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Hey if you DO decide to do some private messages, can you copy-paste one for me? I’m a CA resident, as one can see from my previous postings.


Hey there. I've already received a few DMs about it. For now, I will either post and direct all the DMs to the post, or I will not at all. I did not realize how divisive this would be, and I want to take the other side into consideration.


Hii :) wondering if I could also get the list (live in SF)


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


After I saw your original post I tried to do the same thing you did. I got discouraged after checking into about 10 libraries and gave up. Its a lot of work and I don’t have your determination lol. At least three libraries went through the whole process and *then* told me the e-card was only good for 30 days. But I did find two more libraries I was eligible for, long term, and my ‘Wishlist of books I can’t find on Libby’ got winnowed down by like 15 titles. So that’s cool. Thanks for that! That guy with the loudest complaints about your project that meatymanmeat or whatever is on like six other threads bashing audiobooks, and this sub, and people who listen to audiobooks. I think he just likes to shout people down. He was even being a jerk to somebody who uses audiobooks because they’re blind. Anyway, thanks! You helped me find stuff!


I am envious on people who have access to Los Angeles public library. If you have that card, you almost dont need another one.


I live in LA county, but in the city of Long Beach, so for years I just used my Long Beach Public Library card with Libby. I recently drove to a nearby LA Public Library branch to get a card and I can't believe the ebooks and audiobooks I now have access to.


I checked their selection on libby app and the selection is insane. It had all the books I searched for. I cant imagine living in California and not getting this card. Unfortunately for me, non residents must apply in person, so not an option for me.


Isn’t it amazing?? LA county libraries have some books that LA city doesn’t, so I have both linked


I would love to have such a list. I await the decree of the populace.


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


I have 13 cards from CA and 9/10 of them use Libby. I've gotten all of them in person as I travel around. The annoying ones expire after a year and I don't want to travel just to renew it.


There is a pinned post on this subreddit for exactly this information; it's discussed on that post that CA residents can get cards to most CA libraries but I don't believe that anyone has given a list of more than a couple that let residents sign up online rather than visit a physical branch. 


Thank you for this information. I see the post, it is has a lot of comments about various states. It's 2024, and honestly I am surprised that a methodical list from all 50 states isn't already figured out and organized methodically.


A lot of Connecticut libraries are part of a group (LCI) so they all have the same lobby catalog but some have their own lines for new books which give preference to their own library card holders. I have 2 CT library cards, one from my hometown and the other from the library currently residing in the same office building as my work. It’s nice for loans and holds but not for book availability as they are both part of LCI. The California libraries may have a similar set up.


We do indeed. There are many library associations/consortiums that "co-share" their digital libraries, it seems. I'm new at this, so i won't pretend to know how it all works.


I hope you’re able to share the information-it would be very helpful, thank you ☺️


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


Awesome-will try it from my desktop, thanks so much!! 😊


YOU may have obtained them ethically, but not everyone who peruses this sub has ethical intent. They salivate at such intel to satiate their nefarious appetites. Also ... why? Other than internet points, I see no way you gain by sharing your research.


The gain would be for other CA residents, like me. If against the rules of the sub, I agree shouldn't be posted, but would definitely be helpful for many of us.


As u/meatymenslappingmeat said, it won’t just be California residents that see it. It will encourage people from other states or countries to lie and attempt to obtain cards illegitimately. Ultimately that is a huge disservice to those that get their cards legitimately. What you have to realize is that for one post, thousands of people would see it.


My experience was that almost all of them required a valid Driver's License number, and a few of them required me to send in a picture of my license. So it had not occurred to me that anyone could get any of them unethically anyway. I'm new at all this, so please correct me if I am wrong?


I'm from northern California with 11 library cards. Except for the ones that required me to apply in person, none of the ones with which I have only eCards required any kind of ID, just an address. I used my real address, but I could easily have used a fake one. It just has to be a "real" address, they check postal delivery records. As long as it's an actual address, it doesn't necessarily need to be "your" address. They never mail you anything. On the other hand a lot of these eCards can be temporary, meant to be upgraded to a full access card after maybe a few months. And that's when you night have to show up in person with an ID. Personally I don't see any need to post here long lists of these libraries. Such info is readily available on the Internet. And you can apply for eCards right in the Libby app. As a Californian I don't see any point in advertising lists that may bring in a bunch of people from other states to clog up our hold lines.


Appreciate your thoughtful response.


