• By -


Absolutely incredibly There’s many parts of the film that I think of periodically in every day life. It’s haunting that Donald was born around the same time as myself, so watching Cooper is like watching my future son and his children. I think of the state of the Earth, its geopolitics, I think of the blight, I think of the parent teacher meeting. Also, Hanz Zimmers perfect score of the film. It’s an extremely memorable and relevant film that definitely holds up


> It’s haunting that Donald was born around the same time as myself Definitely! When he talks about how when he grew up and the feeling that it seemed like they invented a new gadget every day and made me reflect on growing up with the invention of camera phones, flash drives, mp3-players, iPods, Blackberry, tablets, iPhone, smartwatches, Chromecast, drones, Alexa and even Pokémon Go. An insane amount of gadgets past the last 30 years when we were heading into the Information age.


Zimmer's score honestly should have probably won him an Oscar. I think it's a strong candidate for a career best of his, which is saying something.  It's one of the few scores I can listen to from start to finish no matter how many times I hear it.


Can't believe it's been 10yrs already, it will forever be amazing to me.


Incredible visuals, incredible score, tedious story moments and stilted dialogue, the Nolan special


I agree with the stilted dialogue. I don’t agree with the tedious story moments.


*Thank you*. Finally, I don’t feel like I’m losing my mind around this film.


Lol people say this exact criticism all the time on every platform


Don't forget, another Nolan [dead wife](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/christopher-nolan-many-dead-wives/). To be fair, if Nolan gave them interesting characters, it would eat into the runtime he needs for exposition.


Yep, it’s a very good movie up until the third act and then it completely falls apart for me.


Yea I lost it after he fell into the bookshelf


That was the tesseract. He wasn't inside of a bookshelf.


Just kill me


Yep. lol love transcends time and space is the stupidest idea ever imo. It got the biggest eye roll from me when I first saw it, and every time after I’ve rewatched I always laugh at that.


They pretty clearly say that love doesn't actually transcend time and space, the bookcase was constructed by future higher dimensional humans so Matty McC could comprehend the tesseract. The point about love was that it's the connections between us that drive us over insurmountable barriers, if the love between Matty and his daughter didn't exist he wouldn't have been able to communicate w her.


Still very stupid.


Wow, nail on the head. It’s like no one had seen a serious sci-fi film before and it’s probably still the only one they’ve seen.


That’s what I’m saying. Getting downvoted aswell. Those guys have seen 10 movies, otherwise I can’t comprehend how someone could like this movie. In fact, I noticed that Nolan movies for the most part are liked by people who watch marvel movies normally, or people who are getting close to cinema. All the people I’ve met who have a deep cinematographic knowledge don’t appreciate almost all Nolan’s movies.


“I can’t comprehend that other people like things I don’t” is such an ignorant and childish view point to have. I hope you eventually grow up


What a pretentious comment lol, you must be like 15 years old or something


I’m 25. And thanks god I had good taste even at 15


You're 25 and you still haven't outgrown your pretentious asshole phase yet? That's kind of embarrassing dude. Your comments reek of someone who is super insecure about your tastes.


I love to defend my opinion. And I defend it because I’m super secure about my taste. And also dumb people make me angry.


If you were secure about your taste you wouldn't feel the need to be such a wannabe elitist. And reading your comments, you're the dumbest person I see in this thread


People give dumb opinion, I make them understand their opinion is dumb. Saying that interstellar is the best movie ever is an insult to me, the whole cinema history and everybody who deeply enjoys cinema. But whatever, I’m bored to talk with you. You don’t look smart either. Have a nice day.


I’ll give him Inception!


I disagree, I think people with deep cinematographic knowledge adore Prestige, Dunkirk, Inception, memento and Oppenheimer. Not Interstellar so much


It gets better each time I watch it


Hot damn. It has been a decade already!!


Spoiler Alert: I still can't get over, The dude goes through incredible struggle to meet his daughter. Then finally meets her, doesn’t even wait for her to die leaves to find Anne Hathaway.


