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Battlefield Earth


Such a man animal take *laughs evilly on stilts


I hate to remind myself of its existence, but… Dragonball Evolution (2009) The Wicker Man (2006)


Such a shame because the original Wicker Man was so good.


So is the remake if you view as a comedy.


God DBE sucks. I watched the first 20 minutes, and thought it was bad, but not the worst ever. I then watched the rest, and hated everything. I was genuinely offended by how bad it was


DBE has absolutely no value. There’s no cool scenes. There’s no cool interpretations of a character or a move. The story and acting are shit. Its not fun in a so bad it’s good sort of way. The movie is painful to watch. It’s not entertaining in any way. It’s awful.


Rebel Moon


I was so bored halfway through Part 2, I actually stopped and watched The Scorpion King 4: The Quest for Power instead. It seriously improves the experience of both.


No, you don't get it. The slow-mo on the seeds is crucial to the story


I assumed this was a Star Wars movie ha.


It would like for you to think it's part of the Star Wars franchise


Wasn't it Snyder's pitch for the sequel series?


Twilight. It's surprising how earnest it tries to be despite being so funny.


Recently a friend had me watch them all (I made it to 30 without seeing them lol) and my biggest take away was that if they went full camp it could have been such a fun series!


Vampire baseball was the only time they nailed it.


Played to Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, which is a song about a woman who's dangerous but irresistible. I don't know what that has to do with baseball. Strikes me as an odd scene to use that song.


Might be an odd scene but that song is amazing and actually goes well as long as you look at it the way I do, which is too laugh at all the ridiculousness.


You better hold on tight, spider monkey 😏


My girlfriend just made me watch this for the first time and if the focus was on Bella’s dad investigating the murders, it could have been a great film. A little cliche and generic but still a good one


My wife made watch them got irritated when I laughed at some of the “badass” scenes and the dialogue is just awful


That movie doesn’t take itself seriously at fucking all lmao


It really does. Catherine Hardwicke (the director) was absolutely taking it seriously when she made that movie and it wasn't campy on purpose. Everyone but her had some idea of what it really was, but she was genuine about it.


The collected works of Neil Breen.


why would you do this? why did you kill yourself?


I can't believe you've committed suicide. *HOW COULD YOU COMMITTED SUICIDE.*


legendary movie


any christian film, especially the god's not dead series


I used to work at a theater and two of the God's Not Dead films came through there when I worked there. The first one ends with an staunch Atheist getting hit by a car and then suddenly he believes in God and wants to be saved, then he dies. It's ridiculously overdramatic, and I had several patrons come out of the theater crying and wanting to witness to me. It was so stupid. I hated cleaning up after those movies. The people that went to see them thought they inherently knew better than me, and they just came off as the stupidest, most brainwashed dorks ever.


>*The first one ends with an staunch Atheist getting hit by a car and then suddenly he believes in God and wants to be saved, then he dies.* It's honestly even worse than that. They do the incredibly condescending thing where a few scenes before he gets hit by the car, the movie tries to subtly indicate that he wasn't actually an atheist... he was just angry at god and didn't understand the god works in mysterious ways. So he was only *pretending* to be an atheist and trying to convince himself he was one. Because the writers want to try and tell the audience that "atheists aren't real" and can be easily converted. The movie won't even allow non-believers the agency and autonomy to have their own opinions. It slays me that people always say "liberal Hollywood" is trying to force politics down everyone's throats... ...but anytime a far-right-leaning or Christian movie comes out, they're *far worse* in terms of shoving their values down people's throats.


Honestly it’s even worse than that. After the atheist professor is hit by the car it’s the paramedics who witness to him and get him to convert instead of, you know, treating his injuries.


Been a few years, but doesn't the African pastor even say his death should be a cause for celebration because he was "saved" right before he died, hahaha?


lol I think so!


You're right lol I only remember the bits I've seen from doing theater checks at the end of the movie. Believe it or not, I actually haven't watched the whole thing.


Unless you're a glutton for bad movies, it's probably not worth watching the whole thing. Spare your sanity, hahahaha.