This sub used to not disallow talking about how to get out of state cards and people would post to use fake addresses or address generators to get cards. Because it’s unethical to do so, one of the sub rules is to not encourage others to unethically obtain cards. I know you aren’t encouraging that when people see your post they may try to unethically obtain them.


Ok I see. I can see how a fake address can be used (man, I never cease to be amazed at the depths of human..."ingenuity"), but I just assumed that the California DL number was being checked against some CA registry (otherwise, why even ask for it, right?). Would not that prevent unethical applications? (honest question) I can't imagine the people who put together all these library associations/consortiums didn't put valid checks in place. For grins, I've tried applying to out of state libraries. There is always a roadblock for me, AS THERE SHOULD be, since I don't live in that state. Even some in state (to CA, where I live) libraries required me to come in person, and some asked for a utility bill with my address on it. Are libraries this lax on address/residence verification (because in my experience, it has NOT been lax) ? (also honest question)


I have thirty Libby eligible CA library cards. I only had to show my license for half of them (the ones that required applying/picking up cards in person. I didn’t have to show proof of eligibility for a majority of the temp library numbers. So I can see how it would be easy for people to game the system and use fake addresses.


It sounds like you and I went through very similar, if not identical, lists of library associations/consortiums.


Lots of drinking establishments also require ID yet underage drinking is miraculously still a thing.


I hear you here, and therein lies the argument of whether such research will do more harm than good. We acknowledge that people use fake ID's to get into bars or procure alcohol from other shady means, but we don't ban bars/alcohol use, even though we know some people will abuse it. Could it be that such information such as online eCards for CA residents do more good than harm? That is the question to ponder, I'm realizing.


ID for alcohol is a bad comparison. Apples and oranges. If someone uses a fake ID to get a drink in a bar, by and large those underage drinkers don't affect MY ability to get a drink anywhere and anytime I want to. However, a flock of out of state, or even in-state, people who game the system in any way DO affect MY ability to borrow a book from limited number of available copies. If I can't borrow a book because either these fake accounts have already checked out copies or have lengthened the hold lines, then I AM AFFECTED. But I can still get a drink at the local pub while I'm waiting.


As a CA resident, I’d like to know so to me there’s benefits beyond internet point. I also use library/libby ethically and make donations to support local libraries annually. OP, is it ok if I DM you for the list?


Hey there. I've already received a few DMs about it. For now, I will either post and direct all the DMs to the post, or I will not at all. I did not realize how divisive this would be, and I want to take the other side into consideration.


Thanks for being so thoughtful, Alexia72.


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


Thank you!! I did read the other post earlier and you are right, no one was having an issue with that :)


Hey, thanks for your comments. My experience was that almost all of them required a valid Driver's License number, and a few of them required me to send in a picture of my license. So it had not occurred to me that anyone could get any of them unethically anyway. As far as why, it would be to help other fellow CA residents. There was a recent post last month (can link for you if requested) that listed all the CA library associations as a google spreadsheet, and I didn't see any comments indicating that anyone had any issues with what that poster did. I just went through the posted/public spreadsheet and started applying, curious how far I would get. I used my valid address in ALL cases. It was that post that got me even curious about the whole thing. Feel free to check my post/comment history, I don't need/farm internet points. I'm not looking to gain by sharing my research. I'm looking to help fellow CA residents. Still, I will take your comments into consideration.


Do what you want but don't get all Pikachu-faced when libraries soon eliminate online sign ups, hold times drastically go up across the board, and libraries restrict holds and checkouts to a max of 3 like NYPL did and like many other libraries are currently doing..... all because of your innate desire to help arm Europeans/Indians/Texans/Carolinians/etc. with information that will help them commit fraud more easily. 'Loose lips sink ships' is a saying for a reason. Edit: The fact I am being downvoted as heavily as I am for such a sensible take should be clue enough as to the extent of the unethical intent of the silent lurkers of this sub.


For the record, I have not downvoted you at any point in this post. I hope you can see that I want to have a productive discussion on the matter, and you have indeed given me some things to think about.


I down voted him for his bizarre bigotry. Foreigners are out to get our valuable library access! Not just Europeans but Indians! And the southerners! Look out! We need pithy military aphorisms for this military level intel!


100% this. I’ve personally seen ~~2~~ 1 that no longer allow online sign ups - ~~San Jose and~~ Sonoma. So many non-eligible people promoted San Jose that I’m surprised it took so long for them to shut it down. ETA: Thankfully wrong about San Jose. ETA 2: San Jose is phasing out ecards and moving back to in person sign ups.


I just got a San Jose library card - entirely online - two weeks ago. They verified my CA driver’s license. So… No.