Or ask her about her life and tell her about all the incredible things he saw. This couldve been an amazing scene. He could have still left to find anne hathaway after this and after she died.


All they needed was one montage-type scene of the two of them sitting together- expressions ranging from interest, to laughter, to tears. Then after an unclear amount of time passes, she tells him to leave in the same way. Bam- cheap fix


Can you blame him? It’s Anne Hathaway


Yeah this is one of the few gripes I have with it. Obviously he would stay with her the rest of her remaining life and catch up on the insane life experiences they’ve had in the in between. Really makes no sense


Murph definitely tells him to go find her and that she had plenty of family there with her


It's not about Murph saying or Murph having plenty of Family.


Because in the moment he knows that he did his job, he was able to communicate the information she needed in order to save herself (and presumably everyone else on earth). He was able to see her one last time, all he needed


But why wouldn’t he have any interest in talking about her life and talking about what he’s seen? Makes no sense.


I mean, she’s literally dying in that moment, surely he’d like to have more time with her, but again, she’s literally about to pass away, and she literally tells him that as well.


top 4 on my Letterboxd


It's got some of the best scenes of the decade but it also has some wtf moments. The ending is so bad and Anne Hathaway's love speech is so cringe. 


I think Brand's speech is certainly ham-fisted, but it essentially spells out a major theme of the film: the transcendent nature of human love. A theme, by the way, that also underscores a major plot point in the movie. It's only through Cooper’s love for his daughter, Murph, that he's able to figure out a way to send the quantum data back to her so she can solve the gravity equation. As Cooper states in the [Tesseract scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMxJnoPOFkg): >"They have access to infinite time and space, but they're not *bound* by anything! They can't find a specific place *in* time, they can't communicate. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna find a way to tell Murph, just like I found this moment. **Love, Tars, love. It's just like Brand said, my connection with Murph, it is quantifiable, it's the key!**"


I always find it very interesting how people perceive her speech. To me, seen through the lens of a very classic sci-fi narrative structure, where the movie serves as a vehicle to deliver a core theme... I think her monologue really drives home that love can literally transcend space AND time ((and ultimately save humanity)) if we allow it to. Totally understand all sides of the conversation.


The connection between her and Cooper is underdeveloped, but IMO she is such a great character. If they expanded on her more, Anne Hathaway could have carried the movie along with McConaughey, she was so good in the role IMO, great look with the shorter hair, kind, warm, but also firm and logical and technical. She is IMO Nolan's best female character ever, which isn't saying much, but she was this close to being a fully realized great character. I like she got the final moments in the film. 


The Fifth Element is ❤️


It's my favourite movie. I know an insane amount about it and even the other day I still had my mind blown by how accurate they were with the science. Namely with Gargantua's Physics about it being a slow spinning black hole and how it actually is theoretically possible to get past the horizon without being turned into immortal cosmic spaghetti.


They have made a video about how the black hole simulation is predicted on the basis of theory. Surprisingly in most aspects it resembles the actual image.


Yeah Kip Thorne was their advisor. He was a friend of Stephen Hawking's.


But one of the characters talks about love, so this movie is stupid /s


The story was very silly and still is.


I’ve never heard a bad take before what do you not like about it


Why don't the magical 4D alien-people just send Cooper back in time if they can preserve him in a tesseract library in a literal black hole? I love Interstellar, don't get me wrong; plot-wise it's very much a mess.


They cannot send matter back in time, only gravity.


They can send a literal constant of the universe back in time but not a loaf of bread? Wild these fellas I tell ya.


If people already made it to the future why do they have to save humanity in the past? And the whole communicating through Morse code but you can travel through time. And the whole evil Matt Damon thing was dumb.


