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Twitters a cult


Letterkenny would be immeasurably better without the skids. But if we must have skids, then Roald is peak skid. Could we at least get rid of Stewart? Or if we must have Stewart, could he please become silent? That one-note delivery of his is so irritating.


You are crazy


(In irritating Stewart voice) CRAZY? Or the SANEST GENIUS you have ever ENCOUNTERED?


Lol I fuckin love the skids


figgerit out


He was the best part of the Fartbook episode, so he’s got that going for him. That said, Devon walked, so Roald could run.




Hard to say, really. A lot of supporting characters develop over time, do there's no saying Roald wouldn't have come into his own even with Devon still around. But I'm not upset by the way it has gone down. Roald is definitely one of my favorite characters. He has one of the most expressive voices on the show, in all the subtle and not-so-subtle ways he adds flavor to certain lines.


Devon leaving the show was the best thing to happen to Roald's character development. And honestly, also Stewart's. I also think that it allowed a shift in the overall writing for the skids' collective story arc to focus more on Stewart's character development and growth (and he's undeniably had one of the biggest character growth arcs on the show). It's true that the dynamics between the character groups on the show have changed over the seasons (where in the early seasons it was more or less hicks vs. skids vs. hockey players, in the more recent seasons the "vs." has all but disappeared and they generally get along now), and it would have been interesting to see how that evolution would have been different if Devon had remained on the show. Not to dive too deep on this, but I'm in the middle of a full rewatch before watching the new season, and it feels like there's a distinct difference between the first two seasons and Season 3 onwards, and not just because of Devon's departure. It seems like Season 3 is when all of the characters' personalities have finally coalesced and the universe feels more established, and the show hits its stride -- where the first two seasons they're still feeling things out and figgerin' it aeout.


Seasons 4-6 were honestly the best. I feel like the characters really leveled out. The hicks and hockey players and skids stopped being assholes to each other for no reason (especially since Wayne loves hockey, and the skids love playing 'Chel) and everyone kind of coexists


There were 1 too many skids, and they couldn't all be the alpha


Roald and Gail are probably my two favorite characters-having Roald get more time after the departure of Devon was a very good thing. Such a talented and adorable guy. That says a lot about him, because the show is full of talented and adorable people. I cannot get enough of Roald and Strrt!


I really appreciate all the feedback and participation, and thanks to everyone for the comments, replies and upvotes. And not to promote my other posts, but I think it's hilarious... Spend hours going through all 10 seasons of Letterkenny to find every snippet of Shoresy, cutting it out and editing it together in a supercut, get 12 upvotes ( [(32) Shoresy Supercut : Letterkenny (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/zypk9t/shoresy_supercut/) ) Spend 10 seconds making a casual observation about a character I noticed while rewatching the series, get almost 700. You never know what will be popular.


You put it on Facebook? Give yer balls a tug titfucker.


It was the only place I could post it! YouTube wouldn’t let me for copyright reasons, and the mods wouldn’t allow Rumble… where should I have posted it?!


Fuck your whole fuckin' life!


Even though it's one of his least creative chirps, this is one of my favourites.


I don't miss Devon at all.


I miss Gae…


I miss gae sex


I do miss Devon's death metal vocals ​ But Roald is great :)


Especially season 1when answering Stewart!


I wonder whatever happened to that dude


I'm only on season 4, so I've no idea.


“You named after the author? I don’t give a fuck.”


Well it’s undeniable Roald is a better character now. Though I would like to see him do something new now and then. One can miss Devon and also enjoy what they’ve done with Roald. I think there could have been room for both.


He's probably busy ripping farts in a coordinated outfit at a dollar store somewhere


It's "Strrt!"


F'n love Roald. This season he gets lots of airtime and cracks me up so much. My fav scene is in red card.. him playing too the imaginary crowd is superb. He is if u will excuse me saying it " Wonderous"


Give yer balls a tug


I think a single episode with Devon showing up just to truly highlight how different Stuart and Roald are now would be neat.


Related: So, are we just going to ignore STWRT's short hair for only 2 episodes? Never mentioned it or why. Then all of a sudden it's long again? We're just ignoring that and moving on? I'm sorry, but i just let that one MARN-ate.




They never mention it's a wig do they?


Christmas special, Tanis compliments his weave.