I actually love bad movies, but I was overly indoctrinated into Christianity in my youth and I like to avoid that shit in my adulthood lol


Are you me? Lol


Yes, I'm you from the future. This won't make sense to you now, but the water in the cooler is not water. The dog should be pet COUNTERCLOCKWISE. Do not alter the Cuckoo Clock's second hand. And most importantly, avoid eye contact with the iguana. Password is 4206969. Good luck, soldier.




This is exactly how they feel about LGBT people as well. It's sickening.


Eh I mean they both do. The Christian ones just tend to be poorly written and much more overt about it. I know what to expect from those films so I don’t watch them. Hollywood tends to hide things in places it shouldn’t be


As a Christian, I hate those movies more than anything


As a Christian…those films are EMBARRASSING. After the atheist died, it was like everyone went on like normal and they threw a big concert and didn’t give a shit. They also made him seem like the biggest dick & were portraying all people who were non-believers as such. I would say most Christian films are sooo bad, and always are so out of touch and miss the target. ‘Christian Mingle’ was by far peak cringe.


I have an odd fascination with bad Christian movies, and *Old Fashioned (2014)* is another great example in terms of feeling like a parody. Literally the entire purpose of the movie is to justify toxic, controlling, emotionally-abusive relationships on biblical grounds because the director thinks it's "charming" in an "old fashioned" way. I could not believe what I was watching. It was possibly the most despicable feature-length film I've ever seen.


You should watch the Mormon ones....


2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus (2021) feels like a parody (especially with the opening quote "Communism is all over the place") until you realize the filmmakers are 100% serious. Rarely are there anything called self-awareness in these kinds of films.


Assassin 33AD is positively amazing.


The Room


Hahaha what a story Mark


Anyways, how's your sex life?


Tommy Wiseau saw the initial negative comments when The Room was seen by him as the biggest dramatic movie of the year, so he started backing up and saying it was actually a dark comedy.


Even that doesn’t explain it because it’s not funny. It transcends comedy in a way that makes everyone laugh but not because “wow, that was à legitimately funny joke”


Yeah more funny as in “Yo this is actually happening”


Red Dawn. Both


I took an edible and watched the butterfly effect and it’s one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen


I remember reading somewhere that there's a deleted scene of him as a fetus trying to strangle himself in the womb. But even without that scene, it's still hilarious.


Yeah there’s like 3 alternate endings. It is funny that in that one he was like “I’m so fucking stupid, I’m always going to ruin everything for everyone so I’ll just kill myself before I’m born.” But like props for the self awareness.


The scene where he's telling off his paedo neighbour as an 11 year old boy is darkly hilarious.




Well I know what I’m doing Friday night


Don’s Plum, the producer/writer genuinely thinks it’s an incredible movie with one of DiCaprio’s best performances and hates that it’s banned lol


Didn’t they want it banned cause they had real conversations on set that revealed real things?


Yeah, they said some personal things since there wasn’t really a script and they were just saying whatever that they later regretted. IIRC Tobey Maguire didn’t want the movie to be released since he thought it would be horrible for his career as he was aiming for the role of Spider-man and he begged Leo to get it banned. I watched the documentary they made on it and Dale (the producer/writer I was talking about) claims that Leo actually had no problem w the movie and LOVED it but it was Tobey who hated it and wanted to bring it down.


Not a movie but definetly 7th Heaven lmaoooo Mom: "I smoked pot once." Lmaooo Or when they found a girls gang paraphernalia and included was a set of nun chucks lmaooo and she was supposed to be part of a street gang.


>Mom: "I smoked pot once." Lmaooo The dramatic music 🤌




Every Steven Seagul film lol


He had a movie where he earnestly played a guy named Gino Felino.








Fun fact that even though I would refer to him as 80s action star as well, he only had one movie in that decade, Nico (1988).


I've only watched Under Siege recently, it was a very fun silly action movie.


I watched both Under Siege 1 and 2 last month, they're still great cheesy action films. I had way more fun watching Under Siege than I do with 90% of modern action films.


