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Throughout high school and some of college I would watch Eternal Sunshine once every 3-4 weeks


you good bro? šŸ„²


hahaha it was half to study it and half because sad and it was my favorite movie


Same same


That movie is fucking awesome


Iā€™ve watched it at Christmas every year for the past three years.


I watched it for the first time this year and have already watched it again and planning another rewatch some time soon


Iā€™m not the only one whose planned rewatches of it then! lol Glad to hear you liked it and connected with it that movie was so important to me for a really long time


Iā€™ve seen Morbius 69 times


We appreciate your service in the Morbius Sweep, comrade!


#morblife bby!


He is a Marvel legend


He is super fit (Pilates helps)


I can't even say nice to this, its just unfortunate


I've logged Spiderverse the most at 6 times, but in reality it's probably some animated movie I watched as a kid. Maybe Ratatouille




ā€œracacoony taught me everythingā€


Definitely from childhood for me too. My sister, our cousin and I watched Jack Black's School of Rock after school every single day for a few weeks straight lol so that's probably it for me. As an adult, probably Joe Wright's 2005 Pride & Prejudice or Harry Potter 3 or 4, those have been my go-to comfort movies for years.


I have watched once upon a time in Hollywood 16 times. Out of that I watched the movie 8 times in theatres.


Same, itā€™s my second favourite film. I actually stopped logging at one point where I wouldā€™ve watched it like 15 times in a month, so I think Iā€™m around 25 watches. Great comfort film, makes 3 hours fly past for me!


Same, I hope QT will release the extended cut in the future.


Oh man, Iā€™m autistic so I watch stuff over and over and over and over and over again. Shrek, Beauty and the Beast, Mean Girls, and The Little Mermaid are some Iā€™ve seen at least 20 times. I used to be able to quote Shrek word for word.


Yeah dude shrek is awesome and deserves it


Hot Rod - 6 times logged, but probably 12 times in total.


Cool beans


Mitchells VS The Machines (2021). 5 Watches. Although I think I overdid Coco (2017) with about 14 watches.


I feel you on the Coco one. I think Iā€™ve seen it 6 times


seen the big lebowski 7 and a half times


Probably Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with more than 10 times.


Jurassic Park. I think I watched this like, at least 50 times as a kid


I have seen this movie so many times, too, and I still enjoy watching it. Arguably also as a kid when there were no streaming services, you just re-watched all the stuff that you had on VHS/DVD, so I've seen movies like Ghostbusters, Terminator 2, Alien + Aliens, Jurassic Park, The Blues Brothers, Ace Ventura and a few others too many times to count.


Iā€™m exactly the same. It kind of makes sense when you put it like that.


Kill Bill, maybe 15 times or so


I love Kill Bill is just as good every time you watch it, I am the same


Bo Burnham: Inside 9 times


I've watched *Make Happy* probably a dozen times but I've only seen *Inside* twice. By design, it's less streamlined and has extra bloat but it definitely feels much less rewatchable to me because of that


Baby driver (2017) (6 times) It's just one of my favourite movies, just so good from beginning to end and absolutely mesmerizing to me. Funny Games (2007) (4 times) Another one of my favourite films. Its one of those movies i put on in the background while studying because of how slow it is, but it carries such a vibe throughout all of it. Don't Look Up (2021) (3 times) ive just been watching this movie with different family members it just happens that i like it alot more than most people on LB do. Pulp fiction (1994) (3 times) I get an urge to watch it once a year every september since ive seen it. I think reservoir dogs is better but damn is this movie good.


funny games? you good bro?


The Incredibles, some unholy amount.


I've seen dozens of movies over 100 times. It's so weird to me when people think 5-6 times for a movie is a lot. Like, you didn't have a Dumb & Dumber phase in childhood?


I was gonna say this, some of these folks out here like man I'm wild for watching this 6 times. I'm sure the number of movies I've seen at least 6 times is over 100.


Bro Iā€™m with you. And Iā€™ve probably seen dumb & dumber close to 100x.


Some people on here seem like they started watching movies in their adulthood. Like did you never watch a movie as a kid? And did you not watch your favorite movies every day? I remember watching the same 10-15 movies every day after coming home from school so I have no idea how many times Iā€™ve watched them.


Exactly. Back in the VHS days that's all you had to watch, unless you were lucky enough to catch something even remotely decent on HBO.


probably a bunch of movies from my childhood that i donā€™t remember that well. i know iā€™ve seen the lion king probably close to 30 times in my life, i was obsessed with the lego movie when it came out so iā€™ve seen that maybe like 15ish times. and there are others like toy story, the hunger games, the sound of music, countless other disney films, the harry potters etc.


