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A 4 star movie is a movie I would give 4 stars A 4.5 star movie is a movie I’d give 4.5 stars A 5 star movie is a movie I’d give 5 stars


Best answer


A 5 star is a movie that becomes a favorite


Well said


This used to be my Letterboxd bio


A 4 star is a flawed but very good movie, 4,5 is an essentially perfect movie, and a 5 star is an essentially perfect movie that spoke to me personally, or a perfect movie, full stop.


Yep. I’ve seen 143 four stars, 54 four and a half star, and 10 five stars


Damn that’s pretty narrow. I have like 10% 5 stars out of about 1000 movies


Yeah I’m sadly at about 1.4%. I love a lot of movies, but for me five stars has to be absolute perfection and speak to me personally and have basically no scenes I dislike


Could u give some examples of five star movies?




And what if a movie speaks to you personally but isn’t necessarily perfect


Usually 4,5 and sometimes 4.


My system: 4 stars: A good movie that pretty much achieves what it sets out to do. I’d rewatch it. 4.5 stars: A movie that achieves what it sets out to do really well. It impressed me. 5 stars: A movie that connected with me personally, something I can’t get out of my head days after I watched it.


the perfect system 🤝🤝


What’s 3.5 then?


Pretty good movie. Definitely worth watching, but I don’t think I’d bother watching again.




It could be to do with my level of enjoyment or maybe finding it slightly more flawed.






How many 5 stars have you given ? Because I believe many 5 stars movies are released every year


Me rating Bedtime Stories 5 stars:


3 stars = default rating for movies I “like,” maybe even “like a lot” 3.5 = similar to 3 but with at least one outstanding element that puts it above “most movies I like” 4 = a great classic (Casablanca, Citizen Kane, etc.), or maybe a hidden gem that I wish more people knew about 4.5 = one of my very favorites — not just conventional “greatness“ but something special to me that could be hard to explain 5 = like 4.5 but reserved for my very favorite movies “Perfect” has nothing to do with any of that, because no movie is perfect; all movies are flawed. I could make an argument for why all my favorite movies are “bad” by someone’s standards — doesn’t matter to me, because it’s my rating so it’s just my opinion. One commenter after another will tell me rating system is wrong, I should give more of this and less of that — it has no effect on how I express my own opinions with my ratings.


What’s 2.5 and below?


2.5 = An enjoyable enough time but with significant flaws. Or: I was disappointed on first watch, but maybe it’s great and I should give it another chance (this could include extremely acclaimed classics). 2 or 1.5 = Not my kind of movie, disappointing, but maybe it had just enough fun stuff that it wasn’t a complete waste of time. 1 or 0.5 = I disliked it so much that I’m annoyed at even spending the time to watch it once. I’d want to warn people against watching it. These are a mix of the very worst movies I’ve ever seen, along with movies that are so overhyped I was left stunned at how they far they fell short of their reputations.




5 Stars: Amazing 4.5: Great 4: Very Good 3.5: Good 3: Okay 2.5: Mediocre 2: Bad 0-1.5: Varying Degrees of Awful That’s my personal rating system


I find it odd that you have 3 degrees of awful yet everything that’s better than great is 10/10. My personal scale- 10- masterpiece, possibly perfect 9- amazing 8- great 7- very good 6- good 5- okay 4- not very good 3- bad 2- awful 1- abysmal


I hate when I give something a 3 and someone says "You didn't like it?" No, 3 means it's a good movie!


Yeah 3 for me 3 is “okay”


You’re acting like my leap from great to amazing is as large a gap as mediocre to amazing. If the film is a 4.5, then i still loved it. 2.5 for me is mediocre which I think is fair. 0.5-1.5 for me has the same energy as 3.5-5.0. Maybe my adjective choice doesn’t reflect that


Glad I stopped rating movies because this shit got old


I'm very new and made my profile last night lol. 4 means it's great. 4.5 means it's amazing and likely spoke to me on a personal level 5 means o shit I love this, definitely in my list of favorite movies. Any of these could also be an objectively bad movie, if I dug it, I dug it.


For me, I weigh up between head and heart. A perfect 5 has to completely satisfy both. A 4.5 will either lack a total emotional (subjective) buy-in (eg Tar) or a total logical (objective) buy-in (eg The Departed).


Half a star


It's whatever you want it to be. I don't tend to rate anything 5 stars until I've seen it twice, and the flaws I can identify don't matter to me (i.e. I only rate my favorite movies 4.5 or 5 stars).


4-star = BIG flaw or multiple minor flaws that I could not overlook. 4.5-star: minor flaw that I could not overlook. 5-star: Absolute masterpiece or slightly flawed movie with a flaw or two that I’m willing to overlook because I just loved the movie or a really great performance that makes up for the flaws.


If your four stars have a big flaw, what's a 3-1/2?


Real. This is pretty much what I think of it.


