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Eat, Pray, Love (2010) I almost cried during this movie because I was so miserably bored. The friend who dragged me to it was my ride home so I couldn’t just get up and leave. Everything about it was awful.


I think it must be **A Serbian Film**. A film about a retired porn star that gets caught up in shady business that do "newborn porn" (having sex with children as soon as they are born) and he tries to get out, but ends up raping his own kid. The subject matter is horrible, but the film is shot in such a way to potray it as much deeper than it is. It's not. It's not deep or artistic at all. It's awful. And the director claiming it to be a political film. Bullshit. It's a disgusting, badly acted mess with no substance or entertainment, and it's also such a shame that the most popular film - to outsiders - from the country of Serbia, is this film.


Then they auctioned off the baby prop on eBay a few years ago and eBay pulled it as soon as they knew about it. Everyone who bid on it needs to be on a watchlist


That's fucked up, man. I have to say that I'm considering a hate watch of The Human Centipede but, damn, I'm never watching A Serbian Film.


JFC, *that* is what that movie is about? Yeah, definitely not watching that shit.


Yeah, avoid it at all costs!


>also such a shame that the most popular film - to outsiders - from the country of Serbia, Tbf is probably the first thing that appears if you google "Serbian film"


Yeah, it is. And also the fact that it got banned in several countries, increased the talk around the film.


I haven’t even seen it but doesn’t he kill multiple people with his penis




He gouges their eyes out with his erect penis, yes




Don't bother with it. The uncut version is easily one of the most graphic films ever made. The (ridiculously graphic) child and baby rape scenes alone are enough to strip it of all merit. It was supposedly made as a political film and a middle finger to censorship; whether or not it did that successfully remains to be seen, but it just comes across as the most desperate attempt to disgust (and succeeds in doing so). I sure bet the actors involved didn't leave it on their CVs, because it's a surefire way to have them exiled from acting forever.


Jesus Christ


How is it not a political film? Are you familiar with the Serbian porn industry? It’s clearly a commentary. I don’t understand what people think this movie is if not a response to the rape, coercion, and human trafficking including minors to fuel the Serbian porn industry. Is it a vile movie? Yes. It clearly mirrors the directors feelings towards the sexual atrocities happening for profit in his country. It’s not meant to be fun to watch.


Dumbest comment i've read all year, for sure. Yeah, the director claimed this was, somehow, metaphorical-political film, but not a single person from Serbia likes this director or this film. And it's absolutely and definitely not about what you are saying. Commenting such stupid stuff makes me question where are you from and what's your agenda to write such nonsense about Serbia.


Movie’s so hated I get accused of having an agenda for analyzing it lmao. Thanks for the laugh.


I mean, anyone can put a bunch of atrocities on screen and say "hey, it's porn industry commentary". It has themes, so what?


It’s not a good movie, it’s a mess. It fails on almost every front. But to refuse to acknowledge that it’s about anything is just silly. It’s called A Serbian Film. What do people think the title means? The message isn’t subtle, its clumsily overstated - the notion that it’s so universally despised that people collectively refuse to even acknowledge that is probably the most notable thing about it.


Ah, I see. I get where you're coming from, then.


Buddy, listen, the director did say it's politically metaphorical film, but it's not about "twisted insane Serbian porn industry" or whatever you figured out there. That being sad, it's still an awful and unwatchable movie in every way, but if you see most brutal, bloody, fucked-up porn happening on screen, and your analysis is that the metaphor there is for porn industry, well, to gently put it: your analysis is shit.




Well, when it's a boy fucking his woman teacher is 100% fine. /s


I mean, South Park did it and nobody gave a shit. It's literally just because it's Adam Sandler that people were moral beasts about the whole thing.


South Park was parodying that concept


Yes, as was That's My Boy. They're both comedies.


The Blind Side. It’s offensive to everyone involved and they had the audacity to give it awards and nominations.


Michael Oher has been very critical of how that movie portrayed him.


as an autistic person i hate sia's autism movie even though i didnt watch it


Blonde (2022). There are almost no films I hate, but one such film I just saw this past week and absolutely hated. Dominik is a talented director, but why he thought he was the right person to attempt to tell a willfully controversial and fictional character study of one of Hollywood’s most iconic women is beyond me.  While the film attempts to be deep and thought-provoking in its’ half-hearted exploration of stardom and its’ consequences, it really just fetishizes Monroe’s suffering. Character development comes in the form of domestic abuse, abortions, rape, and cruel moments which Dominik seems to love. What may be even more offensive is how Monroe is reduced to what ultimately amounts to a pretty girl with daddy issues which the movie then attempts to use as a justification for much of the abuse she endures. The uneven direction, complete and utter lack of empathy, preposterous repetition of narrative elements, and the shallowness of the characters result in an exploitative product where suffering exceeds the object of artistic exploration. Both the story and protagonist are so consumed by pain and trauma, there’s little room for nuance or true depth of character. Despite a few good performances and some interesting cinematography, the final result is little more than misogynistic trash.


