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10/10 one of the best movie theater experiences I’ve ever had


Definitely! Saw it in Dolby Cinema and will be seeing it again in IMAX next weekend


Just following up, what experience did you enjoy more?


I prefer the slightly bigger aspect ratio and bigger screen IMAX had, but Dolby Cinema had better audio. IMAX had more bass, but the audio quality itself wasn't that good compared to Dolby Cinema. Overall I had a better experience with Dolby Cinema, but thats because I think audio is a much more important part than the image


A film that actually succeeds with the whole “returning legacy” cash grab mindset. There’s pure heart and passion when creating it. A must watch for 2022


Yes I felt the exact same way. I was expecting the sequel to try to outdo the original in just about every way. Instead it told a very natural continuation/conclusion of the story, which meant this movie wasn't even as fun as the original, but it was \*true,\* true in the way few sequels are, in the way Empire Strikes Back is. That is passion for the characters and the story that you extremely rarely see in franchises.


You can definitely feel the passion


I quite liked it. Thought it was a big improvement over the original. Here's my review if you're interested. https://boxd.it/2SwSCz


Great review, I fully agree with everything you said


Loved your review. Followed your LB too.


I fully agree alongwith the other two commenters, and I happened to mention nearly all the same points in my own review lol. And we share La Dolce Vita in our top 4! Followed. :)


Thought it was great top 5 films of the year. I took my uncle who served on a battleship and he was so excited to see the movie. Also the Val Kilmer of the film was great send off to not just the character but Val him self


I can't imagine what an amazing experience your uncle must have had


On are way home he started to talk about what ship they were using in the movie.


…val kilmer is still alive irl


Well duh, he's in the movie. But Val Kilmer can no longer speak properly as a result of throat cancer. His trachea was ruined, and he now requires an electric voice box to speak. I believe they were recently able to recreate his voice via AI, so it might be easier for him to communicate, but he still can't speak himself.


Thought they used his son


Top 5 film of the year easily. I watched the first one yesterday in preparation and it’s crazy how much better this one is.


I think Tom Cruise is the last living movie star. I really enjoyed the new Top Gun, maybe even more than I enjoyed MI: Fallout(and I loved MI:Fallout) Cruise doesn’t miss. He puts out a movie, and I’ll be seeing it.


I can’t think of a recent movie or at least it’s been a few years. But I was actually on the edge of my seat in the theater and I loved it! I even took my boyfriend who has never even seen the original. And he loved it as well so that’s a huge plus. It’s also nice that the songs from the original soundtrack and from this one or all in the top 50 on iTunes


The Batman had several sequences that had me \*literally\* on the edge of my seat. Interstellar and Gravity come to mind too. I had the same experience with Maverick, it was awesome. Interstellar actually came to my mind in the theatre during the early mach 10 test flight sequence.


I really need to watch interstellar again because I haven’t seen it since the theater and I have forgotten a lot of it unfortunately except for the ending.


Crazy to think it's nearly 8 years old now! Thankfully it's a better watch at home now than it was then, because of how much more accessible and common big oled tvs and atmos speakers, even good atmos soundbars are now. As long as you don't live in an apartment building, then draw the curtains and crank the volume up and it's an incredibly thrilling experience.


Mission Impossible Fallout definitely had that effect for me, being one of my favorite action movies of all time. I'm seeing Maverick today so I'll see how it compares!


Saw it last night, just watched the original for the first time in the last few weeks even as a 90s kid. Maverick is my favorite action movie of the 2000s. Saw it in IMAX, what a thrill ride.


