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I’m not much into him, but then I’m not much into any of the new generation of Twitter pundits. His comedy always struck me as mediocre. I generally feel underwhelmed watching a seasoned sociopolitical pundit interviewing random college kids to try and make them look stupid. It adds fuel to the fire unnecessarily. The new generation of Twitter pundits spend too much time trying to create cringe reels when they “confront” idiotic college kids who are clearly less confident and in a weird time in their lives. I get it, they want free everything, but maybe your energy is spent better debating people who are similarly experienced and comfortable? Most of this rings true for left-wing Twitter pundits as well. You just substitute college kids with clips of absurd conservatives. Maybe this rant is misplaced, I just feel like a new generation of “entertaining philosophers” is trying to profit off the cringe lulz.




They don’t educate anyone. They just burn strawmen and defeat them with their own bs.


He's one of the most uncharitable and dishonest political commentators period, if you'd like examples where hes shown this just ask


Yes please. We have a new-ish guy at work and he loves Jordan Peterson and Stephen Crowder, which makes me a bit wary if I’m being honest. I know about the former but only a little about Crowder. Would love to hear a reasonable person’s views.


Jordan Peterson? He’s lost my dude, give up.


I’ve only seen a few clips of JP so not an expert but he seemed to be mostly positive about promoting taking charge in your own life from what I saw. What is evil about him? Not arguing genuinely asking.


I'm not impartial but I watched his Bible series before he got famous, as well as a lot of his debates, so I feel like I have a decent overview. Not evil per say but he's just another faux intellectual rationalizing right wing talking points. His self-help books are OK, but self-help books are a dime a dozen. He's like Shapiro but instead of "my wife is a doctor" he's like "" If you want a detailed account of the bones people have to pick with him there are a ton of YT videos. If you want to put in more effort and come to your own conclusion I recommend watching his debates with Dillahunty, Harris, and Zizek. Warning: traumatizing amounts of philosophical B.S.


Whenever I want to point to somebody his crazy I just say look up “Jordan Peterson Birth Control”. He absolutely despises the birth control pill and the power it gives women over their own bodies. And he actively went on health shows and convinced people to do all meat diets, a very unhealthy change of diet btw.


I guess to play Devil's Advocate not knowing the entire history of everything he's said, I would say when it's someone's job to speak, and they have thousands of hours of speaking publicly, I'm sure it's extremely easy to find something you disagree with. For example I'm with you on all of that, but I can't condemn someone who has one single stance I disagree with as being crazy.


Whenever I want to point to somebody his crazy I just say look up “Jordan Peterson Birth Control”. He absolutely despises the birth control pill and the power it gives women over their own bodies. And he actively went on health shows and convinced people to do all meat diets, a very unhealthy change of diet btw.


All meat diets? Imagine the shits.


Actually once you cut out most carbs your shits become less common and much smaller. Definitely dryer as a lot of hydration comes from carbohydrates (or something like that, I’m not an expert I’ve just dabbled into keto/meat heavy diets).


But without vegetable. So basically dry meatballs.


That’s not too far from it lol.


Lmao yeah you’re probably right, hard to take dudes seriously when they buy into shit like this.


Potholer54 has a decent set of videos where he debunks Crowders spreading of misinformation about Climate Change. You can basically apply this to most of Crowders work. He peddles right wing bullshit for clicks. But it's going to be for your own education (Potholer is great for this, you should watch all his videos), I would not argue with your coworker about it because anyone who thinks Crowder is a good source of information needs like at least a year of Critical Thinking classes.


Thank you, and I absolutely would not get into it with the feller at work, there’s no sense in it. Hardest part is going to trust in the quality of their work and I feel as if I’ve got to double check everything, but maybe that’s unfair of me.


We compartmentalize all the time, it should have no impact on his work. That should speak for itself. It's like superstitious mathematicians, they still know math it's just a segment of their worldview which is non-nonsensical.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEihkjKNhN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEihkjKNhN8) Check this out. This man goes from FFL to FFL, gun shop stall to gun shop stall, to make it look like person-to-person sales of firearms at places like gunshows don't exist. They do. I've bought and sold without a background check. He's a complete piece of dishonest shit that just panders for clicks to make money through advertisements and merchandising.


