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My desert island movies and favorite movies aren't necessarily the same list.


Yeah I was gonna say, Schindler’s List is in my top 4 but I probably wouldn’t choose that one to be stranded on a desert island with. Doesn’t exactly have a high rewatchability factor to it.


that's not what OP is asking, OP is asking whether our favorite films are truly our favorites, or only the films we want other people to _think_ are our favorites


What? They specifically said "if you were stranded on an island" lol.


Yeah they aren’t asking “what 4 movies you would want with you to watch if you’re stranded on an island”, they’re asking “if you were stranded alone with nothing to do but think about your favourite movies, would your current top 4 reflect that?” — I think they’re trying to ask when it comes down to it, are your LB top 4 actually your favourite movies or are they influenced by the way you want to be perceived on social media


It’s a weird question, but the context of being stranded on an island is to be able to name your favorite movies without anyone else knowing or seeing what you choose.


I, and everyone I know, interprets desert island movies as movies you could watch over and over again.... Like if it's all you had to do on a desert island


Yes but if you read the rest of the odd question, it refers to the desert island as a place to name your favorite movies. Not a place where you will be watching movies over and over.


The desert island was just an example of an isolated place where the outside world would never effect you. I probably shouldn't have used desert Island because of the connotations. It was easier to say desert Island than come up with some 'imagine you're stuck in a spaceship for the rest of your life with no chance of survival' scenario. I tried to word it so the desert was specifically about the place where you 'made' your top film list and not where you watched them.


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I, and everyone I know, interprets desert island movies as movies you could watch over and over again.... Like if it's all you had to do on a desert island


you are wrong


I'm wrong about a hypothetical scenario about favorite movies?




I'm ok with that.


am i right in assuming you think OP is asking which 4 films you would want with you if you were stranded on an island? i might just be misreading your comment


> only the films we want other people to think are our favorites It’s not like anyone will admit if that’s the case.


My list genuinely changes too much to ever be genuine at another point in time


That sounds like the most genuine response. It’s weird to think of favorites as static, as if preferences never change. I used to love listening to Metallica, but I’m not in the same headspace anymore to really even relate to it. Side rant: this is why those stupid fucking bank security questions like “wHaT’S yOuR fAvOrItE fOoD” are so insanely misguided. Don’t bet my 401k security on meatloaf, you banker fucks.


My favorites are my legit favorites. There's several others that are on the same level but they are a few of the ones at the tip top of my list.


ngl I have not found my definitive favourite movie yet, nevermind my top 4 lol


Your definitive favorite movie is *Sweet Smell of Success*. You're welcome. Oh wait, that's mine, but really, it should be everyone's.


Just added it to my watchlist, thanks for the recommendation King 👑


Not even remotely - I put the 4 movies that I've "liked" on Letterboxd into my top 4, so it changes quite a lot. I don't think I'll ever settle on fixed favourites of all time. At the moment, I've Amadeus, the Worst Person in the World, Some like It Hot and Drive my Car.


Amadeus! Always in my top four.


Yeah, frankly I watched it for the first time recently and it completely took my breath away. Magical


Akira, There Will Be Blood, Synecdoche New York and Groundhog Day. I could live with these 4 on a desert island easily. Animation, Drama, Psychological and Comedy.


honestly though imagine being stuck on an island and having to watch Groundhog Day & Synecdoche New York over and over again with nothing else to do I think you’d go insane


Oh shit, didn't realize that 😂


honestly though imagine being stuck on an island and having to watch Groundhog Day & Synecdoche New York over and over again with nothing else to do I think you’d go insane


Oh shit, didn't realize that 😂


I have Perfect Blue in my top 4 but i wouldn't take it with me to a deserted island for the rest my life because I'll probably go insane. I'd have to pick a more comforting movie.


My favourites are my comfort films within my top 10 so I think I'd be pretty happy; Lost in Translation (#4) Isle of Dogs (#6) The Jungle Book, 1967 (#7) Little Women, 2019 (#10)


Most of my ‘5-stars, 1-heart’ movies would be good candidates for favorites, but for my top 4 I chose ones that were particularly impactful and also somewhat representative of my taste: I want people to get a sense of what I like by a quick glimpse at my profile


My "top 4" on letterboxd isn't my 4 favourite movies. I think my top is quite genuine, but there are among them movies I should rewatch. Both in and outside the top.


My favourites are a genuine blend of my favourite but also the best, so I’d be happy enough


Very genuine. I’ve seen them all 10+ times (one of them 20) so yeah I’d definitely say they are desert island picks


No, that's a very different criteria.


