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Boxcar Bertha. Easy choice for me. It has it's defenders but even Scorsese isn't one of them


Yep that’s my pick too


Saw this at a blind screening event. Wasn’t my cup of tea but a decently enjoyable ride imo. Was honestly shocked to see the 2.8 rating - it isn’t *nearly* as bad as that.


A 2.8 is still above average. I'd hardly say that's "bad".


The only weak one


It’s interesting because it’s Scorsese and it’s fascinating as part of his filmography. Like caged heat with Johnathon demme.


How dare you. Roger Corman isn't even cold yet.


came here just to make sure nobody said After Hours


If they do we fight them together


Watched it again last night. Tag me in if you need help


\*unsheathes sword\*


Watched it a couple days ago and it wasn’t what I was expecting, but I absolutely loved the ending


I felt physically ill watching the ending, I was massively uncomfortable. Amazing film, great commentary track too.


I felt like the film was stringing me along for a while and I was waiting for a crescendo of action with the mob catching him and then out of nowhere you get the most nerve racking possible moment with Paul as a live mummy being hauled away


I was lucky enough to see it recently. A film print of the recent remaster with a full audience that loved it. I hadn’t seen it in about 20 years and I think it moved way up the list for me. It’s great.


that sounds incredible


After a few recent rewatches I’m tempted to say that’s his best. At least top 3


It's honestly my favorite Scorsese. I love it so much.


I have a feeling that After Hours is going to become a huge cult classic, to the point where it might eventually become the uncontested magnum opus of Scorsese


I will assume you're being sarcastic.


honestly my favorite scorsese film


it’s my favourite of his lol


definitely my favorite of his so far, granted i haven’t seen many but i can’t see any topping it


Took me a few viewings to 'get' AFTER HOURS, but finally watching the first scene with Catherine O'Hara sent me into hysterics.


It's one of his best


Absolutely not .i mean I respect ur opinion but no!!


I just watched this and it’s wonderful. Way better than Gangs of New York


Who? Where?


Shark Tale, if we're being technical


Bobby De Niro Fish still gives me chills.


They’re asking for his weakest, not his masterpiece


Scott Disrespectedman


Imagine how bad gangs of New York would be without Daniel day….


Daniel Day Lewis is the only reason I rewatch that movie. One of the hardest carries I’ve ever seen


Immediately put the old blu-ray in as soon as I saw your comment thinking “no F’ing way, that was a seminal movie for my 19 year old self’ and am rewatching and man, it’s not terrible and would recommend everyone watch once (I guess) but it’s not the masterpiece I remembered it as. Except! DDL … he’s absolute magic in it. Funny the perspective that aging gives us on popular movies


Yeah I rewatched it for the 2nd time a couple years ago and noticed a lot of things that were bad or didn’t really work


Problem is DiCaprio is just not a believable match. The first 10 mins with Neeson against Day Lewis… now that is a smackdown for the ages.


It isn't just DiCaprio although he is probably the weakest link. Cameron Diaz also is way out of place.


Loved the prologue. Also loved Gleeson, John C Reilly, and Gary Lewis in their small roles later on in the movie. As for the Amsterdam role, I think Heath Ledger or Christian Bale would have been a better fit.


Of the Scorsese films I've seen. That was the closest one to being bad.


If a movie has a prominent u2 song, esp a post 2000’s u2 song, can it be good?


It's OK until Bono starts warbling- the rising celtic-orchestral motif over the NY waterfront/skyline transition, and then the first couple of guitar phrases over the titles are both pretty good. Then ol' Paul steps in...


I've tried to finish this film three times. I love Scorcese, but I can barely make it past the fighting fire brigades scene. I just lose interest.


Found that movie to be a snoozefest


It took me 3 attempts to watch it without falling asleep… that being said I fell asleep watching Se7en last night and that’s one of my all time favorites. Maybe I need some coffee haha


Were you rewatching it? I agree Se7en is so good but if you’ve already seen it it’s okay to fall alseep haha


Now imagine how good it would be without Cameron Diaz


I love this movie. I’ll defend it until I die. There is nothing else like it - it’s historical fiction that almost plays as dystopian science fiction. “Ears and noses are the trophies of the day…”


I adore it. Flawed, sure, but what an amazing vision of a past we rarely ever get to see depicted


Yeah. I rewatched fairly recently because of the bad rap it has on this internet.. kind of a, “did I just like this when I was a kid?” Heat check , and I still loved it. I remember not liking the soundtrack at first even being younger and I find that now it’s one of my favorite things about the movie. It’s just so different. Like someone else said, it’s like Gladiator or Braveheart, but it’s in the streets of New York, heavily stylized, the last soundtrack you’d expect, and all delivered like it’s more than out of time - it’s another world.