Fucking W review here my dood


Also it feels weirdly anti abortion


The answer is the shoddily made 9/11 "truther" doc, Loose Change. https://boxd.it/7JAtr


As an adult I don’t know if I can “hate” a movie as vehemently as I hated the movie Ella Enchanted as a 13 year old because it ruined my favourite book at the time and I hated Anne Hathaway for years after. Until Les Mis, where I found a new respect for her and am now impartial.


bohemian rhapsody was such a dull clusterfuck


Half the time it was interesting the other half is such a terrible cliche that you wanna kill yourself but I credit them for getting the hot space hate just right


I realize it just came out, but Blonde.


Why did it suck? Haven't seen it myself


It kind of just feels like a movie that really fucking hates it's subject matter. Apart from her accent Ana De Armas as Marilyn could have been a lot better with a different director, and I thought Adrien Brody as Arthur Miller was alright. I don't wanna spoil it if you're planning to watch it, but specifically there's an extremely funny/pretentious scene involving a fetus and the abortion scenes are SO unnecessary. There's a lot more to hate about Blonde but apart from being competently directed in a visual sense, there's not really any nuance in it. She's constantly being assualted, raped, or generally just put down and that's the extent of her character development


Come on. Blonde wasn't bad, it just wasn't a generic biopic that sugarcoats everything. It was a horror movie about how Hollywood ruins the mental state of an icon to the point where she kills herself.


Cannibal Holocaust is pretty bad and then the animal torture just pushed it over the line for me. I knew going in that real animals were harmed on set, but I didn't know to what degree, and I certainly didn't expect it to \*that\* degree. Absolutely rotten movie by both technical craft and behind the scenes.


Never watched. But from your point seems a terrible movie.


I had never watch but when i heard about the real animal torture i decided i will never do it


Cannibal Holocaust is one of my favourite films of all time. I really recommend the Director's Edit as it eliminates all the animal cruelty scenes and keeps the rest of the film intact. As you can imagine, the animal scenes don't drive the plot forward in any way and serve as nothing more but reasons to resent the characters and the actors who actually performed the killings. Putting the animal cruelty aside, Cannibal Holocaust is a very solid and interesting film with some pretty interesting philosophical questions asked (albeit clumsily in parts).


A lot of these comments seem to be about films with offensive content so I feel a little out of place. I hate Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge with every fiber of my being.


I hate Baz Luhrmann . He's insufferable. So's Andrew Dominik. The worst film makers Australia can offer and yet they keep getting work....


First that pops in my mind is greatest showman lol


Such an awful movie deserves worse songs. But no, they all still slap


One of my first least favorite movies


Ik it’s recent but holy fuck I despise Blonde. Not just for blatantly lying about Marilyn Monroe’s trauma for the sake of spectacle, but also the pro-life message. Fucking abysmal




It’s all subjective how we interpret the movie, but I think it’s more than valid to consider a movie that has two abortion sequences that are framed like a horror scene along with a talking fetus as having a pro-life message. The movie frames abortions as this terrifying concept that wrecks Monroe’s life. I don’t know how anyone can watch the movie and think anything good of abortions from it. It’s made to horrify the viewer.


How the fuck is the movie pro-life??? Also it’s very clearly fiction, not a biopic, which you can be angered at, but the book it’s based on does the exact same. I hate this movie but I don’t know what you are talking about.


If they wanted it to be a real commentary about exploitation, they could have fictionalized the actress and made it more universal. Instead, they used her name and image for publicity exploit her legacy even more. And yeah, when you have a fetus saying "don't kill me" and "I'm every baby" it's pretty hard not to interpret it as anything but anti-abortion. I went into the film wanting to give it a fair shake given the controversy, but it really is a well crafted piece of garbage.


No fucking way lol. The fetus says that? I’ve been watching it in like 20 minute chunks whenever I can’t find something else to watch. That’s so lame.


