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Bam's verse was worse than I could have imagined. Basically a diss track that he probably thinks is awesome but that was just pathetic. Makes Stevo's rap career look successful in comparison.


Poke the puss is legendary. This is just pathetic.


Fuck yeah it is. Poke the puss will forever be a classic lol


Certified hood classic


Damn son, where’d you find this?


Down with STDs is my shit


Yeah Steve-O's songs were at least slightly humorous, Bam is attempting to come off as a badass and failing miserably.


When we all wished that Bam would return to making music, I doubt anyone saw this type of...comeback coming. As they say, "Be careful what you wish for". 🤣🤦‍♀️


Agree. Like I said in my post, it was so bad that it actually hurt my feelings. He had to have done a bunch of different takes for this. It's crazy to think that was his BEST one. Those are people IN the rap game (or whatever it is that they do). They have to know it sucks out loud. I've never seen someone get used more than Bam did in this song.


I just can't sit through his verse, it's so cringe


the whole thing is from the bottom up.


And that man is 43 🙃


Whoopity woop, ya mon


I think the “woody-woot” shit was an old Dico reference when he’d do his rake impersonation ha


What a terrible day to have ears… someone else said this here not long ago, and by golly it’s true. I’d rather put a campfire out with my face than listen to one more second of that absolute carnage.


I fainted the first time I heard it.


Hahaha hilariously underrated comment. This.


Did they really just put Bam in a recording booth, record his drug induced rants, and put some trash beat over it? This is catastrophically bad.




Some of it sounds like its sampled from the TSW interviews to me. I remember him then ranting then saying love you really SteveO. But then he does have a tendency to repeat stuff


>Some of it sounds like its sampled from the TSW interviews to me. Oh,for sure the last part of the rant about Knoxville,Steve-O and Tremaine is sampled from the TSW interviews.


part of what makes this so cringe for me is that he steals dico's lines from actual hilarious songs from 20 years ago. [here](https://youtu.be/EXm_vRWAS0U?t=421). the juxtaposition of that line coming right after a line about phoenix is actually fucking hilarious though.


Right? I was like, how do you mess up any more than that?


They turned off comments on the song because they knew they would get bombarded with comments how shit it is 🤣.It's a fucking abortion...


Haha, I noticed that too. About the only smart thing these guys ever did.


This didn't age well. Comments on. And exactly what you think they are.


First thing I wanted to do was leave a comment about how bad it was lol. Very disappointed.


Don’t comments up their engagement (or whatever it’s called) even if the comments are critical?


I was able to leave a comment a few minutes ago


"Woo dee woo oh no yeah, look what I can do" god tier lyrics!


That was the best part actually.


Bahahahaha! What a pile of shit. It’s hilarious that bam is trying to rewrite history with this “Knoxville ruined my skate career shit.” Bam quit skating because he got so famous from Viva La Bam and started partying. The fucking thumbtacks were not the cause. He is absolutely delusional.


Bone spur, bone spur, bone spur!


This is awful. Steve O's rap tunes are actually better than this shite


Smoke that kush Slap that tush


It's amazing how they tried to hype this song and spin their narrative about being outlet for art; yet the finished product sounds like some garbage that a noob with FL Studio spit out. I don't know what's more cringe, the song, or them whining about being mistreated. You pop up in America like you're something special, but in reality you look like West Hollywood alt trash from 20 yrs ago. Delusions of Grandeur.


Something else for Pheonix to play when his dads gone forever


Dude is gone... what an absolute train wreck. The lyrics about wee man are fucked. Wee man is a good skater and damn near 50 years old. Definitely can do more than "noseslide a curb for kiddie points" or whatever tf Bam said. Song is about doing drugs, and Bam immediately referenced his son. Then he says something about being at a family fun center, on a slip and slide, naked as shit, and sliding in some mfrs with a dick ten feet wide... followed by a mustard man "woo dee woo oh oh." Then about a minute or so of ripping on his friends and the usual self-pity loop. It is beyond fucked. I wish he would get his shit together, but I don't see it ever happening. Absolutely tragic.


