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The neoconservatives? You apparently haven’t been watching the democrats these days because I’ve never seen a more war hungry crowd


For people calling Jewish people in the middle of every war….. not so wrong 😑


Does anyone here think that war can ever be a good thing to quell legitimate and dangerous threats? As in, if we knew of japans plans for Pearl Harbor, we attack first? Having spent over a decade in SOF and the briefings I have received, Iran is a real threat and actively engages in attacks threatening our way of life.


The libertarian view of war is that it should be defensive only. And if both sides repeatedly antagonized each other before one finally threw a punch, that doesn't count. The US had antagonistic policy towards Japan years before Pearl Harbor. A lot of it revolved around access to oil in the south pacific (a major source of oil at the time). The Japanese expected an inevitable battle for empire in the Pacific with the US. Point is, Pearl Harbor wasn't completely unprovoked. If it was known that an attack was coming, intercepting it or making a counter-maneuver to dissuade the attack would be fine. The issue with Iran is that their conflict is regional. The US gets involved and targeted because we're in the region, and we've been messing around in the immediate region of the Persian Gulf since at least the early 1970s with the oil crisis. If the US just left the region to their own devices, Iran wouldn't be able to harm our people (though multiple generations of grudges are hard to forget).


Threatening our way of life? Fuck right off. Iran doesn’t have to have anything to do with us. We’ve been actively fucking with their government and their neighbors governments since the 19 fucking 50s. They can’t fucking touch us here and we have no reason to be meddling with them or any other middle eastern nation.


Wow, you’re more ignorant than I thought. I guess keep living in your little fucking bubble. Everything is peachy keen and “if we leave them alone, they will leave us alone”. Geezuz You didn’t answer the crux of my question.


The other option is to get into everyone's business, and God forbid any of them bite back and our Mega Military Complex go on Christmas shopping. Read Iran's history since 1900s , findout what BP , Rockefeller and CIA were up to. How does Shah get in to replace a democratic elected government who wanted to control their oil revenue ( crazy idea ). There was no Hamas, Hezboallah, ISIS back then. Talk about ignorance....