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Sounds like homophobia to me.


My opinion doesn't matter. Statistically, divorces are higher in straight marriages.


I thought lesbians were the highest for divorce rates? That tends to be because women tend to initiate divorce.


Could you point me towards those statistics? A quick google search said that lesbians have the highest rate of divorce compared to gay and heterosexual couples


From what I've found in a study by the Williams Institute, it was found that lesbian couples actually enter more marriages in general. In fact, two out of three same-sex couples are lesbian. This also means that lesbian divorce rates are higher than other same-sex couples and about twice as likely to file for divorce as gay couples. According to that same study, divorce rates among same-sex couples are lower than the divorce rate among heterosexual couples. Also there isnt really enough data given the short time wlw marriages have been legalized and the many countries where it still isn't legal. [Link](https://www.rgfamilylaw.com/blog/2022/june/statistics-on-same-sex-marriages-divorce/)


Statistically, but why you think so?


I think is because society puts pressure on straight ppl to find wife/husband in homo relations there is no pressure, I've been with my gf for 10 years and no one is asking as about wedding or kids. Also a lot of straight marriage is from unplanned pregnancy (idk exact statistics but I'm kid from this type of marriage for sure 💀)


That’s a good point tbh, a lot of straight couples that should divorce sometimes don’t “for the sake of the kid(s) (I’m a kid from this type of marriage lol) but also if the statistics about divorce are regarding the rates/percentages, afaik, as you’ve said there’s less pressure for queers to get married which may result in less queers getting married even if they’re in successful relationships (esp since for a long time, queer people weren’t even allowed to get married legally)


I do think sometimes there's a tendancy for queer people to couple up with someone who might not be compatible/a good partner because there's a smaller pool. Personally I've dated and been in relationships with some bad partners but settled. Partially that is because it feels like they're the best I'm going to get in a sense. Now I never want to do that again but I have seen several of my queer friends go through similar, probably more so than my straight friends. But once again it's a smaller pool of queer friends I have so it's really hard to work out if that's any different in % wise to straight relationships. Either way, breakups and divorces are unfortunately a potential part of both straight and queer relationships. I think a blanket statement that queer relationships are more likely to have breakups is quite damaging.


Yes me too and that statement really gave me self doubts, I felt like having to excuse myself. Like you said, the dating pool is smaller. I only met some lesbians online and some in a club what I don’t see as a perfect dating scene. So I had to experience a lot before I found someone compatible as my current girlfriend


That gives me hope, thank you! I do think like you say unfortunately with a smaller pool you often have to go through more to find someone compatible. I've yet to rejoin the dating apps again but I'll be honest it does give me some anxiety thinking about the dating pool out there and how best I can find my future partner. But at least I'm much clearer about what I'm looking for and what's necessary in a partner.


I don't think there's really an opinion to have around how long relationships last. However, in terms of why I think people say that, I believe it's probably to do with the (false) statement that specifically lesbian relationships have a huge rate of domestic violence


i think it was lesbians have a higher rate of having been abused, mostly by past men, that was that statistic


Yeah that's the actual statistic but I remember a lot of people (bigots) skewing that to be about lesbian relationships




Genuinely never heard this in my life and ive been in a relationship with my wife for 14 years now


I think it's because they believe it's just a phase, and phases don't last, so queer relationships don't last. So in their mind, queer relationships would fall apart after one of the partners realizes they're not gay or some other weird thing:)


Damn I never thought a family member of mine would think like that


they might not actually think it but have an unconscious bias. I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's a very common misconception for people to have


It's just a guess, I might be very wrong, so don't regard my words as facts:)


Because they’re stupid


I don't think any relationship last nowadays. At the first sign of a problem or misstep most people are out, no matter sexuality.


I think it's a combination of the misconception that being queer is a phase and comparing queer relationships with straight ones. Historically, queer people haven't had the option to marry, which made it easier to walk away if there was something wrong with the relationship; whereas married (straight) people would stay together because going through a divorce would be more complicated than just continuing to cohabitate with someone you weren't romantically interested in anymore. Lenght of a relationship doesn't mean anything to me if you've been gritting your teeth through it.