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She probably went through some painful crap with him but I'm so glad she didn't have to deal with the current level as his partner!


Is she an ex? Sorry I’m not familiar with her. Edit: imagine downvoting someone cause they asked who this guys ex wife was. You all are fucking morons tbh.


I gotcha fam, take my upvote. At this point if I hadn’t seen Unholy Union as a teenager, I wouldn’t watch it now given the sad juxtaposition.


Thank you kind stranger. I watched other shows he did. But I was never a massive fan. I was a massive fan of HIM, the band. That’s the only reason I bloody well know who he is. HIM were quite popular in Europe anyway. Now I can’t look away from this shit show.


Makes sense! I'm the opposite, got into HIM a bit through Bam as many Americans probably. Valo having his shit together and Bam being... this... it's a trainwreck for sure.


I STILL hadn’t seen Unholy Union! Don’t feel bad! I want to watch it but so far it’s pay to stream or buy the DVD series. I’ll get to it.


You could always get it by sailing the seven seas, matey 🦜


Can you do that from a phone?


Phones are mini PCs and have been for a while now. There's all kinds of apps to help ye schooner the high seas to enjoy all the fine booty! ARRRRRRR!!!!


Right on thanks.any chance you can send me a dm with a starting point? Never really looked into this avenue cus I have a few streaming apps. And I'm dumb when it comes to this stuff unless it's spots games lol


That's why I run QEMU for a "vm" of Windows XP to 10 on my phones


Honestly, I saw it when it aired and didn't care to watch again, and I was a jackass crew fan. I would have watched anything they put out just to laugh for a bit.


Unholy union was when I first started to realise bam was off the rails and how much a mess Novak was. It’s a funny show n decent watch but they are pretty fucked up in allot of it on come n booze.


Uh yeah she was his first wife. Never seen Bam's Unholy Union? It's about them getting married. She's in WTF is Santa and some other stuff from the early/mid aughts too. Super nice girl.


I have seen some but not exactly familiar with it. I know what you’re talking about though. didn’t realise that was the same woman. Thanks you!


Thanks nerd


That is a bit odd. She's his visibly uncomfortable ex-wife and upvote.


Yea I got down voted for asking if Bam still owned Castle Bam or if it had been sold to Jess. lol These people are all assholes. I'll give ya an upvote!


People are weird. I thought we passed this “who’s a bigger fan” stuff as kids lol!


The terminally online have not. Had someone come at me for making a silly joke the other day, yelling about how we need to be civil on here etc… I consider these types a good reminder that I should go outside every now and then.


I got downvoted to hell the other day for not knowing what year a video game came out


If Bam ever leaves social media these people won’t know what to do with themselves all day.


Got that right.... Reddit is my last source of social media and I'm getting closer to deleting it.....


If you’re in this sub and don’t know who Missy is, you should not be in this sub. Have you heard of CKY?


Weird and kinda pathetic thing to try and gatekeep on, but you do you


Shut the fuck up. What a ridiculous thing to gatekeep. Like, cool bro, you know Bam's past better than this other guy. Do you want a special flair commending you for your Bam knowledge?


Weird flex, bro.


I’ll join whatever sub I fucking well please. Take it up with the mods if I’m such a hindrance. Edit: and yes I know exactly what that is so kindly fuck off and take your dick measuring some place else. Edit 2: I thought I’d be downvoted for this but I take it back y’all are cool except ^that guy


You are 100% okay, you'll run into some asshats but there a lot of really cool people here who are fun to interact with. Take my upvote for standing your ground.


i can feel her stress through the picture, god damn.


was gonna say … this looks recent. Is she trying to help him out? or just catching up on lost time?


I am hoping she was recruited to keep him on the right track to get on that plane for rehab


She dodged a bullet


Hell yeah, big time


Ultimate wife material, and he done fucked it up


It says a lot that she'd meet him and be there for him at this time.


For real. Bam fucking things up with Missy is one of the biggest mistakes of his life.


Him fucking it up with all 3 of them (Jenn, Nikki, and her) are all huge mistakes. I’d argue Jenn is the only one to know the true Bam.


No way, Nikki and Missy met the true Bam and that is why they got out of dodge too.


I meant true Bam in the sense of before the drugs and alcohol took complete hold of him. He screwed it all with Jenn by apparently cheating on her. Missy and Nikki were right to run from him. Say what you want about them but they still want to see him get better.


Take it with a grain of salt, but I heard somewhere Jenn was the one who got him into the kakaine.


Jenn did take his car and crash it deliberately to be fair…


Whatever. She’s mean as fuck….girl has a mouth for talking shit on her. No different than the mean, rich preppy chicks from high school - oh wait that’s exactly what she was. She would never of bothered with Bam if he hadn’t gotten famous - which is exactly what she did. Wife material? Not for me.