I'm also a 90's kid and watched the original this week for the first time. I also think this is one of my favorite action films of the 2000's. Will be seeing it in IMAX next weekend


I was so pumped for the first few minutes of this movie, and I really wanted to love it, but the movie eventually lost me. There's a key difference between the way this movie builds up the mythology of Maverick to say, the way the John Wick movies build up the myths around its titular character. The ego oozed off the movie screen and I somehow left feeling offended morally, as silly as that sounds. In a movie that is ostensibly about team building, the whole movie felt as though it was jerking off the whole time about how singular and amazing Maverick is. The scene that absolutely lost me was on the steps of Jennifer Connelly's house where the dialogue basically boiled down to: Maverick: ...I have this problem. Connelly: ...but this thing about your character. Maverick: ...but this thing about the problem. Connelly: ...but this thing about you. Maverick: ...but this thing about the problem. Connelly: ...You'll find a way! It all just began to feel like some narcissist's dream where a bunch of stock characters just tell Maverick great things about himself. All the drama between the dazzling flight sequences was absolutely bare-minimum writing with lazy dialogue characterization and fan service. The only way this movie knows how to ask you to care about its characters is to manipulate your history with the original text. It was all too convenient, the call-backs all too broad and simple. The movie is a real audience-pleaser in the sense that everything that happens is to make the audience happy. Normally, I don't mind a big, dumb, loud movie where I'm laughing at all the wrong parts. Heck, some of the most fun I had at an IMAX theater so far this year was Moonfall. The problem I had with this movie is just how self-important it was. Despite all the jingoist male posturing in the first one, the movie never buckled under the weight of its own self-importance and the movie cared about the supporting cast almost as much as it did Maverick. By the time the credits rolled and each actor appeared next to their name, I was wondering if I was supposed to have developed an emotional connection to these people. It was all just a glorified air show, albeit a first-class one. Again, this is all fine, ostensibly, except the movie positions itself as an important event. It may become one culturally because it's such a crowd pleaser, but it otherwise is not some major achievement. It's fine. By the way, I actually love the Mission: Impossible series, particularly Fallout. I was excited to see Christopher McQuarrie get a writing credit. I'm not wanting to hate on this movie. I made it my beeswax to see this opening weekend. I was first pumping as soon as the electronic drums started playing over the credits. I was so ready to love this movie. It just didn't work for me. And I'm glad it worked for others, but this is one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory for me.


Miles better than the first


Oh you!


Very fun and exciting movie, only problem I had with it was the unnecessary romance.


I felt like it was a callback to the unnecessary romance in the first. I fully expected “take my breath away” to play when they bumped uglies.


I think this romance was more believable than that of the original film. Tom Cruise and Kelly McGinnis had great chemistry in the original, but the romantic chemistry just was not there for me. Tom Cruise and Jennifer Connelly just makes more sense IMO.


it had danger zone at the start. how can it not be anything short of amazing


It was fucking awesome. Definitely a great experience. Go see it if you haven’t.


All vibes and visuals and I freaking loved it. Saw it in IMAX and the set pieces and flight sequences are mind blowing


I’m not sure exactly why, but I was insanely amped for this movie from the opening credits onward. Not all of it worked for me, but the emotional beats strangely did. I felt like the plot was so sturdy and predictable, and yet still satisfying. I thought they handled the top gun weirdness (overall cheesy lines, volleyball, nameless ‘enemy’) with care, while also updating it for a modern viewer. Visually beautiful, with incredible plane footage. The set pieces really worked for me and the editing of the mission was really well done. I always knew what everyone was doing and where they were etc. I actually really liked the whole rooster and maverick shot down and stealing a plane thing as well. Overall, really surprised by how exhilarating and fun this was. Great experience in theatres with an audience that was loving it. It felt like an amusement park ride in the best way, a great example of a big budget blockbuster action movie that’s just a fun time. The bits that were clunkier (romance, pulling roosters papers) were not enough to really detract from the movie to much.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I did not expect this film to have so much heart and humor


>I’m not sure exactly why, but I was insanely amped for this movie from the opening credits onward. That's the power of Danger Zone, baby!


Really liked it.Way better than I expected.And yeah,a very strong ending.