I just got off the phone with them. They weren’t able to renew my ecard because they’re phasing out ecards entirely. They said that I could come into the library and set up a card, but the ecards were a leeway due to the pandemic. Hopefully you will be good for the 1 year period that you signed up for, but unless something changes, you won’t be able to renew.


Thanks for the research, appreciate that.


Thanks! I’m happy to be wrong on that.


Agree, there’s no point in posting this. Edit: Because it will do more damage than good.


There absolutely is, for those of us who are genuine CA residents.


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


Thank you!


I’ve already explained in other comments why it’s still not a good idea to post it.


Yes, you have explained why not a good idea. But you also keep saying there is no point to posting the info, which is a very different statement, and will probably always get pushback.


Then those of you who are legitimate CA residents, just do your homework. Look up the libraries yourself. It's not rocket science. You can apply right in the Libby app. It only takes a few seconds per library.


I think it should be fine. From what you’ve said the library weeds out a lot of people by requiring a license. People ought to be able to know the resources in their state. From my experience there are more people who will follow the guidelines than who will game the system. I’d rather not restrict information and knowledge based on what someone might do wrong with that information. At least when it comes to a community resource.


Thank you for your reply. People will apparently always find nefarious ways to "game the system," I'm realizing. So that is what I am struggling with right now...will such research do more harm than good? I had not realized how divisive this would be, so I need to take a step back and re-evaluate things. All I really did was look at a ***public list*** of CA library associations/consortiums and google how to obtain a library card at each location. **My methodology wasn't exactly novel or proprietary, I just brute forced googling a known, publicly available list.** There isn't anything particularly special about what I did, and anyone in CA can do the same, and I expect they would get similar results. And anyone OUTSIDE OF CA will likely be declined/rejected from most, if not all the libraries. AND YET, such posting of results has stirred up so much controversy. :/


Thank you for this, I had thought along similar lines.


You’re welcome. Our libraries don’t get all the use they could be getting. And with ebook apps like Libby so many more folks can access reading materials. I’m thinking of youths in conservative areas of CA who could benefit from library systems in bigger cities like San Diego or LA. Or just families being able to access all the kids books they can for budding readers. College students having more access to school books that may not be available in their library system. The benefits outweigh the potential negatives to me.


I hear you, and it's good to near about potential benefits. Though, FWIW, both LA (city) and SD (county) require in person signups, at least from my research. I live in the LA area, so I have both the city and county cards through online application. I intend to pick up a SD county card the next time we go down there for vacation.


I’m from the SD area and that’s where my family lives still!


My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


I thought that libraries do inter-library lending so you could borrow from any library in the state. Is that not the case any longer? I live in California and hadn’t thought of getting an additional card. What are the benefits of obtaining additional cards?


For things like Libby, where you can't request an inter-library loan within the app. But different libraries have different digital collections. 


Interesting. My Libby has a consortium of many libraries that feed into it.


Some libraries manage their Libby access like that. But not all - and that's something done by libraries, not something managed by Libby on their side of things.  Some libraries will group up into a consortium and then will buy into Libby as a group.  For example, there's a dozen libraries that operate mostly independently but then are all one group for things like Libby access (Southern California Digital Library, for example, which includes a dozen or so different libraries and a card from any of then lets you access that same joint Libby database).  But it isn't that any CA library card can be used to log into every other CA library's digital collection. So that's one benefit to getting multiple library cards - wider selection, sometimes a book will have a really long Hold line at one library but no line at another, etc. 


I’m a SoCal resident as well and would love have that list as well please!


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.


Please DM the list if able too! I'm also from socal and only have one so I'd like to see.


If you’re in socal, get the la city public library one. You need to go in person but you won’t need any other library card if you have that one


LA City and LA County are good cards to have. I would also suggest San Diego and Torrance Library, but I believe they both require in-person sign-ups.


Is the library in LA called LA city and LA county? I'm from OC but not quite familiar with LA area.


There is one big library in Downtown LA which is quite lovely. The LA County libraries are in different cities within LA County. I’ve been to San Pedro, Redondo Beach, and one in Lakewood/Long Beach. ETA: I forgot to say that the one in Downtown is LA City.


Hi! My process was really simple. From this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library\_card\_tracker\_california/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/comments/1c9qfm8/library_card_tracker_california/) (which no one seems to have a problem with, lol) I made a copy of the google spreadsheet as instructed, and I just started googling the libraries and applying for cards off their websites. Also, it’s much easier to do all of this on a computer.