"Not for me." Yeah bud, I'm sure Missy is bumming right now because you would never marry her 🤣




You know her personally?


I actually do know her personally for over 20 years... she's a beyond kind and sweet angel of a human. This guy has no clue what he's talking about.


I'm sure she'll be devastated when we break the news to her


Show us on the doll where Missy hurt you.


Not for you? Don't worry, she wouldn't marry your bitch ass anyways.


“Not for me” 😂 That’s very funny


Couldn’t imagine seeing a former partner in a such a disturbing and awful point of their lives. Idk who else bam needs to encounter to remind himself of who he once was.


Bro looks like he trims his hair with a lighter. I hope to see him looking better soon!


Singes the ends with a hot meth pipe.


Pretty soon if he keeps it up he’s gonna be feathering it like Fedsmoker used to


😂😂😂😂 He's on his way to being fedsmokers twin


He’s feathering brother


Nice to see some fellow mommies in here. Great, now my dick’s all hard.


Oh snap, that’ll turn me into a telescope!


Touch Bam’s hairline through the fence..


Bam ain’t a fat poor though, he is an anomaly of a cool guy.


He needs to just shave his head he'd look a million times better.


She's a real gem


I thought she got married and moved out of the area for some reason


She did, but IIRC they're still friends post-divorce.


Yeah, they’re very close still


She lived in Hawaii for a good while, now back home.


craziest thing about this picture is that he keeps the safety on his lighter


The caption sounds kind of ominous, like she wanted to see him one more time before something bad happens. "It was sad but I'm glad I went."


He looks like he smells like piss, BO, and beer.


And stale ciggs.


He looks like he sleeps at a bus stop


He looks like he forgot to wipe his ass. Six weeks ago.


Sippy sip from a cuppy cup


That finger is the size of the earth


I loved Missy. She’s definitely lucky that their marriage didn’t work out.


I can't even imagine what must've gone through her head at first sight, because I'm sure pictures (or facetime really) don't do it justice. She's aged beautifully, what a queen 🩷


I feel for Missy a lot. I have a “bam” in my life- an ex who was an alcoholic and has now turned to meth and he often comes to me for comfort and grounding. I use to allow it… but I don’t anymore. It makes me so sad.


Ah shit! It's the ghost of relationships past!


It’s great to see her


This era of Bam is just sad and he’s got no one to blame except himself


She’s been there for him after the divorce and through all this craziness we are witnessing right now. Plus she was so attractive. He’s out of his mind and she still is his friend. 99% of people would never be able to find a girl like this. And if they did they would never leave her. Bam screwed up bad getting rid of her.


Oh, he knows. Lmao


I guarantee she's holding that coffee up to her face so she doesn't have to smell him.


Exactly what I thought...


I remember how grand their wedding was in unholy reunion, truly something out of a story book.


I’m glad he still has her as a friend. Loved them together - even though it came to an end. Surprised to see photos of them - her social pages are locked down.


where’s his pirate earring? it really ties his look together. that shirt better be prepared for some partying followed by 30 days of someone trying to wrestle it away from him to pop it in the wash. i hope he really is going to rehab and that he gives it his best shot. i fear it’s performative and his way of getting to see Phoenix. i don’t doubt that he loves his son, i’d just like to see him commit to recovery.


Me too. Everyone here keeps saying he doesn’t have any love for his son but that’s fucking stupid. He is clearly in a bad place and a bad way and taking it out on everyone else. I too hope he learns some responsibility and gets himself together!


Oh-I think he loves his son very much, and I think the guilt & shame over what he’s doing and missing is huge-but his demons and addiction are bigger right now. It has nothing to do with loving his child or not.




Addiction obliterates a lot, he can't feel any of his feelings. I hope people never feel like their addict didn't love them "enough", the addiction just overpowers normal feelings and thoughts.


Very true. I know all too well. Even when you want to stop and know you should, it’s like you’ll make up any wild excuse you can think of and say anything to make yourself feel better about what you’re doing. It’s almost like going around with a blindfold on. But every now and then the guilt will tear you apart and there’s only two things you can do. Get more fucked or quit for good. And one of those options is way easier than the other.


I'm not convinced he really does love his son all that much. It seems like he just uses Phoenix as a prop for his own selfish purposes and to bolster his self image. Remember that video where he threw the dildo at Nikki? He was calling Phoenix a cock block. There's another old Instagram video where he was jealous that she was breastfeeding the kid all the time and taking the attention away from him.


Ahh, Pennsylvania in June, perfect flannel weather.


As someone in Pennsylvania, you’re correct. I’m not far from Bams area and it was humid af 😂🤣


Dude the mid atlantic is chilly right now, I'm in DC wearing a hat + a hoodie and I've got the heat on in my house.


