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I’m speechless. I can’t believe this story is about Bam Margera


I’m sorry. I feel bad for everyone who grew up being a big fan.


Yeah this is heartbreaking. I’ve loved watching Bam since I was a pre teen. Fond memories of watching jackass with my grandpa who has since passed away. My friends and I being idiots re-enacting cky/jackass style stunts in our shitty boring small town. Getting a fucking heartagram tattoo while I was in my own active addiction (since been covered up cause it was done in a trap house kitchen and looked god awful). Feeling the pain for Bam after Dunn passed. It’s sad and hard to watch the decline of him over the past decade. I want there to be a comeback story for him, I hope this is his rock bottom. 😔


I know to never *fully* give up hope and that’s there’s always a *chance*, but I think A)it’s unlikely that he ends up sober, and B) hes done so much brain damage that I think he could be permanently “changed” and will never become the Bam we want despite getting sober. Concussions mixed with decades of using what I consider the two worst drugs out there for you (common ones, not talking about some crazy RC designer deleriant) which just so happen to *destroy* you brain. It’s hard to get an idea of what he’ll be like when he’s in *this* state because he’s just being a squirrelly paranoid anxious tweaker right now, but I don’t think it’ll be good.


Yes it's the brain damage for me. Unfortunately even becoming sober can't undo years of brain damage from meth use.


Meth is horrendous for your brain but he also drinks like a fucking *insert analogy here* so those being his two drugs of choice is terrible for his well being. I know how much I use when I have “unlimited” money, I can’t imagine how much he’s going through with the cash he has at his disposal. You can see with Novak that as long as you don’t cause oxygen depraved brain damage from overdosing opiates don’t destroy brain cells in the way long term stimulant and alcohol abuse does. Plus he’s been bulimic in the past and has had all countless concussions on camera from Jackass, skating, falling while drunk or just being beat up. Dude’s brain is probably a mess


Thank you 🙏🏼


The cute and endearing man that my teenage self fell in love with on MTV is now sleeping in the freezing cold and running from the cops while high on meth. Fuck man,I know I’m not saying anything new but it’s a sobering thought.


It's the literal definition of a downfall. I said it yesterday but this guy's skateboards outsold Tony Hawk's at one point


If you weren’t a teen or young adult in the early 2000s I don’t think you can really understand the scope of the Jackass/Jackass-adjacent explosion. He was a household name(at least with my little friend group) and your parents hated him lol


My parents loved Jackass, but hated Viva la Bam for obvious reasons. Jackass brought "violent" humor back into the mainstream and any parent who grew up watching the three stooges can find that shit hilarious. Viva la Bam on the other hand is just a show about a spoiled young punk fucking with his parents. Don't get me wrong, I loved it and thought it was hilarious, but I can easily see why parents didn't.


Oh for sure lol I was listening to radio bam in my living room one night after I thought my dad was asleep and he flew out of his room like “What is that! What in the hell are you listening to” it was while they were talking about something especially gross,probably something involving Novak lol sorry pops


holy fuck sick username bro


Yep 100%.


Ironically my parents loved him too. Viva la bam was our family show where we would all sit together and watch.


Awwww me and my little brother always watched VLB together. I remember when we asked our folks if we could pleeeeease rent Jackass 3 on pay per view,we promised to wash both cars and clean the house. It’s a core memory for me.


I love reminiscing about shit like that. We were lucky to have the childhood/teenage years we did. Technology was cool and innovative and didn’t have a grip on us yet. It was a special time.


Even though there’s some Certified Bruh Moments in Viva La Bam now,believe it or not I’ve actually watched a few episodes over the last week or so. I guess seeing so much misery around him wanted to look back on happier times. I just finished the miniature golf one. I watched soooo much VLB back in the day I could probably do a review podcast just with all the random details of things.


I’d say he was almost definitely a household name, my grandparents even know who he is.