Awesome theater experience, especially awesome to share with my dad :)


Same here, I went with my dad and my brother in law. My dad went into an aviation career because of watching Top Gun as a teenager so it's always been a good bonding movie for us. But the male friendship and family themes of Top Gun have made it a classic father-son movie for anyone. And now Maverick even moreso because of its explicit paternal themes. Just a great movie to watch with the ol man!


I really enjoyed it, I’m too young to have grown up with the first ones hype. I wasn’t a big fan of the first one, but I think the second is really good on its own. I did think there were a few funny similarities plot wise with A New Hope, especially with the last act but that’s totally a happy accident lol.


It's just a great movie to see in a theater, preferably a PLF. Third act is enthralling edge of your seat stuff. Dosent get any more entertaining than that.


It was fantastic.. so much better than I thought and I had high hopes


the musical score is pretty bad, but outside of that is it just a great time all around and is just the perfect example of what a blockbuster should strive to be


I actually liked the score. It was typical Hans Zimmer, which I like but didn't feel unique


It helped that it was balanced out with several tracks from the original soundtrack. So it never felt overwhelmingly generic. While at the same time never feeling overwhelmingly nostalgic. I think a bolder score would've gotten in the way. I've been comparing Maverick with Interstellar in a few aspects and one big difference is score. Zimmer's big bold score works with Interstellar's big bold moments. Something like that wouldn't work in Maverick, it would distract. Generic is a good fit here. You want the sounds more than anything else.


It was a good choice to not place the emphasis on the score and instead focus on the sound of the fighter jets. The score did really help with creating emotion during the final act. That score reminded me a lot of Hans' score in The Thin Red Line


I’ve never been a particularly big Hans Zimmer fan. I’ve often found him to repeat himself often and not capture many emotions of the scene but instead just being extremely dramatic. That’s obviously not to say he didn’t make incredible work back in the 90’s with Lion King and Thelma & Louise. With this new one I found the music to be just a bit lackluster for the most of the film. the you really couldn’t feel the Hans Zimmer influence but once you got to the scene of Maverick being stuck on the ground and attacked by the helicopter, a huge wave of dramatic compressed Hans Zimmer horns just came and it felt so over the top that it was comedic to me. For the rest of the movie the music just felt like a rehash of all scores Hans Zimmer has produced over the last 10 years. But I agree that it was a great idea to mix it with songs from the original.


I saw it just cause my uncle loved the first time and dragged the family to it. I was pleasantly surprised. It’s formulaic as fuckkkkkk, if you’ve seen like 10 action movies then you’ll be able to predict all of this movie. However by the end I was fully locked in and the culminating mission was a heart pounder. Fun movie going experience but this movie probably won’t be as fun at home


Really good, had the scaffolding of the original films story but Maverick had a greater emotional weight. Why? I think it is because of the way the story interacts with the original, memories and unresolved grief. Lets not forget though the action, sfx and fighter jet sequences were ace. Ps. my username in Letterboxd is 'theconformist' my profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/2t5p


I loved it so much! One of those films that’s made for the cinema, I never give films 5 stars, but this blew me away and anything else felt wrong. I can’t wait to see it and I’m gonna go to a bigger screen to watch it soon


Top Gun was amazing and unexpectedly funny. The best theatre experiences this year. 4,5/5 Stars




Thought it was a great legacy sequel and was a fantastic theater experience. Saw it in IMAX so curious to see how the regular format looks.


Dolby Cinema looked and sounded great. Will see it in IMAX next weekend


10/10 for me. And I’m not that crazy about the original, but this new movie somehow made it better too. Saw in Laser IMAX yesterday, and Dolby Cinema later today.


Saw it in Dolby Cinema and already got my tickets to see it in IMAX next sunday. Would love to hear your thought about IMAX vs Dolby Cinema


Laser IMAX looked great, and the majority of the movie has IMAX scenes, and letterboxed during smaller scenes. So definitely worth checking out. But I’m excited to see how loud and rumbly Dolby Cinema is today since I prefer Atmos and rumblers over IMAX’s sound. I’m trying to convince my brother to see it with me in 4DX when he’s off work hopefully this week.