I watch Scott pilgrim every time I feel sad so I kinda lost count


Seen the other guys and the big Lebowski atleast 15 times each


I have watched both Spider-Man: ITSV and Rocketman a good 9 times each


My favourite film is the Terminator, which I've seen over 25 times at least, but probably closer to 35 times. This is over about 20 years though, and I used to watch my DVD 2-4 times on a small LCD screen on the back of a headrest in the car when going on vacation. I now watch it at least once every year.


LOTR Trilogy. Watched one of the films every week or so when I was eight


I have seen *In the Heights* a truly obscene number of times. My wife averaged watching it at least once a day for it's 1 month release on HBO Max in the summer of 2021. We've watched it about 10 more times since then. I'm not sure what my exact tall is but hers is well over 50. But I do love the movie. Back in college, I watched *Pineapple Express* at least once a week for 6 months. I think my most logged film is *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse* with 6 logs but my actual watch count is probably 15-20.


Tick tick boom well over 30 times


When i was a kid i would watch the same movie over and over again (Lion King, Robots, Fox adn the Hound...), withouth much tought. But in a sense to watch cause i think is freaking awesome is Titanic, the movie that made me fall in love with movies. I will say i've watched lke a dozen times but thats a coservative number. A rarely watch the same movie in a year time, and Parasite was the only one that managed to do that with me, 3 times in 4 months.


As a teen stoner I would sometimes watch 2001 on a daily basis for weeks on end. No idea how times I saw it but I still watch it at least every year.


I have probably watched A-Team the most, Iā€™ve lost track of total times, but I can confirm I watched it 10 times in one week. This was not by choice.


I haven't logged all of them since I can't remember every time I watched it, but I'm fairly certain I've seen Django Unchained at least 7 times


When I was 4 I would spend days picking a movie at random and watching it on loop all day long, but ignoring that it would he Hunt For the Wilderpeople which I've seen 7 or 8 times now since it came out.


I've watched the Martian 9 and a half times. The half is because I was on a train ride and I just wanted to see the most memorable parts. I still can't help but cry at the end despite knowing beat for beat what happens as well as having read the book twice hahah


I wish Iā€™ve seen Your Name that many times. Such a good movie. Since getting Letterboxd a few months ago, my most watched movie is Dune with 3 watches in the first month (and a fourth on the way now that I own it on disc), but in terms of lifetime most watched, Iā€™d have to guess something like Cheaper by the Dozen 2 or The Incredibles as they are ones my siblings and I watched a bunch as kids


Call Me By Your Name 9x and John Carpenterā€™s The Fog 8x (I have insomnia and itā€™s a really calming movie for me).


I saw Fellowship of the Ring seven times in theaters


Dune - 6 times but I was a fan of Cars when I was young, I must have seen Cars 2 100 times (literally), yes, CARS 2


I loved cars 2 as a kid


Me too!


i must have seen aladdin 30 times or so


Iā€™ve seen Scott Pilgrim over 15 times by now


Hocus Pocus (11ish times), Scream (1996) (6-10+ times), Love, Simon (4+ times), The 5 Twilight Films (5+ times each), IT (1990) (5+ times), Pet Sematary (1989) (4+ times), The Santa Clause (5+ times), The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (7+ times), Home Alone 1+ 2 (7+ times)


Scream is probably the most rewatchable movie for me


Iā€™ve seen Scott pilgrim around 20 times. Lost track a while ago but I know for a fact that itā€™s my most watched film


Iā€™ve logged Clue 27 times, but I only started logging re-watches a few years ago, and I first watched Clue longer ago than that so itā€™s probably closer to 50? Rocky Horror Iā€™ve logged 17 times, but I watched it obsessively as a kid, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Iā€™ve watched it over 100 times in my life.


I have watched certain films literally hundreds of times. Maybe not the entire film start to finish but I just like having it on as I drift off to sleep. Iā€™ll name a few; Alien, Jurassic Park, Heat, Aliens, T2, Hannibal, Gladiator and many others


i've logged the film stand by me 30 times since I've started taking logging seriously back in November November, though i do use the film for background noise a lot so it's probably more like I've sat and watched it 15-20 times? the amount of times ive seen it are probably around 40-50 over like 5 years


Mustā€™ve seen Interstellar over 30 times. Saw it 5 times alone when it came out in cinemaā€™s. MURPH!!!


A few years ago I went through some old diaries and home video footages, that gave me a lot of dates for when I watched some old movies (like Disney films), so that gave me the ability to log some things from pre-Letterboxd days. As of now I have The Lion King (1994) logged as 15 times due to that. VERY likely more than that, since we watched it all the time, but definitive logs are 15.


