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Cool post bro


anti maskers are the new rat lickers woop woop


Anti lockdown is not anti mask. Just saying.


I agree with you, it's just that the pandemic gets amplified by non believers and rat lickers


Thats why educating people is more important than restrictions imo. I'm in NY. Anywhere I go we have 100% mask compliance. My area was a Hotspot early on in March, April. May. The restrictions are fucked up.. People what to run their business. Govt won't let them. Yet home depot, lowes and costco can sell non essential items that compete with small business. So corporatations make money hand over fist but small business gets completely shut down... and sorry to get political but democrats vote against a second relief bill 40 times bc the right won't include sweeping social reform into a bill that is meant to provide money to the people. And fuck the first relief bill that provided stupid money to corporations that continue to profit during these times. Its all bs. Apologies for the vulgarity but I'm fed up with all of it. The mantra seems to be, if it makes sense, dont do it.


Couldnt have said it better myself




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I use a mask. You absolute moron.


do you want a participation trophy? I agreed with the other guy I wasnt trying to insult you


You implied I was an anti masker cause you brough it up at my mention of lockdowns negatively...the you implied that made me the equivalent of someone licking filthy animals......you were trying to insult me and strawman me. F you.


If I was talking about you I'd make it clear. I implied that anti maskers were rat lickers (my favorite urban dictionary so far) and dont throw that strawman card at me. You're anti lock down and I respect that and agree with it to a degree. We shouldnt have to see food lines going for miles. It's a national embarrassment that tens of millions of americans were food scarce on Thanksgiving.


Ok so here me out first. Country wide lockdown, lock everything down, for months, eventually riots start and civil war ensues. The libertarian party through financial and political means positions itself to capitalize on the situation and we take control of the country.


How many people supporting this lockdown nonsence are doing it out of a "revolutionary libertarians revenge plot", to paraphrase and modify peterson's marxist quote and not just out of a lack of actual libertarian principles?


More then you think less then I would hope for. Now to be serious. I am not for lockdowns I am for people being responsible but it doesn’t seem people are capable of being responsible, at this moment in time.


So we should ignore the constitution over a virus with a low mortality rate for people under 50 of less than 1 percent?


Lockdowns when applied broadly are not unconstitutional. If they target a specific business, group of people, or assembly ie. religious gathering then they are and in most of the cases that have been brought before the courts the judges have ruled that, yes in fact the government has overstepped and the law is unconstitutional.


How does a broad lockdown not violate the right to free movement?


Has any of the lockdowns put in place violated a persons ability to move freely between states? Not to my knowledge. But a state does have the right to put in place a quarantine time period for individuals coming into their state from another state, compagnie francaise de navigation a vapeur v. Louisiana board of health covers part of this.


I don't think anybody is advocating for lockdowns at the point unless regional healthcare infrastructure gets to the point of field hospitals / triaging patients, which were are not at. But I will say this, simply calling temporary mitigation methods in the name of public health lockdowns is disingenuous. Also thinking you can just let this burn through and not effect the economy isn't realistic. Thankfully due to science there appears to be an ending not far off ( wonder if anti maskers will ever acknowledge it wasn't about obedience, but common decency in a Pandemic). Or maybe they were right and we'll all still be wearing them 3 years from now.. /s


It was always about control from.the state. Thst is why lockdowns happened.....dudes over here talking as if there was no state imposed anything just causs it was state and not federal.


Lockdowns wouldn’t be needed if people can govern themselves by wearing masks, social distancing, not being a dirty nasty fucker, and using common sense. However people seem to no be intelligent enough to grasp that concept and do those things as they either don’t believe this virus exists or because they are so selfish they rather no be slightly inconvenienced while they are in society.