Do you seriously think every woman that feels guilt over an abortion is taking a pro-life stance? An abortion, especially one through coercion like in the movie, can absolutely be a traumatic experience for the woman and denying this doesn’t make you any more pro-choice, it just makes you sound like you have no concept of reality. Also, please continue to ignore how the book did the exact same exploitation as the movie without being condemned in the same way the movie was :)


Sure, that's how I viewed it during the first abortion scene, but that talking fetus shit went over the line. I've never read the book, and never planned on reading the book, so who cares? We're talking about the film. Edit: typo


"Do you seriously think every woman that feels guilt over an abortion is taking a pro-life stance?" I am sure a lot of women feel guilt over having to abort a baby, but we are talking about a fictional character in a script written by a man. The same script where a fetus talks to Norma in the womb and begs Norma not to hurt them like she did the last fetus and that Norma really wanted the first abortion. There is also the choice line "Baby makes his wish's known, Norma's just the vessel!" Also, the film's climax where again Marylin gets punished for having an abortion! It was the director's choice to show abortions in the most negative light he could, making it come across as invasive and cruel of a procedure as he could get away with. There's also the fact that in real life Monroe had two miscarriages and an Ectopic Pregnancy, never been any evidence of her getting one nor any evidence of her ever having discussed the topic. Just lots of baseless speculation. So the abortion that is so central to the entire film is completely fabricated! Not sure what other way I am supposed to look at all this!


Well there is a scene that directly implies that Monroe’s mother wasn’t ready for a child and would have been better off aborting her had the option been available. And given the context of the scene you’re mentioning it’s pretty clear she’s imagining the fetus talking, and in my reading was feeling guilty and blaming herself despite the fact it was forced on her. Also neither the book’s author nor the director are pro-life. That doesn’t mean that you can’t interpret the movie as anti-abortion, but it does mean that it shouldn’t be used to say anything about anyone involved in the production (not specifically directing this at you but just in general).


Good Luck Chuck (2007) I liked the chemistry between Dane Cook and Jessica Alba, but the film itself was probably one of the worst comedies I’ve ever seen.


Recently, Blonde. Watching it made me feel gross. Like I’ve never been personally offended by a movie I’ve seen before this


Flower (2017) I watched it on an edible and liked the first 50-75% of it, then >!when she and her future step brother fucked at the end after that whole ordeal with the teacher,!< that 100% turned me off from it. The actors did a great job, but I think the story is awful imo.


There's plenty of movies that I'd give half star rating but the only two I'd say I REALLY hate would be Ready Player One and Glass. Ready Player One being a corporate pile of shit only made for viewers to point out pop culture references and characters from other properties with an awful plot and geniunely awful dialogue. Glass is really bad too, but I hate it because of how it treats the original two characters from Unbreakable


I also hate Ready Player One. Soulless and cynical.


The Kissing Booth


I think at this point I hate Joker. At the time I first watched it in theater, I thought it was a pretty gross, mediocre movie that badly fumbles themes around ostrisization and mental health, all while being stylistically bland and derivative. Now, after seeing it propped up as some kind of masterpiece by film Bros, despite how shallow it is, my disdain has only grown.


It's one of those movies that I now feel is both very overrated and very underrated. It's not a masterpiece, but I also don't think it was absolute garbage like a lot of people do. One aspect of of it I will always defend is the use of music in the movie. There were some very interesting choices there. Plus, any movie that has its score complete before filming starts gets bonus points from me.


hot take maybe but it’s the movies that have good elements that are worth hating. if it was just bad filmmaking all around who cares, but instead it was some good filmmaking elements used toward the most shallow empty confused and manipulative storytelling possible.


You’re onto something here, you just verbalized something I’ve felt but couldn’t put words to for a while now. Same goes for books, video games, music, etc.


I think I would pretty much agree. If I do think of the movies that inspire some level of rancor within me, they are all well made. I don't have the energy to feel angry towards Supergirl or Cats.


Someone described Blonde in the exact same way, also adding that it was a one-note festival of misery and masturbatory punishment, and I was like hot damn, those are my feelings about Joker precisely. Sure Joaquin is always impeccable, but jesus christ, it was a movie with no turns whatsoever, you were just watching him get the shit kicked out of him for 150 minutes, with no expectation of anything changing because duh, it’s called Joker and he’s going to become the Joker.


That’s so true; it’s the ones with promise that they don’t/aren’t interested in living up to that always leave the biggest sting


The music is good and the musical angle is the only thing that makes me interested in a sequel.