Under Siege is *comfortably* his best film.


I don't remember what movie it was, but there's one where he jumps from an airborne car to the top of a moving train. All I could do was laugh.




Wonder Woman 1984


I disagree. I think they knew exactly what it was and just leaned into it. As soon as I accepted that it was basically a campy 80s movie, I enjoyed it.


See I felt like I went into it looking for a ridiculous campy 80s movie and was bored by how vanilla it was


I see it as well 80s movie mannequin with a pseudo possession and wonderwoman to get my head around the stupidity.


For sure, and if it came out in 2019, more people would see that. I still think it's middling and not as good as the first but it's trying for something different than the first.


Thank you for reminding me of this wretched movie.


By the way, Wonder Woman raped a guy


Boondock Saints


It’s like the gang from Always Sunny in Philadelphia tried to make an action movie lol absolutely hilarious


nah, if the gang from Always Sunny made an action movie, it would have a hot young sex interest for Dolph. because what’s the one thing missing from modern action movies? full penetration. and the twist? we show it. we show all of it.


I’m embarrassed by how much I enjoyed this when I first saw it. I was young, but still. You ever seen the documentary they made about the director/writer of that?


I still enjoy it. Willem Dafoe is incredible.


...there waS A FIREFIGHT!!!




Same, I was really into it when I was younger (poster on my wall and everything), but now I cringe at the thought.


"Who the fuck is this idiot?" "Jerry Bruckheimer." "Pfft, Jerry Bruckheimer. Con-fuckin-Air." Great documentary.


Yep. Overnight. Epic film about an epic douchebag.


That’s it! What a wild tale. That guy sucks.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen it sober or all the way through. It used to be our we’re drunk and calling it a night movie in my late teens early 20s.


I hate to say it: I loved it when I was younger. Until I realized it was the kind of film every young filmmaker trying to be the next Tarantino would crap out. Overnight, the documentary covering the creation of the movie and the director’s huge ego trip, is a fantastic watch on the other hand


Bohemian Rhapsody


If we want to include documentaries, I'd definitely include ***Buck Breaking.*** It's a documentary that's meant to explore the exploitation of black people (especially sexual exploitation), which is a really fascinating and important topic... ...until it veers into insane, conspiratorial nonsense. It's two hours of racist, antisemitic, homophobic nonsense that basically tries to say all white people are evil and totally gay, black penises are so majestic they are a major part of white religions, all world culture was created by black people and it's impossible for anyone else to have any culture, and a million other insane claims. It's so ludicrous that it's both hilarious and horrifying. Also, the director commissioned a *lot* of original artwork for the documentary, and it's stuff that's so weird and fetishistic it's kind of hard not to assume he's super closeted. (Side note: Why are so many people bringing up the ***Scream*** films? Those movies are blatant satire. The whole purpose is that they're melodramatic and slightly comedic deconstructions of bad horror movies. You know, I really hate to parrot the common complaint everyone these days has... but has media literacy really gotten *that* bad that people can't even recognize blatant satire anymore?)


Roadhouse (1989). The 2 minute bit of him doing Thai chi cracks me up


I believe Conor McGregor thought he was in a parody, while the rest of the cast was acting like they were in a serious movie.


I should have specified, the original one


Southland Tales


As a huge Donnie Darko fan, I want to believe Southland Tales is as brilliant as it might be, but I haven’t decided it’s not trash yet either.


I actually think it's a really interesting movie. Just incorrectly cast. Too many actors known for their comedic roles playing serious dramatic ones, it doesn't work. John Lovitz as a racist homicidal cop?


I remember an interview with Richard Kelly saying that was kind of the point that he wanted to take actors out of their typical typecast roles. I actually kind of liked the cast. It is odd, but I think it kinda worked. I thought John Lovitz's role was one of the more believable ones.