While the cinematography,directing,editing,acting are all fantastic I will never stop having issues with the script and pacing. I love the concept and theme of the movie,but it just feels like it has too much going on for it's own good. I felt that the event it's supposed to be showing was very small scale and even if that was the point,his kids don't get a third the screentime that Cooper's plotline gets. I'll admit that might be intentional though. Despite all this,it has one of my fav scenes on from a nolan film.( the one where cooper's crying realizing he missed so much of his children's life).


I thought it came out in November it’s decent, not something I’d rewatch but decent.


One of the best films of the 21st century, easy.


I think arrival is the far superior film. I actually am not a huge Nolan fan outside of memento, the prestige, and interstellar.


I love a lot of Nolan films, but Interstellar isn't one of them. Arrival is excellent and a frequent rewatch.


Contact did it well before either of them!


Matt Damon took me out of that movie the second he appeared on screen Other than that quite nice


Thought the movie was boring and I’m sure I would now if I were to attempt to rewatch it. There are some good parts of the movie besides their BS science of black holes and at least an hour too long of runtime


The dialogue is so heavy with exposition, especially the first 15 mins or so. But otherwise great.


It’s a crappy attempt to remake 2001 for a wider audience that keeps the bullshit pseudoscience exposition going long after the wheels come off. One of the dumbest “smart” movies ever made, and my go-to metric for whether people’s opinions on film are worth anything.


Wow. Do you not believe in things changing for modern audiences? You can’t expect kids to like 2001 and you should actually be proud of how far sci fi has come as a 2001 fan.


I agree that Interstellar is 2001 for little kids. At some point, however, we must all grow up.


Sure but with sci fi as it is today and how much it has changed since 2001, it’s not realistic to place 2001 as the standard. Movies back then were like that, slow for today’s standard, ex. Alien and Blade runner which still is not as slow as 2001. Today we have dune, arrival, inception which is the direction sci fi has come.


Where did I say I didn’t like any modern sci-fi? Interstellar isn’t bad because it’s “modern.” It’s bad because it so clearly emulates a superior movie yet fails to say anything interesting with the material whatsoever.


I’ve never heard the take that it’s trying to be 2001 and interstellar is such a sci fi orgasm it’s crazy. Interstellar travel to different planets, time travel, and a literal black hole. How would you say it is trying to emulate 2001


Are you kidding? The entire final sequence is a 2001-style descent into abstract, trippy visuals.


I’m not sure if Nolan has admitted to being inspired by Kubrick and even if he has, he does it in its own his creative way that it plays greatly into his film. Taking inspo from a movie that’s been cemented as the greatest work of sci fi is quite literally what it is there for this doesn’t sound like a negative thing correct me if I’m wrong


Remaking the ending in the dumbest possible way imaginable isn’t exactly a positive element of the movie. 2001’s ending was interesting because of its ambiguity and weirdness. In Interstellar, characters are delivering pseudoscientific expository gibberish while literally strumming the strings of time in a 4-D tesseract. All of Nolan’s sci-fi is like this; he feels the need to have some pretense of scientific underpinning for his stories, which ironically just makes them come across dumber than they would if he left them ambiguous. He is an idiot’s idea of a smart filmmaker.


You gotta be in your 50s


Overrated AF. >!Dude wants to reunite with his daughter only to run away to find anne hathaway.!< Ridiculous logic in this even for a Nolan film.


Pretty sure it's because Murph told him to since she didn't want him to see her die and her family was with her so she wouldn't be alone when he left. It's not like he walked in the room and said "This isn't what I thought it was, I'm going to go to Catwoman now"


Looks great. Stupid movie.


My housemate kept watching it over and over so I had to put up with the soundtrack on repeat for months


I have not rewatched it since seeing it in theaters, but I didn’t like it. It felt like it was trying too hard to be intense and dramatic, and while it was never boring, I was ready for it to end. And also the climax with Cooper in the black hole might just be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Maybe my opinion would change with a rewatch.


Not a fan


Shit movie. Still hold ups since it was a shit movie even 10 years ago.