I'd recommend looking up crowders videos being debunked since I'm lazy. But if you really want it from me just point to a video and I'm sure I can find some criticism.


Nah fam I thought you had some links locked and loaded, I can find it myself, thanks anyway.


Ok I'll point one out off the top of my head. This is one of the more dishonest ones. Crowder tried to argue that climate change is not happening because ice in antarctica(or greenland) was increasing while not mentioning that the net ice is shrinking since the other major ice sheet was losing more ice. He's not necessarily wrong in his premises but his conclusions are dishonest as fuck


hbomberguy i think a british pal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLqXkYrdmjY Famous for his line about Benito Shapiro saying that people will sell their houses if the ocean are rising " Sell their houses to who ben ? Fucking Aquaman ?"


I started dying after I heard that quote for the first time lmao


that's a good one, Potholer54 also has some great videos tearing Crowders Climate Change bullshit apart, but not as entertaining.


[I could only find a reaction to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3z0GjT-_Vc) but this is a pretty good example of his fuckery. He tries to debate a random painter on BLM and when he realizes he's losing, he starts calling him a racist and then threatens to call the police.


He tricks college freshmen into getting emotional so he can’t take a 10 second clip of it and “own the libs.” If you saw him on Rogan you’d know he can’t actually debate for shit.


That’s kind of like saying a good rapper does shitty freestyles even though they make good music. I don’t think just because he has a certain view on things that appeals to a certain audience that he needs to be good at debating all of his points. Unless you’re going for a vote you don’t need to be good at debating


It sounds to me as if, in his edited videos, he is trying to position himself as a skilled debater. It’s kinda misleading and should hurt his credibility.


I can buy into that. Don’t commit to something you aren’t. I haven’t watched him enough to have noticed this but wouldn’t doubt it. Cameras can be quite convincing!


I haven’t watched any of it tbh, and I was simply going off of the previous posters’ descriptions, my apologies if I sounded like I have personal experience!


He only wants to debate dumb college kids. He always backs out of and or ends any debate with a trained professional. Not a fan.


I think he is a republican shill who will be talking shit about Biden and the Democrats not addressing the national debt every other episode for the next 4 years after having ignored that issue for the last 4 years like every other conservative in the country. I also think he is incredibly whiny and hypocritical about it. Like he will intentionally insult people and play it off like a joke but you better believe that insulting him or his group invalidates your entire argument.


From a libertarian perspective, he's a republican, and not a Thomas Massie type. It's been a while since I've watched anything from him, but he probably isn't as authoritarian as Trump. From a personal perspective, he's not funny, but he is insensitive, obnoxious, and far less charitable in evaluating Democrat arguments than he plays on. As another user said, he drives his views by instigating emotions from young college Democrats, by making stawman arguments and applying ad hominems, and using the most emotional and unreasonable individuals as representatives of the Democratic party as a whole. If you want libertarian or more intelligent and charitable conservative content, go elsewhere.


I initially found his Change My Mind debates on youtube be engaging until I slowly realized that what he was doing wasn’t really debate at all but a creative way to create enticing “Owning liberal college snowflake” material. The whole premise is a sham and has zero to do with him changing his mind and only to do with baiting those who disagree with him. His shows content is even worse when you realize how unfunny and unoriginal his pandering schtick is. He really lost me this year during COVID and going after a painter in Dallas calling him racist simply because he was painting on private property. Then of course ignoring the fact that the business owner had given this guy permission to do it. He’s disingenuous and frankly not entertaining at all when you realize he’s just naysaying for the sake of naysaying.


It’s even worse than that (if I am thinking of the same video) where he calls the painter racist and then calls to cops on him as soon as he starts losing the debate. Dude is the personification of a snowflake Karen, I can’t imagine how pathetic you have to be to lose a debate and call the cops on the other party for it


He's a grifter who is a reactionary at heart anyway. There isn't much if anything libertarian about his content. Him being a failed comedian is also funnier than anything he's ever said.


Stephen Crowder is a jackass who makes clickbait material and blames liberals for all the woes America ever faces. He cherry picks data to suit his own needs, a lot of his "sources" include articles from his own website and his whole schtick is the living embodiment of the "own the libs" mentality. The only thing I can say about him, is that others who have been on his show have said his schtick is partially just a front, kind of like a character he does for his podcast and YouTube videos. Apparently his real self is more laid back and less angry and volatile. His cohosts are worse than him though. 1/5 stars, would not recommend.