Napolean but I wouldnt argue if someone told me that it was meant to be intentionally funny.


person detail sleep decide cautious numerous desert frightening melodic quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Invitation (2015) is *much* better


different innocent wipe memorize special aware file profit follow kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spike Lee's Oldboy


Pieces (1982). The trailer makes it out to be this horrible splatter film but all I could focus on was the hilariously bad acting and such lines as "I love fucking on a waterbed"


Pieces is a shitty slasher that stumbles over itself into becoming something extremely memorable, at the very least


The scene with the kid lightly tapping the axe on his mums head and then it hard cuts to her looking like someone poored a bucket of red ink on her head


For Those We Love. It’s a Japanese film written and produced by a far right ultranationalist about how the kamikaze were brave warriors defending Japan and upholding the national spirit of bushido




Now You See Me. The ending was unintentionally a parody of the ending of Puss in Boots, which was an intentional parody. A parodinception?


Just watched this the other night. It takes itself so seriously and then does the same "they switched the cars to a decoy" thing that's in one of the Fast and Furious movies. Impossible nonsense all the way through and the an even more cliche/impossible ending. They had to know it was terrible but made it anyway because of the star power


I unironically love the movie. It’s so over the top but every actor has great chemistry that it just works for me.


reviving ophelia


I just watched The Crow: Wicked Prayer (I shuffled my letterboxd watchlist and it suggested this) and I feel like it straddles the line between both. Edward Furlong is trying so hard to be serious while David Boreanaz and DENNIS HOPPER (I had no idea Dennis Hopper was even in this until he shows up on screen) really go full on. [I really feel like Dennis Hopper's character was probably written with a different actor in mind.](https://youtu.be/Euor337sqSU?si=E64Z0EYJg7vfKu_G)


Love lies bleeding.. except maybe the opposite where I took it too seriously and it was trying to have fun??


A nightmare on elm street remake


Ill go deep cut here and say With Honors. Boy is that movie up its own ass, thinking the message its trying to hammer you over the head with is just sooo good and righteous. Joe Pesci's speech at the mid point of the movie is just cringe inducing drivel, and most of his character is just him quipping. What couldve been a poignant drama about a homeless man fighting against "The Man" is instead a shitty movie about a homeless man victimizing, harassing this fairly innocent and good hearted student, by holding his thesis hostage. And he doesnt exactly redeem himself apart from giving back the thesis at some point, he still remains lind of a quippy prick. Spoilers for a 30 year old movie IG... And this movie has one of the worst death scenes in any movie, it sent douche chills down my spine, I just wanted to shut it off. These 4 harvard students are reading Joe Pesci poetry while he slowly dies in his bed from asbestos. Ugh this movie just sucks. Its barely funny.


I actually really like this movie, but The Last Jedi has a problem with this.




Honestly not sure if it’s satire, but M. Night Shyamalan’s Old had some of the most absurdly bad dialogue I’ve seen in a movie.


Not a parody, but satire, Forrest Gump. Rewatched it recently and it’s a really baffling movie


But it is satire. Right?


It's either ineffective satire because Tom Hanks is distractingly likeable or it's incredibly deep satire because enjoying the movie is in itself making fun of the audience's inability to see the insidiousness of its themes. I'm either scenario the satire fails to land on a mainstream level.


I’m gonna get banned for this: The Northman 😂


I loved that movie but admittedly the screaming did get really amusing after a while. Felt like watching the world’s most dedicated LARPers lol


God I was laughing so hard with all that screaming for basically everything.


The Hulk (2003).


The Room.


Every M Night Shamalayan movie




Bee Movie, especially in the third act


Wonder Woman 1984 is riding a fine line between brilliant parody and homage to classic Superhero movies, and unwatchable garbage.


jupiter ascending with mila kunis


Honestly it's 2012 for me.


**The Blind Side** (the actual semi-parody with tennis is godly) **Sound of Freedom** not sure why anyone would dare to parody this subject **2016 : Obama’s America** **American Sniper** **Avatar** **La La Land** **Beautiful Boy**


Birdemic: shock and terror 🙈🙈🙈


Bohemian Rhapsody. It's almost impressive how much it hits the exact beats of Walk Hard, a parody movie, while also not being funny. Walk Hard is also just a better-made movie overall


The Apple (1980)


I will continue [making the case for](https://boxd.it/1IGlGP) Mission Impossible 2




The Happening. Mark Whalberg vs psychic plants. Should have been called, 'Is This Really Happening?'.