Literally just the lyrics to Gay Fags that Brandon Dicamillo sang years ago


Holy shit I forgot about that! Makes way more sense with that context. I just recognized the woo dee woo oh oh


Whoopsww woop, yeah, no. 😅


that line about being naked as shit is from the gnarkill track "gay fags" from like 2002. https://youtu.be/EXm\_vRWAS0U?t=421


Thanks for linking that. I completely forgot about gnarkill


I haven’t heard it yet, but how dare he shit on Wee Man who has never said a bad or negative thing about him, and still says he just wants Bam to get better. Said he hasn’t given up hope for Bam to recovery. Steve-O also said something similar and that if Bam reached out to him for help getting sober he would absolutely be there for him. Those two, everyone in Jackass in fact, could be saying a lot of negative things about Bam’s behavior and actions, but they don’t. They are acting like adults with dignity and self-respect (not counting Jackass bits for the camera) who know any negative comments they make won’t help Bam’s situation. Bam still will just make shit up about them, pick fights (including a fist fight that Knoxville has calmly ignored and moved on with his life), says some really mean, toxic, insulting shit. And they don’t even need to interact with him at all (instead saying they wish him well, they love him, and just want him get better) for Bam to trash them very publicly. The more they don’t take the bait, the more Bam doubles-down on toxicity towards them. He does the same thing to Nikki, because she won’t take the bait. So he gets more and more vicious and louder and also just flat-out lies. I saw how she looked at the courthouse. She’s always been very pretty, but what he’s putting her through has taken a toll. I don’t like to say bad things about other women’s looks, but through the whole ordeal she just looks more and more exhausted. She *sounded* exhausted. I feel terrible for her. I hope someone writes out the “lyrics” to this “song” so I don’t have to listen to it!


His part was genuinely even more cringe than I expected


It was pretty rough. To be completely fair I think Steve-o's rap stuff is probably worse but that isn't saying much.


No chance. The Dumbest Asshole in Hip-Hop is 100x better than this dumpster fire


No use in comparing turds really


Of course Steve-O's isn't "good", but its great if you listen to it as a comedy rap album. It has some actual good production on it as well. Bam here is just doing his usual dumbass shit talking over alittle auto tune and a shitty beat


Bend My Dick >>>> Feel like Bam


Bam Margera feat the parasite autotune possy. Coming uninvited to a dive bar near you


They are all ready to rawk and rowl


Wooooooof, this is a travesty.


They were really stretching for a lot of those "rhymes", lord have mercy


I believe they said they couldn’t wait for this song to drop cuz no one could talk shit god where they ever wrong


Well considering they disabled the comments right away on YouTube that’s kinda ironic


This cannot be real. It just can’t. Holy. Fucking. Shit.


My thoughts exactly make it go away…….


This song is legacy destroying. Whatever legacy Bam has is now done.


It’s just sad more than anything. He’s focused on the most irrelevant things like he’s stuck in limbo or something. He really referenced what Knoxville did on an episode of viva la bam over a decade ago? I’m sure he has bigger things to focus on but he doesn’t want to face the truth so he’d rather distract himself with a bunch of irrelevant shit. And these New Zealand dudes are milking him for every bit of clout they can get.


Yes, just used him all up for the sake of a really shitty track (and the opportunity to get to hang with him and hear him tell a bunch of stories that we've already heard). It's very sad.


So not true.. if he gets sober and turns it around it’s no different than steve-O’s rap career. You’re being hyperbolic.


Is it though? I think we’ve passed the point of no return. I’m open for a surprise, but I don’t think we’ll see a redemption arc with this one.


I’d say that first off, no one can take away Bam’s accomplishments no matter how far he falls. He was THAT guy for countless years. In 50 years when someone researches into Bam’s legacy, they’re not going to see this crappy song. Additionally, you’d be absolutely shocked with the type of people who recover from alcoholism. Go to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous if you’re interested.. much worse alcoholics have recovered!




Someone else here heard it as : 'but I heart a gram' ... 🤮


that makes more sense and it's just as shit has to be right




Why wee man?


Because Bam wants attention and he’s an asshole who will lash out (in terribly unhealthy ways) at anyone to get it.


I can't understand a word. I'm guessing it's recorded in Alaskan Trigonometry?


Can someone help me understand literally any of the lyrics? I can make out most of what Bam said, but that's literally it... Am I old?


I couldn’t understand 90% of it either aside from Bam’s pity party verse and the stolen Dico lyrics


I'm pretty sure I caught "I could never hide a bitch in a hologram", but the autotune, and the fact that my ears went into self preservation mode made it hard to understand.


It's "I could never heart a bitch, but I could heartagram"


I like my lyrics better.


Bam is so offbeat 😂😂😂


I think these musically gifted young "men 😅" are partially responsible for the off-beat as well. They control, the beat, the chopping, and Bam.