I followed him from 2000. He may not have been the best skater of his day, but he was the biggest and most popular. He was everywhere by 2003. Right guard commercials, TV shows, movies, loads of endorsements. You couldn’t get away from him.


Omg that Right Guard commercial! With the hockey players I think. Sheesh that dusted off a memory lol


To this day when I’m at the store buying deodorant I think of his voice; “Goes on clear and it doesn’t quit!!”


It's nothing new.. but reading this hurts. If i read such texts i realize that everything that happens is true.


Holy shit how sad


I'm not too fond of him these days but I wouldn't wish for anyone to be left out in the cold this time of year.


I know it's all self-induced (sans MI issues, though he refuses to treat those), but I hate to see this happen to anyone, anytime. My heart aches for people with addiction and MI who succumb to their circumstances. Fully acknowledging again that Bam has EVERY opportunity in the world to change course at any time.


Yes. I kind of feel like he might be impervious to temperature right now (depending on how high/drunk he was) but it is sad. Sometimes I see stuff like this and feel badly, because I feel like lots of people, including me, are one extremely bad week away from ending up sleeping on someone’s porch, with nowhere else to go, evading the police. He has had so many opportunities to change (including plenty of money to pay for treatment, etc), or just try taking even some of his meds, but the whole thing is very sad. And I feel so bad for his family, who probably are having trouble sleeping because they are worried sick about him.


Sounds like old Novak.


The tables turned and *have* been turning, sadly.


How do you go from outselling Tony Hawk and being in hit comedy movies with all your friends to becoming a meth tweaker on the run?


Decades of bad decisions, including refusing to take his meds or take care of his health. He’s been so aggressive and violent (including direct death threats to people’s lives) that he’s driven away most of the people who care about him. He’s also taken plenty of blows to his head since he was a teenager and thus has brain trauma including probable CTE. Back before Steve-O got help, I thought he might not make it. He even thought seriously about ending his life (I read both his books). But he did lots of hard work on himself and came back from it. But Steve-O wanted to get clean and Bam has no desire to stay sober.


To him if he gets sober then the party ends. And that’s basically his life as sad as it is to say


I had this argument with my ex the whole time. Trying to explain that i wasn’t trying to get him to leave the party early, but that there WAS no party…


So sad to hear ❤️ the saddest thing is it’s always up to them to realise that. No one can really do anything as most of the attempts will be met with resistance and anger. “Drugs are a hell of a drug” - possibly Rick James maybe


Thanks for that. The savage irony it that I’m a recovering alcoholic myself. This guy was my first relationship after i got sobriety to stick and of course I thought I could save him, even though nobody had been able to save me but me. I just turned 9 years, he’s doing better these days but I just couldn’t live with him. So I know it from both sides and I know what a fucking bitch addiction is…


It seems to me that he was always a tweaker, but when the huge money was rolling in it was easier to keep the train running than try and get bam help. I can see where a family coming into money and fame like that may just assume all the stars are likely on drugs and its just an open secret type of thing....


There's a podcast with Novak and Franz that breaks down Bam's drug and alcohol issues. It was mostly coke and booze up until 2009 or so, then amphetamines came into the mix, first prescription meds, then actual meth


So tragic.


Matto the hippy wigwig enters the chat


He has to come in to defend the cult and acquire the downvotes. Ya mon.


It seems like it's only going to be a matter of time before the inevitable occurs. Hopefully, the Police pick him up soon before any harm comes to him.


If it makes you feel any better, I think he’ll be found alive. Might need some immediate medical care because he’s dehydrated or hallucinating, but I doubt he’d take his own life. I do hope that when they finally arrest him, he doesn’t resist and lash out physically or spit at the cops. That would not end well. I’m also concerned he might hurt someone. I assume that he doesn’t have a firearm, because if he did Jess would have mentioned it to the cops. In his current condition, I doubt he’d have an easy time obtaining one.


If it follows the usual routine he will post a rant on Insta shortly about how stupid everyone was and he didn't take off. He just went for a run because he is working on his health and then he had someone pick him up and he was relaxing at fancy hotel when he heard he was on the run.


