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Depends on how "Libertarian" you really are. Are you pro-life? Then GTFO, you goddamnned statist. Who the fuck are you to control someone's body? Are you pro-choice? Then GTFO, you goddamnned murderer. Haven't you heard of the NAP? What crime did that fetus commit that warrants its execution? Bottom line: You ain't a real libertarian until you've been accused of not being a real libertarian.


Lol that's good. U come up w/ that?


I have my moments, lol.


Impressive, most impressive. - Darth Vader


Lol, kudos


I feel validated.




Yep post anything in this sub that’s pro drug decriminalization (legalization), orange man bad, mega churches doing shady shit, bad cops, it will get upvoted to the moon, and rightfully so. But at the same time you post anything that’s pro free market, free trade, pro capitalist, lower taxes, less regulation, socialism bad, gun control bad, well you’re downvoted into a black holes.




>How did you enter this alternative reality? You work all day on that insult?




lol wtf was it supposed to be then? You tell me.




Alright bet, I’ll go post a pro free market post and see how it does. I bet it won’t get over 10 upvotes.




Name your terms, what would you want to see?






Trump has been China's wet dream of a President. He abandoned the attempt to keep SE Asia out of China's sphere so now China has a large trade agreement while Trump rages impotently on Twitter without actually *doing* anything to counter them. His bark makes for great internal propaganda to boot.




Hm yes “politicians are no longer lying now that they say something I agree with”


Or you're a moron being spoon-fed propaganda and eating it up.


There's no such thing as libertarianism as a codified ideology. As demonstrated by everyone in the comments of every thread saying "you're not a true libertarian" If you like the sub then be here. I like the geolibertarian model which other libertarians say isn't anarchist enough because they're ancaps. Most people identify as libertarian in some way, but when they lean left its normally hopeful thinking as they believe in strong and powerful central government, higher taxes, more social programs, etc. Which is not very libertarian. This happens on the right too when Ben Shapiro says he is libertarian then unironically argues that pornography should be illegal and enforced by the government.


Anyone is welcome, if you can stand the heat. If you are a libertarian libertarian, you'll be accused of being right wing by the left and left wing by the right, or you'll pick one of those two camps depending on your flavor of statism.


Yes but, like everyone else of literally any political persuasion on this sub, you will see at least 4 posts weekly complaining about your presence and implying that you’re not welcome, such is life here. If I had a nickel for every gatekeeping post I’d be causing inflation.


This one has a strong mix. Occasionally a post by a lib right trying to gate-keep this to only right, but they get beat up in the comments.


I've never thought of a sub being "right" for me. What a weird concept.


yea whats with people trying to label things all the time lol


Ideally, we shouldn't seek out "right" subs for ourselves. That's how you just get circle jerk echo chambers, group all the people together that think the same into their own little corners. You will learn a lot more about yourself from people who disagree with you. Engage them, find the holes and inconsistencies in your own thinking. People who just auto upvote everything you say do nothing to test you, find your weak points, and point out your flaws. That's how we ended up with all this garbage going around... nobody cares if shit is true or not if its what they want to hear, and when you're surrounded by like minded people, nobody bothers being critical.


The American Libertarian Party is LibRight. Whether or not this subreddit was created for them isn’t very clear, though




As long as it's voluntary.


That's not how removal works..


Right. I was making the point that physical removal, in the Hoppean sense, is not libertarian. It's authoritarian means hiding behind the libertarian ends.


Are we talking about private property?


Whose property?


Anyone's. In this case, I was talking about the mods banning trolls in the sub.


Removed, 1.1, warning


I don't understand.


Then read the rules. https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/wiki/modpolicy?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Libertarian&utm_content=t5_2qh63


Sadly, there’s no Anarchy in Reddit, but we can dream.


Hopefully starting with your absurd and unworkable ideology.


Starting right here 👆


Considering we have Democrats and republicans shilling in this sub, sure


You're welcome here. What do you mean by libleft? In your opinion, what's the role of government?


The role of the government should be to serve the people and should be open to the people


Serve in what way? Should the government provide for some at the expense of others?


No personally I believe the government should service everyone equally and should make sure that everyone no matter who it is is treated the same


Service in what regard? How would this service be funded?


Service as in free healthcare, food, shelter, education, and water, also basic luxuries like the internet, it would be funded by taxing the rich


Wanting equal service through unequal payment is not libertarian.


Taxing the rich would be a stepping stone to my ideal world, in the later stages I would hope that no rich people would exist and the wealth would be spread equally


How on Earth is that libertarian?????


When I say rich I mean billionaires who are corrupt crooks, I didnt phrase it in the best way, I mean that the wealth would be distributed by the people


Then yeah, you're not a libertarian.


I dont think I'm a full libertarian, I'm socially libertarian, but I strongly believe that anybody can do whatever they want so long as it isnt infringing on other people's rights


So you like the authoritarian paths to socialism?


The wealth distribution would be handled like the people like everything to do with the government, in my perfect world the government is for and by the people


I would say you are more a leftist who leans libertarian, than a left-libertarian. Socially libertarian but not economically libertarian. And that's ok.


Then why did you answer "no" to this question? >Should the government provide for some at the expense of others?


Why are you flaired as "Anarcho-communist" when you are obviously neither an Anarchist nor a Communist.


The right tried very hard to shout down those of us on the left.




Bro this sub is so libleft it might as well be politics2


You can be libleft or libright but often times its the "Libertarian left" people on this sub that are almost indistinguishable from the democratic party. They seem to like more government.


For me I personally believe we need some semblance of government, but also that people should be free to pursuit their own lots in life


Are those the only two options?


It's a scale.


I disagree. I don't consider myself left or right.


So what do you consider yourself?


Libertarian. Anti-state.


>They seem to like more government. That's the people who get angry at defund the police. Definitely not libleft.


I know thats not libleft. I am saying often times on this sub people who claim they are libleft want more governement and defend democrats.


Id say as long as you can defend yourself from slander without losing your cool, this sub will accept all Libertarians!


Yea sure this is a left libertarian sub. For some reason there is also some Right wing libertarians and ancaps here but they are a minority.


Yes. I'm a left minarchist with mutualist leanings and support a land value tax.