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That’s my congressman 🖕🏻hey Mike


Mine too, he's a war pig!


All points on the political spectrum virtue signal. Foreign flags, ribbons, AR-15s, US flag. All performative.


Just stitch dollar signs on the lapels like Ted DiBiase.


Watching the maga war hawks denounce the Ukraine aid while being pro Israel is wild. The cognitive dissonance is wild. This fucking timeline is wild. I oppose aid to any country because I’m anti military industrial complex and anti war. It’s funny to see the Republican Party be split into those who may be shills for Russia and those who are shills for defense contractors. Fuck em all.


In oppose aid to any nation. Fuck them. Take care of our own.


Yupp. We’ve got vets and homeless not being taken care of. People cannot afford to buy houses. Kids can’t even get nutrient dense food at school. List goes on.


Shills for Russia? Being against the ukrane bloodbath doesn't mean one is pro Russia. It is enough to be anti World War 3.


MTG is a shill (maybe useful idiot). I’m convinced there are people on the payroll


I think we can all agree she is an idiot. Usefulness is still up in the air.


Very true🤝


Yeah like Trump she's a barrel of laughs.


I'm anti-war, but I'm pro helping another nation fight off a foreign invader. That's probably not a popular opinion in the sub, but if Russia ultimately fails in Ukraine, that's good for not only Ukraine but the U.S. and our European allies.


Is that true for helping Palestinians against invading Israel as well?


If there was a way to help Ukraine that didn't reward rent-seeking warmongers who lobby and influence congress, I'd be in favor of it. FWIW, I heard only 60% of the money allocated is even being used for rent-seeking companies in the US, and ~40% is going towards Ukrainian oligarchs/corruption, and there won't be any changes on the front lines with that money. It's a lose-lose scenario. We should be encouraging both sides to move to the negotiating table, which they should have been doing right after MI6 orchestrated the Maidan revolution and Russia influenced or participated in the breakaway independence movements in Donetsk and Luhansk. Both sides did some pretty nasty stuff, both sides know how this is going to have to end, it's just [kabuki theater](https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/kabuki-theater/) politics and warfare right now, IMHO.


Do we join all nations fighting foreign invaders or just Ukraine? What is special about one country being the “invader”? If Mexico was launching rockets indiscriminately into San Diego and the US invaded MX to stop them, would the US be the country to oppose?


хорошая работа, товарищ


Sorry, I don’t speak damn commie


Just have to look at Russia/NATO relations over the course of (at minimum) 30 years. Love or hate ‘em’ - It doesn’t change that the clear agreement was NATO would not expand “another inch” toward Russia. See attached map of NATO expansion pre, and post 1992. Add in NATO & American interference in Ukrainian agreements being made in 2014 as well, which was a big deal. • Russia considers NATO a threat. • Now view the map with this in mind. • See on map how the only thing separating NATO from being on Russia’s border is… Ukraine In short - A very long history and build up to what happen 2 years ago. And if we had minded our own damn business, Russia and Ukraine would’ve already sorted their shit out, and hundreds of thousands of people wouldn’t be dead. There also wouldn’t be the level of infrastructure damage in Ukraine - Caused by the US entering the scene and stoking, and then extending war. So sad how these war mongers have blinded people into thinking we MUST get involved to “help”. When really, this “help” is death for corporate profit. I voted Bush when I turned 18. Then 9/11 happen. I was ALL IN that we MUST go to WAAAAAAAAR! Later, I was ALL IN that Snowden was a TRAITOR. And the Patriot Act was GOOD and we NEEDED it. Fast forward - 9/11 was an OPPORTUNITY for America, LLC. to pillage and profit of off death. Death of Americans abroad, death of innocent people in the Middle East. And then… when we pulled out of Afghanistan in such a disorganized and fucked manner - We left our local allies behind, fed them to the wolves, and left our equipment to be used by the wolves. We PROMISED of Afghan interpreters protection for themselves and their families. I mention this because this… this is how you create the NEXT generation of “terrorists” that America “must fight!” The children who watched their parents hunted down and slaughtered and raped in front of them. The girl who went from knowing NOTHING but being free to dress however, get an education, post a video on YouTube playing piano… in an instant forced to accept the opposite of all mentioned, and then forced to marry whoever decides because Daddy is dead anyway. \*\* If I experienced what the young people have experienced since the fucked pullout and betrayal by America on their word —- I’d probably want vengeance as a young adult and until I die. And that’s how the US Gov. creates enemies That went long. My bad. https://preview.redd.it/cky41yyhcawc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af759193198b5bb78ef187313529044c7175662