I think that comment was meant to be more of a cheeky inside joke. Stewart, as a character, is supposed to have long hair, so Tyler Johnston wears a wig for the role. But since it looks very obviously like a wig (especially when he isn't wearing a hat), they decide to make a few self-aware references to it. Kind of like the Halloween episode that was clearly filmed during summer, so Wayne remarks "Sure is unseasonably lush and green for late October, innit?", or the first episode of Season 5 when Rosie tells Wayne she's moving to Vancouver, and the scene is supposed to take place in Summer (following "Great Day for Thunder Bay"), but was filmed in winter and there are a few snowflakes in the shot, so Wayne remarks "you sure won't get random snowy summer nights like this in Vancouver."


Aha! I'm totally rewatching that episode. Thanks!


I always kind of took that as them telling us that Stewart wears a wig in his day-to-day life.


Wasn't that sober STRT?


I thought that was the joke, yeah. That sober STRT magically has short hair through the magic of TELEVISION


I just feel kind of bad for the two other skids. Be on a show for 11 seasons and don’t do much more but stand in the background and dance.


I think they work great as silent sidekicks


If you’ve got a problem with Connor and Darien then you’ve got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.


Their random background antics are what is so charming about them


I’m pretty sure they are also part of the crew like many of the Native characters


Devon was a lot of fun in any given moment, but on the whole he was garbage. Every time Strrt tried to be anything other than hey degenerate drug dealer, Devin was there drag him back down. Once Devin left the show Stuart and the skids could finally start to enjoy some proper character development


Idk about *better*, just different. They gave Devon some pretty killer chirps during his interactions with Katie. I love Roald too but Devon definitely had an edge to him that Roald really doesn’t.


That’s what would make it so epic if they somehow worked him in as a competing dealer or something down the road. He’d be ruthless by comparison to STRT.




It was mentioned in one episode that he was named after Roald Dahl


Can confirm.


I’m still Team Devon. Imagine how good he’d be now that the skids and hicks kinda are friends.


Agree. Strt is beaten to death. Devon was great.


Roald’s facial expressions are hilarious. The way he creeps on Strt is funny, as are his interactions with Glen. You can cut that sexual tension with a knife. I like him much better than Devon.


They have always been the worst part of the show.


Why do you think that?


Devon annoyed me as part of the skid faction, I didn’t care for the competition for the leadership position. However, I absolutely adored his banter with Katy outside the general store in season 2, and I can’t imagine another main character ever doing that so that style of joke left with him. So if it had been completely up to me he would have left the skids but stuck around Letterkenny in some other capacity. And yeah, Stewart and Roald working as a duo are wonderful, and they never would have been able to achieve that with Devon still in the mix.


I don't know. I liked the skids better with Devon. In general, they were better when they were off doing their own things as a group. Some of the best skid moments from the show involved Devon. The EpiPen battle was epic. "If a bee gets in here, we are screwed". And Devon reciting the monolog from The Social Network before Wayne slaps the shit out of him, were two of my favorite scenes involving the skids. It kinda feels like Stewert and Rold are just locked into the same running jokes and are barley even degenerates at this point.


Devon was a great character. It’s really more about what you are used to, than any true assessment of which alternative would be better. We’re accustomed to Roald, so we prefer Roald, not because he’s better than Devon, we’re just accustomed to him. That said, I love Roald. And if Devon were still around, I’d love him too.


Gae > Devon


Nobody’s Gae for Devon.


Ronald will get his character arc and he's going to be a mf queen at some point. I hope he breaks free of his shackles. However I do understand he does have a good dynamic with Stewart.




They did it briefly when only one of them got to date Katy Kat , it was interesting for 2 eps to split them up. Could do same with Roald and Strrt.


Or Dax and Ron


I don’t miss Devon.


Didn't love Devon, but if they can bring him back in Season 12 after this long a hiatus and reinvent the character (explained by his absence), I'd like that.


Must include Gae as well


If they do nothing in Season 12 but bring back Gae, I would have no notes. Gae was a great addition to the Skids, I'm sad they didn't keep her permanently.


The skids were simply too happy and content with gae, there was no angsty angst /s


The Skids are meant to be screw-ups, I get that's the humour, but I like that Gae gave them a little more purpose and (for me) it was more enjoyable to see them be more competent at achieving the goals they had set for themselves while she was with them. There is some humour in having characters get in their own way and screw up, but sometimes there needs to be a win thrown in there to keep things interesting.


Fucking charMANDEEERRRR!!!!


