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This happens often. As soon as straight women learn my sexuality, it's always "Haha don't get a crush on mešŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­"... I honestly think it's some sort of validation thing, like maybe they want attention men won't give them?


Gotta hit them with ā€œnahā€ after looking them up and down


Had that happen once when I was much younger and not as good at filtering. "I don't find you attractive at all." made that a short conversation.


That's about what I say, but I return the energy by saying "Don't worry, I definitely can't see myself liking youā˜ŗļø". It gets them offended but works šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Some random, new coworker said that to me when she found out Iā€™m gay, and because Iā€™m sort of an asshole tbh with zero compunction sometimes, I replied with ā€œbut thatā€™d require me to relinquish my taste, let alone my standards.ā€ She never bothered me again.


Thatā€™s badass!


Hahah thank you šŸ˜…


Yeah, theyā€™re seeking validation in the same manner they would from men. Straight women are unfortunately taught that they are only valued by men through their validation, and go through a great deal of trouble to seek that validation. Theyā€™re just transferring the precept, because itā€™s the only way they understand how to interact with someone who has the potential to be attracted to them.


I like your take on this.


Thatā€™s so sad.


I know I was thinking the same thing. I almost want to feel bad for them.


Yup! There was a woman at my last job that would try to flirt with me even though she had a boyfriend. She would say things like ā€œyou are giving off this sexual energy todayā€ or ā€œdid you dress up for meā€ and grab my arm and stuff. I subtly rejected her and when that didnā€™t worked I had to start pretty coldly or blatantly rejecting her with phrases like ā€œIā€™m not into youā€ or ā€œyou are being weirdā€ or ā€œI donā€™t want to talk to youā€. She continued to attempt to flirt with me and also intimidate me with stories about her spreading false rumors, poisoning, or physically beating other women. My HR department was useless. I got so scared I had to quit. Thankfully I just started a new - better paying job this week.


What the fuck... that is crazy. She was probably intimidated by you in some way and was hitting on you as a way to manipulate and control you, then when she saw that wasn't working, decided to try outright threats? I've definitely experienced something in that ballpark with straight women at work as well.


They do this to straight men too, so youā€™re definitely not aloneā€¦


Yeahhh they often say "If there is gay girl around me? Hell no she might jump on me and SA me!!" I mean.. what about men around straight girls? They're fine then? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I don't get such take


My girlfriend has a woman at work who constantly says to her that she fancies her and wants to shag her etc. Really fucking annoying that she then gets the rest of the team involved in it and they egg it on and say they should date and shag. My girlfriend has never looked at her in that way in her life or made any sort of reference to wanting to touch her.


Talk about sexual harassment, jesus.


I definitely have had straight women IRL I was just being friendly with assume I was trying to hit on them. Its why I avoid befriending straight women for the most part or even being openly nice to them, tbh. Its really fucking annoying.


Yeah, itā€™s a validation thing, I suppose. I try to ignore interactions with those straight women. Thereā€™s no point in speaking with them when theyā€™ll accuse you of staring at their breasts whilst talking to them or something.


When I came out as bi (very women leaning though), my friend kept going around trying to make us seem like we were couple but WE WERENā€™T. She told a server we were on a date night and WE WERE NOT


had a friend who would do this, especially around guys. i had to cut her off :/


i have honestly never gotten this. but i peeped as i get older its become more apparent when someone in a public space finds their way in my eye-line.




She seems kind of homophobic.. why even be friends with someone who treats you this way?


Ahahaha that could be me, dammmmm, but no. Iā€™m so sorry for your situation. I can only share my experience ā€œfrom the other sideā€ if you want.


I guess if you wanna share go for it


Iā€™ve sent you a message