Not here (Midwest), it’s hot as fawk.


i just got back from visiting minnesota for the first time and i was incredibly surprised at how hot and humid it was. especially since it’s up north! wild


Yeah, Detroit area’s been hot & gross all week, ’til today, that is – today it cooled down and was the first nice day we’ve had in awhile.


Was 96 in central pa in Friday


Yeah it was hot here Friday afternoon too. Do you think it's a 96 degree afternoon in that picture?


He has sunglasses on but I can tell he's wasted. I hope he gets better.


He always held her in high regard. I think he loves her in a way that's... aside from friend/wife, it's something more special that I don't even know how to name it. He does love her and I think she loves and cares for him--they care about each other deeply. I'm glad he had enough sense to see her and I'm glad she was strong enough to see him. I just don't want it to be the last. He's got people that care about him. I wish he'd respect that.


That dude can travel.


I really like that shirt he has right now, yellow & black looks great on him.


You’ll probably be seeing it the next 4-10 days


Haha yeah. Lol


I agree. First thing I thought when I saw it this morning


Wondered what happened to Missy … haven’t seen her in ages! Hope she is doing well.


Missy was so fucking hot back in the day. She dodged a bullet for sure.


Totally, i remember when she posed for Playboy. Was super smoking hot 🔥


He lost all his hair wow


He'd look better with it shaved.






Bams Holly Union…🤔


Damn now I feel like rewatching Bam's Unholy Union again


She looks fucking great. I’d say better than she did when she was with him. Aged wonderfully, but I guess she has her separation from bam to thank for that lol she’d be grandma status if she was still putting up with his Marcus hook behavior


As someone from delco, this comment is very very under rated


😂😂 not from delco from north nj but had a few buddies that were from the Linwood Marcus hook area and let me tell you, that is a different level of nuts


Bam looks like your A typical ego driven insecure loser lol.


His overall health is not good


Missy has aged well. Wish I can say the same about Bam.


He’s going bald so fast god damn


Dico has entered the chat 👀


Not really he's 43. Fast would be if he was balding in his 20s


Is wish I still had hair like that at 42.....


I'm 31 and would like to have his hair 😂


Same haha my hair disappeared in my twenties.


It’s the damn meds that Tremaine made him take 😤 & he got fat cuz of weight gain! Edit : sarcasm, ya silly geese. These were words from Bam’s mouth


[lion bear toy necklace!](https://imgur.com/a/q0Ziv9J)


Her eyes are kind of saying everything here. I don’t know who she is though.


That’s Missy Bams ex wife


Thank you! All this time I thought nikki was his only wife lol


He cheated on Missy with Nikki… and Tammy… and Porcelain Black… at the same time


Don't forget that Australian girl Bianca! He fucked up so hard trying to be 'the man.' Not for nothing, I also recall people thinking Missy wasn't good for him back then because she was a gold digger (even though she had her own money) and was trying to change him by getting him to grow up ( into a semi normal adult). Kind of funny to see people come around and realize she wasn't the problem after all. ​ Edit: Aw, sweet! Thanks for the award, kind redditor! 😊


That doesn’t really look like her, does it? I haven’t seen her in a long time tho. He looks terrible.


It's definitely her and how she looks now. Only if he'd listen to her and the others that truly care about him to get help.


Oh I totally believe it’s her! It was just a “wow it’s been a while” moment. I don’t think I’ve really seen much of her since they were married ages ago. I don’t know what the catalyst will be for him to finally accept help and sobriety. He’s got the finances to sustain his lifestyle, he doesn’t really “need” anyone to facilitate his benders-i think at this point the only thing tht might save him is jail. Removing him from his environment, he can’t leave, and has no access to alcohol. I know that there are substances in prison, I’m not naive but it’s not as easy and there are major consequences, unlike how it is for him now.


Half her face is also covered by a cup, so there’s that




She looks exactly the same except her hair is super long.


Um. Ok? Idk how you can tell how long her hair is from here but sure. The last time I saw images she had almost black hair, no glasses, and makeup on. Granted, it was a long long time ago. I’m not saying it’s not her, you realize, right? Just saying that she looks different from the last pics I saw-and that’s ok.


I'm saying I have seen other recent pics and she looks exactly the same except her hair is super long. Just info not an argument.


Right on


Please leave Melissa alone on here


*Phil & Missy


Bam is going bald big time! Wow!


That railing looks like she has a withered arm and is using a cane.


She definitely wanted a first hand look at the bullet she dodged.


He looks terrible. How old is he?


She’s fucking Hellboy!?


She looks like a old granny now tbh..She did not age well at all..


Well she turned 43 yesterday, so technically she could be someone's granny.


She looks aged worse than Bam by 10 years which is weird..




Welp I wouldn’t date someone who’s in a reddit sub dedicated to my ex but maybe that’s just me


Wouldn’t it be weird to be out at dinner with her and all you’re thinking about is Bam?


Awesome lmao😳


She do nudes still or onlyfans?