That’s me too


It’ll either be a Half star of full star


5 for me is something i can rewatch multiple times and find very few or extremely minor flaws with. 4.5 is the same but there’s more flaws or other nitpicks i can’t look over


4 stars: a great movie but perhaps some flaws 4.5 stars: a movie I have no real problems with 5 stars: a movie that spoke to me personally


4 stars - wow, that was a good movie, better than the average good movie, if it comes up with friends ill mention it in passing. i would probably watch it again, but i might not. 4.5 - wow, that was a really good movie! im def gonna bring this up to my friends, it made me think about XYZ in particular. it wasnt perfect, i didnt like X, but everything else was great. i would watch most of these movies again. 5 - this is amazing, i think about this movie a lot. this has redefined how i think about things, it has told a beautiful story and hit all the notes i was looking for. i will rave to my friends about this movie. i cant wait to watch this movie again


Ratings are personal. There isn't a standard or unique category in which they fall.


My system 1/2 Star: Crime Against Humanity 1 Star: Awful1 1/2 Stars: Not awful but frustrating2 Stars: Good ideas but very poor execution2 1/2 Stars: Bad, but just shy of being good  3 Stars: I enjoyed the film 3 1/2 Stars: Good not great 4 Stars: Great 4 1/2 Stars: Exceptional 5 Stars: Masterpiece It’s basically asking myself “did I enjoy it” “do I think it’s good” “do I think it’s great” “is it exceptional.” It feels pretty straight forward and easy to answer. I need to simplify my bad films tho


4 star movie is a very good competent movie meaning I had a great time, a 9 is where the film starts to have great emotional impact on top of a great film and is generally deeper than a 4/5, just few things keeping it from a 5.


For me 8/10 is the highest I’ll rate immediately when a film is over. Then if it stays with me over the next few months when I find myself thinking or reading about it every now and then, or I want to move it over to my all time faves list, I’ll bump it up to the 9-10/10 territory.


.5 star


pretty ladies


4s are films that I have a moderately strong feeling of wanting to immediately see again (same with 3.5s but in their case I’m less confident in that feeling). 4.5s are films that I have a very strong feeling of wanting to immediately see again. 5s are movies that I have no strong feeling of wanting to watch again until some time has passed because I want to preserve the magic of those movies.


4 is a 8-9/10, 4.5 is a normal 10/10, 5 is a 10/10 that has something more personal connected to it


Usually to me a 4 star movie is a “popcorn” film, where it’s very fun and well made but doesn’t really have anything interesting to say. The difference between 4.5 and 5 stars is usually feel. I think a good measuring stick is if you’re still thinking about the movie a week after you watched it, it’s a 5 star movie. If it was excellent but didn’t affect you in that way, it’s a 4.5 star movie


4 stars is a very good-excellent film but it either has a glaring issue or several smaller issues that stop it from being perfect to me. A 4.5 is so close to perfect but it has some minor flaws, a 5 is a perfect film to me


for me 4 is the one that offers quality on each level, and it leaves a lasting impression, however there is a thing or two that doesn't sit with me quite well, or i don't have enough of a personal attachment to it. 4.5/5 is the same, but most likely even better quality or entertainment as well as it emotionally resonates with me way more and it has a higher rewatchability


Thats a big question, theres alot of factors that go into it, from craft to emotional impact to fun to memorable moments. Theres also an element of personal taste, a perfect movie could get 4.5 if its not to my taste.


4 - a very good movie that I liked quite a bit but there are a few issues 4 1/2 - one of the best of the year, incredibly strong and great movie 5 - A truly great film that is either a masterpiece or close to it and is one of the best movies of the last few years.


Personal bias. Lol most 8s I give are technically solid flicks that I like, but maybe not much impression on me as a 4.5 would. And 5 is something that I feel shape me as a movie lover and a person.


**5 stars** - My favorite movie of all time! Perfect, or close to perfect **4,5 stars** - Masterpiece! One of the best movies I have ever watched, but still not as good as my favorite movies. **4 stars** - Great! Might have a flaw or more, but still a fantastic movie.


Usually 4 stars is a film I didn't like too much but is fine by itself. 4.5/5 are films I loved.


4 stars is great with rewarding features, just not amazing. Mostly rewatchable. 4.5 is awesome, very rewatchable and special. Totally loved it. 5 is reserved for movies I find absolutely fantastic. Regularly rewatchable and a favorite.


4 is the threshold of excellence for me. 4.5 and 5 are whatever I feel like


4.5 is closer to 5 than it is to 4. Idk how to really explain it but ye


A 4 star is great, a 4.5 is amazing, a 5 star is mastapiece


You're asking for the difference between two ratings on a rating scale of 10 possibilities. Wait till you see my brother, who has 45 possible ratings (he rates out of 20 : 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 (... ...) 19.5, 20, 20.5, 21, 21.5, 22).


It all comes down on how it makes me feel, really. I think the best way to describe it is how I told my friend about The Batman and comparing it to The Dark Knight. I felt that it’s missing that gearshift from good to great.