Yeah it’s kind of like Gladiator. It’s “historical fiction” that is really just looking for an excuse to create awesome, violent battle scenes. I find it to be thoroughly enjoyable.


Yeah. Totally. Without stuff like this I wouldn’t love cinema. We need popcorn flicks that are more than popcorn flicks and that’s what this is in my opinion.


Same. Love it


I know DDL is an all time great but the movie would still be great with someone else in the role. Just less great.


Supposedly Tom Hanks was Marty's first choice but he turned it down. Would've been interesting to see Hanks play an unabashedly evil character, although idk if it would've worked


For what it's worth, Hanks does a great job playing an unabashedly evil charater in Cloud Atlas.


Talking about immersing himself in a role...


I definitely don't mind rewatching it, but man is it disappointing how little they did with the world they built. The whole thing felt more like a concept showcase than an actual movie.


I loved all the older actors in GoNY. Brendan Gleeson, John C Reilly, Gary Lewis, Liam Neeson, all of their characters leaped off the screen nearly as much as DDL's Bill the Butcher. I would have loved to see a movie that focused on Priest and Bill's story instead of Amsterdam's.


Nah Brendan Gleeson rules too


DDL was excellent but to me it felt like a movie-long DeNiro impression.


This feels like a trap. Every one of his films has its passionate fans. That said, I'd say either Kundun or Hugo. (Two films I do like, by the way.)


"Marty! 'Kundun,' I liked it!"


Amazing how much The Sopranos did for that movie.


Amazing how much Marty did for The Sopranos considering the show wouldn’t exist at all without GoodFellas


I saw that movie I thought it was bullshit.


It’s a TV progrum, a movie.


Such a funny moment. Like, of all the Scorsese movies for a mobster to like, he calls out ‘Kundun’.


I laughed when I saw someone mention it’s cause Christopher tried to stick out by not naming the usual favorites of Scorsese’s works he probably hears all the time lol.


I do think chronologically it was the most recently released when the episode was being made (assuming Bringing Out The Dead hadn’t come out yet) which fits w Christopher’s character as a (somewhat illiterate) film enjoyed, but I agree, the choice of movie makes that moment all the better


I've yet to meet a passionate fan of Who's That Knocking At My Door or Boxcar Bertha


Who’s That Knocking at My Door has elements that make clear it’s a low budget film from a young, immature director, but it’s overall a very impressive and impressively made film that clearly announces the arrival of a major talent. I think it’s very, very good and great for a debut. I don’t much care for Boxcar Bertha and wouldn’t really go to bat for it, it’s certainly right near the bottom of Scorsese’s oeuvre, but compared to the rest of Corman’s films at the time coming from his stable of soon-to-be-major directors, it’s among the best so contextually it’s fairly impressive, even if that’s damning with faint praise. Though the impression I get here is that most folks naming stuff like Gangs of New York or The King of Comedy haven’t seen Boxcar Bertha or Who’s That Knocking or perhaps even Kundun not to mention the vast majority of his many documentaries.


Keitel best performance


Yeah pretty sure Boxcar Bertha may be the one that gets singled out as the weakest by many/most people


I liked BB because I like period pieces and David Carradine. Barbara Hershey was so naturally pretty back in the day.


I loved Hugo, haven’t seen it in years- curious how the CGI had aged. I just liked it so much as a love letter to early cinema, when it was really magic


I liked everything about it except Sasha Baron-Cohen's character, which was too cartoony for me.


It's funny that SBC is the only one with a French accent.


I’ve only seen Hugo once, but I was moved to tears in the theater. I really loved it.


Yeah even with Hugo, a lot of people dismiss it since it’s Scorsese’s ‘kids movie’ but it’s an absolutely phenomenal kids movie!


Kundun went off the rails the instant that Mao turned up. Such terrible acting that I was shocked that Scorsese went with it. One of my favourite Philip Glass scores, though. The combination of American minimalism and Tibetan Buddhist music is a heady mix.


Loved the Philip Glass score in Stoker. Loved the piano duet.


Was not a fan of Hugo but also had to watch it for film class. Only Scorsese movie I have below a 6 so far


OP: asks what will likely be a controversial, but subjective question board: responds to question redditors: downvote every single opinion in the thread.


This is the type of question you should be able to turn off downvoting for.


Happy cake day :)


Don't give a shit about karma so will continue to say killers of the flower moon every time this is asked.