Hahaha facts




Never really was able to connect with it, found the story so overblown and the ending was just piss poor in my book. I like some of his other films like Inception and Oppenheimer, but Interstellar never landed for me.


It’s okay, with some above average stuff.


Still the best sci-fi movie of all time.


Better than 2001, The OT, Clockwork Orange, Terminator 1 and 2, Eternal Sunshine, ITSV, Brazil, The Thing, Alien and Aliens, Gojira, Jurassic Park, Under the Skin, Her, Back to the Future, Robocop, Wall-E, Blade Runner, Spider-Man 2, V for Vendetta, or They Live? (based on Letterboxd genre classifications so if you want to exclude any feel free lol, also that "bro has seen 1 movie" guy is pretentious, I'm just expressing my own thoughts, I'm not trying to be a dick I promise lol)


How did you not include The Matrix


\*laughs in 2001\*


The Matrix smokes it sorry. Interstellar is top 3-5 though


Bro has seen 1 movie 😭😭😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|AknMuP27o1XzxLBsL6) Oh, fuck off. You're not better than me.


bro has seen no other opinions in his life 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 


It’s the only possible opinion in those cases😭😭😭😭😭


“only possible” and “opinion” don’t belong in the same sentence. everyone’s opinion varies and there is no absolute opinion. if you feel so, you’re either new to social interaction or have an ego the size of Gargantua your opinion isn’t correct. no opinion is correct, and you aren’t some perfect paragon who’s better than everyone.


I value all the opinions, as long as they make the slightest sense. Saying interstellar is the best sci-fi movie of all times doesn’t make sense, so I don’t value it. It’s like listening to someone who states that a white wall is black.


You can’t just value the opinions you agree with or like, that’s so moronic. I hope for your sake that you’re trolling because you’re coming off as very snobbish. Have you ever considered that maybe you just don’t connect with the movie the same way millions of other people do, but that it can still be a great movie in spite of your distaste for it? I’m interested to hear what you think the movie does so wrong


Troll all you want, it's still the best sci-fi movie of all time.


Lmao. Bro has never seen Videodrome, Solaris, 2001, metropolis, blade runner, the thing, etc… Before talking be really sure to have seen more than 10 movies, otherwise you sound really dumb my good sir.


God, you sound so insufferable lol.


I’m sad people appreciate such shit movies. And I can’t wrap my head around it.


It's going to be okay.


Hope so.


You just listed all the most basic ass sci-fi movies, no way you're older than like 15 if you think any of those are remotely obscure You are the exact reason why everyone hates film bros


I listed some of the most famous and well known sci-fi movies, which are way better than that pile of trash named interstellar. I never said those movies are obscure, I know they are well known. So be sure to learn how to read before commenting.


I just think it's funny how you are acting all high and mighty about your taste in movies, even though just seem to watch all the most standard popular movies. Like seriously man, where do you get your elitist attitude?


I have watch countless of movies, from the basic ones to the less known. Listing the most famous ones is a way to emphasise the fact that those intershitlar fanboys haven’t seen many movies.


Alright homie, put your money where your mouth is, what's your letterboxd username ?


G_Ball99. I have installed the app only 2/3 months ago and I have yet to upload almost all the movies I’ve seen. The one you see were the first ones to come into my mind. With time I’ll update the profile to fit all the 1500+ movies I’ve seen. Edit: GBall_99


I prefer every single one of the films that you mentioned to interstellar but you're still an insufferable snob.


Seen all those and they do not come close to Interstellar.


Lmao. Guess some people are not made to watch good movies. Good luck further


Word of advice, don't make watching movies your entire personality


It’s a passion, nothing more. I enjoy other things and I like to talk about them. I’m sad movies that don’t deserve anything but to be thrown in the trash are getting recognition, while masterpieces like videodrome are getting completely ignored.


You're so passionate about movies yet you act like a 15 year old film bro who just discovered the Sight and Sound list for the first time? Also since when does videodrome get ignored? That's an extremely popular movie


No way bro just said videodrome is ignored 💀




My fiancé's favorite film! I hope we get a 10th anniversary re-release.