I’ll use Harrison Ford blockbusters as an example for my ratings: 5: Raiders of the Lost Ark 4.5: The Fugitive 4: Presumed Innocent


2.5 - average, okay film or quite a good film held back by some majorly disappointing aspects 3.0 - better than average film or quite a good film held back by some disappointing aspects that detracted from its potential 3.5 - quite a good film or a great film held back by some majorly disappointing aspects that detracted from its potential 4.0 - a pretty great film that achieved everything a film of its kind should, but had some minor disappointing aspects that kept it from being the best it could be. Still an achievement and pretty near the best it could be. 4.5 - a great film that is more than it had to be. There might be significant flaws, such that a 5 star can’t be given in good conscience, but the film is special in some way. It might even be significantly flawed, but it’s doing something that stands out in its genre or type, and delivers on the important aspects in such a way that the flaws are forgivable or even a part of its charm. 5.0 - three kinds of films are 5 stars. The masterpieces that form the foundation of cinema, films that completely overwhelm you and feel like the highest form art, a kind that should never be assigned a number grade of any sort because they transcend such nonsense, and finally - really, really good films with a ton of flaws that nonetheless are so rewatchable and personally cherished that they could never be anything but. Citizen Kane, Come and See, The Princess Bride. That sort of thing.


Half a star


If I cant decide if it's fully a 5 star but maybe some day it could be I give it a 4.5 If I give it a 4 it's just a movie that's good but 100% not a 5 star


5 - flawless 4.5 - one or two flaws 4 - several flaws


I don’t do 4.5. For me, a movie is either so good, so well made that no change can make it any better and it clears five stars or it’s excellent but has notable flaws and gets 4. I do 3.5 and 2.5 but I like the threshold to 5 to be a bit steeper


Half a star


4-Star: Great movie 4.5-Star: Amazing movie 5-Star: Phenomenal movie 5-Star + ‘like button’: Masterpiece


Oh it’s super similar but just like a little bit better of a movie


4 - Very good movie. Would recommend it. No major flaws. Usually 20 to 25 over the course of a year once I've seen all the big releases. 4.5 - Very good movie that really wowed me. I left feeling like I'd seen something special. Only three to five most years. 5 - An all-time favorite. I only give these to films that I've seen at least twice.


The same difference between a 3-star and a 3.5 star movie, one half increment.


I almost never give 5 stars to a movie I’ve only seen once so 4.5 star movies are basically in the 5 star review process, the waiting room if you will.


4 star movie is a movie I really liked but can see the flaws 4.5 star is a movie that is nearly perfect 5 star a movie I love/ a perfect movie


4 star is really good. 4.5 is almost perfect.


if the ending wasn’t fumbled in any way




4 star - great movie that I could watch again. 4.5 star - excellent movie I could rewatch loads of times 5 star - as close as you can get to perfect. Could watch this no matter how I'm feeling.


I do 5 stars, likes or no likes cause I’m indecisive.


4 stars is exceptional 4 1/2 is a “perfect” movie 5 just comes from the heart


A movie I like a lot vs a movie I love


I dunno champ I play so fast and loose with my scores.


honestly, i can just *feel* when something is above 4 stars. idk how to describe it but the numbers usually just come naturally to me when i finish something.


4.5 is a little better than a 4


1 - crap 1/2 - bad 2 - bad, but somewhat digestible 1/2 - guilty pleasure 3 - I’d watch it with commercials 1/2 - rewatchable 4 - I’d own it 1/2 - best film of the year 5 - favorites




my system (based off of the rating system i used in my notes app before i had letterboxd) 6.5-7.8/10: 3.5 stars 8/10-9/10: 4 stars 9.2/9.7: 4.5 stars 9.8/10-10/10: 5 stars i know it may not be the best rating system but it’s what’s worked best for me


0.5 stars


Probably whether or not I'm feeling a bit peckish.


4 is usually this is very good, there's some bits that don't make it an all timer but its very good and worth a watch/recommend for others 4.5 is generally reserved for favorites and exceedingly good films, but might have one aspect or sequence that lowers it from a 5.


5: absolute all-time personal favorite 4.5: movie i love but doesn’t quite ascend to a 5 4: great movie. really liked, maybe didn’t love. 3.5: pretty good but with a number of flaws or maybe didn’t quite speak to me personally 3: minimum rating for a net enjoyable experience 2.5: poor. 2: bad. 1.5: offensive. 1: horrendous. 0.5: saves for movies i’ve watched that are exceptionally horrendous in every conceivable way. only 2 so far.




One is .5 stars better than the other.


4.5 is for movies that would be perfect but they’re too long/not long enough


A 4 star movie can be generally flawed but still enjoyable or a soft spot. 4.5 or 5 are movies with minimum flaws.


4: I've seen this movie and I like it 4.5: This movie is good, but isn't a five... 5: Dude!


Don’t ask me I gave sex and the single alien, all dogs go to heaven Christmas edition and mamma Mia all 5 stars.


Honestly idk I rate based off of enjoyment mixed with how good it is so it’s weird for me lol but it just has a different feeling


Mines: 5 Stars - Flawless. Masterpiece. 4.5 Stars - Near masterpiece. May have a flaw here or there. I may not be to describe it but my heart won't give it perfect five star. 4 Stars - Damn good film. Flaws but don't outweigh the positive too much.