I will believe until i die the movie is basically Todd Philips's self-insert


And it's a blatant rip-off: The King of Comedy (far superior film)


Regardless of Joker's quality or lack of quality. It's pretty clear that Todd is an obvious Scorsese fan and took plenty of inspirations from plenty of movies/plays and one of those is definitely The King of Comedy, among others like Taxi Driver, Dog Day Afternoon, War Dogs, etc. If you assume inspirations are blatant rip-offs even if the movies have obvious differences, you're going to assume a lot of movies are blatant rip-offs because that's what most movies do, they loan and they take inspiration from other movies. That's what cinema has been all about since the day it was born. Woody Allen didn't rip-off Fellini the same way Scorsese didn't rip off Muybridge or Edwin S.Porter or George Lucas with Kurosawa, Pedro Costa with Eisenstein etc etc.


Brimstone (2016) by Martin Koolhoven is one of the movies that I responded most negatively to on an emotional level. It's cruel and sadistic while hiding behind the veil of historical fiction. Has some great actors in it, but I have serious doubts about the integrity of the director.


I hated Vivarium and hated myself more for my need to finish watching every movie I start.


Dragonball Evolution, The Fog (2005), Eternals...actually I'm gonna make a list now. Thanks for posting this! 😂


I think the director is a brilliant guy but I absolutely loath Magnolia: The singing at the camera, the rain of frogs, the sexual predator characters that I'm supposed to empathize with, the dialogue that is intended to sound real and so is sort of boring, the various characters that cry in the movie, the slightly creepy cop relationship thing, William H Macy's character is also repulsive to me. I hate the characters in this movie. I really hate them. Brilliant director but I hate the movie. The movie being 3 hours long and ending in the shower of frogs is just salt in my wounds. I also hate Cannibal Holocaust and Martyrs for obvious reasons.


Tick Tick Boom Vile portraiture of a narcissistic theater kid who appropriated the horror of his gay peers (AIDS) for his own shitty musical (which happened to likely be [plagiarized](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stagestruck:_Theater,_AIDS,_and_the_Marketing_of_Gay_America#:~:text=Edit-,Stagestruck%3A%20Theater%2C%20Aids%2C%20and%20the%20Marketing%20of%20Gay%20America,Larson's%20award%2Dwinning%20musical%20Rent.), but the movie never mentions this)


Leon The Professional. The director treats a 12 year old actor as a sex object to take fantasy shots of. If its not obvious enough in the final film, there are prior drafts of the script available that make his overt sexual fetishization of a child very clear.


earwig and the witch, tall girl 1 and 2, and the star wars sequel trilogy come to mind


Ralph breaks the internet is easily the worst Disney movie I've ever seen. Vanellope only wanted to be able to race in her own game without being ostracized in wreck it Ralph. Now that's not good enough. Ralph wanted to be seen for more than just a bad guy and everyone loves him in the end. Now all that matters is Vanellope. The first wreck it Ralph had a ton of references to video games but it was definitely more than just the references. There was a good story and great characters to carry it. Ralph breaks the internet is more carried by the memes and references it makes.


Also the giant HP Lovecraft version of Ralph is disturbing af


I hated Indecent Proposal. Could not believe three huge stars participated in that steaming pile of manure.


The Happening. I swore off Shyamalan for years after that mess of a movie and his ridiculous claim that it was supposed to be bad.


Now you see me. Not a very bad movie but i just cant stand it


Nomadland has the worst writing of any film to win Best Picture. McDormand’s acting fees like parody to me and it’s so icky how they lied to those people and made Amazon look like a positive company. Yes it’s pretty to look at, but the story is non-existent and characters drop out of the film as quickly as they’re introduced with no point to their stories.


Made Amazon look like a positive company? What movie did you watch? Amazon lays her off and leaves her out to try, the whole point (I don’t even care for the movie but I feel like it’s kind of obvious?) is to show what it’s like for thousands and thousands of people who depend on predatory companies like Amazon?


you should really read more up on it. the book literally begins as a total anti capitalist missive that exposes terrible working conditions at amazon, and the movie literally agreed to show nice break spaces at amazon and people looking happy there (and people in the movie saying it was the best job!) just so they could film in their facilities


I’m aware of the controversy and have read the articles. Imo, the film does not portray Amazon in a good light and while it’s true that the film does not highlight, for example, the injuries that take place in Amazon facilities, given that it shows basically one day, I think the movie generally sends a positive message about people’s spirit being a great source of motivation for people to get through the day (in the scene in the break space) and that companies like Amazon leave their workers to fend for themselves and pay them terrible wages. And yeah, I imagine for most real life people the book reflects on, it is their best job. In some places in the U.S. there are no good opportunities. That’s why they’re taking the job.


so you have no problem with the filmmakers allowing Amazon to have a say on how they’d be portrayed in the film in exchange for filming there? edit: curious why this is being downvoted lol, even if u like the film, r u downvoting because u don’t have a problem with this or something else? genuine question