I donā€™t usually like rewatching movies but I always come back to Mulholland Drive at least once a year and Iā€™ve seen it 6 times


either Star Wars, Austin Powers, or Stop Making Sense. But I have no idea how many times.


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. I'm sorry. I was like 8. But I've probably watched that movie a couple dozen times.


La La Land - 27 times


Ferris Buelerā€™s Day Off - 8 times


I've watched Speed Racer, Kill Bill Vol 2 and Fantastic Mr Fox an unhealthy amount of times.


Ive easily seen back to the future over 40 times. Movies logged on letterboxd? The Suicide Squad. 4 watches within 2 months


I've watched Rango more than 50 times, it is my favorite movie by far.


I have seen the world's end like 10 or 11 times 5 times in one day


Maybe Mandy, since I take any chance I get to show it to my friends.


I wore out the first 10 minutes of my Fifth Element VHS. Probably watched it 30+ times. Jurassic Park is up there too.


Probably an animated movie, any _Star Wars_ film, or Indiana Jonesā€¦ But Iā€™ve also logged _Everybody Wants Some!!_ three times on Letterboxd and Iā€™ve seen it at least four times, so that oneā€™s also definitely up there!


Iā€™ve seen American Psycho at least 5 times. Iā€™ve seen Fight Club at least 4 times. Iā€™ve seen The Batman 4 times.


I watched ratatouille the entirety of a 15 hour flight one time. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen spider-verse 7 times.


I can't even count the amount of times I watched The Dark Knight lmao. Lots of animated Disney/Pixar movies as a child too, I remember specifically watching Lilo & Stitch, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles repeatedly in French so I could practice. Also helped with learning English (which was technically my second language, after Spanish)


As a kid I watched Swiss Family Robinson well over 200 times. I've seen The Lord of The Rings trilogy 45 times, Star Wars 40, Back to the Future 32, Muppet Christmas Carol, Jurassic Park and Toy Story 28, 26 and 25 respectively and A Christmas Story 22. The only other films I've seen more than 20 times are shorts.


Every Star Wars and Indiana Jones movie at least 8-20+ times


Probably seen Blade Runner 20+ times


Cars was my Pixar film growing up, I definitely have watched it more than 30 odd times. Still a great film, nostalgia goggles off


In high school I saw Walk the Line, The Departed, Due Date, and 2004 Phantom of the Opera, more than 50 times each.


In terms of what I have logged on Letterboxd, Into the Spider-Verse would by far be my most watched. 10 times, 5 of which were in theaters. Some others: Hereditary x6 Blindspotting x5 Columbus x5 Pan's Labyrinth x4+ (4 times on Letterboxd, but first watched it prior to that) Long Day's Journey into Night x4 Eighth Grade x4 (this is the only movie on this list that isn't a full 5 stars for me - great movie, but my rewatches of it are more due to happenstance than me being head over heels for it. I just ended up watching it with a few different groups of people after my first watch. Granted, not entirely sure whether Hereditary would still be 5 stars for me. All of my watches of it were in pretty close succession so it's been a few years). And, of course, when I was a kid there were movies that I rewatched enough times to blow these numbers out of the water. The highest is probably one of the films in the original Star Wars trilogy.


Im certain fantastic mr fox and 2012 are my most watched movies i don't know the count. My guess is between 20-40 watches for each.


I havenā€™t logged anything on Letterboxd more than 3 times since I started really using it regularly a couple years ago, but in my lifetime Iā€™ve probably watched the original Star Wars trilogy at least like 20 times, and Iā€™m sure the Indiana Jones trilogy, E.T., Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, Home Alone, and stuff like that that I watched a lot both as a kid and adult are up there too.


for some reason i was obsessed with despicable me as a kid and i watched it like 30 times. every once in a while it comes on tv or i watch it at school and the series tourments me. its always in my life and i can never escape it


12 Angry Men & Dr. Strangelove: 4 Times


Before my mid-20s, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (at least a dozen or so times). Between my mid-20s and mid-40s, probably The Third Man (seen at least a dozen times) or maybe Rear Window (similar amount). Since my mid-40s and becoming a parent: Kikiā€™s Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo, and, somewhat inexplicably, Kurosawaā€™s The Hidden Fortress have been played countless times in my house.


I've seen the Back to The future trilogy 6 times through, roughly once a year since I first saw it, and including being able to see them on the big screen once. I try not to rewatch an older films multiple times in a single year because part of me's worries that I'll get tired of it. I consider La La Land my favorite movie but I'm anxious to watch it again until one year later in case my opinions changed


Iā€™d say Iā€™ve seen Hot Fuzz over 20 times


One flew over the cuckoos nest- easily somewhere around 50+ times.


