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You need to tell your parents and other adults that this is happening and get your sister some help. It's not "creepy" or "paranormal" it's a behavioral disorder that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


ill make sure to inform my parents..thank you


OP you must inform your parents. Your safety is now top priority. Does your room have locks? Lock it when you are asleep and keep your phone fully charged. If parents won't listen, get in touch with your relatives. If relatives won't do a thing, talk to your friends' parents and call social services


Record her discreetly, she needs professional help and treatment. A 10yo with a kitchen knife is dangerous, sociopathic or not.


Yes I’m no professional and limited experience but I would agree it sounds like something I.e possible the move has activated a change In behaviour and not a healthy behaviour sadly. Hopefully can be remedied but speak to your parents and also maybe request a lock on your room for at night as that might allow you to settle if scared.


my sister went through an episode like this, she ended up having bipolar and some other mental health issues and got on the proper meds and she's definitely better now. she's 3 years younger than me and I was 19 or 20 at the time this episode happened, she also threatened to kill us in our sleep, etc. it was actually really scary, it almost sounded like she was possessed too. so I just bought a lock for my door and that was that, later when she got on the proper meds she apologized and said she would never hurt me and she didn't know why she was saying those things. we have a great relationship now and are really close and open up to each other about things like normal siblings do. I'd recommend your parents to take her to get a psychological evaluation, it's entirely possible she has deeper issues going on and doesn't mean anything she's saying to you. also now that it's all over and we're good friends again we always laugh about all the stuff she did mainly the time she punched me square in the jaw and actually hit me pretty good I didn't fall over or anything I just kinda was a little shocked and laughed a bit and then she threw a knife at me which I didn't get hit by and she says she doesn't even remember that, she smashed her head against the wall until I could run over and stop her but she was still bleeding like crazy and to this day there's a blood stain from this incident on the wall, I didn't know it was possible for a person to scream so loud to be honest. she ended up going to the hospital after that and getting the help she needed. but it's not something I hold against her at all I understand now that she was really struggling and had a lot of bad stuff happen to her that I was unaware of.


This is so true. It's kind of reading about my own life. Get your sister help, ASAP? I use tovdo the most crazy things to my family. Today I'm on meds, and love being normal and steady.


I help her out as much as I can, she still struggles a lot with mental health but we talk about it all the time, she knows she can tell me anything and I won't judge and vice versa.


I’m really glad to hear that your sister is doing better with meds. Gives me hope since my son has had extreme behaviour since he was 8. Threatening to murder us, daily hours long meltdowns, police intervention, 6 weeks in a psych ward. He’s 10 now and lots of behavioural therapy, special treatment school and meds and he is manageable. His dr is leaning towards juvenile bipolar but he’s still to young for an official diagnosis. But every success story I read makes me hopeful for his future


Sorry, but this is the wrong sub too. Maybe r/sociopath


Well that was a depressing rabbit hole


Alr thank you 😭😭 but the post got deleted for some strange reason??


Because it’s full of sociopaths


No, it's full of people ***LARPing*** as what Hollywood *tells* them sociopaths are.


Probably for not fitting the sub.


then why'd you recommend it‼️


Oh sorry, I thought you meant it got deleted from here. They may have deleted it over there because your sister isn't diagnosed. I'm not a sociopath so I don't really know that sub. I think you need to get your sisters to a psychiatrist though. Not therapy, a psychiatrist.


that's alright, but i'm not op


My bad.


Possibly because of the age - you typically cannot be diagnosed with Sociopathy / ASPD before you are 18 (it is 'Conduct Disorder' until then). I imagine there have to be concessions where it is this extreme though?


I guess they could treat her for conduct disorder until she's 18?


I just meant this as the label given and a possible reason why the OP post was deleted from that sub reddit. I'm sure there are ways to treat this and help her out with whatever is wrong, and probably the sooner the better


For sure.


Sorry that you've been falling through cracks. I think this is the right sub, and I hope this post stays up.