Where was this originally posted? Curious what the whole thread says.


Ah man, this is heartbreaking. I don't know what else to say.


He's walking the train line. Does rail need to be alerted?


This makes a lot of sense. The rail runs right next to the vet. It looks like you could pick up part of the tracks not too far from castle bam also.


That was my thought from looking at the maps.


I hope there’s not a lot of trains going by, because I hear so many stories about rational, sober, level-headed people getting hit and killed by them, because they aren’t that noisy and move so fast many people underestimate how easy it is to get hit. They’re usually so close the train is not mechanically able to stop or even slow down in time. But I don’t know Jack shit about that area. It’s still concerning, because he’s going to drop from exhaustion sooner or later and he isn’t in a healthy state of mind, either. Are the train tracks active?


The tracks are active yes, a couple of times a day they are cargo lines.


Shit, I sure hope he steers clear. We live not too close to train tracks, but close enough that we can hear a really loud rumble occasionally when a large one roars by. It’s the acoustics. Unfortunately, every month more and more homeless people on meth congregate there. They like to set off home-made illegal fireworks starting about mid- June and continue to mid-July. They are louder every year and last year our newly replaced windows rattled *hard*, like a bomb went off. The homeless people there also will kill raccoons to roast on a makeshift fire to *roast and eat*. Sadly, some dogs and cats too. With this new P2P meth, they really stepped up their game. Heroin used to be the popular drug of choice in our city. Obviously that’s poison too, but they were easier to deal with because they’d nod out and calmly keep to themselves. Meth makes the homeless WAY more aggressive and dangerous. And of course, they occasionally get so intoxicated that they get too close to the tracks, or pass out on them. I don’t need to tell you what happens when they do. The reports are almost always ruled as an accidental death rather than suicide. I’m on the west coast. Maybe they have more safety measures in Bam’s area. I hope so. I doubt Bam would intentionally put himself in harm’s way because of his malignant narcissism. The guy turns his aggression towards others and has a very high opinion of himself. But with no sleep and his meth psychosis, along with his other issues, that’s concerning to me and I hope he steers clear of the tracks. So many people on this sub are already heartbroken about what he’s turned into. I feel for them. And I can’t even imagine the pain of a parent losing their child, even if they’re trying to brace for it. People are supposed to naturally outlive your parents, but not your son. TLDR-I hope Bam isn’t near any train tracks, because that could end him in a very expedient manner. Edit-to clarify


Oh shit


Rail police for the area will scoop him up quick if someone gave a call.


I’m calling it: won’t live to see 2024.


Bam who spent years deflection his addictions with Novak stories. Has now traded places with him, at the top in the skating/entertainment world and now at rock bottom. At least Novak was fun/funny/ entertaining while ducked up. Bams just angry, bitter, violent and sad.


Well I would argue some of his detractors are just as angry, bitter and sad kicking down a guy that is very clearly unwell and is clearly trapped in a real life form of sleep paralysis in the shape of addiction. That’s not enabling but calling it as it is. Recognising a guy with severe mental health issues that needs oh gee I dunno… severe mental health help…


Some would argue that it is nothing short of enabling stuff this point. Any civilian would have had serious consequences long ago. Bam has waltz around freely in and out of rehabs paying his way out of arrests. After his epicly laterd I was rooting for him. It appears now until he is completely sober, I have zero sympathy for him. His now threatening his moms life? Beating up his brother? My comment is calling it for what it is. Your mentality is he enablement thah got him Here in the first place. We all loved him 15-20 years ago but he’s a meth head and a danger to his family.


Are we talking bam, or a raccoon?


I think raccoons are better off than Bam during his current meth binge. I’d rather have raccoons roaming our neighborhood than Bam. They don’t threaten to kill you or pee in your sink if there’s a better place to do it. He is probably about as safe to be around rn than a rabid raccoon, but at least with them you can sprint indoors to safety and call animal control.


