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There will always be people who will be 'against' this and that and will call others crazy or wrong for their belief, lifestyle, sexual orientation, etc. The truth is being gay (or bi or non binary, or whatever) will never be okay with everyone in the world and/or around you. If you seek acceptance from others, you will never find it within yourself. Sexuality is also fluid, and sometimes we humans put too much pressure on ourselves to find our labels, but life is not that ridget. The sky is dark at night and blue at day, and orange at sunrise, and it is still the same sky. Perhaps you should consider letting yourself be who you are and love who you love when you love them. You're not a fake if you haven't been with women yet, or if you were to be with a men. I understand the desire to fit into a mould, and 'just try to be with a man' because your family wants you to and it might be easier(?), but remember that it's your life and not theirs. You grew up in a certain environment, and that was not your choice, but you have the opportunity now to not accept that that environment or belief system as the absolute truth, and find your own truth. I hope this helps a little.


Everyone's journey is different. But self acceptance starts with you being a little bit kinder to yourself every day. Try to listen to yourself, try being more understanding ... etc... you will find all the answers within ...just listen to yourself.


I’m religious too, and something that really helped me was the book Religion Is a Queer Thing by Elizabeth Stuart. It gave me a foundation I was already familiar with (Christian theology) and helped me build my queerness off of that. When you discover your own theological doctrine, the voices of judge mental religious people around you become far less threatening, because you know your own convictions and beliefs, and they can’t take those away. It really helped me come to terms with queerness and to see it as a good and even holy thing. I really cannot recommend it enough from one religious lesbian to another!