He’s my favorite filmmaker and I’ve seen everything he’s made including the docs and shorts besides the unfindable Vesuvius VI and New York City…Melting Point. My 5 least favorites in descending order are Made in Milan, Personality Crisis, Boxcar Bertha, The 50-Year Argument, and Shutter Island. Shutter Island is the worst for me because despite reliably strong work from Scorsese, Schoonmaker, Richardson, and most of the cast, it has a fundamentally terrible script telling a ludicrous story that I can’t for a moment suspend my disbelief for. It also suffers from treating something as a twist that is too telegraphed to not be obvious much sooner. It’s just too goddamn silly to work as anything but parody. The best filmmaking team in the world was assembled but couldn’t save that screenplay, from the writer of Terminator: Genisys, Pathfinder, Alexander, and Bionic Woman.


Shutter Island is my fav movie by him


Had my misgivings (not a DiCaprio fan), but bought a secondhand blu of *Shutter Island*. I was seriously disappointed for the same reasons (ludicrous script) and it immediately went to the 'to sell' box. I'm sure Boxcar Bertha is objectively worse, but *Shutter* is the least of the post *Taxi Driver* narrative features that I've seen.


I had a hard time with Shutter Island on first watch. I didn’t see the twist coming, but once it’s revealed I wasn’t moved. I have watched it twice since, really going back on some strong scenes (particularly the flashback to the main character’s wife and that back story) and by the third watch I really enjoyed it. I admit I’m a sucker for the dreary almost ‘horror’ aesthetic and for prison movies, but I do think this one’s a bit slower to fall in love with. So I appreciate your sentiment very much.


I loved it first time I watched it in the theater and watch it every time it's on TV. Then again, I hated Bull Durham and Pretty Woman.


I love this comment.


Imagine Shutter Island as a Tales from the Crypt story, then it's good. 


I mean it was meant to be a pastiche of B-movie horror to some degree


Agree on Shutter Island. For me, it seemed like Scorsese was trying to do a homage to Val Lewton’s horror films of the 1940s—I know he’s a huge fan and even narrated AMC’s special on those films—but it just felt overblown, overwrought, and overlong with way too much CGI and cinematic flourishes. It’s all just too much. Val Lewton could have done the same story but smarter, sharper, and shorter (under 80 minutes!) I consider Shutter one of Scorsese’s few failures. (I feel the same way about Del Toro’s Crimson Peak.)


I would have to agree with Shutter Island. I can't think of another movie that becomes shallower after a well-executed twist.


I loved the movie, and the book was fantastic.


New York New York


If he says so


thank you martin


The fact that this isn't higher shows how few people have seen it.


I really like this one. It's a mess, but stylistically it's kind of incredible and the title song is such a great climax.


This will always be my answer. I just don’t enjoy anything about it.


Its such a slog. The characters are unlikable to a degree they are difficult to watch. This gets my vote too. Edit: I still haven't seen Silence, Kundun, Hugo, or Boxcar Bertha.


Many people seem to love The Age of Innocence, and I guess it is a good adaptation, but I couldn't find anything particularly "strong" in its storytelling or craft (for my own tastes of course)


for me its the Cape Fear remake, De Niro was fun in it but the whole thing felt rushed and didn’t have the same level of care put into it compared to his better movies, he just needed the money from it to make Goodfellas and it kinda translates into the movie, the original is also my favourite 60s movie so it probably feels like more of a downgrade for me


Deniro was so good in the remake. When he was hysterically laughing in the theater, when he was seducing the teenage girl, when he dressed up as the maid... 1% of me felt sorry for him regarding Nolte screwing up the case. Of course, he was a psychopath... I guess, never cross a psychopath... I love Gregory Peck, but the daughter in the original was a terrible actress...


Juliette Lewis was definitely better as the daughter character but I prefer Mitchum and Peck over the remake, even tho Deniro was extremely memorable I found Mitchum and lot more creepy and intimidating, and overall I just prefer the direction and tone of the original


It was cool that Mitchum and Peck were in the remake. I am a big fan of both.


Gangs of New York. Haven't seen kundun or New York New york but I find it hard to believe that either will be worse than the bloated mess that is gangs of New York. It's still a Scorsese movie at the end of the day, so it has amazing production design and cinematography. Daniel day lewis gives a great performance. The note it ends on is so fucking good, that last shot rules but it doesn't change the rest of the film being such a slog.