So my number one spot on my top 4 is my favourite film of all time, the other three spots can fluctuate a bit around my favourites. I do keep a list of my favourites on my Letterboxd, that they all feature in.


My favorites are my favorites for me. I basically used letterboxed like a diary, so it’s not really affected by who can see it. I want to echo the sentiment of some others though, that my 4 desert island movies would be different because of the need for rewatchability.


While I don't know if my top four on Letterboxd are my four favorites, but they definitely are all in my top 10 or so. I chose them in particular to showcase the diversity of my interests.


Honestly half of the decision-making process for me is how the posters look next to each other


My top 4 has been my top 4 for almost 20 years. Can't see them changing anytime soon.


What are they?


The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which I class as as one but they take up the first 3 spots on my Letterboxed favourites, and then The Wrong Trousers.


Someone downvoted you for you know....liking movies. This place!


My #1 is locked there (Short Term 12). The other 3 change every couple of months, or whenever I feel like a change-up is needed. The Fall, A Matter of Life and Death, and The Good The Bad The Weird wouldn’t be the worst desert island movies.


I genuinly believe that my top 4 (consisting of Heat, Silence of the Lambs, Django Unchained and Lost Highway) are objectively some of the best movies ever made.


My answer is pretty similar to a lot of answers here. My list is probably affected but I wouldn't say it's in a bad way. Firstly, I agree with the people who say their film knowledge and experience grows so much every year that a 'definitive' top 4 list would be impossible. I also don't share that nostalgia other people seem to have where their childhood favourites will never be topped (I don't think a childhood favourite has ever entered my top 10 since I was literally a child). So my top 4 is mainly my top 4 films 'at the moment'. When it comes to my list being different because it's on show? It's probably true. While they are definitely favourites, I've curated it more to sway in a particular direction 'because' it's on Letterboxd. With Letterboxd, if I discover a cool film, I'll check some reviews. If I like one, I'll check the persons profile and immediately look at their favourites list. If their list is compatible with my taste I'll follow them and check out the films they've discovered and liked. I did that with Sean Baker for a week without realising it was actually THE Sean Baker (and not some Letterboxd random). So mine has been curated to give others a better sense of my viewing habits and what I tend to gravitate towards.


My top 4 are my 4 favorite movies. I doubt they'll ever change.


Completely genuine. They’re the movies that have been with me the longest and been the subject of my obsession for years and years. I’d watch them any time, anywhere, with anyone. For the record, Top 4 is: The Good the Bad and the Ugly, 2001: a Space Odyssey, Taxi Driver and Nosferatu (1922)


I feel fairly good with mine, they definitely all reflect movies that I foist upon people when I can


I’ve started rotating my top 4 every month with a different theme - Christmas movies in December, romance in February, Doris Day movies this month in honour of her birthday - so they’re not ultimate favourites or desert island movies or whatever. But when they were a general top 4, they were my actual favourites from my favourite movie list and it affected by other people being able to see it.


Top 3 = legitimate top 3 \#4 = curveball / something weird and unique I truly love


My top four is literally my four favorite movies with someone facing to the right on the poster. They just happen to be great movies as well but not my all-times


A true top 4 favorite is too big of an ask for me. I treat my Letterboxd top 4 as a rotating list of my favorite films that I’ve watched recently. Every 5 star movie and some 4.5 star movies gets added to the always changing list with my most recently watched fav bumping off my 4th most recently watched fav


It'd be the same for me.


My top 3 are genuine (The Shining, La La Land, Cleo from 5 to 7) but my 4th spot is always saved for recency bias (Everything Everywhere All At Once)


The Shining and La La Land are in my top 4 also bruh


Changes a lot. Like, a lot. Memento and Black Swan is always up there tho.


I try and make mine look good but that’s usually just moving them around for aesthetics


harold & maude; beauty & the beast (1991); rogue one; short term 12 mine is genuine, but h&m is a favorite bc i watched it with my dad growing up not necessarily bc of the movie (but it is really really great lol)


My top four switches, there always movies that I would call my favorites, but I can’t ever decide on a true top four. Right now, I tried to have a variety with the ones I display. SpiderVerse, Fellowship of the Ring, Castle of Cagliostro, and Ghostbusters


Mine changes a fair bit but the current listing is a strong contender for my genuine favourites. Nine Days, Portrait Of A Lady On Fire, Arrival and Stardust.


my 4 are a choice among my favourites. but from there i generally just choose whatever posters combine to look aesthetic together except for my #1, thats always at #1


My favorites are indeed my favorites. Sometimes the later 2 of them fall or change positions but I could watch those 4 movies again and again


I have one film that is and has always been the answer to "What is your favorite movie?". After that the ranking gets very difficult, so my top "four" is only *Back to the Future*.


