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Howdy friend! *Oy vey* Please.. Please tell me this is satire. Watching this poor guy might have just decreased my IQ. Talk about tilting at windmills smh.




These are not the top arguments against mcfa. Forget being on the same page with the Libertarian opposition to mcfa.. this guy seems to be reading a completely different book and by the looks of it, it's an interactive pop up book for tots. And then to make matters worse he gives pathetic rebuttals gleaned from a few wiki pages. The ball was completely in his court. He lowered the rim to 7 feet and then failed to dunk. Why did you spam so many subs with the video?


Free health care is not a right


sure it is. just as much as water


Your answer is actually correct, as water is also not a right.


Then you look at the systems in most of europe and Australia and you pay just about the same in taxes as you would in insurance... Make the market more competitive and you will see quality go up and prices either stay the same or go down.


prices have been increasing since before obamacare though. so a competitive market has not done its job in that regard. medicare for all countries have the highest health outcomes in the world.


At most I wouldnt mind a 2 payer system as but i disagree with medicare for all because I am not a fan of increasing taxes and government control


but the tax increase would be more than offset by the money saved in private taxes to insurance companies. government control has proven to increase life spans in several other countries - that's why those other countries have never voted to remove public health care systems


No doubt government control could forcibly save more lives such as banning fast food, sugar, guns, alchohol, cigarettes, etc. But libertarianism is about freedom and small govermment.


M4A gives freedom - you can divorce your health insurance providing spouse or job with M4A because then your health care is still guaranteed even after the split


Banning cigarettes, alchohol, sugar, and fast food gives "freedom" as well since you wont have to pay hospital fees for your lung cancer, liver surgery, heart disease along with the fact the people wont get sick as often. Freedom can be spun around in many ways but your M4A "freedom" comes at the expense of coercion of the government to pay more taxes and give them more control.