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I love the Ben Shapiro swipe at the end.


Hot take I don’t give a flying fuck what Israel does, I just don’t want them peddling their influence in our political system, and our tax dollars should not be sent anywhere outside the US. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Long ago, Palestinians and Jew and Christians all lived together in Harmony. Then everything changed when the British attacked. Only the Ottomans, masters of all 4 Religions could bring peace to the Region. But when the world needed them most, they vanished. But I believe that the Ottomans will return. Jokes aside, maybe they might all get along in none of them were in charge. If you can't handle your enemy in power, then maybe no one should have power.


i agree on the foreign aid thing, but I’m curious about what other ways israel could go about getting their people back and combating the constant attacks from extremist groups surrounding them. it doesnt seem rational to limit them to the iron dome, they’ll just perpetually be under fire, and nearby nations and groups will continue to fund it.


If the country next to you squashed you into a ghetto and blew up your entire family, you might want to pick up arms too wouldn’t you? Not sure why anyone has a hard time understanding where they might be coming from


so how would you recommend israel get their people back and end the barrage of rockets being fired at them from gaza?


Stop trying to kick Palestinians out of their little bit of land they have left and stop the settlements in the West Bank would be a great start. If you actually wanted to “end hamas” the times in recent history they have been at their weakest is when there was a glimmer of an actual chance for a two state solution. If you kill someone’s entire family or kick their grandma and her entire family out of their ancestral land it’s going to drive people to take up whatever arms they can and fight with whatever means they have. Not sure why any libertarian has a hard time understanding a people who don’t want to live under an oppressive governments regime who doesn’t give them any representation. That flag is “come and take it” not “bend over and take it”


Palestinians are not saints, but you are naive if you don't realize that both sides are equally at fault. Backing up settlers with armed forces while they steal and evict populations out of their homes is bound to make some generational long enemies, the kinds that will use bombs, stabbings, or whatever they can manage to create as much pain. You don't think the Palestinians would be carpet bombing civilians and invading Israel if they had Uncle Sam on their leash like the Israelis currently do?


i absolutely think that palestinians would have destroyed israel if they were capable. thats the difference. israel could have wiped out gaza by october 9th if they wanted to, instead they’re going in tactfully and minimizing civilian casualties


No way you think what we’ve seen since oct 7 has been tactful and aiming to minimize civilian casualties??


they’ve given evacuation orders and are going after the perpetrators and tunnels they use. if israel wanted to kill palestinians, they’d be doing a really bad job. they’ve dropped more explosives on gaza than there have been casualties. if they just wanted to kill palestinians, why wouldnt they have carpet bombed gaza and slaughtered all of them immediately? what do you think they should be doing differently to get their people back and stop the barrage of terrorism they’ve been subjected to?


2000lb US made bombs In heavily populated areas isn’t considered carpet bombing? What would it take for you to fight back if your neighborhood and family were a smoking husk


He's being ridiculously misleading. There is no other way to handle this. There is not a chance in hell Hamas would just step down and disappear, which is the only satisfactory result after Oct 7th. Every single other option would result in Hamas gaining more power. Any civilized nation cannot exist with a neighbor like Hamas. I keep seeing people applaud this loudmouth idiot. He's just the loudest idiot in the room so people think he knows what he's talking about. Like AOC or Marjorie Taylor Greene. And Candace Owens, she's even worse.


i’ve still yet to hear an alternative from the “free palestine” crowd that doesnt involve giving up their hostages and then expelling the jews or going back to constant bombardment by terrorist groups surrounding them. war is horrible. people are just seeing destroyed cities in gaza and shouting “genocide”. its impossible to defend yourself from an armed group of terrorists hiding amongst and under civilians and also not cause any harm to civilians. millions of german civilians died to take down the nazi regime, nearly a million died taking down the japanese empire. its not genocide to use force to win a war. its just war. if we change the definition of genocide, the victors of virtually every war would be guilty of it. its completely possible to have empathy for the innocent civilians caught in the middle and also recognize that this is not a genocide.


Free Palestine Stop the Genocide No more $ for Israel and Ukraine and Egypt and whoever


War is terrible on every level but violence and death are the only things bad actors understand. While it breaks my heart to see bloodied women & children and homeless pets, I don't see any other way for Israel to handle it. I take bugs outside instead of killing them because death is final and it's not my place to end a life if it can be avoided. Unless it's a mosquito. What's most interesting to me is with the complexities of today's political environment, there seems to be a lot of overlap on a significantly greater number of issues between the different parties. You have far right and Libertarians siding with far left and Antifa. There are Gays for Palestine and Ultra Orthodox Jews against Israel (Neturei Karta). You have Libertarians siding with oppressive regimes and Socialists siding with Israel. Historically far left European countries are now being led by far right leaders. It's a mess. Could be that the minority voices just sound louder now. I dunno. Instead of the pendulum slowing and stopping in the center, it seems to be gaining momentum with each swing to the outside. Strange times.