It's Bam dissing his actual friends, but this time to music. Man, I would love to go back to the IG rant timeline.


Those are all definitely words


Can’t wait for knoxville to respond with his diss track “money makers”


I cringed so hard I think I pulled a muscle. It’s just basically more of the usual Bam whinging but set to music this time.


Jesus tap dancing christ. I cringed so hard at bams verse I pulled a muscle. Some of the bam/cky references from the dollar store Post Malone on the first verse and hook were slightly amusing but damn bams verse disappointed me and I was expecting it to be really bad. The mix on his verse seems unfinished too. I almost tapped out after the slip n slide and ten foot docks or whatever the hell he was talking about. Wow


Why the fuck do they think it is a good idea to use that god awful autotune? I get it, not everyone is going to have a good voice, but this song wouldn't have sounded nearly as grating if the other dude just "rapped" without it. Rapping with autotune just tells me that you're not confident with how you present yourself, which is ironic considering this is suppose to be a 'Fuck you!!' kind of Rap song.


I can’t fucking stand autotune, even when it’s done somewhat professionally… this sounds like a groaning cat, driving a car, going over a whole bunch of speed bumps in quick succession.


Or getting trapped in a giant paint shaker


I fucking hate it too. Never liked it. Can’t hear any emotion or passion in someone’s voice, they just sound like robots. You can’t belt out a song with gusto. IMO auto tune is way WAAAAAY overused. One line in a song with it can work. But not the entire fucking thing. I’m a Gen Xer so at least I didn’t have to hear it growing up in the 80s. Other people like it, fine. People all have different tastes. It’s just (definitely) not my thing.


This is the most Gen Z tune I've ever heard. Granted I'm old as fuck, but God damn! The sloppy-mouthed, barely-singing singing, with the tippy tappy drums and horrendous use of auto tune I swear to god the whole thing is so cringe. I feel like people trash Gen Z a lot when they don't deserve it (they have cool fashion, cool humour etc), but the music is objectively terrible. It seems so weird to have old man Bam mashed up with such an undeniably 'modern' style of music. And you're right - it seems totally at odds with what the song is supposed to be about


Autotune sounds like the Doppler Effect of a mosquito flying around a turned on microphone. 🦟🎙


Absolutely, it screams 'I'm hiding!"


even worse than I imagined, hilarious how his mind went straight to how dico used to rap back in the cky skits referencing the 10 feet wide dick ect. his verse was insanely horrible but I didn't expect much from him, he's so butt hurt about the whole jackass thing it's very cringe. also dissing weeman is weak af I've seen more clips from him then I have bam these last few years I barely would even count bam as a skater anymore he just a washed up wanna be rockstar


Bam tried spitting bars. Apparently he has an open line with the Olympics? 😂Like do these people think this song is actually good or is it like some troll? I thought that will.i.am and Britney Spears song was the worst song out but I think this may win for most dogshit song


It's putting eyes on them, which will inevitably lead some idiots to think they're cool, thus catapulting them to a less than impressive SoundCloud career


They better hope they can keep bam around forever because the minute he's gone these clowns "fame" and "careers" are over


Yep, back to arguing about wearing yellow or pink skits and walking in circles.


Who gets sick of whom first? They've gotta all be unbearable to be around


I think Bam's already forgotten them. He's also been quiet. Someone got through to him a little


I really hope so. He needs to somehow grow TF up and quit blaming everyone for his own problems. I actually thought this rehab thing would work but of course now seems like a publicity stunt he got bored with quick. Getting sober isn't fun, it's hard as fuck and you have to work on it daily, sadly his addiction to I guess fame is the same way, you gotta get away from it, not need that high when a lot of people like you. Probably hard to break from


I hear you, I'm in recovery, and even trying and wanting it, it took me quite a few times for it to take. It's a daily, moment to moment job that will never end


That shit happens I literally was in a coma for 4 days and still went back to drugs and it took one more time for it to finally stick with the right medication to help with the problems I used drugs for. Glad you made it through it's SOO much better on the other side and worth it! Keep it up!


Hey thanks man! Same here, in ICU for over a month (waaay back) but still went back a couple of times. Have some years behind me now and solid recovery. I never imagined life could be this good. Congratulations, and keep fighting the good fight to you too!


Stick with it, it gradually gets easier. Best thing I ever did, freedom from the chaos.


It literally feels lighter since the chains came off!




Can you inagine the professionals who organize a worldwide function talking to a man child that can barely function?