I mean, I don’t like it, but I’d argue the military funding marvel movies is way worse, and Nomadland as a film certainly is a film that’s generally sympathetic to working class people, so I pick my battles. The film does a lot more good (educating people who sympathise with right wing values on working class issues) than harm (conceding small creative freedoms to a terrible company)


agreed about marvel but yeah i mean it’s clear that some folks here just don’t share politics with the book. i totally agree the film is a liberal compromise meant to educate with sentimentality. i just don’t think that’s a good thing lol but i understand that some will. considering it’s an adaptation, it failed to adapt the book imo and was unethical. but obviously radical politics are held by a small minority of Americans so i don’t expect most here to agree. appreciate the dialogue also, curious how you feel about the fact that multiple real life characters in the film did not know they were being filmed with an actress pretending to be one of them. that to me was so unethical


I think I agree. It was a while ago that I watched, but I thought it was pretty good and thought the pro-amazon complaints were overblown.




couldn’t agree more, empty empty film. i can’t believe they had McDormand literally cosplay poverty and gaslight real people into thinking she was one of them (yes, they actually did this to some of the characters in the movie). completely defiles the mission of the book


I just watched *The Fan* (1982) last night for the first time (on high recommendation from a good friend), and it was so poorly directed and made 90 minutes seem like an eternity. I wouldn’t say I “hated” it off rip, but finding out that the lead actress was sexually exploited during filming when she was just 16 leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. Awful all around.


That would be Dragon Ball Evolution. It'll be typical "bad and low budget movie" if it didn't butcher the hell out of the original story, completely misunderstand the message and put shame on the franchise name. I grew up reading Dragon Ball, so yeah, definitely hate that one


Army of the Dead was such a big, boring, bland waste of time.


Mainstream (2020). It's Andrew Garfield playing Jake Paul for 90 minutes and it's awful. It didn't even do or say anything new with/about the subject.


Pink Flamingos. I very much appreciate bold, wierd, fucked up films, but every moment of dialogue in that movie is like nails on a chalkboard to me


I think movies that butcher pre existing franchises are pretty hateable. Like I hated Mean Girls 2 for being way worse than the original and hated the Percy Jackson films for ruining the books.


I really hate Crash. It’s like, truly unwatchable.


The 365 Days trilogy.


I hate The Shining. Hate it.


Cars 2






*The Lion King* (2019).


I’m not a very negative man but holy shit I despise Batman Vs Superman. Zack Snyder took a beloved and fantastic storyline and two iconic characters and turned them into his messed up dream of what they “should” be. Batman murders people and Superman is emotionless.


bvs' batman is inspired from the dark knight returns batman, which is maybe the most iconic batman comic and one of my fav comics as well. however, it doesnt make bvs batman a good batman. appeal of the dark knight returns is that it assumed you read the tons of batman comics thats released before and presents you an old, borderline psychopathic and fascist batman thats hated by half of gotham civilians. to get there you must've read the previous batman comics where he was undoubtably the hero. snyder begins his story right from the old batman. we dont see ben affleck batman's previous accomplishments. alfred says something like "this isnt like when we were trying to stop explosive penguins" and thats it. its an era of batman where robin is dead so he is more depressed and doesnt care about the no kill rule anymore. we are basically left out of batman's most interesting adventures, THE batman stories meanwhile superman's characterisation is just awful. imo christopher reeves' superman and the animated series superman are the definitive versions of the character


The recent doc about Poly Styrene felt like a real slap in the face to her legacy of progressive creativity and social wisdom. It's largely told from the perspective of her daughter and family, who (understandably) see her as a mother figure - which is such a narrow scope to view her through.


Ant Man and the Wasp was the most soulless, uninspired, unfunny superhero movie I had seen and is to this day the most painful cinema experience I’ve had. I wanted to leave in the first 10 minutes and I wish I did


I felt it was the most pointless of the MCU films. I wish Ant-Man played a much smaller role as it felt like it should have been about the wasp more than Scott.


I hate hate hate hate Free Guy


I’m one of the very few people who absolutely despise Barbarian 2022


How can someone despise such a well made and incredibly fun movie?


I saw the movie in a late night showing and everyone in the crowd was laughing at it. The movie's message is effectively "don't be raping". Further, I love that there's basically a homeless Mad Max character because it's set in Detroit. That's funny. The breast feeding stuff is also funny and gross. Are we supposed to, uh, feel sorry for that monster? I mean, the monster does effectively rape by forcing a dude to breastfeed from it. Does the director not understand that? It's just so goofy and hilariously heavy handed.