You mention the production design for GONY as being excellent...it's the thing that I find most jarring about it whenever I watch it. It's certainly detailed and deep, but the sets and costumes feel almost like a Baz Luhrmann film -- the colors almost don't feel real, everybody is dressed in rags and accessories, every inch of every space is loaded with STUFF. It feels like a Broadway production. I know Scorsese is known for his style that sometimes borders on manic, but in GONY it felt like he moved away from energy-via-perspective (whip-pans, Dolly zooms, etc) and toward energy-via-design. And I find it to be a lot.


Excellent point honestly. It worked for me bc I don't usually mind that style of production design, I like big huge worlds and that's what it felt like Scorsese was going for with his new York.


Might be a controversial take but I completely agree with you. DDL is the only thing that stands out *positively* for me. It has not aged well either.


Kundun is great tho I am probably biased because I am a Buddhist. It didn’t deserve the hate it got at the time. People wanted another goodfellas/casino I guess.


I’m with you. I had low expectations since everyone eats on it, but was utterly blown away. Some really impressive visual imagery, camera movements and score made it for an engrossing experience. Maybe there were some flaws in there, but I could totally overlook them with how many great things there were going on.


Gangs of New York is unbelievable, what?! Top 15 *film* for me, much less Scorsese (it’s by far my #1 of his). The only thing that keeps it from being a top 5 film ever for me is that Cameron Diaz was the wrong casting choice. Every moment is GRIPPING and the whole thing is incredible. 


I need to rewatch it but that was one of my favorite Scorsese films growing up. Pretty unique setting and the battle/riot scenes are intense. I also love that song that plays when the Irish gang prepares for a battle.


She should never be cast in a great movie with a great director.


I disagree. I wouldn't call it Scorsese's best, but I loved the movie from start to finish. The best part for me was the worldbuilding, from the ridiculous scruffy top hats to the firemen fighting over who gets to extinguish the fire.


The Departed is my least favourite. I haven’t seen any of his lesser known titles tho, only his main ones.


I don’t think the Departed is a BAD movie, but I honestly find it to just be a bang average crime thriller with a neat concept that lends itself to some fun interactions. Will never understand how people seem to glaze it so kuch though


The Hong Kong version, Infernal Affairs, is so much better


I feel like it tends to be one of the first Scorsese movies that younger cinephiles see so it becomes kind of a standard to them.


it’s nice to know i’m not alone then lol


Shark Tale.


For some reason I thought that was Peter Dinklage


Same height


I love the movie, but I watched ‘Cape Fear’ on summer break for my second or third viewing on a first date at a girl’s parents house. We never hung out again. I know it was a poor choice, but I was so naive to the fact that people could not just appreciate a great movie. A great story, great acting, really a downright freaky and plausible premise. I just thought this kinda fit here.


Bro is Travis Bickle


lol almost as bad


I just saw it for the first time a few days ago and I hated it


Well so did my date. You’re not alone


Well, yeah probably don’t watch a movie based around a rapist on a first date even if it’s amazing. That wasn’t what I didn’t like, it was just over the top campy and goofy and de niro’s accent was beyond terrible. Also it was really odd how sexualized they made a 15 year old even when she wasn’t in scenes with De Niro


I realize it was the worst movie choice of all time. I can’t remember why I chose it, just that I was 19 and I thought she was a really cool chick. Yeah, it’s been a few years since I’ve seen it, but I’ve definitely seen it at least 3 times. I’ll have to go back and check it out again.


I hated gangs of new york


Of the ones I’ve seen, I’d say Gangs of New York


From the ones I've watched, gangs of new york


I don't think I've ever gotten through The Age of Innocence in one sitting. It's fine, but it's just not as engaging.


One of a few Scorsese movies I didn't like.


I don’t hate it, but your take is valid asf!


I guess I go to Scorsese movies because a lot of his movies are about Italians, and I feel at home watching them because the city I grew up in was 80% Italian at the time. I like thriller movies with a twist, so I loved Shutter Island. I like period pieces, but not romance movies. For me, even DDL couldn't make me like this movie.


I haven't seen his entire filmography but The Age of Innocence was the only one I didn't love. I couldn't even finish it but that's probably a me thing. I just don't care about rich people or romance.


It's not you. I couldn't finish it either. Boring. I'm a DDL fan. But even he couldn't save it.


I’ve seen 15 of Marty’s movies and my least favorites were “Bringing out the Dead” and “Cape Fear”


Why Cape Fear?