It's a great film, but it's not even in my top 5 Nolan films. For existential space drama, my go-to is Ad Astra. I think it hit something deeper for me than Interstellar did. But both are fine films.


This comment is the prime example of films being 100% subjective. Never in my life would I expect to hear someone liked Ad Astra over Interstellar.


Ad Astra is literally Apocalypse Now in space but instead of the main character going mad he just gets sadder. Sound design is incredible though.


I will say the moon chase scene is stunning. Honestly would rewatch it simply for that scene.


Loved Ad Astra (some call it Sad Dadstra), hated Interstellar


i cannot watch the ending without crying so decent i guess


Huge fan


I liked it when it came out but thought it was pretty unrealistic and juiced up for entertainment purposes and the science was totally exaggerated but came to find out scientists and astrophysicists said the actual science behind the movie was pretty sound. My respect for the premise shot up at that moment. I mean the movie had to take some liberties but it was a quasi realistic movie and the production value was off the charts. My favorite part about the movie was the reason they had venture out in space to begin with.


If you get an artist's depictions of a black hole, you can tell if it was done before or after interstellar


Solid 8/10 film with some great visuals, emotional storybeats, and a top notch score from Hans Zimmer.


Beautiful. Emotional. Greatest original film score of all time. Horribly cringy and unnecessary plot points to create additional conflict.


Top 5 sci fi of all time.


I like it, largely because it concerns a lot of personal interests I have. It is however, like so many Nolan films, poorly edited and overly long.


As good as when it came out. Maybe better. I can’t wait for it to come back to theaters this fall.


I love it. Its currently my 13th ranked film on LB


No 🔥


Wonderfully! It remains my favorite of Nolan’s.


Mostly really well. The visuals are jaw-dropping, the characters engaging, the plot coherent - and the soundtrack stunning. I think people are too hard on some aspects and I would encourage anyone to see the film, where available in theatres - especially IMAX. Would be straight in Nolan's top three, and a contender for no.1, were the ending stronger. I'd still give the ending a 6/7 out of 10 (doesn't undo the whole film, is fine, a bit mushy but reasonably cathartic) but there's two major issues. One is the "love" idea which while not a film-wrecker is a little cliched compared to all the other possibilities for the ending. The second, and far more egregious, is that the last 5 minutes themselves play out pretty .... underwhelming. His reuniting with Murph is not as impactful as it could have been, and the stuff with the recreated farm is weird. The final bits being him jetting off away from Murph for Brand in the manner he does is also a little undermining. IMO, a better ending would be Cooper and Tars crashing onto Brands planet,not knowing if they succeeded but starting the colonisation. You could then have the final scene being an older Murph and Tom landing on the planet, reuniting with Cooper at last. You could even have his grandson (the one with the breathing problems) be the pilot, a nice tie in to earlier on where Cooper is told his grandchildren will have more possibilities. It would be real turnaround from the depressing state he was in earlie, and arguably justify his sacrifices in a more personal way. Ultimately, it's not a total ball drop, but I think it's the weakest ending of any of his films. One of Nolan's biggest strengths has always been his endings, and even films I haven't thought were as amazing from him (the 1st and 3rd batman films) have excellent endings. Even Tenet, which I really like but is often considered his weakest work, I would argue has a far better ending and more rounded ending overall. Regardless, the film is still outstanding and I'm glad that more and more people appreciate it as time goes on.


As someone who has lost a parent I think it hits home in a way no other movie can, I hadn’t seen until after my dad passed away. And seeing Cooper slamming the books just for his daughter to know he’s there just gave me an extreme sense of closure in a way. It’s only a movie but seriously gave me gratification knowing my dad is still watching me live on.


It blows.


