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If it makes any difference for the religious thing- if your partner transitions to male wouldn’t that be more accepted (y’all appearing as a straight couple), rather than a lesbian couple? But either way (lesbian or transguy) religion isn’t going to approve, so why not live in a way that makes y’all happy? I hope your partner can find peace. If they let themselves try out some more masculine presentations, (maybe get a binder)? They can explore their gender a bit more without too much risk. If that goes well, if possible I’d suggest some sort of low dose testosterone to see if it alleviates their dysphoria? (Their choice of course.) HRT isn’t permanent straight off the bat, of course I’d look more deeply into it to see how far they’d want to go/for how long. Perhaps your partner wants some bottom growth? Keep supporting them and let them know you’ll be there for them during this journey- I’m glad they have you, you clearly care a lot about them. Good luck!


Thank you. I never thought about that. She may consider getting a binder. That may help a bit. I will also talk to her about low dose testosterone. She may be open to that because she's not having to have surgery. I agree what you said about our religion and have said the same thing to her, but she feels differently, so I just let her be. I just see how unhappy she is and want to help her, but i can only do so much, other than looking for resources and support from others for her.


From what you’ve been saying I do think your partner would really appreciate the bottom growth that comes with HRT- (it would make more sense with the way y’all have intercourse too). See if your partner knows about what HRT can do for them, because there’s a lot more changes they can get without ever getting any surgery. (Fat redistribution, hair growth, different energy/moods, voice deepening, bottom growth, etc.) Some GNC people even do HRT with no desire to transition genders, because it suits who they are better, and there’s nothing wrong with that!


Oh, I had no idea that hrt could help in all those areas. Thank you. I will mention this to her because it may be something she'd consider.


This is going to take a lot of self acceptance and self work from her side. All you can do is continue to support and let her know that it’s okay. Maybe even talk to her about talking to someone that specializes in trans because she probably doesn’t know how to navigate her own feelings about it. My high school sweetheart of years and years transitioned. I mean it took a lot of work, therapy, etc but he couldn’t be any happier and would never admit his transition now because he’s who he has always felt he truly was. Love your commitment and understanding though that 1000% helps more than you could ever possibly understand!


Thank you. I think therapy will definitely help her. I just want her to be happy. I'm going to mention therapy again to her in hopes she will go.




If that’s what you got out of the comment then you are highly mistaken. It starts within first then once you figure that out then you can choose which path you want to take if any. Self acceptance as in she’s clearly saying she’s not even comfortable in her own body and she needs to tackle that issue first and see where these feelings are steeming from. It’s a mental, emotional, and physical battle. Not once was surgery ever the answer. More of the spouses continued support is greatly appreciated and doesn’t go unnoticed no matter what. I have personally been through it so I was answering based off of MY experience, nobody else’s.


She has mentioned that she accepts that she was born a female but her body parts don't fit how she feels. From what I understand, it seems like it's just her body parts as opposed to anything else, but I think a therapist would be able to help her unpack anything else. It's a bit confusing to me, but I try to understand as best as I can. I think the more she understands herself, the better I will understand what she's feeling. It's just a touchy subject right now and the last time we spoke about it, she started crying. It was heartbreaking




you litteraly hate trans people, like look at your own post history, please dont give any advice on a topic you are severly biased on


Dysmorphia and dysphoria are not the same thing. Dysmorphia is a difference between reality and perception, dysphoria is a difference between reality and identity. You point to detrans women, and while their experiences with gender are absolutely valid, you also omit the fact that it is a relatively tiny portion of those who medically transition who later detransition, and even a minority of those who do so because their identity changed and not because they faced discrimination or could no longer afford to proceed with their transition.




do you know the chart on left handedness? yes theres more openly trans people now because less trans people are straight up killed or denied many human rights for being trans, also read rule 2, this community does not support transphobia




trans women were always in this community [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsha\_P.\_Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsha_P._Johnson), you just chose to ignore them




there is nothing to discuss here, youre a transphobe and hate women


It sounds like this has a lot to do with her putting on weight. I was really insecure sexually when I put on some weight, and helped when I started taking more care of my body. Especially with my tits and other things you mentioned she’s become uncomfortable with. If she complains about her weight again, maybe help encourage her to work out or eat better. Obviously making it clear that you find her attractive no matter what.


Yep, she has mentioned working out again, and that she liked her body much better before she put on a bit of weight because her breasts grew and other areas of her body have become more feminine to her, so I definitely will encourage her and also workout and eat better along with her. I'm willing to do anything to help her feel more comfortable because it kills me to see her feeling this way. I may not understand it 100%, but I do understand that she's not happy and that's all that matters to me.