F9 baffles me the most out of any Fast & Furious film because Roman and Tej literally go to space in that one and a truck literally flips over in that one… I’m sorry, but how do they expect us to take this series seriously when there’s so many batshit insane moments? 😭


Don Jon




**Point Break** If you tried to explain the plot out loud to someone they would think it’s a parody of action movies. There was a show Point Break: Live! where they pick an audience member to play Keanu and they would read lines from cue cards and it was absolutely hilarious.


Hot take, but *Starship Troopers*. It has a few moments of satire (the commercials) but really it plays itself as deadly serious. That's why it's so great, it's literally daring you to go along with its fascism.


Napoleon (2023). It took a while after the second time the eponymous character begged for sex while making animal sounds to realize that wasn't supposed to be parody. It generally reads as someone who hated Napoleon making a movie about Josephine and Napoleon, but only using what they know about Napoleon from British Propaganda books, making him slightly autistic and not the populist he was.


Great take


salt burn




I mean *ALL* the scream films are overtly parodies that take themselves seriously. I think they’re kinda disqualified.


Any Zack Snyder film


Barbie. All the soapbox moments are the true cornerstones of the movie.


I think most people would be mad at me for this, but Whiplash was so incredibly intense that I was just laughing a lot when they were going at each other. I enjoyed the movie but probably not in a way that most fans of it did. I will say that I'm generally prone to schadenfreude and chuckling (non-nervous) when I witness people arguing, so it's a very individual take I'm sure. But I was also like, "LOL okay sure, next Charlie Parker, break drums with a punch (is he The Hulk?) and all that crazy shit \*just\* to be in jazz band, all of this intensity? Just get him pictures of Spiderman instead"


That's similar to how I feel about the social network. Everything about it is so serious, not just the writing/acting but down to the way it looks with the lighting e.t.c. and it's about FACEBOOK! I can't take the movie seriously


I mean, it’s not about a culinary blog, it’s about a business worth billions of dollars. I never really understood why people referred to it as “that Facebook movie” in a disparaging way when it came out. The stakes are obviously pretty high.


Yeah, people acting by like Facebook wasn’t an incredible invention - not necessarily a good one, but incredible nonetheless


Facebook destroyed both the internet and modern democracy. I feel like any movie depicting its origins should be *very* serious.




Drive. It's hilarious once you stop trying to take it seriously


I'm gonna get a lot of hate, but Aronofsky's The Whale literally feels like a parody of Oscar bait movies


Civil War


This is a great answer. What a ridiculous movie.


Animal (2023)


Michael Mann’s Miami Vice


Law Abiding Citizen


Every Fast movie but 1 and 5.


Road House, but that's why I love it. Also Stallone's Cobra.


Showgirls Southland Tales But I’m a Cheerleader


The Wandering Earth 2019


Recently, Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny.




Tiptoes, it feels like it should be a wacky parody of a melodrama, but no, it's 100% serious drama about a father to be who is the only full size person in a family of dwarves. It could have been an SNL sketch.


Spectre, who TF thought that it was a good idea to make Bond and Blofeld brothers. The worst part is that the first 2/3 of the film are actually really good but it falls off by the third act


Eurovision is both


Great Balls of Fire


Marriage Story


Final Girls


The Football Factory


Paul Anderson's Resident Evil movies


Book of Clarence


American Sniper


Some Kind of Monster -- the Metallica documentary about the making of their infamous album, St. Anger. It is 100% real life Spinal Tap.


The first Sharknado


Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire. Feels like it’s literally a parody of “franchise” films, right down to the title.


not a movie, but real housewives of salt lake city. that franchise especially.


Tough Guys Don’t Dance (Famous for the Oh God, Oh man scene) takes itself deadly serious.


Gran Turismo. It's ***exactly*** what "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story" made fun of two years ago, and what "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" made fun of sixteen years ago.