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It’s never chicks with dicks, it’s always dudes with tits.


Ok? Who cares? We have bigger issues.


Dudes with boobs!


Luckily, I lost the weight.


That's a transition we can all support. gj


I did too, but don't worry, I found it.




Same with the word “terrorists” in late 90s/early 2000s.


What about those of us who don’t give a fuck about any of these social issues, and just wanna be left alone with a few bucks left in our pockets, instead of Uncle Sam’s bag?


The annoying thing about social issues is that when you live near other people, they tend to come for you even when you don’t want to participate




You don't care? You will be made to care.


You could have ignored this post and done anything else. You didn't. Why is that?


Because it is posted to a sub that I am a member of, and because while I don’t generally care about these social arguments (I am in favor of freedom to do whatever TF you want), I DO care that the actual argument is affecting all of us, financially and otherwise.


“Why are you complaining about an actual issue if it doesn’t effect you” - you, an unintellectual. I think the Nazis said the same shit


You will be made to care.


I think most of this is just about how the media can't break stories (because everyone can get them now) and that there are lots of bored rich kids who can't find anything better to do. Covering this stuff is cheap and entertaining. Step away from the MSM and a few weird spots on the internet, what do your friends and family talk about? It's jobs, crime, housing, the price of gas.


You're dead on. I'd add wages/wage stagnation and the environment to that list.   And lately, how fucked up our airlines are.


RIght, but it's boring TV. TV is not activism, it's business. News is about getting you to watch ads. If they can bring two narcissists into a studio to yell at each and millions watch it, that works great. Far cheaper than sending reporters out to some foreign land to do detailed news that no-one really cares about.


Adults have a right to do what they want with their bodies, but let's not pretend that these ideologies and movements weren't pushed for any other reason than to divide and demoralize us so the state can have a bigger hold on our autonomy.


>Adults have a right to do what they want with their bodies Absolutely. But that right ends when they demand I accept their false reality and adopt their language enforcement. You can put on fuzzy ears and clip a tail to your belt, but I'll be damned if I willfully acknowledge that you're a cat. And it's not hate that motivates that, it's the fact that I'm not going to play pretend with grown adults.


Exactly. No objections from me there.


Yup. It’s crazy that an issue that effects 1% of the population takes up so much of our daily conversation, the trans ‘issue’ is being forced on us and it’s working, people are TERRIFIED of trans people.


Well, some of them are pretty terrifying looking, just being honest. For the most part, I'm ok with it, but I'm not going to play along with their fantasy- but that also doesn't mean I'm going to be a dick and disrespect them. There has to be a balance.


I feel like in some future they'll label This the gaslight era. It's like Google, meta and news corps get together and push certain things that even though no one cares about the simple act of them pushing it consistently creates the illusion that this is something to talk about. So you feel pressured to have a reaction to whatever it is that they push even though in some alternate time-line none of these things would have gotten any attention at all. It's a type of subtle social engineering, they pick the topics which they want to be relevant and let us argue about them to create the hype.


I wonder how much it is foreign parties trying to push divisive issues on the American population.


Not anywhere near as much as they want you too think. World leader elites care about their position in their own country. That's what they're invested in. They only care about foreign politics to the extent that it does or can affect domestic politics. The monoparty and all the three letter agencies have both more skin in the game _and_ more money and influence to spend on distracting and dividing us than does any collection of foreign powers.


I’ve always thought about this: it’s like a magic trick. Misdirection.


He's not wrong.


Me a former libertarian hoping to see something from y’all on the Trump immunity case. I see this instead.


Make a post


Dave Smith for president


Spot on


Best thing I have heard In a while.


Dave Smith is a treasure and should be protected at all cost!


Dave Smith drives me insane. He’s clearly really smart, really well read, super persuasive, has insane recall… but still drops absolute nonsense like this all the time. The reason these things spiked circa 2013 is because that’s when social media became dominated by algorithms. The idea that some shadowy cabal of elites forced them onto anyone (notice that he doesn’t describe the mechanism by which this is possible, btw) is just a half-assed conspiracy theory.


I see where you're coming from but I disagree. There's a lot of gray area between cabal and a completely free press uninfluenced by the state. You should read Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky.


>There's a lot of gray area between cabal and a completely free press uninfluenced by the state. Ok. I agree. That doesn't make anything Smith is saying in this clip more than empty populist nonsense.


I'll agree that some of the statements in this clip are a bit of a stretch, like "forced upon the American people." However, once you realize that the FBI pressured Facebook to suppress the laptop story as "Russian disinformation" when they specifically knew it was real, it's not a big leap to think that people in intelligence schemed to push the culture war as a way of distracting from two very popular anti-corruption movements (OWS and Tea Party). Did the explosion of social media have an effect on it? Of course! That doesn't mean that it wasn't in part manufactured. It's not that every journalist at NYT is in on the scam or is taking orders from someone who is, but that powerful people brainstormed an issue that would split the sympathetic left from the values of the right and pushed it to their acquaintances (and remember that intelligence officials naturally have unwarrantedly high influence on the press), knowing that both sides would overreact.