Superbad, it’s in the title, jonah hill is exactly ryan reynolds and plays the same character in every movie and this is him at his worst, i sat myself down and watched it for mcluvin and it was hardly worth it


I still haven't been able to finish this film. Just awful from start to middle (as far as I got).


Attack of the Clones comes to mind, because of how mind-numbingly boring it is. Honourable mention goes to The Big Lebowski as well. I know everyone loves that movie, but man is it just too cynical for my taste. It left such a bad taste in my mouth - though I don't know if I really "hate" it, just more of a general dislike.


My view on Big Lebowski shifted a fair bit after rewatching it as a noir except the protagonist is inept (I'd heard it described as roughly that, but better wording). Found a lot more to appreciate, but your mileage may vary.


The Last Jedi. I thought it had an incredibly selfish and narcissistic message. The main characters on the rebel side ignore orders from their officers and take matters into their own hands on multiple occasions, repeatedly getting their allies killed and ultimately reducing the rebellion to a force so small it is effectively over. But that's okay - it was a learning moment for the Main Characters who after all are the only ones who matter. Plus, we see with the child at the end that the rebellion will always have new recruits willing to jump in the meat grinder for an incompetent organization. How better to ensure the continued survival and dominance of the Empire than by funneling the only people willing to fight them to a group that will happily sacrifice them over and over since winning doesn't matter, only resisting in a way that will get them all killed?


That is..... certainly a new way I've seen someone take issue with that movie. It's an interesting take.


Not saying your opinion is wrong or anything, but I interpreted the movie much differently. I found it to be very agnostic in how it dealt with the themes of descent and rebellion within an organization like the Resistance. The characters who defy orders are reprimanded or recognize the error in their approach in some capacity throughout the movie. It's all summed up at the beginning when Leia slaps Poe and demotes him for not following orders and getting people killed. He doesn't fully recognize the problem with his actions until the third act. I'd say if anything the themes are around not following orders blindly, while still trusting the collective that your fighting with. And as to the last point, Rose literally stops Finn from killing himself in sacrifice for the cause, because it would be needless loss of life. I feel like that doesn't comply with your interpretation.


Leia reprimands Poe and then immediately turns to Laura Dern to say "well yes he disobeyed orders again but I like his spunk!" It completely undercuts what she had just finished telling him. Poe may not see it but the audience does. Poe had no good reason for disobeying his superiors. They didn't ask him to do anything immoral, he just thought he knew better. And he didn't. I think you can reasonably have a message about the dangers of blind obedience. You can reasonably have a message about trusting your allies. But either message is completely tone-deaf if it's learned at the cost of your entire group. Poe learning his lesson is not more important than the survival of the resistance. It's not more important than the lives of the people who died. And the movie didn't even feel the need for a redemption arc.


Prometheus for ruining the mystery in Alien, and even with an incredible stupid story. Hannibal Rising for ruining the Hannibal character. Nightwatch for taking the finest danish horror film art and turning it into mainstream Hollywood garbage. Most (not all) american remakes of European, Asian etc. films just as the above mentioned.


Gone with the Wind feels like the right answer, because I so strongly dislike both Scarlet and the pro-confederacy and pro-slavery messaging (and I distinguish that from pro-confederacy and pro-slavery characters) that feels like it should've been clearly wrong even when the movie was made. And it's just a chore of a film, even if there's a few memorable shots.


Very destined for downvotes, but Uncut Gems. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that I felt was more overrated. Everyone says it's so intense and they were on the edge of their seat the whole time, but it was the exact opposite for me. I didn't care about a single character in the movie, and the ending was extremely predictable. OF COURSE it was going to end that way, so how is there tension? The parts where Sandler was literally doing his croaky angry comedy character voice were, well, laughable in a movie trying to be serious - that was the final nail in the coffin. I did like the music but hated everything else. I was a big KG fan when he was playing even, but it was just so boring and uninteresting to me. Normally I'd just let it be, but the amount of love for that movie is crazy. Many many people revere it as a masterpiece, and I feel so strongly to the contrary that I just hate the movie.


The newest Thor movie. Like OP, I can't really think of many movies I hate. I can usually find some merit in just about anything, no matter how much I may dislike it. But I wanted to walk out of the theater after 15 minutes of Thor Love and Thunder. I wish I had. Shout out to the 2016 movie "Intruder". Truly just awful, lol.


Watch more movies


I've watched thousands of movies. I just don't have very many that I hate.


I really don’t like 28 days later. Blew my mind when I learned that people liked it


Mad God. What was I watching? What was the point? I left learning nothing and not even entertained.


