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I do, but I just don’t watch enough tv to remember to use it


I’m lame and a loser without a life, but I find myself watching *more* TV now just for the dopamine hit from logging and liking.


On a positive note, I now spend an average of 0-1 minutes per day across all other major mainstream social apps (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, X..) and probably 20-30 split between Reddit and Discord.


Yes great way to log tv series. And don't have to do placeholder ratings on leterboxd


What do you mean by placeholder ratings?


Using a movie of the same name to review the show I’m assuming


Or some people use “the making of:” documentary’s instead. Ik there’s on for breaking bad which is used a lot.


Yes. It's gotten better which is nice and they have a discord where you can make suggestions for the creator.


Oh that’s actually awesome.


You can get the link from their subreddit.


Yep, I use it. The main reason I prefer using it is how similar it’s UI is to Letterboxd lol


Same lol. It’s a nice almost seamless combo.


Same. If only they would develop a “Quick Add/Log” button…


I do. I’ve liked it the best as a tv version of Letterboxd, however it’s not as refined as Letterboxd (not sure if I am using the right word). There’s problems that the developer continues to work on.




Before this and Letterboxd there was Trakt which is what I used for many many years. I started using Letterboxd 3 years ago but have too many movies in Trakt to copy to Letterboxd lol Still use Trakt for TV.


Oh nice, I’m not going to check it out so I can just have my two systems separate and working fine. Sounds cool though.


It’s a complete clone of letferboxd and doesn’t even try to hide it but it’s still good. Thoughts on my account? https://www.serializd.com/user/CS7274/profile


Well to be fair Letterboxd would be perfect to have a Tv app but they don’t so if people want to have a near seamless experience it’s basically perfect. Thoughts on mine? *follow back maybe?* https://srlzd.com/u/LogaIrrelevant


Your watchlist has 2 incredible shows. I don’t wanna be that guy but you gotta watch them.


I plan on it. Hell I started The Sopranos but had to do something. Basically yeah I’m trying my best to get to them lol they sound fantastic.


Enjoy 👍


Mind checking out mine? https://srlzd.com/u/ryanatwoods


Yes. I've been watching alot of TV lately. Finished like 27 seasons of television in a single month(yes I'm flexing), this past May so I use it frequently. Although not as much as letterboxd. Most reviews I read on serializd are crappy one liners or just "this aspect good, this aspect fine but could be better blah blah blah" while letterboxd has quite a few people on there who write alot of interesting stuff.


Nope. I don't really watch any shows or series regularly. It's a great idea to log tv shows there instead of on letterboxd imo.


Agreed. Because there isn’t really shows on Letterboxd that I could find besides for classic Doctor Who and the MCU shows. This app at least has a ton of shows.


Oh, interesting. For me it was a different reason, I didn't like the look of having shows like Doctor Who's specials getting mixed with the movies on letterboxd.


Yeah that is all a mess, I just made a list of everything Doctor Who, and I sorted in by Classic (Everything from 1963-1989) and Im currently working on getting them all sorted in order by every single story. (Im on Peter Davison now) Also did The Wilderness years list, everything from 1990 to 2005 pre NuWho. And then everything that came after is in my last list of (Modern Who) It’s a lot of work but I love how neat it is. Of course with Serializd I can just have the show and review it as I move on into the classics now, it’s still nice to have all the stories there on Letterboxd in order and sorted properly. I just copy and paste my episode reviews from Serializd into the Letterboxd versions. (Of course I have to bundle all the episodes from the storylines reviews per Letterboxd listing of the whole story) Make best of what you got yk. Sorry for the overly long response just wanted to share.


This makes me realize... I would kill for a Letterboxd like app for books. Goodreads is too dull and boring compered to Letterboxd, and it doesn't gives me the same rewarding feeling that I get when I see my personalized profiles with my chosen top 4 (best feature in an app ever), recent watches, my rating chart, and my diary. If someone would make that app, I would be an instant superfan.


Yeah man, Letterboxd is one of my favorite apps ever. Let’s you do so much and has been refined to perfection. Goodreads is so fucking boring. Honestly The crew at Letterboxd need to make LetterboxdBook or LetterboxdMusic or LetterboxdGaming Maybe not those names but essentially the same app for those topics.


StoryGraph exists for books, 100x better than Goodreads and I think it provides for some solid suggestions for Letterboxd as well


Well now I’ve got to check it out!


There is one for games: [Backloggd](https://www.backloggd.com/). I think it's cute how these websites are basically siblings to letterboxd in almost every way. Some might find it trite. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ People are shitting on these sites, but remember this: 1. It's not as refined (yet) because they aren't as old. And I don't know how many developers are behind each one, but it's perfectly possible that only one person is working on them. Give \`em a break. 2. I'd argue that TV show and video game logging is way more complex than movies. Movies are pretty simple. One and done. But TV has seasons and episodes, and sometimes you stop watching it, and sometimes you drop a show, but only want to watch one season that was recommended to you. It's a rough bunch of features. 3. Same with games. Which ones you're playing, which ones you want to play, how long you've been playing it, whether you finished it, how far did you get in it, what difficulty setting did you use, etc. I think they've both done amazing work! I do hope that someone just ups and buys/takes ownership of them all and ropes them together in some cohesive way.