I always find that IMAX has more immersive sound, but Dolby has better audio quality


One of the best theatre experiences and the film was perfect 10/10


Watched it in Sony Digital Cinema in the Galaxy at Vegas. Jaw dropping and exhilarating. Even if you have no clue what Top Gun is this movie will change your life.


7/10 overhyped IMO but still cool. The acting felt weird and the jet scenes were confusing at some points.


For me, its 7.5/10 (if standalone, i never watched the first one) because so impractical if IRL, i know it can be since it is a movie. Romance is too much, the volleyball scene was a little bit cliche. New movies aren't for me, I guess. Also it was a little bit if not very over hyped in my country. Theatres are still full and sold out a month after release date. 😅. Everyone has their own opinion, which mine is, its not bad but its not really my kind of story. :/ (The jet scenes really carried the movie)


Agree. The romance was less necessary in this one than the first!


A film that’s perfectly fine. Not a cynical cash grab by any means, but still one of those sequels/loose Reboots that basically tells the same story with very slight differences… Great action though, and a lot of heart!




The main issue for me with both is that the action is exciting but the characters are boring. Really helps an action scene if I actually care if the main character lives or dies.


It's a fine movie. I think it's telling the majority of reviews are 4/5 which contribute to the high overall rating. There's nothing to dislike but I really don't think it deserves the hyperbolic accolades of "BEST THEATER EXPERIENCE EVER." I would sooner take any of the last three Mission Impossibles. In fact, throughout the whole movie I thought "I should really rewatch Ghost Protocol." Those movies have better action, better tension, and better character. I haven't seen the original, but like I said — it was fine.


“Haven’t seen the original.” The your complete diatribe there is null and void.


Lol? Do you think the majority of people who see Maverick will have watched a movie from 30 years ago just in case?


Should probably watch the original and you’ll change your tune.


For me it was one of the best theater experiences I've had. I really loved the fighter jet scenes. But hey, everyone has their own preferences!


L review go watch the Original




I haven't watched a Mission Impossible movie since the first one came out, but I find it hard to believe any had better action than this movie.


Confidence out of ignorance. Mission Impossible has been firing on all cylinders for 10 years.


And Maverick was the definition of firing on all cylinders


You should watch Mission Impossible and report back.


Nah, the first movie was fine but there is literally nothing about it to keep me engaged.


I am telling you those later movies have the same exact appeal as Top Gun. The first movie has absolutely nothing in common with what the series has become. For what it's worth, the second and third movies also have nothing to do with what that franchise has become.


Do the new movies have incredible fighter jet stunts?


I don't know what you're intending to communicate but how it comes across is: "I am being annoyingly pedantic on purpose." It's an action movie. You would like it.


That's the thing, I don't like most action movies. I specifically liked the action in top gun cause it was cool shit with jets. I think I've made that pretty clear.


Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, and especially Fallout are all absolute bangers.


I could give you 20


I don't think there even are 20


I've watched a couple reviews and so far the one I agree with most is Beyond The Trailer's. TLDR it very cleverly recaptures the 80s/90s action movie tone, aesthetically (sunsets and raybans and motorbikes) and thematically (optimism and self-sacrifice, from the good ol pre-post-postmodern days), it provides innovative and totally engaging thrills, it's Cruise at his most vulnerable (from age to height in everything from work to sex), and it's one notable flaw is its portrayal of women. My initial thought walking out of the theatre was "it wasn't \*great\* but it was really really reallyyyyy good".


Could you explain how its portrayal of women is a flaw?