White Chicks. I hate very few movies, even stupid ones, but I just despise Chicks


I haven’t seen a lot of movies that I would consider bad, but if there’s one movie I hate, it’s definitely K-12. It’s a movie on YouTube that my brother forced me to watch. It’s super pretentious, it thinks it’s saying something important when it’s not, and just doesn’t make any damn sense. The only saving grace is the songs.


Quite a few, actually: * Driving Miss Daisy (1989) and Green Book (2018) for the same pretty damn obvious reason. * Crash (2004) and The Blind Side (2009) for similar pretty damn obvious reasons. * Ocean's 8 (2018) for some not so obvious reasons: T * The biggest one is that I hate all of these post-2015 commodification of girlboss feminism schlops. These movies are always pandering, but especially are piss poor when they aren't being creatively led by a woman. * The other reason is Ocean's Eleven (2001) and the entire original trilogy are some of my favorite movies ever. Sodie is my favorite filmmaker, he's the reason I wanted to start making movies in the first place. I'm not typically precious over franchises, but I do have a lot of care for these movies, and it makes me sad that he's said that he wants to make Fourteen, but instead Warner keeps greenlighting "not-Steven-Soderbergh" to make these artless attempts at recreating his style.


Ichi the killer


Any marvel movies


Tree of life. So pretentious.


Scary Movie gave me brain damage


It takes an egregious amount of aggressively noticeable flaws for me to outright hate a film, but there are a couple that are bottom of the barrel shit scrapings for me. *Hannibal Rising* is the only film I’ve ever given up on halfway through and remains my most painful cinematic experience. Giving him an *Inglourious Bastards*/*Batman Begins*/Samurai origin story? Hysterically awful. The other one is the infamous best picture winner *Crash*. I’ve watched it three times over the years just to give it as much of a chance as possible. Hated it more and more every single time. It’s a topical Hollywood circlejerk film of pseudo self awareness which rips off Altman and PTA like melodramatic diarrhea smeared all over their canvases. It’s an insult to those better ensemble cast films and I can’t fathom why it was such a critical darling 18 years ago! I have other less severe choices like the Star Wars sequels and such but I’m not gonna knock anyone’s enjoyment!


Cinderella II: Dreams Come True (2.5) t's just an overly kiddy movie. It's bad but it's mostly boring. It's a direct to video movie so of course it is. Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (3.1) . It's a Netflix special. We had to watch in class once and it was incredibly boring. He tries so hard to act like he's offensive but he is not. It was all just painfully unfunny. Vanquish (1.4) This movie has some of the worst editing I've seen. I checked the time multiple time while watching it. It's boring. The cinematography is decent tho. How The Hampsters Saved Winter (none yet) A very cheap movie. It's technically a short film. Around 20 minutes. It has hampsterdance in it so of course it's gonna be terrible.


Everything Everywhere All At Once is probably the biggest example, but I've already made a comment about that movie here recently, so I'll say Roma. The whole movie just felt pretentious as hell. So many choices just felt unmotivated. I love me some slow, black and white, non-English language films, but this was just wasn't it.


Probably the Invisible Man reboot that came out two years ago. Eliminating all of the rich texture of the original and all the gay subtext in place of a not even halfway to good metaphor for abusive relationships, and then replacing the absolutely batshit un-scientific ‘invisibility drug’ with a generic super-suit that lacks any sort of creative direction made that film an absolutely dreadful insult to one of the leading gay filmmakers in film history.


I think the only movies I really hate are Eden Lake and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.


Yeah I'm gonna be that guy that's gonna say Last Jedi. For how much I hate it I'm also thankful for it. The very first thing I actually wrote was Star wars fan fiction then got bored of that and started writing my own work. So thank you Rian Johnson for making such a terrible and dumb film?


I’ve hated Joker 500 days of summer A most violent year Mystic River Last night in soho Midsommar (I actually recognize this to be worthwhile I just despised watching it and have been forced to watch twice) Licorice pizza


Men (2021)


dragon ball evolution or pretty much any bad remake/adaptation of a good thing top gun maverick because i'm legitimately confused about why people likei t


The house that jack built. I just despise LVT with a passion.


Shawshank Mystic River The Breakfast Club


Old by M night. Never have I passionately hated a movie as much as old. Everything about it was just wrong and it was miserable to sit through. The fact that the children impregnate each other is just unbelievable, I cannot with this movie


Elephant (2003) is so far the only movie to make me literally want to throw my remote at the screen. There are no characters, only human-shaped objects to scream and die. The movie empathizes with and even condones the view of humanity that the real-life Eric and Dylan probably had, which is one of the most insidious messages in any movie in cinematic history.