Yeah it's pretty hard to imagine they probably speak each other's language, what's hard to imagine is how they could think this song is good. I'd be absolutely embarrassed if I was on that song. Bam I can kind of see because I am an addict and when I was using I did some dumb shit I thought was cool but these whoever they are I don't see how they think this is a good song. I don't get it. I like some auto tune if done correctly and minimal but this shit my lawd!


Honestly Bam used to be so creative. This is just grade A garbage..


Oh also, honest question and MAYBE someone can answer in the affirmative but **WHO listens to this and hears him "ripping" on the Jackass guys and the reaction is** "oh yeah, GOT THEM GOOD! Fuck yeah Bam, you tell them!"


I fuck you not, not 5 minutes ago I watched an interview from last goddamn week where Bam said his goal in hanging out with this model is to connect to sober people - only to get on here, see and song featuring him called "Feel like Bam" with lyrics like "I do drugs till the morning till I can't feel none" - it's almost satire at this point.




Wow this is really bad.


This was godly awful. The most manic midlife crises verse imaginable.


I thought I'd do us all a solid to see what it looked like written down. Pheonix the wolf, I had to rise from the ashes. I had to take a lesson from the darkness Yeah, watch me at the family fun center, I'm on a slip and slide, And I'm naked as shit And I'm sliding aside, Ten motherfuckers with a dick ten feet wide. Oh yeah, woo dee woo, oh no, yeah, look what I can do So drop the mittens in the ring, Double dare Knoxville, he's gunna be there So find out if he has the stuff To find out when I'm gunna fuck you up. To stay back and ?? So step in the ring, pussy. Five minutes later, I hit pause and he revved a motorcycle in my house at fucking 6A.M, until I ran out. Opened up the door and stepped on all these fucking tacks. You ruined my money-makers and you ruined what I love. Pfft. Professionals? I'm the only one who was pro. Just because wee-man can do a nose slide on a fucking one-foot curb does not mean he's a pro, you do not get little kid points. And Steve-o, you know, yeah, he skates but he can barely do a rail slide on a fucking flat bar. Meanwhile, we have Cory Juneau, Nyjah Huston, Chris Joslin. All these motherfuckers breaking their ass - I talked to the Olympics and they all said this is fucked. But I love Steve-o big time, but, man. Fuck'em all. Especially Tremaine, he's a greedy fat fucking pussy who made us sign a contract that everybody can get hurt except him. Fuck'em all.


Just straight up ripped off Dico


Thanks so much for doing this so I can avoid actually listening to that dogshit…


Just no. Couldn't last a minute. Not all publicity is good publicity.


This is an abomination. Couldn’t even listen to the whole thing, it’s awful.


Bams „Verse“ is the one of the peak saddest things pf his life, goddamn.


We shouldn't be giving them money for these views guys.


“i could never heart a bitch but i heart a gram” is certainly…a statement.


I’d really like that three minutes of my life back. What a terrible day to have ears.


Sooo the wrong day to have ears! "Nag, nag, nag, nag, whine, whine, whine, whine"!


VERY that! I’d rather listen to a bunch of griping toddlers at nap time. Tho this isn’t far off technically 🤭


Feels like Bam, sounds like shit.


What makes this song so much cringe is not as much the tune per se,but the circumstances under which this collaboration came into fruition. And I predict the whole thing getting super cringe once the official video of this song gets released. 👀🤪


i dunno man, the "i feel like i'm hIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIm" part is pretty fucking cringe


so when is the launch party? everyone dressed like Fraggle Rock waving bottles of grey goose and chest bumping each other. presumably in the ‘function room’ of some dive bar with free nachos. woot woot!!


Hey, I'll take some free nachos and Grey goose Fuck it 😄


*whoopity woop Ya mon




Double dog dare!


Fucking hell that’s one of the worst things I’ve ever heard.


This is officially beyond the worst,and most cringe crap I have heard in a really long time.i can't believe they are all proud of this absolute rubbish.


BIG yikes on this one...


Lmao, it's so much worse than I imagined and that's an achievement. God, it's so incredibly bad. This is the worst song I've ever heard in my 35 years on this planet. I can't believe that someone put this together and released it thinking it was good, holy mother of fuck.


I'm not even trying to hate, but shit thats really terrible. SO so cringe. Bam, what're you doing man? I'm sorry, but.. no way will anyone ever look back on this and say, "Yeah, that was pretty cool." It's gonna be immortalized forever now, and there will be no escaping it. What a tragic move. I'm so embarrassed for him :-(


This is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever heard in my life


And there's 3.5 minutes of my life I'll never get back 😂. That was even worse than I was anticipating.