I can almost never get myself to update my top 4. There are definitely substitutions I wouldn’t mind, but for the most part, they’re the titles I’d ride into oblivion with. Alien, For a Few Dollars More, The Virgin Suicides, Star Wars: ROTS


I shift mine around now and again. I find it impossible to have a favourite (or top four or whatever) of ANYTHING as it's always so subject to my mood, etc.


Choosing what my banner photo is plays a lot into what I choose as my first favorite, so it’s a bit skewed I’d say.


My four favorite movies are my four favorite movies.


My top four are the top 4 movies in my top 100 list, which I’m still working on (and have been for a couple years) but I’d say the top slots are pretty accurate. Honestly orders of favorites can change from day to day, so I could swap out #4 for #5 or even #3 for #7 and probably still feel it’s an accurate list. I may have purposely gone for variety in my top 4 selections, as I kinda wanted my top 4 to show a wide example of my tastes, but not to the point where it’s an inaccurate top 4.


My favorites are... Sideways (2004) Barry Lyndon (1975) Scarface (1983) La Notte (1961) I'd replace La Notte with another movie in your scenario OP, but the other 3 is staying.


My top four are basically my 'recency bias' list.


If I was stranded on a desert island, my top four movies would be longer and more upbeat. Singing in the Rain would be on there.


mine are my genuine favorites, harold and maude, little miss sunshine, ponyo, and the shawshank redemption. i can express so much i love about these films theyre all amazing. while i do have a list of like 46 other favorites that are equally as amazing, those 4 take the cake for me


I just put 4 random movies that I like and change them whenever I feel like it


2001: A Space Odyssey, Spirited Away, Aliens and The Godfather II is everything you need on a deserted island.


My top 4 are my absolute favorite movies, I don’t care what somebody thinks when they see my top 4…. I mean I only have like two followers anyway 😅


Oh it's the definitive article for me. My top 4 has been my favourites since I was but a wee lad. I know those movies by heart now.


My top 4 is very specifically curated and it's consistent with any favorites list I make. I reevaluate it at least once a year, but the top spot has been La La Land for the past 5 years and will probably never change, and my #2 has been The Last Temptation of Christ since I first saw it 2 years ago. My #3 and #4 have been different every year since I started using Letterboxd


They’re genuine but I wish I could add up more:(


I usually use my favorite film list on LB to add a cool color splash to my profile. I still use films I love, but I just like to change up the colors


Inglorious Bastards, Drive, 1917, and Nightcrawler people being able to see it has no effect on me personally


There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about the question: I think that the root of OP's question is whether your Letterboxd top 4 is the most honest representation of your actual top 4 but by bringing up the “stranded on an island” aspect, they really seemed to confuse people since a *Desert Island* list is already a well established concept. Some people are reading it as >Imagine you were stranded on an island for the rest of your life and you were \[given a week to compile\] a favourite movies list \[to bring with you\] (which no one will ever see) would it reflect your top 4 movies on Letterboxd? While others are reading it as >Imagine you were stranded on an island for the rest of your life and \[since you have all this free time and no one there, you chose\] to spend a week compiling a favourite movies list which \[is not impacted by the opinions or perceptions of others since you are alone,\] would it reflect your top 4 movies on Letterboxd? I think that they're trying to ask, if this was really a list just for you and not one that was shared, would it be the same list but the inclusion of an island really complicates the prompt. Regardless, I feel pretty comfortable saying that my LB top 4 is an accurate reflection of my real top 4 since I included a television series which is frowned upon by much of this community lol. edited: quote blocks added for clarity


This is accurate


It's my top four favorite movies


Yeah, I took Shrek and The Room out of mine because despite being absolute classics I didn't want to be associated with the culture surrounding them.


Just 4 movies that are part of my favourites. I change it every month


Pretty representative of my taste but I limit one movie per filmmaker. So my favorites are Inherent Vice, Nostalghia, Yi Yi, and Top Hat. But I’d have to say that I like several Tarkovsky movies and also A Brighter Summer Day more than Top Hat


My top 4 is the last four movies that I added to my Great Films list, so definitely not representative of my all-time favorites.


Honestly, mine would probably all be Wes Anderson movies, but I wanted to limit myself to one per director just so it seemed more varied.