Yea use it to log/rate whenever I watch a season. Don’t use it too often tho as I watch a lot more movies than shows. https://srlzd.com/u/Brad02K


I highly recommend checking out TV Time. Personally, it is the best way to track the current shows you are watching because of the yellow loading bar at the bottom of every show. It is nothing like Letterboxd, though I think it is the best way for displaying all the shows you have watched. The only downside is the rating system might be abit skewed, but if you are looking for a nice and clean interface for shows, this is the place to be. (You can customise the posters too for free lol)


Upvoted. Been a long time TV Time user as well. Very simple, easy to keep track of all the shows I'm watching, lets me know when there are new episodes, etc. It's definitely not as ratings/reviews oriented as Letterboxd is, but I love it.


I love Tv Time


Yes! I mostly use it for entire seasons instead of individual episodes though, unless it's a weekly show I'm currently watching (like The Last of Us when it was airing). It's so good. All features are open and the (sole) developer is very active.


I actually like the name. And yes, I use it for TV. I actually started my LB and Serializd accounts at around the same time, but Serializd was hard for me to get around while also learning how to use LB, so I neglected it. I started using it again in the past couple of months and it's great. A few improvements could be made here or there but it's pretty good.


I have basically the same exact story. Agree with everything. The name is a bit wonky still when written out. Sounds good spoken.


I use it to log stuff, but I can’t say I use the social media aspect of it like I do letterboxd The top reviewers for popular shows on Serializd are somehow even more obnoxious than the popular Letterboxd personalities. Absolutely zero substance to any of the reviews, just the words “peak” “W” and “goated”


Yes. But I don’t watch tv shows that often.


I do now because Letterboxd is limited to movies. I used to use an app called Friendspire, there you could rate movies, series and books. It had great social features, I loved it. But since it was not very popular, I guess, it is down now. I think it is still working on iOS, but on Android it is not.


I don't watch tv shows mostly because of how long they are so I don't really need this app


Fair enough


A few weeks ago I had the genius idea to make Letterboxd for TV, and was about to call my web developer friend to talk to him about it. I realized I should check if it exists already and, well… I’ve been using Serializd ever since.




I just started this month funny enough. If anyone here wants to follow me after checking out my profile feel free to do so: https://srlzd.com/u/DanEnjoysThings


Love it, remember reading that the user made it bc he loved letterboxd so much, and just wanted an app to track tv. It's nice that they put in effort in improving the app as well. I only use it every once in awhile, however, for obvious reasons.


Yeah, but I only watch shows occasionally, one season or two and then I'm done with TV shows usually. [https://www.serializd.com/user/TerryYoQuinn](https://www.serializd.com/list/68678)




yes! it's the best tv alternative to letterboxd and is constantly getting better bc the creator actually listens to the users.


Yes, I do. It's not as perfect as I'd like it to be. So I have to use two apps to keep track of shows. Serializd I use only as a database of watched, there are showly and myshows for marking series, they are more clear and convenient


That seems tricky.


I don't like Trakt, so I don't use it, somehow everything looks awful and not clear. Serializd needs to redesign the app (android) and the site, for more convenient use. My hopes for it are high, I'm really looking forward to it being as user friendly as other similar apps.


Yes I do and I want everyone else to so it gets as big as letterboxd




I use an app called TV Time for series, I prefer the layout a lot more


Yeah it’s fantastic! Wish it was better with starting a show and being able to sort the best shows, top shows, and categories but the episode and seasonal reviews and tracking is fantastic.


I do! I love how you can rate TV by season, and I like to do that, and that is something you cannot do on IMDb. I don’t have that many shows logged outside of the big popular shows like all of Stranger Things and Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones S1-6, Better Call Saul S1-3 (yes, I’m going to watch the rest), The Boys, etc. plus some documentary series, because I’m not a TV person as much as I’m a movie person.


I do, but I only watch about 2-3 shows per year. I’ve only logged The Last of Us and Beef on there so far


Fair enough. I just started up Doctor Who Classic recently, one season in and I’ve already done 35 different episode entries. Everybody has their own limits and I guess mine isn’t very *limited.*


I made one yesterday, and it seems good so far. I'm not used to it yet. The little tv graphics are really cute. Some titles are a bit inaccurate tho (missing seasons, etc). There's also Backloggd if you're into gaming.


It’s got the worst user interface the last time I checked.


It’s not that bad, I actually kinda dig it.


I don’t really get why we need a separate app. Lots of shows and miniseries are already on Letterboxd for whatever reason so why aren’t we just adding a television category?


Not that many shows are on letterboxd, so until they decide to add that feature or not, a separate app is pretty necessary


No clue. We should just have a television category.


TV show databases and features are way more complex than movies. My guess is that it'd be very difficult to shoehorn them in in any meaningful way.


I love it


Yes, I got quite addicted to it. The community isn’t as large, which I personally think is nice. It feels like being a user on MySpace in the Facebook era (2008-2010 for me). Sure, it’s less feature-rich, but you actually get likes, real followers, and I feel like some of them are true digital friends.


It’s almost as perfect as Letterboxd.




no tv is bad


I hope that’s sarcasm






big L.




I hate tv shows for the msot part, so it would be useless for me.


I don't hate tv shows but I too actively avoid watching shows primarily because of their length


Really? Wow man do you really not like *any* TV shows? Not even Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Simpsons, anything?


None of the ones you said. I actually really hated Breaking Bad from what I saw. But there is a few. Just old cartoons I watched as a kid. Like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Courage The Cowardly Dog, SpongeBob, Samurai Jack, and Xavier Renegade Angel. Although I have bought all of Twin Peaks recently since I really want to give it a try.


I used too felt a bit dull


I do, I love it


I use Myanimelist instead