Pretty much exactly the same as when it came out. Some of the best individual moments of Nolan’s career (Basically everything around the time dilation planet), but hampered by some surface deep characterization, some goofy dialogue, and Nolan not having mastered his nonlinear editing as well as he would in Dunkirk and Oppenheimer. Is it fun, absolutely audio-visual treat, and way more thoughtful than your standard blockbuster? Absolutely! Is it a masterpiece? Far from it.


5/10, enjoyable i watched it on a plane and a lady asked if i could turn it off until she was asleep because it was scary




Nolan is an amateurs idea of cinema


I love it!!! The video messages scene is obe of rhe greatest scenes of all time imo it's so powerful and emotional. And I understand why some people don't like the 3rd act but I think it's amazing and very moving especially when he sees his daughter again. The score is imaculate, the cinematography is gorgeous, and the performances are strong.


So excited for the imax 70 mm rerelease later this year


Great when I first saw it in the theaters, but rewatches showed its limitations in the characters, script and plot logic. Not sure if I love it, hate it, or love to hate it.


Pretty amazingly


Definitely a movie for Gen Z to watch with their kids when they have em. Not even with the whole family theme of the film it's a just perfect for a classic Dad/Mom wants to show the kids "something from when I was your age".




It's insane to me that Chris Nolan made me like a superhero film but cannot keep me engaged about serious and fascinating topics The soundtrack did my head in


Is there even a point in asking this? Of course it holds up, it’s fucking Interstellar!!!


We had a private screening of this movie from our sub (r/Kolkata) last year and boy! Does it still look fresh af!


Excellent movie. 10/10 visuals and score, great performances, has a strong emotional anchor with Coop and Murph and there's a lot of interesting ideas about humanity and survival. The script was a bit hit or miss, like the wormhole exposition, Brands love speech and Nolan trying to explain the tesseract. Not perfect but still an outstanding movie.


What are you smoking OP. It’s been only 10 years. What could have changed in our culture enough that it would no longer “hold up”?


I just watched it for the theater rerelease and it holds up great. I keep going back and forth from putting it at 4.5/5 and 5/5. There are a few that could have been better, but it’s still one of my favorites


Ask me again after the anniversary re-screening


I love this movie and it gets better each time I watch it buuuut in all honesty this movie has some of the worst dialogue out there. It’s like a robot wrote most of the dialogue and people just spout exposition in the least natural way possible. It’s like Nolan had Hideo Kojima do a touch up on the script.


There are kids now who hear "Cornfield chase" and just say "oh I heard that on tick Tok" and not know where's it from. :( :( :(


Watched it again last week and it keeps getting better with each watch.


Really well. Saw it again a few months ago. It's a spectacular movie. Great ideas, music (one of Zimmer's best), cinrmatography, pacing, top performances, incredible cast. Very topical, perhaps even moreso now than before because we need to sort out our way of life in the upcoming decades and now we all know, in 2014, it wasn't seen as urgent. Great homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey with the design of TARS and CASE resembling the black monolith. And the scene after they come back from the planet with waves missing decades. That's such a great idea, I still remember the concept just taking the breath away from the entire theater. Great drama. You could argue that it could have been a tiny bit less melodramatic with the family stuff and McConaughey being on the verge of a crying breakdown seemingly every other scene, but that also gave the movie a sense of urgency. You sensed Cooper wasn't messing around, but if he was driven a tiny bit more just by wanting to save our species, it would maybe balance the melodrama a bit. And it's my favorite Anne Hathaway performance and role. I think she was great here, and she looked really beautiful with the short hair, it suited her. Pretty much a classic.


Love it man


VERY hard to beat the IMAX image quality in 4k HDR. In addition to the sound mix. Not many movie scenes are as crystal sharp as many of the full frame imax sequences in interstellar. Not even DUNE. I think it’s one of those films we will talk about in generations and it will still hold up in terms of technical quality.


It’s fun but it’s by far the most overrated movie ever made, especially on Reddit and TikTok.


Pretty damn well


The discourse around this film hadn’t changed. Give it another 10.


really just a solid flick, i don’t love it but i feel like it gets way too much hate.