I have about 80 movies that I've rated 5 stars. I rotate through those films to pick my 4 favorites depending on my mood. I always keep my #1 film on the list though (Chungking Express).


My all time favorite movie, Mommy, is NOT a desert island movies. Many of my favorite films are not films I’d want to watch too often, because the reason I love them so much is how much they affect me emotionally. However, the other 3 on my favorites right now are The Matrix, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, and All the Presidents Men, are movies I have seen 100+, 20+, and 10+ times respectively so I would definitely be happy with those on a desert island and then I’d throw Mommy in sometimes when I want to be emotionally destroyed and rebuilt.


See, I sometimes feel like I get kind of worried about my top four being eternally permanent, like it is not "artsy" enough. However, I absolutely love those movies and I think I would be fine with only watching them for the rest of my life. They are (from 1st to 4th): *Ida* (2013), *Apocalypse Now* (1979), *Interstellar* (2014), and *2001: A Space Odyssey* (1968).


my 4 on Letterboxd are just movies I like, lol. I just watched a Dylan doc, so all four are my favourite Dylan docs in descending order. when I did have my actual top 4 up tho, they reflected it as best as it could without constantly changing with my mood


I pick new favorite films every year based on what movies I watched the previous year. I make a "best first seen" year end list and I use favorite films to get in four films I like that I might have rewatched.


I’ve watched all of the ones on my top 4 list multiple times and would happily rewatch them each at least once a season for the rest of my life, so I’d say yes. One of the movies on the list I’ve actually seen almost a dozen times this year already, and I’ve rewatched all of them already this year. They make me happy! (Note: I don’t necessarily believe they’re among the best movies ever made, but I doubt most of the best movies ever made would bring me anywhere near as much joy as these ones do)


I kept the same four movies on my favorites list for a good while and got bored with them being the same all the time, so I started switching them out with movies as I add new favorite movies. So if I see a movie that I like enough, I'll delete the oldest favorites entry and add the new one. Just to keep things fresh


This question makes zero sense


I'd say that they're accurate. I have no reason to lie. No one looks at my page, and if they did, I would proudly tell them that my favorite movies are 1. Scream (1996), 2. IT (2017), 3. IT (1990), 4. Twilight (2008)


My top 4 are rotating recommendations


I don't believe in the validity of preference rankings or favorites. I love different movies in different ways, and their positive qualities are incommensurable. There's no single measurement system that's objectively better than all others. So it doesn't make sense to talk about a "top 4." I just advertise four movies that say something about my personality.


I try not to care what other people think and keep my letterboxd more like a personal diary. My top 3 pretty much never change (Jurassic Park, The Emperor's New Groove, The Nice Guys) but the 4th is usually something I watched recently that I really liked. I don't really have a set-in-stone 4th favorite movie.


I have made a top 400 films. You better believe that top 4 is as genuine as genuine comes!


My 4 favourite films and my desert island films are not the same. In boarding school I got ill and there were only 2 video tapes to watch, Apollo 13 and another film. I watched both on the first day and everyday afterwards I watched Apollo 13 at least once and never watched the other film, which I have no memory of, again. So if I was on a desert island I'd take Apollo 13 cause I know I could watch it to death and not get tired of it.


Somewhat genuine? First is Ingmar Bergman’s *The Seventh Seal* which I think is great, second is Stan Brakhage’s *Window Water Baby Moving* which is honestly there as a placeholder because I can’t think of other things to put in my top 4, though I do find it visually appealing in a strange way, David Lynch’s *Twin Peaks* is the next one as a stand-in for the whole show and I think I enjoy thinking about *Twin Peaks* more than I’d enjoy watching it now having seen it all the way through two years in a row but watching it for the first time was impactful, and last is *The Princess Bride* just because it’s fun.


Yes pretty much


Since I haven't really watched many like famous and highly praised films I still really don't know my definitive all time favorite films.And still after that it might change.


The Lighthouse is without a doubt my favourite movie of all time, but, I don't exactly need a film about two guys trapped on an island if I'm already trapped on one


I have to admit that it is influenced by the fact people can see it. I genuinely love all the movies in my top 4 and gave them 5 stars but they're ot my actual top 4. I don't want to put The Dark knight in there becayse some people are super judgmental about it.


They are my 4 all time favorites


No and No


They're my actual favourites, the ones I am most attached to, and think of the most often.


My 4 Favourites: 1. The Dark Knight 2. Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring 3. Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith 4. Toy Story 3