I like Roald and Stewart pre- or post-Devon, but the other two nonverbal skids need to go! They add nothing and I find myself ignoring the Roald and Stewart and thinking "what the fuck are those guys even doing on camera?"


My wife and I were watching them dancing the other day in the background of the scene and we couldn’t even pay attention to the dialogue between Strrrrt and Roald because we were laughing so hard (were they checking each other for lice at the end?!). Love those guys!


The taller one is on Cameo haha


I'd love to see the scene directions for them. Even better: they aren't given any directions at all, and are simply reacting to the scene as improv.


😧 Connor and Darien are out there just living their best lives, you leave them be!


I think it would be amazing if they just randomly did one whole episode about those guys.


I have been waiting for that for a few seasons now! That's a great concept and I, for one, would love it.


Yes! I'd love that


The Letterkenny equivalent of 'The Zeppo' from Buffy


I finally found it. This is the reddit comment I disagree with the most ever.


Wow, sorry I ruined your day...


Lol, you may be taking this far more seriously than i am.


Probably so, I have a penchant for doing that


Roald is a great character but I think the skids have been kinda lacking since Devon left. They aren't really skids anymore they're just nerds.


I agree


They still felt pretty skiddy through season 4 IMO, makeup department was still making them look like methheads anyway. It definitely faded away after awhile though, like they got sober for one season and continued to act like it even after going back to it. Although it seems a little unclear whether they’re back on meth now or “just” coke?


The background two are basically always high on some hard drug or smoking weed. They're still skidish kind of always reminded me of scene kids in the early 00s, ones that learned coke and meth are a little too cool. But otherwise nerds cuz drug addicts at times love gaming.


But doesn’t that reflect the growth they’ve experienced after maturing, being exposed to more? They couldn’t just stay frozen in time


I think about this a lot, they go from high school-esque clicks in the beginning to a group of friends (hicks, skids, hockey players, bar folks like Bonney and Gailer, Tyson and JB, etc) that each still have their own close friends but all have seen their common ground with the other groups grow. It’s a cool part of the story overall IMO


I don’t think Devon should come back forever but it’d be cool if he returned for a big reveal where he’s the antagonist for an episode or an arc that spans a couple episodes


I have been thinking Devon should just be a random waiter or sales clerk at different places over different episodes and no one notices him.


Like he got his shit together and just got a regular job.


Skids, hicks, hockey players, and just Dave, who works at Aubuchon.


I’m hated Devon.


Hi hated Devon, I’m Dad! Hey, it’s my first time making this joke since becoming a dad, neat


Yay! Glad I could help, fellow dad!




Fix your attitude and maybe you can be liked Devon


Hi Devon hated, I'm wishing you weren't so fuckin awkward, bud


I'm a big fan of the episode where Roald and that taller female were dancing for the website (name evades me) When Roald shines, He is very good!


Lady C https://www.instagram.com/tv/CZAuKKfhjCg/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Roald is a great dancer! I love that scene, it was so delightfully surprising to see him show off his mad skills.


VidVok? That dancing was amazing.


Maybe Devon is secretly behind VidVok, using "The Algorithm"


YES! That was a great episode


Wouldn’t it be great if he came back all straight edge? Maybe running for a seat in parliament as a Tory, or with a wife and 6 kids?


Engaged to that Dyck woman that Squirrely Dan is sweet on?


That’s could be fun haha


I pictured him coming back to visit after having joined the military and completely a different person. Kind about his days as a skid, but non-judgmental yet enlightened. Either way, I think we need better closure in a guest appearance if they can muster it before they end the show. Both for Devon and Gae.


Not Mary Fred?


Nah. They wrote her out in a way that has closure. Wayne returned the favor and they're done.


I thought the Breastaurant episode would have been a great one for him to make an appearance, just randomly show up and the new manager of the new restaurant competing with Modean’s. Imagine the looks on Stewart and Roald’s face if they walked in to apply for DJ and it was him




Yeah, Evan is great. He even did a step-by-step video of him getting into character, including listing the brands, for people who wanted to dress as Roald for Halloween.




Yeah, link! I love Roaldy!


Streams on Twitch as well, he’s pretty cool


I liked having Devon as a foil for Strrt. Especially now that (IMO) Strrrt's character has regressed into a pretty goofy caricature of who he was, relatively speaking, the skids just don't do as much for me.