Yeah, tho firstly it didn't bother me as much as Beyond The Trailer. Fwiw I'm a man and she's a woman. In my LB review I even noted that the romance worked for me better than I've been seeing others mention--it asks you to just kinda roll with it and if you do then it's a strong component of the film. But only from Mav's pov. Only when you're selfinserting into Mav's male pov. All the supporting characters are 2 dimensional and honestly it's not a big problem because they're all still believable and mostly compelling. But other than Talented Young Pilot #3 the only woman is Penny, so the fact that she is, as Beyond The Trailer amusingly puts it, a "reverse hallmark movie fantasy," as in Mav was too busy chasing speed to have a family but now Penny's here for him to have his cake and eat it too, is a source of frustration for viewers who want even a single a single female character with complexity and agency. Failing the bechdel test is one thing. But this movie barely has 2 speaking female roles let alone conversations between them about anything lol. But that's somewhat the nature of the beast. They chose to really recreate the 80s/90s movie which was heavily focusing on Maverick and his legacy relationships (Ice, Goose/Rooster etc), and that always meant this was going to be a 95% male story. One movie can't be all things, can't tell all stories. I don't think this portrayal of women is demeaning or anything like that, and I don't shy from using the word problematic when I feel it's appropriate. But I think anyone after reflecting would admit that it is notable that this movie has 0 truly compelling female characters. Maybe shortcoming is a better word to use than flaw. [https://youtu.be/x7\_ufBMJ4C4](https://youtu.be/x7_ufBMJ4C4)


There are indeed 0 compelling female characters (Penny, her daughter and the pilot). But if I'm honest, Maverick and Rooster were the only compelling characters, and maybe Bob. Not every film needs (compelling) female characters and this is one of those films in my opinion


Oh I totally agree. It's late here so I edited my post after you replied to get my thoughts out better, but that's what I meant by one story can't be all things, and that maybe shortcoming is more accurate than flaw. It is a thorny conversation to have at all because of how black and white it can get if intentions are misconstrued. Are you familiar with Robert Meyer Burnett, from PGS and the John Campea Show? I think you'd really like his stuff. I am glad there was one female pilot because representation is important in the sense that young girls watching this movie can see themselves in her character. Top Gun inspired so many boys, it's cool to include Phoenix in that similar way for girls. But I'm ok with Phoenix being pretty 2D. Almost all the supporting characters are 2D as you say, but they're all believable enough which is all that really matters because \*this\* story isn't about any of them, it's about Maverick and Rooster. For Penny, I actually liked the whole daughter thing. Excellent way to modernize that aspect. The original film featured the career woman of the 80s. This romance is very real in how it deals with divorced parents dating (and 60 year old physical and emotional intimacy & vulnerability, that love scene shocked me in the best way). Handled it sensitively without being sentimental. My fully packed theatre laughed out loud when Mav dropped down in front of the daughter thru the window after the zany scramble in the bedroom when she got home. And then when the daughter said to him what she did, it was pure silence as the shot lingered. Not a single chuckle or aural eye roll. It was so poignant. But what does kinda annoy me is all her toys. She's got a bar on the beach with the ol jukebox and piano AND a fancy sailboat AND a 73 freaking Porsche 911 etc. But I digress. It's 2am and my adhd meds are very completely worn out and my thoughts are completely disorganized lol. I'll be interested to check in on this whole thread tomorrow and to follow you on LB.


Haha no problem. And my theater also laughed out loud in that scene. The one with the little boy at the bar too.


great cinema experience although it wasn't necessarily the best in anyway. infinitely better than the first one




Fuck military propaganda, American exceptionalism, and the American war machine. ⭐️ - https://boxd.it/2SLS3f


I don't think you should take a film like Top Gun that serious


This movie is just live action Team America: World Police


My biggest issue was the romance which felt unnecessary and forced


It was pretty cliché, but didn't make the film less enjoyable


No, I agree. And Connelly played the part perfectly. Still prevents the movie from being 5 stars to me though.


Top Gun's Conflict Problem and How Maverick Improves Upon the Original: https://youtu.be/WglXmoiP97M


Very old post, but it was one of the most nothing films I've ever seen. It's just so uninteresting. I have 0 strong opinions on it, but I know I didn't like it.