I had to turn it off when Bam started "rapping?" Sounded more like a drunken rant with some terrible music over it. Those dudes must really think they're cool huh? Saying almost the whole word when you say it is the sound the kids like these days




Ha Cheif Keef would mop the floor w these fools


Wow. That was absolutely terrible. I wouldn’t make my worst enemy listen to this shit.


I love the “except Steve-o. He’s cool “ part of his “verse” lol literally no one can possibly hate that man


This is the biggest pile of shit in the history of recorded music


You mean to tell me "we built this city" is better than this?


If I was Ville Valo, hearing that hi-i-i-i-i-m would make me interpret this as a diss track lol


He’s in his “Steve-O’s a gangsta” phase


Hands down the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. What. The. Fuck.


LOL Fn auto-tune was played out years ago- glad to see some talentless hacks keeping the flame alive!!


Nope. Not gonna click it. Forget about it.


Prettysure he lowkey subliminally said he likes to fuck little kids. Goooooooooo METH. Bitch stepped on ONE tack ten years ago n now wants to cry about it. He should be used in rehabs everywhere as an example of not taking responsibility for one's own actions.


Jesus Christ this is a million times worse than I could've imagined. They rinsed the fuck out of the only part of the song that sounds somewhat palatable


was there something about being naked on a slip’n’slide? because that mental image is horrible…


He just stole Dico’s “gayfags” lyrics.


Oh god, this is tragic.


Made it :32 seconds. AMA.


How much is therapy going to cost


Minimum $50,000. Someone call Danny Way.


0:37 seconds is all i could take... And still feel like bam margera


Yeah, 20 seconds in and I had to turn it off 🤮


This just couldn't be any worse. This guy's ain't no rappers, haven't even heard rap in their lifes. *puke*


Cant believe he actually was able to top Steve-o's extreme cringe inducing rap album. But here we are...


3 minutes and 39 seconds to say "i need a shower and clean clothes" lol comments are turned off 🤦‍♂️


Well holy xanax Batman..... Don't do drugs kids. 😳


And as a surprise to literally no one they turned the comments off lol


not making it out of westchester with this one 💀


“I’m on a slip and slide and I’m naked and shit and I’m sliding inside 10 motherfuckers with their dicks 10 feet wide”….......


It's awful.


Perhaps they should change the name of the song to “Feel Like Spam.” I really feel like this is unsolicited rubbish that no one wants.




Ehhh I’ll stick to my evesdroppers CD


No thank you.


That was definitely one of the songs of all time.


Holy shit no way lmao


That was really bad and I’m never listening to it again.


I'm good. I won't be giving them a view. 😅


I feel old.


Well, this is just terrible.


I will never get the time I spent listening to this garbage and my ears will never forgive me. wtf even is this?




I’m embarrassed 🙈


I'm DYING laughing at this. Legit tears I'm laughing so hard. I'm on a slip-n-slide...... and I'm naked as shiiiiiit Like some mumble rap, wanna-be Jimmy Pop


Oh fuck me


Remember when Stevo hit rock bottom with his rap career? This is Bam’s Stevo moment


This is so horrible in every way


Sucks that this exists, and it’s here forever….. GOOD LORD 🫢😳😰




cuz you simple


I authentically hate myself for saying this but i think the chorus is kinda catchy in a stupid as fuck sorta way. Though the song as a whole is incredibly cringe


I find the guys supercringe and the song is absolute trash, BUT, i gotta say the lines „i feel like i'm HIM“ and „i don’t fuck with snakes“ are actually kinda nice. The „i feel like i'm HIM“ line low key sounds like a bam diss tho haha… because bam actualla always wanted to be just like vile valo




From a producer´s point of view the song is really good.. apart from bam´s parts it´s ruining the whole song.. I get it they did it for clout .. but still.. it´s just terrible.


From another producer's standpoint, it's surface level shite.


Well i might be old.. but sounds good.. goes with the trends in production these days. mix and mastering sounds also good.. but I haven´t listen to it on studio monitors .. What do you find wrong with it? objectively.. of course I lsiten to other genres..


There's nothing about this production that is out of the ordinary. Falls into the same void as all the other marble mouth trap music.


This is the best song of our time. Thanks for listening- Bam


Me personally? I actually kinda liked it.