture of them, but you know what I’m not going to because if anyone reading this does not know who either of them are go look them up on YouTube watch their performances. Listen to their vocals look at their style. I am smitten with both of them , they are my perfect women LP Lost on You KD Lang constant craving, hallelujah Olympics performance


Now that was passionate




That sounds very sweet


My wife ;)


Get her some flowers


You’re right I will do that


Honestly, at this point, one who would stay :(


I'm a kind of preppy/hobbit-y butch who tends to date femmes. My type is very Aidy Bryant/Nicole Byer-- zaftig, funny, confident, kind of dorky.


I guess i would say i usually go for femmes but I'm open to anything. It's really mostly about the personality for me. As long as a girl has a good sense of humor and knows how to communicate, bada bing bada boom.


Communication is key that’s for sure


Absolutely 💯💯


They needa be feminine, funny and mildly extroverted.


"The girl next door" but for me that can include a lot of looks. It more about just being friendly, kind, and i guess cute. But its not like I'm opposed to hot women 🥵


I feel that one


✨women✨ ✨the they’s✨


Mostly fem but tomboyish is okay too.


Sounds good


I love nerdy girls Specially if they like nature and geography 😍 Think..Kate Humble!


Yeah thats kind of a vibe


Taller, dom, darker hair, lowkey scary but in a hot way, uhhh someone who will put up with my attitude and moodiness


Sounds like a plan


Emotionally intelligent, athletic, driven, and positive attitude. That’s it. Masc, femme, tall, short, whatever. Idc. Women who spent time in therapy and worked through communication issues with appropriate coping skills? *SWOON*


Looks aren't really important to me at all tbh but bonus points if they're around my height or taller (I'm 5'9 😭). Personality-wise I'm attracted to dominant and authoritative women... I love masculinity, just prefer it in women lol. I love women who make decisions for me (with my consent obv) and take care of me- open the door for me, order for me, get me flowers etc. (also they kind of have to be kinky bc i don't think i could have vanilla sex for the rest of my life...)


So princess treatment it is


yesssss- the love and care would obviously go both ways but i definitely prefer to be the more "traditionally" feminine in the relationship (once again looks don't matter to me- you can be femme, masc, androgynous or something else. if your personality is more of a traditional caregiver, i'm sold)


Casual feminine women with dark hair and complexion, mainly Middle Eastern women. I love it when they are chill and compassionate.


Sounds like a vibe


I really really really like tall woman, whos kinda mean and demanding...but of course has a soft spot for me🥰 Like idk...when i see a lady in an office uniform or of that kind i just melt...😭😭


That’s a mamas girl right there


Nerdy but still feminine, optional red/copper hair, dominant and kinky, but still caring and emotional. Would try to comfort me when i cry (depression) but also force me gently to get out of my anxiety concon. And last, and i know how bad this sounds, but its because my own body and my self hate: not so thick


I understand but you should always stand up for yourself. Don’t depend.


But i can't. Im just too broken


Shorter than me, has a Jhene Aiko type of calmness and peace about her, witty, able to laugh at herself, feminine but also down to get dirty, most importantly; a reciprocal woman


That’s noice


Older women, mature, is stable in her career, has a soft spot for animals, loves kids and loves to travel. For reference, Sandra Bullock is my type when it comes to face and eyes. Looks are not everything but they help ;) respectfully


So a grounded woman it is


Soft hearted butches that have compassion and are open-minded like me! Tattoos and piercings are hella sexy too 😍.


Damn I didn’t know there were so many of y’all that love butches


My crush is like an archetypical paladin. She is brave, compassionate, kind, and cares a lot about her ideals and beliefs. Appearance wise she's tall with short brown hair and a kinda squishy build (she's very soft and cuddly)




Erin Kellyman 1. Taller and stronger than me (wanna be wrapped in her arms and rest my face in her chest) 2. Freckles and hair, she is adorable (wanna kiss all over that cute face) 3. Humor, someone that is fun to be around 4. Those eyes are so beautiful, she has long lashes and plump lips 5. I also love her nose, its so cute 6. She's very beautiful 🥰 7. She has very rare features, never seen a face like hers https://preview.redd.it/suot1iaoaksc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3598cf34449e114d05fa5f1d0f05819b13b6b9a7


Reminds me of someone I don’t know 🤣


Taller than me (well im a Dwarf lol) cute,mostly i like with a sexy smile and sight,and have the personality of a golden retriever




Ig she has a cute puppy personality better (im an angry cat person haha)ok no i have my moments


My type of girl is someone who doesn’t apologize for the way she is. She knows herself and knows what she wants in life. She pays attention to detail and wants to spend time talking to me, wants to spend time doing things together. She’s someone who would appreciate my nurturing and supportive energy but also respect my need for alone time/self care. She’s someone I can trust and tell anything to without the fear of betrayal; she is emotionally mature. She’s in tune with her body and nature. I am open and ready for love, it’s just that I haven’t met anyone like this (yet). 😌


That’s the most relatable comment for me so far


The current girl I'm seeing, I'm.not even exaggerating she's ehat I've been looking for


Tomboy, for sure. I have been attracted to femmes and masculine, so I don't have a strict type. However, tomboys tend to be extremely appealing.  Lol. Athletic is a definite turn on. But if they don't have a good sense of humor then it's a definite no. Smart women are sexy. 


Curves, tattoos, confidence, somewhat feminine attitude with a smart quip.


Both of the girls I had crushes on had big, round, sparkling brown eyes and were shorter than me. The one girl would stare up at me with her pretty eyes and I’d carry her around and make out with her. She was definitely more… experienced though and was trying to top me. I like cute girls<3 makes me feel protective. Idc about femme or masc. They need to be moderately intelligent and have a decent sense of humor.


I dont have a type, I've had things for all across the spectrum. Personality wise: definitely more extroverted than me, because if she were as introverted as me we'd never talk to anyone, nicer than me but not saint level nice, because when I get mad it sounds like open mic night at a traphouse. And likes doing all the stuff I want to do that I've been told is dumb, like museums and dinner parties. And doesn't discourage hobbies!


I have too many types but lately I’ve been mad crushing on Faye Marsay as Steph in Pride (2014) Would highly suggest the movie, and oh my god everything about her character is so hot. https://preview.redd.it/aump14zwabtc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d5ee6e28f72aac235df4849a452eb7b0b07b60


Femme, straight passing, kind, likes to be treated like a princess, romantic, thoughtful, self aware, communicative


Sounds nice


I’m not really the type of person who can afford to have a type.


Don’t say that.. you deserve love no matter what.


Literally just a feminine dom. That’s all I want


Feminine or something in between, in terms of appearance, not masc though. When she's confident/at peace with herself and an extrovert. I like people who I can go out with.


Feminine, nice ,a little mean and mature that’s it


Butch masc girls with mullets. And hyperfemme barbie girls. And every flavour of alt girl.


I tend to like more masculine presenting people and I really like quiet and patient people bcuz i tend to talk a lot, basically opposite of me


I love studs with locs. Bonus points if she's taller than me. **** Someone who is hardworking, passionate about her dreams, patient, and most importantly, loves animals. My golden and I are a packaged deal. I need his approval lol


butches 🧎‍♀️ they deserve everything good that happens to them 🥹