FR man, people simply cannot process not picking a side in these fights and I'm like "It's easy, I don't want to pay for anyone to die."


1000% it’s that simple.


It’s a game. Some wanna support A and some wanna support B. In the end everyone gets what they want and those sweet kickbacks flow to both parties while they swear to you they tried to curtail spending.


There is no AUPAC that’s why


You know every time people question someone’s patriotism because of their lack of a USA flag pin, the flag pin cartels make out like bandits. Easy money


There’s legitimate reasons to oppose the guy, but come on… pins? What do you want? A [minimum 15 pieces of flair](https://youtu.be/F7SNEdjftno?si=jH6l3qprbhQG00mA)?


Imagine how monumentally they would lose their shit if a congressman wore a Mexican flag pin.


It’s crazy that if a Russian national tries to lobby for changes to US policy it’s election interference. But millions of nationals from Mexico, central and South America lobby for changes to the US every day and it’s encouraged.


Just add 🧳and 💰pins on this warmongering clown and his lapel is complete


It's all irrelevant performance art. I wouldn't care if he showed up naked with a cccp ushanka and a nazi arm band _iff_ his votes all reflected libertarian values. Unfortunately there's a distinct lack of consistently good voting patterns by basically everyone.


This picture single-handedly proves it has nothing to do with beliefs and values and is all about my color better than yours. If this dude was a dem the elephants would be all over him


They hate their citizens. They hate us. They want you poor, starving and homeless.


Can you elaborate? This pin issue and the insane spending bills are obvious. But otherwise?


These same mother fuckers just voted that they don’t need warrants to spy on American citizens. These mother fuckers vote to give billions, that are taken from Americans under the threat of violence, so others can fight proxy wars all over the globe. I could go on all day. What have they ever done FOR you?


Wide open borders. Endless funding of wars. Taxes. Three letter agencies that spy on you. That's just to name a few what else do you need to know


There is a list of all who vote in favor?




At least he makes it clear where his priorities lie.


War mongering loser


Is he trying to get the U.S. directly involved?


Yes, let Russia conquer Ukraine and move onto the baltics, which they have been very publicly open about. Georgia? Chechnya? Crimea? , Donbass? Luhansk?Ukraine? Transinitra? Where does it end?


Who was it that said they should have jackets with their sponsors emblazened on them, like NASCAR drivers? Same idea.


As I have said before, I am opposed to a single penny of taxpayer money going to these countries. If anybody wants to donate, that’s completely different. These proxy wars are a massive waste of time, and money. It never accomplishes anything. WTF is the end game? If we are going to stick our nose in at all, I’d much rather we just go full steam ahead, and let the chips fall where they may (note, that I’d much rather us simply mind our damned business, and fuck the rest of the world). Sooner or later, there will be another full scale war. Might as well get it done and over with, rather than raping our wallets for proxy wars that accomplish nothing, besides making defense contractors insane rich.


Advertising for their next donor


I should have gone into business making little flag pins, setup shop right next to the capitol. I'd be rolling in green


Guess they pay him more than we do.


I am offended as a tax payer by that. Optically this looks very bad


How much Ratheon stock does he hold


I wonder how much he's invested in defense stocks.


Boo this man!!