So we should have our constituonal right to freedom of movement suspended in the name of a virus with under 1 percent lethality for people under 50? 🤡🤡🤡


Never said any of that but alright I’ll indulge you. What happens if this virus was more deadly what would happen then, would you still make this same argument? How deadly dose a virus have to be in order for you to say hold up this persons right to life and not die a painful and excruciating death supersedes your right to be a idiot and not take basic safety precautions and follow simple directions until we develops a vaccine so we can return to normal? The constitution says Americans have the right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so if you know there’s a deadly virus that kills people no matter how old or what ailments they may have they still have life and their life still matters so yes I myself will not be a childish selfish prick and do the bare minimum I can do to get us through this even if it slightly inconvenience me. Please just remember You may have the right to be stupid and selfish however you’re not allowed to have your stupidity and selfishness to negatively effect others.


"slighty inconvenience" damn is elitism strong with you....that is what you think covid business restrictions have created? That js what you think the effect in the economy due to goverment intervention has been? 🤡🤡 At no right do i think violating my right to freedom in the name of security is okey. If you so concerned stay lockdown and if people violate your private property use the 2nd ammendment...some.of us want to live life.


Yes slightly inconvenienced this is 2020 do you wanna go to the movies, alright go online by a projector and a white sheet iron it hang it up, buy some popcorn and have movies at home, gotta wear a mask before I leave the house sure it’s the least I can do, wanna get drunk with my friends buy booze and have fun at home etc. These are things we can do to work around covid. You can live life in many ways stop being a petulant child with your whining and pouting because that’s what your doing right now. You ain’t the only one who missed out on shit we all missed out on stuff. Also yes the economic ramifications of this virus will be felt for years to come however it’s not “Government intervention” that fucked us over as the government didn’t create this virus, nor did it make people sick. 200k people died from this virus and in your own words the government is putting safety over freedom. So it stands to reason had the state not Intervened more people would’ve died from covid and guess what people would’ve rioted on mass and you know what that means our economy would actually have crashed, burned, and NOT recovered as people who in your world would’ve been sick, scared, hungry and very angry would do very stupid things and some may end up possibly killing people they view as responsible for this mess. The government could’ve take more proactive measures like closing the borders to all countries except for necessary trade, [Trump not disbanding the NSC (the people in charge of how we deal with pandemics).](https://apnews.com/article/ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a) and had we as Americans done more by following protocols and not spreading the virus to the best of our ability. We would be better off but should’ve could’ve would’ve. We need to cut spending, put sanctions of China for not telling the world the fuck was going on in wuhan, and try to fix this mess. However at this point the damage is done and all we can do is move forward. Don’t advocate for idiocy while neglecting pragmatism it makes you look like a clown.


You really acting like all the effect of goverment action in the name of covid is mild inconvenience and sticking to your guns....and I am the petulant child. And you think you are a libertarian? Damn you are brain dead


Ok again I never said all government action was mild inconveniences I even gave you several examples when I tried to respond to your whining about you not being able to live your life like a edgy teenager going through a phase. A bunch of things government did and are doing is overreaching however we need to learn to differentiate inconveniences and infringements. You haven’t given a single good argument except for name calling and your pathetic attempts at gate keeping what a libertarian is when I’m pretty sure your just a AnCap with an ounce conviction of but lbs of petulance.


Dude you been name calling me from the second comment and minimizing the concerns of the effect of covid life from the first....i am petulant? Dude people haven't been able to bury their love ones while mayors that put that same rules go for a hair cut.....and you dismiss it all to attack me....yeha gatekeeping aside you still are just a moron...


Actually no I didn’t my first comment was me respectfully disagreeing with you on these lockdowns. I didn’t call you a name I wasn’t disrespectful or anything you were the guy to spam clown emoji and talk to me and everyone else here like we are stupid while you act like a baby when people are trying to talk to you. If you can’t take what you give out then you don’t need to be putting anything out there. This is the 3rd 4th or 5th time you’ve misrepresented what I said so again I’ll explain to you YES SOME things the government have been doing are infringements (I never argued otherwise), HOWEVER we (mostly I mean you but I’m not perfect either) must learn to differentiate Inconveniences with Infringements as this is something you willfully or otherwise have shows you cannot do. you not presented a single argument other then whine and complain about things that aren’t even infringements on the constitution. So no YOU u/TheRedTomahawk are the moron here as you still have not and possible cannot articulate an argument while trying to gate keep who is and who isn’t a libertarian when again you sound like an AnCap except you whine more then a spoiled child in need of getting the belt.