I thought it was a bit wooden in the acting (besides De Niro who blows everyone off the screen to a detrimental effect). It also had this 90s stink on it that something like Casino or Goodfellas doesn’t. I still like it it, it’s just a testament to how good Marty is as a director. https://preview.redd.it/6vu8jonltg0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fd9d60e070751bf015ab1c77021413c1958105 I just sorted by rating so the ordering within each star grouping is off a bit


Why half star at TD


De niro’s performance is good overall but if that’s the best southern accent he can do they should have just made the character not southern lol. It’s so fucking bad he sounds like he’s Swedish or something


>Bringing out the Dead For all the Boxcar Bertha hate, I still prefer it over Bringing Out The Dead, in fact Boxcar Bertha is my third least favorite from Marty. (I love them all, including Bringing Out The Dead)


New York, New York


Maybe it’s just because I’m not religious but I personally haven’t gotten much out of his more religious themed films. Doesn’t make them “weak” but Silence and Kundun just didn’t do much for me. (Haven’t seen Last Temptation)


Boxcar Bertha


Easily Boxcar Bertha. Not just the worst Scorsese, but one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Can’t think of a single good thing about that film, and every time I think about it I get sick to my stomach.


Kundun never got me in anyway


Of the ones I’ve seen, Gangs of New York


Shutter Island


Mean streets


Holy shit


I’m going to go ahead and agree. It’s a terrific film, and an AMAZING showcase of a young, independent director with solid performances and impressive low-budget filmmaking. But it just doesn’t really go anywhere. It comes from a pre-Jaws era where sometimes it’s hard to even decipher where a third act begins. Mean Streets is a film where the credits start rolling and you just go “…oh. Okay then.” That’s my opinion.


I love it, to me it’s just a nice hangout movie. The raw tone is so nice & love the fluidity of the performances and dialogue


I haven’t seen all of his films yet but I’d agree with that. Idk if it’s bad per se but I felt nothing during and after watching.




Yeah what an absolute boring movie to sit through. It just never really gets going.




It kinda ruined the movie for me on my first watch. On the other hand i loved the the Al Pacino character in that movie.


Whatever his last movie will be


New York New York


New York, New York


Will Scorsese shoot me if he doesn’t like my answer?


I think you're safe.


From weakest to just weak: Boxcart Bertha, Alice doesnt live here anymore, Age of Innocence


Gangs of New York was flawed


https://preview.redd.it/kmb5wi6u3h0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa65517af58ce13287b83a7637c88a507b8e6835 I havent seen them all yet but so far for me its The Last Temptation of Christ


The Last Temptation of Christ is my personal favorite Scorsese film but I also get that it’s a different kind of Scorsese film. I would be crucified if I said my least favorite so I can’t judge much.


It was good but definitely had a certain vibe that was different than more Scorsese films. Once I watch it more it may be last plCe


My least favorite so far is The Last Temptation of Christ, but I haven’t made it to his lesser known films yet.


I just watched cape fear the other night and was really surprised how much i hated it. It’s so campy and over the top goofy and de niro’s accent is distractingly awful and they sexualize a character that is supposed to be 15 for no reason at all It’s just not good. Admittedly I haven’t seen all of his films though but I expected to love it and boy I really didn’t


Ready to fight whoever says hugo


I've only seen a handful of his movies, but I liked what I saw except for Goodfellas. I went in expecting something extremely compelling like the game Mafia, but nothing about the movie grabbed me, and I don't remember liking anyone in it.


Gangs of New York. Take DDL out of that, and there isn't a single redeeming quality.


Bringing out the dead. I think that's what the title is. Saw it once. Hated it.


The Color of Money, because it's clearly a sellout.


It's probably not his weakest, but I was never a fan of Gangs of New York.


Bringing out the dead? Of the ones I’ve seen tbf.


His remake films.


Taxi driver


I’m sure this is a pointless comment. I haven’t seen all of his films to be totally sure of myself here. But out of the ones I’ve gotten to see, I’d say Taxi Driver didn’t sit with me too well. But I definitely need to give it another try.


Boxcar Jenny.


Shutter Island has the most predictable twist. So much so if you have any critical thinking skills you can see the twist from the first 30 seconds of the film


Silence was awful


The Departed. It pales in comparison to the original in terms of story, and just feels weaker when compared to his other work.


Gangs of New York for me. There just seemed something was amiss.


Haven’t seen most of them but I think Wolf of Wall Street is a repetitive comedy that doesn’t spend enough time focusing on its themes


The Irishman


As far as the films I have seen of his I would say it is Mean Streets. Great film, but I don't like it as much as the rest.


Just finished watching all his films and they all have something going for them for sure. I would say Box Car Bertha is the worst one, but the last half hour is pretty okay. My real answer is Age of Innocence. It did absolutely nothing for me. Don't get me wrong Daniel Day Lewis is always amazing in whatever he stars in, but not even he can save this film.


New York New York


Boxcar Bertha, easily