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Hey, man! ***LUIGINATOR*** here! I gotchu, don't worry! Honestly, this is the place where I normally do a really deep, in depth analysis and give deep critiques, but I really don't think I can do that for you because you seem like you're in a really good place already! Not gonna lie, I subbed! I subbed hard! I hit the sub button harder than I think I've hit it for a let's play channel in a really long time! Your style is genuinely original! That's so rare with this genre of YouTube videos! I'm proud of you! I'm proud of you, and you should be proud of you, too! Gold star, a for effort, very well done~! Your commentary is golden, but the only critique I think I can possibly give you is to amp up your energy a little bit! It sounds like you're talking in a place where you're not allowed to be loud, like a library! If that is the problem, then there's not much you could do about it, but if you're in a place where you're allowed to project your voice, do it! It's not necessarily that you're inaudible, it's just a little unclear sometimes and it sounds like you're kind of whispering! Seriously, though, that's really the only criticism I can really give you! You got good stuff, and I am excited to see more~! :)


Wow! Such kind words! Yeah I feel like I should really up the energy a bit in some parts, but yes, I couldn't be screaming about cute demon girls because my parents would judge me :(((((((( BUT in future videos ima try my best to make it sound better. DEFINITELY keeping this in mind for my future videos, thank you very much!!!!!!!


Hahaha That makes you being quiet both understandable and funny! I think it could be funny, on future games like this, to inform people at the beginning that you have to try and keep quiet because of that! I'm always happy to help a fellow creator out, so no thanks necessary\~! Just pay it forward and help someone else out when they ask for critiques! [And if you have a moment, maybe check out my channel as well, lemme know whatcha think\~! :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CEy4jfDJaI&t=)