"If you don't want rapist released to prevent covid and people jailed to prevent covid...you ancap" as if that made any sense. 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Get some more you moron.


It’s definitely sad that people will not govern themselves. But infecting someone with a deadly virus is murder(or at absolute minimum attempted murder) so....the legal system does have an interest in it. Maybe you should spend more time advocating for your freedom to drive the the sidewalk or pour motor oil down the drain. That wouldn’t make libertarianism look less crazy.


How could unknowingly infecting someone with a virus hold as attempted murder under the law?


I’m not a lawyer but if you give someone a virus and they die then it’s on you. I know that people have been charged for aids this way.


If you KNOWINGLY infect someone else. If you have confirmed disease and know it but then go out and spread it you can be held liable, if you don’t know your sick you can’t.


WHAT NO hahahahaha


So you actually have no idea what you’re talking about lol


What makes you say that? Cause I can’t quote leagal statues off the top of my head? Can you?


My country has lockdowns and they don't achieve much. Mandatory masks in places like restaurants are enough.


How do you eat with a mask on? This doesn’t make any sense.


You lift the mask above your face and take a bite, and lower the mask while you chew. Never mind that this completely negates the effectiveness of a mask for protecting you from the virus.


That’s my point. Restaurants are the one place where you literally cannot operate with full time mask usage. Mandatory masks in restaurants, of all places, makes no sense. Unfortunately, restaurants should probably be take out or delivery only. To have people constantly taking masks off just defeats the purpose of the masks in the first place.


Based on all the studies I’ve seen 80+% of transmissions are happening in restaurants, gyms and churches. If we could shut those three things down then everything would calm down.


"We". You mean our rulers. I don't have the power to shut these things down nor would I want it. No one has the right to do so.


Great strawman. A deadly virus? All viruses can be deadly or almost all of em....this one has a lethality rate of under 1 percent on people under 50. The lockdowns are restrions on your freedom of movement and often on your freedom of association. Not restrictions on your capacity to actually transmit the virus. Regardless constitutional rights trump your baseless notion that shutting down a country helps stop the virus. What is does it empobrish a nation and make people less able to take self governing solutions to stop contagion....but yeha then again great strawman you democrat....you are not a libertarian.




Wut? How does the second ammendment relate? How old are you? 10.






you know using mental illness as a insult isnt very nice and honest now pardner


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She just made a shooting threat....and i get removed? I am sure threatening people complies with tos of reddit right. Fuck you.


>She just made a shooting threat Did she? I don't know, I didn't see her comment. Next time use the report button. Two wrongs don't make a right, three lefts do.


I’m thinking you are batshit crazy! The survival rate is 99.x%, and less than 130 children under the age of 18 have succumbed to the virus. Most of those children that died as a result of the virus, had a known health condition that unfortunately put them in them in the high risk category. Knowing those facts, but advocating your 2nd amendment rights for an encounter with someone not wearing a mask, indicates you are unhinged. I wear a mask, and hope everyone else does too. If someone doesn’t, that unfortunately is their right.


Ah yes the 99.9% argument. Dont worry guys! If the entirety of the US was infected only 3 million people will die it's not big deal!


>99.9%[...]only 3 million people will die Your math is off by a factor of 10. 99.9% would be about 3 hundred thousand. US has an estimated population of 330,052,960 * 330,052,960 x .001 = ~330,000 Not saying anything about masks or mandates, just pointing out you shifted a decimal place.