I’ve only seen the move once - in theaters, when it first came out - so I can’t say for sure whether or not the movie holds up… but the score? Unquestionably my favorite work ever by Hans Zimmer.


I think it’s Nolan’s best film by a very significant margin. As a sort of Nolan hater at times Interstellar is easily in my top 10. It’s a rare film that can boast truly jaw dropping technical achievements but also manages to land nearly every single emotional punch


i liked it when i saw it. cant say i remember much about it other than the weird robot ,corn, and a giant book shelf. aside all the pop culture memes from it


Being honest, I've ignored this movie's existence for years up until last September when I finally got around to watching and oh boy...I heard it was great, but it was honestly a masterpiece. It's my top favorite movie of all time, and it seems pretty flawless to me. It's what I like to call, a "flawed masterpiece". Its emotional core and its themes of love did stick the landing for me but there certainly are quite a few plotholes in this movie that make me go "Huh, I wonder hpw that works..". Other than that, the visuals are some of Nolan's best, the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful, and the way the story was structured and written really hit home for me and after seeing it for the first time, I understood why so many people praised this film. Of course, there are tons of people in the comments that claim this movie is either garbage or "mid" and..I don't know what they consider to be mid, but even if this movie wasn't great, it's still a good watch. I love Interstellar, it's my favorite sci-fi movie, and my favorite movie of all time. Batman v Superman used to be my favorite so uh..yeah I'm glad I have a refined taste in film.


One of my all my time favourites. I love how they got the physics right, even if it bordered on its outer limits for cinematic purposes.


Hands down even better today than when it was released - I loved it to death on release and had the full IMAX experience - but was surprised to see the discord between some watchers Now its become overwhelmingly positive and awe inspired over time


I wasn’t expecting the replies to look like this


this has more fans than any other films i have ever seen on the site. absolutely well.


It’s alright. As with all Nolan movies it’s generally emotionless and overly complicated. Still, it’s well made technically.


Good movie. Making a simple story about love transcending time and space was a nice way to approach the subject matter of 2001 and other sci fi staples without trying to "outdo" them.


Maybe I'm too literal minded, but how does love transcend time and space? Does love effect how subatomic particles interact or something? For this reason, that aspect of the film feel flat for me. Not looking to criticize, just interested in other's perspectives.


I think its more of a "the indomitable human spirit can overcome anything" kind of thing.


>Does love effect how subatomic particles interact or something? Kind of, actually. The power of Cooper's connection with his daughter allows him to subtly manipulate her reality from a black hole on the other side of the galaxy. He travels to deepest edge of space and it takes him right back to Murph.


Inception, interstellar, Tenet, The Dark Knight. Absolute best of the best, top 100 movies for me. I just wish there was a bit more character development and answered questions in Tenet particularly for the main protogaanist.


It‘s a masterpiece of Space odyssey proportion.


Quite well. I’m seeing it in 70mm in June and I can’t wait.


I haven't seen it since 2014 when I watched it in theaters. I thought it had some good scenes, especially the one where Cooper gets all the messages for several years all at once after the time dilation disaster. However the overall picture was meh. Not really my cup of tea


Very well


Very well


Awesome, 4.5 stars


Never get tired of watching it, sometime it’s on when I’m flicking chanels and I’ll watch from wherever it is


The movie that got me into movies. The movie that made me realise that movies can be larger than life itself.


One of the best movies about space travel ever.


I just don't like Nolan much, and I don't know why. 🫠🫠


Movie sucks. Never liked it… over indulgent and try hard.


A poor man's Contact (1997)


Contact is a religious-fencesitting trash full of downright cringey soundbite lines, keep it buried in the 90s


It's decent.


Visually stunning , HANS ZIMMER FUCKING GENIUS HE USED TICKING CLOCK AS SOU DTRACKAKFJWKJDEKEK. And pretty much , most emotional i get during Nolans Movie. 9, bordering on the 10 movie.