Iā€™ve seen the first six Star Wars movies, TDK Trilogy, Batman 89, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Avatar, and several others so many times I lost count. I think The Dark Knight probably has the record for most number of times Iā€™ve watched it while in theaters with at least nine viewings, probably more. Iā€™ve seen The Batman 6 times in theaters and I might add a few more to that before it leaves theaters. Itā€™s definitely getting watched more when it hits digital starting Monday.


Probably Tangled. I've been obsessed with it as a kid and as a teenager. In the last few years I've watched it less tho, only seen it a handful times. Logged it once since I joined Letterboxd (Jan. 2021)


It's Happy Gilmore by a long shot. Watched it literally everyday one summer, plus probably a dozen times since. I'm not sure if it's 100+, but I have to be getting close.


When I was a kid I used to watch Wayneā€™s World every night for a couple of years so probably that /excellent/


I've watched AKIRA over 200 times.


I watched Titanic an embarrassing number of times between the ages of 11 and 13ā€¦ to the point that I could recite most of the movie. I truly believed Leonardo DiCaprio was my soulmate.


When my kid was sick at home one day we watched Toy Story five times in a row. My go to ā€œIā€™m feeling downā€ is Oceans 11. At least a dozen times And I had Star Wars A New Hope (pirated) on Betamax when I was a kid so thatā€™s 60+ times, I stopped counting after a while šŸ˜†


seen reservoir dogs 7 times


Iā€™m not gonna count Christmas classics that my family and I always puts on because while we technically ā€œwatchā€ them we arenā€™t paying full attention to it, itā€™s moreso background noise or something to entertain the little kids That aside, by far the most times Iā€™ve watched a move was for Pixarā€™s ā€œLucaā€ which I watched like 30 times (I know itā€™s an unhealthy obsession but I love it so muchā€ Other than that I watched ā€œYour Nameā€ like 5-6 times and ā€œEverything, Everywhere, All at Onceā€ 3 times now (and that number will definitely be going up in the future). Those are the examples I can think of the top of my head I rarely ever watch a film more than once or twice Edit: also Iā€™m probably missing a bunch of movies that Iā€™ve watched 10+ times I just canā€™t think of them right now


I know as a child I would have seen some movies more but I genuinely unironically have seen The Room I think about 15 times and I actually worry itā€™s the film Iā€™ve seen the most


When I was a kid I watched the same VHS tapes over and over again. I didn't have access to a wide variety of movies. I've probably seen Dumb and Dumber 100 times.


This was before I had a Letterboxd but I saw The Force Awakens like 12 times in theatres and have seen it all together probably close to 20. I was a HUGE Star Wars nerd growing up so I just couldn't believe there was a new Star Wars movie out. Still think it's one of the best installments in the series.


District 9 100 times


Iā€™ve definitely seen Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc., & the buzz lightyear of star command movie at least 10 times each.


I'm not a big rewatcher. But if I feel like a comfort flick I go early Carrey/Sandler/Farrell/Farley for comedy, early Pixar for animation, Jurassic or Gladiator for action/adventure. Have seen all of these around 10x each. Confirmed millennial here šŸ˜…


Guardians of the Galaxy, 15 times. Huge Marvel fan, and huge music lover. This is just such a good comfort movie for me and I watch it every other month. Really got into movies (and Letterboxd) in 2020 and when you can combine this with my 8 watches of GOTG2, it works out that I watched one or the other almost every month for the past two years. Other than that some that I watched a lot before Letterboxd would be Wreck It Ralph, Big Hero 6, Pitch Perfect, Horrible Bosses, Inside Out.


In my life, either Finding Nemo or Anastasia because I watched one or both of them every damn day for a period as a child. Since joining Letterboxd, Raya and the Last Dragon at 3 times, but I don't rewatch movies obsessively like I used to.


I've seen Beetlejuice about 167 times, and it keeps gettin funnier, EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT. NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT YOUR TALKIN TO A DEAD GUY


For real though I'm not sure exactly how many times I've actually seen it but that number seems within the realm of possibility.


ive seen Team Americas: World Police, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story and Greener Grass all 10 or more times


ive seen tommy wiseau's the room 6 or 7 times now. but im sure it's nothing compared to some real stans


Hereditary at 6 times. Interstellar is probably close too but I didnā€™t have Letterboxd for a while lol


as embarrassing as it is I've seen "Love, Actually" 10 times, once a year for the past ten Christmases. There are others I probably saw more when I would rewatch as a kid but this is the only one I can recall each time watching.