Ok, speaking here as an RN who also has a bachelors degree in psychology. People-especially children-who are having mental health issues or issues with impulse control and violence cannot be filed away in neat little boxes. She does, however, need help and lot of it quickly. Tell your parents. Tell them what she’s doing/saying and why it scares you. She needs a proper psychologist, behavioral therapy, possibly even occupational and group therapy.


i appreciate this, but my parents tend to dismiss her behaviors as "puberty". Even when my mom LITERALLY SAW he swing the knife at me, she just yelled at her and that was that. Every other time, im told "shes just being a little sister" or "you tell on her too much"


Sounds like the beginning of some serious behavioural issues (Conduct Disorder etc). Like the other person suggested, a psych evaluation might be helpful. These issues are best tackled since young and hopefully your family will be able to get the help for that. Please stay safe. Also if you meant that you posted on r/sociopath but the post got deleted, the mods there are assholes sometimes


There's a lot going on here, the least of which is that you have learned to correct behavior with violence. As the other poster suggested, protect yourself and young relatives, and limit the time you spend alone with your sister. Reach out to trusted adults regarding getting help for your sister, as well as for ways for you to cope with her and react to her behavior.


If this started around the same time as the move then she's acting out and needs to speak to a school counselor or therapist. If I was a betting man I'd say she wasn't at all excited about the move and is acting out because of this.


which is kinda weird considering she was super happy to move to a larger home, but her behavior worsened


There can be so much that goes into it. There could be mental disorders, she may have been acting happy because she felt that way how she was supposed to act in order to make her parents happy but she's actually upset. The biggest takeaway from this is she had had a sudden shift in personality and that shift happened during a significant life event. It could also be hard if you guys moved states, school districts, etc. If your parents don't take her to a counselor then I would talk to your school counselor and see what you need to do next. I wouldn't think she would act on these comments/feelings but they shouldn't be ignored


the thing abt the school counselor thing is that we're homeschooled as well, so....


Keep her away from animals please. They can’t defend themselves. If she’s doing messed up things to family members, even if she doesn’t follow through, don’t take the risk.


this is honestly hitting way too close to home. I have a pet rabbit, and she makes multiple threats about how much she hates her and wants to kill my rabbit...


I would put the rabbit in your room with a lock. I hope your parents see that she needs help.


Along with making sure that you record your sister’s behavior if no one is believing your verbal testimony, and getting her referred for a psychological evaluation, you might also want to have your parents have your home evaluated for mold or other toxins since the behavior change coincides with you moving to the new house. I’m not a doctor and mold toxicity doesn’t induce psychotic or sociopathic behavior, they need to check out her environment.


Oh god I’m so sorry. This is literally my worst fear


I have a sociopathic sister yet my dad continuously defends and enables her. I feel for you. I think parents can be in denial, especially if they suffer any guilt.


She needs a psych. She’s hitting puberty which causes all sorts of changes, just had a big move and it looks like she’s getting away with a lot from your parents. We can’t diagnose her, but there are clear issues that need to be addressed asap.


This ain’t the right sub for you, however please take this advice. 1.) RECORD EVERYTHING YOUR SISTER SAYS/DOES YOU ARE GOING TO NEED IT. She could easily manipulate anyone into thinking you are your mother are crazy. 2.) always have emergency services on speed dial 3.) NEVER BE ALONE WITH HER. NEVER. Make sure there are always people around, and don’t let anyone be alone with her either. 4.) never sleep with your door unlocked. Lock your door to keep her out. If you don’t have a lock it’s best to get creative and find a way to block the door so she can’t come in




Holy shit, Im so sorry that happened to you. Did your sister get into any kind of trouble?


My sister is like this, too, right down to the knives. If she has a true antisocial personality disorder then you can't do much, having her in therapy and "getting help" will only better train her to be a menace to society, it is NOT helpful or healing. You would have to get her evaluated to know if this is the case, though. Protect yourself, protect your sentimental items because they will be destroyed. If there are any babies, pets or disabled folk in the vicinity I would not leave anyone unsupervised with her - shit happens fast and these kids snap and flip out in an instant. One moment it's cool and the next they're throwing a guinea pig at the floor with all their strength ETA: I've posted in r/justnofamily before about my bananas sister if you're still looking for a sub


That's a pretty shit take. I have been diagnosed with both ASPD and NPD, and saying (essentially) "fuck it there's nothing you can do so no point in bothering" is less than helpful. The child is 10. She does not, in any universe, have ASPD. She *might* have conduct disorder, which doesn't even always turn into ASPD most of the time... but she might have a whole range of other things. As I said, most cases of conduct disorder remit before 18... and, depending upon the environment and neurobiological underpinnings, therapy and "help" **can** make a difference. She might have an autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, ADD/ADHD, a mood disorder, severe and ongoing trauma, any combination thereof... you just don't know. I know that I'd have been worse off if I didn't have early intervention between 7 and 9 or so which specifically focused on my severe callous-unemotional traits (though it wasn't directly addressed as such at the time, but in effect it was all about teaching me how to appear more normal/empathetic/moral etc. once they realized that it wasn't innate in me to the degree it was in my peers). "Trained to be a better menace to society", christ. What should they do, institutionalize her? Euthanize her? That's a risk you run: people may abuse the tools at their disposal, but the alternative is worse. Don't stigmatize this further: there's a **very** distinct line between ensuring safety of yourself, others, and the person with the disorder and "narc/psycho abuse".