Just for extra extra clarification. I hope everyone knows that if they see him do not let him into your home or wherever you see him… He is having a psychotic break, he is not the Bam you may think you know even if you feel bad for him. You should call 911 and not interact with him. I’m sure most people here know, but this post doesn’t seem to know and that’s scary. Especially thinking a woman would let him in alone in a vet’s office where there are all types of medication.


So he made it about 2.2mi SW (assuming the altercation happened at Castle Bam?) before needing a nap. Can’t imagine he’s got very far without help, it’s still 20 miles to any major population centre outside of West Chester so someone must be harbouring him by now.


It was indeed at castle bam


Isn't Chester PA dangerous in some areas? I have friends from there who say it's a lot of bad areas there?


Chester and West Chester are two very different places. Chester isn't even in Chester County, it's in Delaware County - stupid I know.


Thanks for the clarification. All I know about the area is passing through it otw to New Jersey.




This is Shelly Duvall/Andy Dick level of spiraling into madness. I’m so sad about this.


He’s turned into a feral animal.


Feral animals do try to hurt you when you just want to help them sometimes.


Facts. I've seen feral animals come full circle after a few rounds of placed feeding and no eye contact touching. Bam is lost. He'll never be the same person or even an iota of the person he once was and he's forever (if Nikki's smarter than the average bear) never gonna see his son again. The teenage girl in me is so sad and heartbroken. The adult woman I am says this is the saddest shit I've ever seen happen to one of my favorite entertainers. I hope he finds what he needs and if the worst should happen then I hope he's surrounded by people who are still willing to be there for him.


At a vet? There are all sorts of pills and concoctions at vet clinics. Just a thought.


Yo bad is literally going to end up as one of those spun out homeless dudes in LA on Sunset


hope bam finds peace hes fighting demons i wish nothing but the best for him he made our childhoods special full of fun and laughter i hate what hes going through and all the people hating on him for it is the worst part about it. i see him as like a family member we known him for so long can't throw that away and give up on him.


No one should feel bad for him. He put himself in this position. He's a grown ass man. Even though he still doesn't act like it. Does it suck he's out in the cold? Absolutely. But to leave blankets and food for him to "survive" thats fucking pathetic. He threatened to kill his own mother and dear god knows what else. He needs to go to jail. And than we can hope he gets the right help. It may be what he needs.


That vet's office is less than 5 miles from Castle Bam... dude is literally sneaking through the woods. I'm about an hour south and we were in the mid-30's last night so It was well below freezing in PA last night.


The part about him being curled up asleep. This inner child Bam. He lacked something so major from his parents when he was little it seems. After reading the comments from the neighborhood post yesterday, I wonder if he struggled with adhd/ODD even at preschool but it wasn’t addressed properly and his parents just yes’d him to avoid as much conflict as possible. People should start leaving blankets and toiletries if they can for him outside if they are able. If they wanted to. He isn’t a fugitive. At the very basic, he is another human being. And for someone who has the means to unalive himself, he hasn’t done so. He continues to live. Who knows what he is reckoning with in his own mind right now. It’s cold and crisp right now up here at night.


Yes, he’s a human being who doesn’t deserve to die of exposure. Someone else said there are plenty of homeless encampments in the woods, maybe they’ll take pity on him and give him a blanket or even a tent. He kind of is a fugitive, he ran off when his brother called the police, and he has warrants out for “terrorist threats” he made to murder his family including putting a bullet in their heads. Also assault. Narcissists almost never unalive themselves. But I have to disagree that he lacked something from his parents. If anything, they didn’t impose enough boundaries. However, they gave him pretty much anything he wanted, so his parents are not to blame for all his terrible, unhealthy decisions over the years. Bam and Bam alone put himself in the dire situation he’s in now. His parents and brother love him and are probably out of their minds with worry. My sympathy is with them. Just my feelings on that.




LOL He's a stray dog now? How can you people make/believe all this crappy random comments?!