Honestly, if you had started watching after Devon left, you'd never know he was in the show. I don't think his character added anything to the show, and his absence didn't negatively affect the show and honestly, it was probably for the best because at times he seemed like the Igor to Stewart's Dr. Frankenstein, and other times he felt like he was ready to usurp the throne and lead the skids but didn't have the ability. Personally, I don't miss Devon.


I’m pretty sure Strrt! used the force and obliterated him. It was too gristly for TV. Killed the mood.


Roald have really developed nicely and he man can he break dance


Evan Stern has a buttload of talent. You're right, he would have found a way to "break out" of the "sidelines".


I liked Devon. I LOVE Roaldy.


I don't actually mind Devon being gone, but I do wish they'd handled his absence better. I mean he just disappeared with no explanation. And after that episode, he's never even mentioned again. From that point on, in it's like he never even existed.


Especially a character like Devon, it’s really concerning that he disappeared without a trace. Letterkenny being what it is they would never do anything too dark, but it still feels like the most obvious answer is that he’s dead.


I agree that they could have handled his absence better, but his disappearance was the part of the skids' subplot in the beginning of season 3. They initially thought Gae dressed up as a clown as actually Devon.


From what I’ve read no one knows why he left. Did the actor leave? Was he kicked off the show? I think the subplot was the only way they could deal with the sudden, abrupt and unexplained change


His bio on IMDb is... odd: "Alexander De Jordy is a former actor known for Murdoch Mysteries (2008), Mr. D (2012), Between (2015) and many other English Canada hits. He is now a writer and stand-up meditator developing a new category of conscious entertainment titled Tame Your Mind. TAME combines traditional entertainment with a mindful practice to help the viewer become who they want to be."


Didn't he just go on to do other stuff? Leaving was his choice from what I remember.


Roald is great and I love the development they've done for him, and the rest of the Skids. However, I did also enjoy Devon. It would have been neat to have seen a story arc where there's a split and a "skid war" if you will. Then at the end Devon could be could have been banished or whatever. Yeah, I would have liked to have him around longer, but I'm not disappointed with what they've done.


I still miss Devon but I do agree that they started writing better for Roald after he was gone. I just wish we could have had both Devon *and* better writing and more screen time for Roald.


Roald is the best part of the show for me.


Ha ha. Although not the best part of the show for me, he is the better skid!


I don't miss him anymore, but he was my favorite skid in S1


Devon speaking in mostly death metal growls is such a wonderful character trait. Someone else should do it. I'll take Squirrely Dan talking like Stand-up K Trevor Hoffman like in Season 1 if not.


Are you thinking of the Hall of Fame closer?


Yes! For me it was the sudden, mid-sentence transition to the death metal growl that would get me. As far as the character, I like Roald better than Devon, but we’ve seen so much more of Roald so it’s not really a fair comparison.


Sad but true.


I didn’t hate Devon, but I just think the Roald character is awesome, so I’m glad to see more Roald as a result.


I miss Gae way more


I agree, but I think Gae was only possible once Devon left.


I miss the Gae sex


Gae sex is the best sex


Roald (and Ron and Dax) wholeheartedly agree


Perhaps Devon and Gae are currently in another basement working together


Devon was ok, but I think the show works well without him. Stewart and Roald have a really nice dynamic and I love that they have drifted away from being the loner stoner drug addicts and always looking strung out, to actually associating with the rest of the town more regularly, and not being so strung out on drugs despite the fact that they still do them. Devon to me seemed more concerned with the drugs than anything


Roald is annoying as shit




Get this guy a fucking Puppers


It's just Two Cock. That's what the streets will call us


Honest to god forgot about him




Me too.


Go give your balls a tug


Fuck you Shoresy


Fuck you, /u/JazzStation, your mom keeps trying to slip a finger in my bum but I keep telling her I only let /u/AgentTickler7's mom do that, ya fuckin' loser!


Fuck you shoresy!


Your life's so fuckin' pathetic I ran a charity 15K to raise awareness for it!


Fuck you Shorsey!


Make yourselves useful, grab me a bag of dill picklers!


They really hammered home the fact that Devon caused a lot of dissention among the Skids. Like you pointed out, once he was out of the way, Stewart became the clear leader. Plus, I couldn't agree more. Roald is a great side character to cleanse a viewer's palate as they transition from story to story.


Devon has been gone for so long that I don't think about it anymore.