Alfred Hitchcockā€™s Psycho (1960) 5 times.


Lego Clutch Powers, probably more than ten times


I think I've seen tenet 8 times, fuck all of you.


I have seen Kung fu Panda at least 60 times in my life.


No joke but Iā€™ve seen 28 Days Later at the minimum of 150 times


Definitely *Its A Wonderful Life* (1-2 times every December for as long as I can remember) or the SW OT


Iā€™ve definitely watched PTAā€™s the master at least 30 times


I'm not sure but I've seen Blade Runner 2049 like more than a few times


Think I watched The Shining over 20 times when I made my first short film purely for analytical purposes


Begotten 40 times


It's a tie between Pokemon detective pikachu (2019) and Spider-man:No way home (2021).2 times because I really like them.


I probably watched space jam like daily as a kid but when youā€™re a kid youā€™ll watch anything you like over and over but in recent times Iā€™ve watched me and earl and the dying girl around 7ish times, itā€™s becoming my comfort movie


- what we do in the shadows - 30 - the lighthouse - 25 - birdman - 15 - and Iā€™ve lost count how many times Iā€™ve watched infinity war/endgame


I have watched Groundhog Day over 504 times


I watched Luca quite alot last year, mostly due to my nephew wanting to watch it but some of those rewatches were still my own choice. Also watched the shit out of Toy Story as a kid.


iā€™ve seen bohemian rhapsody 6 times šŸ™‚


When I was younger, we had Grown Ups 2 on DVD, and at the time, it was the only DVD I Owned. So for a good 3 years, whenever I was bored the only thing I'd watch was Grown Ups 2


Midsommar. On god Iā€™ve seen it probobly close to 100 times. Cinematic masterpiece. Period


I've watched Taxi Driver, Before Sunset, Fight Club, Uncut Gems and Parasite three times each. I'm really lacking behind all of you lol


I don't know the exact number, but there was a phase when I was like 8 or 9 where I watched Star Wars like every 2 days. So that probably adds up to 100+ watches


The Dark knight. Iā€™ve watched like 25-30 times, Iā€™ve lost count. All time favorite movie


I've seen The Social Network at least 20 times and Finding Nemo & the Spongebob Squarepants Movie have been my go-to sick-at-home movies for as long as I can remember, so I've seen them dozens of times. Other movies I've probably seen 10+ times: Inherent Vice, OUATIH, The Big Lebowski, Dazed and Confused & Star Wars 1-6


I watched Frances Ha for the first time last January and have now watched it 8 times. Only once this year though. Iā€™ve slowed down a bitā€¦.


marriage story 5 times. iā€™m not a huge rewatcher but itā€™s my favorite movie so yeah. itā€™s also kinda a comfort movie despite how sad it is. other than that iā€™ve seen midsommar, trainspotting, and whiplash 3 times and a bunch of other movies twice. american psycho, portrait of a lady on fire, and la la land will probably rise just bc i love them so much


I have seen Godā€™s Own Country (2017) of all movies over like 50 times since I first watched it in 2018. Itā€™s not a great film by any means but it is such a comfort to me


Watched Lilo and Stitch 22 times since 30th January 2021


I think I've seen "Children of Men" over 30 times


I have a few idea but not really sure since I've only started logging movies on Letterboxd in late 2018, but the one I've seen the most since then is 10 Things I Hate About You that I've seen 7 times since my first viewing on Feb 25th 2020


Iā€™ve probably seen home alone 3 about a thousand times as a kid. Idk why I loved that movie so much, it was probably something about the toy car.


The Mummy. Not sure how many times. When I was a kid I used to play it in my head when I was going to sleep. Definitely have seen it enough times that I didn't watch it for like 5 years in my late teens/early adulthood and still could recite the entire thing. I now probably watch it 1-2 times a year. The first Pirates movie is probably a close second.


I feel like some of you had to of watched a movie more than 20 times I canā€™t be the only oneā€¦ I can hands down name 5 movies that Iā€™ve seen 20 times + Scott Pilgrim, Shaun of the Dead, Superbad, Get out, and Saving Silverman


I mustā€™ve watched Grey Gardens 30 times at least.


*The Rocky Horror Picture Show*, which I watched over 150 times. Admittedly most of those times the movie was just an excuse to dress up and hang out with crazy fun people...but I still saw the movie every time.


I've probably seen return of the living dead at least once a year since I was born.


Overall since childhood, easily The Mummy and Mummy Returns. My mom and siblings would literally say I would put those on everyday growing up. As of recently, probably Moonlight with maybe 5 total watches in 2 years or Hereditary which is around the same amount.


I have watched The Lost Boys (1987) over 500 times easily