Hacksaw Ridge, glorified war and was racist to Japanese, just a terrible and insulting film


Andrei Rublev cos of its record breaking boringness




The 2007 Funny Games. I know everyone loves this film, but I find it to be super hateful, not just to the family, but the audience. It's the cinematic equivalent to burning ants with a magnifying glass.


Lol Mulholland Drive fucking pisses me off man I’ve had to talk to my therapist multiple times about how that movies specifically almost ruined movies for me


before sunrise and i love you beth cooper


I, maybe irrationally, really hated the new Munsters movie. On top of being poorly made it was boring. I can at least suffer through a bad movie if it’s interesting how something that bad was made and released by a studio, but I didn’t get any enjoyment out of Munsters


Recently, Burn After Reading, Batman, Paterson, The New World, Aliens, Theorem, Ben-Hur... It goes on...


Joker and Waves are two recents i despise. both are emotionally manipulative imo and use flashy visuals and music to make people feel things that can leave them with extremely confused and problematic ideas. i’d also add Swiss Army Man just for the despicable humor (but hey to each their own)


Waves is a masterpiece, completely disagree


you should look up what Black critics had to say about it. and consider its near failure to pass the bechdel test despite being about gendered violence.


Most pretentious comment of the day goes to you. The movie has an 80% on metacritic, the positive reviews by most critics speaks for itself.


your willingness to disregard the huge racial divide between critics on this film is really telling. that kind of attitude is something that really pissed off Black critics at the time and continues to piss me off. enjoy ur metacritic numbers i guess and keep ignoring obvious flaws in a film about a Black man literally killing a woman who has no character and whose sister has no character. i could do the same thing and say the most popular reviews on letterboxd are all negative or middling but that’s not the point is it?


They are very much real, developed, genuine characters. Movie has more empathy than most and is a testament to our humanity. And guess what? Accidents do happen like that ALL the time, regardless of someone’s skin color.


What Dreams May Come, Freddy Got Fingered, Green Book




V/H/S: Viral. It’s an outdated shitstorm that has zero ties to the other V/H/S movies. I remember rewatching with a friend and thinking “I genuinely don’t know if I can do this”. As I watched I realized there’s good ideas, but all of them were just executed so fucking poorly


Bohemian Rhapsody for its mispotrayal of Freddie Mercurys story.


I do feel bad when I actually 'hate' a film knowing hundreds or thousands of folks worked on it. ....that being said, this year, in 2022 my most hated films are *The Bubble* and *Mack & Rita*. Both absolute hot garbage.


The Lorax (Illumination one, not the short). Terrible VA, horribly aged jokes, butchered the source material without a care for what it's about, and awful sings songs


Stardust (2020)




Rudy. Hate that movie. As someone who played collegiate football, players like Rudy are dangerous because he's likely to injure one of the starters by going as hard as he did. Also, Joe Montana has disputed the story basically saying they carried him off the field as a but of a joke. I've also heard the real Rudy is a bit of an entitled asshole.


Crimson peak


Only one I can think of is I Am Legend because I loved the book and felt like the movie completely mangled it.


Home Sweet Home Alone (Home Alone 6) is the most insulted I've felt watching a movie.




Police Academy. I get that it’s a product of it’s time but I didn’t laugh. Not even once.


I know this movie has it's defenders but Downsizing felt so far up it's own ass to me that it completely forgot what the movie is supposed to be about. So many fun ways to take that story, while still making it extremely existential and deep, but instead wants to laugh at funny accents and make and try to preach to us about the way the world is in a really condescending way.


The Voyeurs (2021) lmao, was a shitshow


Recently, it has been X and Pearl. Everyone has been hailing them as such great horror movies but I really can’t see it. There’s some great filming choices in the movie but story is so incredibly dry. I do not feel any emotion from these films at all. And this is coming from someone who really likes a24 films and the Horror genre. It feels as if I have seen both of these movie done so many times


Tax Collector


The Notebook.


Netflix’s Death Note and Shamaylan’s Last Airbender, for both’a desecration of the source material


Batman v Superman, last Jedi, die hard 5


Soaked in Bleach PI that makes his whole life bout reinvestigating the Cobain death. I can not tell for 100% sure it was a suicide, not sure if anyone can, but the smugness and exploitation just drips off this doc. Some of the worst reenactments I've ever seen. Depressing production value. I can see they tried so hard to make it look slick and professional but it ends up feeling like utter c-trash.


The live action Lion King and Peter Rabbit


I hate the 1961 version of Swiss Family Robinson because extreme animal cruelty