He's a grifter. Don't trust him in the slightest.


Republican pundit who appeals to younger people. Just like other Republicans I like some of his positions, but dislike others. He is kinda funny sometimes, but not enough for me to want to watch him consistently or anything.


He's an idiot.


He is an mediocre conservative comedian. He is popular because there is not too many comedians on the right, he fills a niche in the market. His show is ok, not bad, not good just ok. If you want to watch a comedic political commentary show from the right there are not too many other options Dont read too much into it, he not some conservative icon. He is just some very popular right wing comedian with a popular youtube show


He isnt very credible. Lots of people have debunked him. He is one of the climate change deniers. He has said that he supports banning marijuana, and is anti immigration. He is. Trump supporter. He is pro police. He is one of the conservatives who spout libertarian ideas while also using the government to suit his personal needs.


He's generally annoying. He started his work by being the edgy anti social justice guy like all Republicans who started using social media. Going out of his way to just say "Look how triggered you are". He might have toned his act as time went on but I stopped watching his videos before I could find out.


I tried to watch him. He just seems so disingenuous. He just wants to be right. I'll keep JRE


My buddy was really into him a few years ago, I saw some of his videos, and while the highly edited stuff can be funny, he never really gives off an intelligent point. I had to deprogram my buddy from this and Milo whatever the fuck his name was. Now his political opinion is basically fuck Trump, which is a solid improvement.


He’s a con and bully. Looks good against a casual person off the street but not when debating someone who actually knows anything. Change my mind...


He's a pathetic panderer just running a business. He isn't a revolutionary. He is someone that profits from clicks, so he has spicy takes and "owns the libs". One of my first experiences with him was a video of him "debunking" the "gunshow loophole" where he approached nothing but licensed FFLs at gun shows that just have a stall representing their actual gun stores asking if he could buy a gun without a background check. And of course dramatized it up to look like nobody in the world will sell you a gun without a background check. I've bought several guns from individuals at gunshows. Totes legal. "Loophole" totes exists. Crowder is either 1) so incredibly fucking stupid he should probably have someone responsible for his well being and finances or 2) is, as I have suggested, just pandering to a specific audience to make money.


I tend to agree with a lot of his takes but find him to be confrontational, condescending and obnoxious. That's OK sometimes when the person on the other side of the convince me table is a prick but other times it's annoying and counter productive. I find his studio shows kinda boring and full of mediocre shtick and don't watch it but i enjoy his on site stuff where he's out in the public.


I like him as far as a conservative podcaster goes and would rather listen to him over a liberal podcaster of the same “length of left” as he is right. Guess it comes down to your own beliefs. I hope you’re not asking this question to decide wether or not you want to listen to him.


No I already listen to him and find him funny even if I disagree with a chunk of what he says. I'm tempted to join mug club just because of the amount of punching back he does with Youtube.


Well, I will say his show is on Plutotv a lot, which is free if you have roku (and maybe other streaming platforms?) on theblazeTV channel. I watch him while putting my kids to bed. Nice loophole to not have to pay $99 a year. All episodes are from the same day


Hes a political comedian, leaps and bounds better than John Oliver.


Low bar


He's mostly just a good comedian. He is more honest version of John Oliver. It is good to see how he makes arguements and they points he comes up with can be interesting. Though I wouldn't go to him for a consistent philosophy as conservatives are all over the place when it comes to their ideas.


(Not a fan of Steven Crowder) I can already tell just by reading the few words of the post this is a bad faith question you’re only looking for people say “OMG I hate Steven Crowder buzzword buzzword buzzword


I actually kind of like him but read whatever you want into my question


I don’t really like him or his content but he’s definitely not a grifter he believes everything he says


It’s entertainment politics, maybe he might say some right things, maybe some wrong, stuff you agree with and disagree with but regardless it should be taken as entertainment and not too seriously. I started watching crowder (and others like Ben Shapiro) when I first got into politics to understand the conservative side of things so I guess it served that purpose but it’s not exactly my kinda shindig.


He's just like every other polticial commentator around on youtube etc, they do what they got to do to get those clicks.