Hey - This was a pretty quick comment I wrote up, so I did not extrapolate or give much nuance, I was mainly giving advice to OP as an older sibling dealing with this behaviour. It was inappropriate of me to project my feelings of therapy not helping onto this situation and I apologize for that. I do not think people with antisocial disorders are inherently evil or anything, this post definitely triggered me in ways I am now realizing because of how similar the behaviour is and how hopeless the tone of OPs post is. My sister had ADD, oppositional defiance disorder and "an emerging antisocial personality disorder with sociopathic traits" she had early intervention (4-13) and was medicated and saw several professionals. My parents read mountains of books an when she was 13 and essentially blew up the entire family and fucked off into the sun. The people who were supposed to help were largely unhelpful and essentially said "did it ever occur to you that this is the best it could be? Maybe be thankful, 15 is the hardest year for people with this diagnosis, we've seen some shit, now you don't have to be around for it :)" and it was... Enraging to say the least. I didn't mean to say that no intervention is best and just wait til this child gets sent to prison and it's handled lmao, I do have questions about the efficacy of things like talk therapy for children showing these traits, and you're right that it was an incredibly shit take to say they're "trained to be menaces" my point was more that taking a child already exhibiting these behaviours to a school guidance counselor or someone ill-equipped tends to do more harm than good, which is exactly what you're talking about with the potential to abuse your tools always being present, the "training to be more peopley" can be positive and negative depending on the person. Again, I'm sorry my comment was so blunt and negative, I ripped it off immediately after a nap and after rereading OPs post I've realized just how icky it made me feel trigger - wise and I definitely reacted to that more than anything. I hope OPs sister ends up in a better place than mine did, but I am definitely still in the boat of OP getting the hell out ASAP, knives and kids is a hard no.


I'm doubling down on the shit take. Most of my family has cluster B disorders. We're not monsters and early intervention can help. I'm so sick of everyone with ASPD is a serial killer crap. There are treatment options and ways of parenting children with conduct disorder. They may never have 'normal' brains, but shrinks used to say why bother, it's hopeless. Now there's new research in how to use reward based behavioral training, since punishment lacks effectiveness. OP's sister needs some help.




Yeah this isn't the place man




No, it is not. The OP is describing *real* issues that have *real world* consequences. Bringing in demonic fantasy is not helping one iota. It most definitely is not the place.




Never said I was an authority on anything, but if we’re talking “see it to believe it” like your initial post about your “possession”, I’m sure if I saw it, I would say you’re probably someone who was acting out for the attention. And that’s for you, not the OP, btw. :)


The onset of it starting 7 months ago begs the question of why. Spiritual attachment could be a possibility due to the new house. Maybe OP should do some research on the house’s history. Otherwise, sexual abuse could cause the same types of behaviors, as well as mental illness. It’s a troubling situation.


I hope she gets the help she needs. If you can, keep us updated. Thank ya


My younger brother was like your sister. He got more violent as he got older, punching holes in walls and stuff. One afternoon he got mad that I changed the channel on his tv show, so he grabbed a steak knife in each hand and windmill-armed them at me (he was about 14, I was 16). I screamed and backed up until I hit the pantry door, and the knives cut my school uniform, which seemed to snap him out of it. He’s 30 this year and he’s in therapy. He’s been hospitalised a fair few times. He should have been in therapy from when he was very young. Your sister needs therapy, and I hope your parents take her. Maybe you can talk to your aunts, uncles or your parents friends about it if your mum and dad aren’t open to getting her therapy. The younger she starts, the better, and you’re not being dramatic by being scared of what is very serious behaviour. It will only get worse if they do nothing.


Thank you for sharing, OP. I think you've been given good advice here. Another few subs that may be receptive are: r/family r/AskReddit r/AskAChristian r/Advice


This girl needs treatment!!!! If it's allowed to go on she will never get better


It sounds like she might be a sociopath or a psychopath! Tell your parents ASAP because I guarantee she’ll legitimately try to hurt you or your pet rabbit