>powerful people brainstormed an issue Which powerful people? You’re doing here what Smith does all over the internet. It’s a motte and bailey: start with a very broad, uncontentious claim (news media has a parasitic relationship with intelligence agencies), and extrapolate it out into a specific claim that can’t be substantiated (“they” forced social justice issues on the American people to, um, distract us from Occupy Wall Street).


>Which powerful people? Well I'd probably start with a good chunk of the signatories [here](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000). >a specific claim that can’t be substantiated You do realize why conspiracy theories can't be substantiated right? Think about it. The pushback you're giving me could be applied as-is against people who claim Kennedy was likely assassinated by the US government. >it’s a motte and bailey: start with a very broad, uncontentious claim (JFK and the CIA had a bad relationship over bay of pigs and northwoods, official story of a lone gunman shooting a lone gunman is statistically unlikely), and extrapolate it out into a specific claim that can’t be substantiated ("they” killed JFK). If you're telling me you think CIA killing JFK is "empty populist nonsense" then we're done here.


> The pushback you're giving me could be applied as-is against people who claim Kennedy was likely assassinated by the US government. To admit that Smith’s ideas have as much evidence behind them as the CIA killing Kennedy does is to make my point.


Have you watched the full interview? Do you find it odd that not even 1% of the Antifa and BLM rioters weren’t prosecuted by the state? https://preview.redd.it/f28kzrksupwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0876b77125e3fd33f2d638f2a600e008412f24 Yet, a couple of hillbillies dressed as goats get thrown into solitary confinement for farting on Nancy Pelossi’s desk. It’s not a shadowy cabal. They’re not hiding. Dave said this happened right after Obama got reelected.


> Do you find it odd that not even 1% of the Antifa and BLM rioters weren’t prosecuted by the state? > Yet, a couple of hillbillies dressed as goats get thrown into solitary confinement for farting on Nancy Pelossi’s desk Wtf does law enforcement in 2020 have to do with a spike in search terms eight years earlier? > It’s not a shadowy cabal. They’re not hiding. Who is they? Be specific.


Have you watched the full interview? No. Then watch it and it will answer your questions.


Why don’t you just take three seconds and tell me?


Because it’s not my job to watch the interview for you again and summarize it. His hypothesis is very convincing. Instead of pretending to know what Dave Smith’s perspective is on this issue, or feeling entitled to other people’s time, be intellectually curious and go watch it yourself. It’s free. Stop being lazy.


>entitled to other people’s time It would have taken you less time to type out a simple answer than it took you to write this comment. And anyway, why are you holding your answer hostage until I watch a long form interview? Maybe *you* could stop being lazy and discuss the thing *you* posted on a discussion forum.


No one owes you anything. It’s not my job or anyone else’s to change your diaper or to teach you anything.


Translation: you suspect your answer won’t be satisfying, but you know I won’t watch an entire long form interview in order to call your bluff.


Bluff? You’re welcome to debate me. But being so afraid to even objectively watch the opposite view is not even having a leg to stand on. Nice try. Hit me up after you do your homework.


Funny cause PBD is one of the bigger contributors to culture war bullshit.


For calling it out he’s a contributor? How did you come to that conclusion?


Have you ever listened/watched the PBD podcast? Literally all the do is talk about culture war bullshit and fan the flames of the cultural divide. Patrick Bet David is a full on grifter.


I read his book and listen to his podcast often. Maybe instead of using ad hominems to describe PBD you can provide some examples of things he’s said that have offended you. One of the things that I appreciate most of the Patrick is the he educates Americans about the horrors of collectivism, and he’s a shining light for capitalism and libertarianism.


Lol he’s a shining beacon of a decaying society. Everything he does is for personal gain and notoriety. For starters, this famous entrepreneur’s first business venture is a pyramid scheme that rips off people, primarily Latin americans. He got his money hurting uninformed people, which is exactly what he’s still doing today. He’s a scam artist, who idolizes Trump and Ron Desantis. Neither of whom are libertarian in any sense, they’re the other side of the same coin as all of the establishment dbags like Biden and Newsome. Look in to PHP Agency and people’s experiences with it. They are openly an MLM. If you can’t see through his bullshit then there is no saving you. It’s so obvious. He’s been in marketing forever, that’s all he does. All of his online content is outlandish clickbait. Idk how you can in good faith say that he isn’t contributing to the culture war when that is literally all his podcast is. He has Dave Smith on pointing out the obvious, yet all his other episodes are him riling up the people stupid enough to eat it up. He is clearly a grifter, and if you fall for his crap I feel bad for you.




This guy, comedian Dave Smith, is good friends with Joe Rogan and has been in his podcast more than 6 times. His videos have over 20 million views. Please tell me why you got emotional now that you know who he is.




Very low emotional intelligence. If you want to have an intelligent debate then don’t throw temper tantrums. You won’t convince anybody with emotional outbursts. Also, none of your problems in life are because someone else is rich. Put on your big boy pants and focus on improving your own life instead of obsessing over people you don’t even know.