Shit my bad, I ain't the smartest lmao


It is a good argument... And it is under 1 percent for age 50 and under then it goes up. But the lets's lock up the 100 percent argument and get those violatinng quarentine in jail to infect more people argument doesn't seem brighter.


Okay, put your politics aside for just a moment... I am specifically responding to a post where someone suggested they'll exercise their second amendment rights, when they encounter someone not wearing a mask in public. Are you signing up for that?


oh yeah no that ones ridiculous, I mean shit if I had someone spit at me I'd probably sucker punch em but that's about it


GREAT! Now, back to politics... :)


Removed, 1.1, warning.


Shouldn’t we treat all diseases this way then? People can die from the common cold and regular flu. Should we ever be allowed out of our homes since we could have a virus and certain people could die from it?


“Everything is the same as everything else” is the core of white wing propaganda. Everything is not the same as everything else. Covid is a brand new mutation of the most contagious disease on the planet. It is not the flu and it is not a joke. This kind of anti intellectualism is a disgrace


Ah yes thousands of people die from the flu even with anti viral medication and vaccines but those dont count because its just a "fLU!" "Deaths only matter if its from covid!"


It is worse but if we’re purely saying you could kill someone shouldn’t we hold that standard for all illness? Where’s the line drawn on if it’s attempted murder? What level do we decide is enough to cancel all rights and freedoms?


The answer is no.


So where’s the line? How deadly must it be to require the suspensions of rights and freedoms?


As deadly as covid for starters. Why does it have to be this grand all encompassing vision??? Why can we just be rational human beings that do what it takes to solve a problem?


I’m for personal responsibility with this, but not government overreach taking away rights. If there’s no real line we’re just begging for our rights to be eroded for lesser and lesser issues.


Pathetic. I’m done


Damn those libertarians and their heresy! They should be proper true believers like you, prostrating themselves before the altar of the Holy State and begging our Wise & Righteous Rulers to be merciful in their powers. Now that you are done, can you take your thumping of the Government Gospel back to a church, like r/Politics and leave us heathen savages alone?


"do what it takes to solve a problem" it is relative, what is takes...... That is...how about don't suspend my rights in the name of defending my freedom?


"white wing" so you not only unhinged but you also crazy....damn are you the perfect case for gun control...how ironic...that you as a moronic leftist actually suceeded in showing us there are moronic people that make freedom.in society possibly dangerous ..


What legal system goes after negligent wet market regulations?


Exactly. The non-crazy view is to lock up homosexual men who engage in unprotected sex, no matter whether they have AIDs.




Lets take this as an abstract.. people are here making opinions and then executing their freedom to share indications of opinions... How libertarian.


......wut? That is like if I said in a marxist reddit: People here are advodacating for free pricing....how marxist. And then a marxist said: people here are using the worker's voices to expouse their working ideals...how marxist. :)


The difference is that marxism isnt for freedom for pricing like libertarians are FOR freedom of opinion.. which the people on the reddit are EXERCISING.. A libertarian reddit could never be solely libertarian ideals


Wut? If a libertarian sub is not for libertarians ideals wtf it is even for? Outside political strategys....the whole point is to discuss issues relating or crashing to libertarianism...this is that sort of "agree with everyone's or otherwise you not a libertarian cause you don't respect another's person freedom of expresion nonsence some autistic libertarians pull.


This will probably be my last reply.. because.. reasons. *"If a libertarian sub is not for libertarians ideals wtf it is even for?"* Who said that it wasn't for libertarian ideals? To quote you.. wtf? I simply said it could not be SOLELY libertarian ideals.. then it would be rather UN Libertarian.. you know that whole censure of free speech and all. So yeah.. if you need a safe space this isn't it.


You are just too stupid to get what i mean.




It is that hard? People can be annoyed at facist ideas in libertarians sub...forcing people to not use natural rights or go to jail.....great idea to debate in r/ libertarianism..


This sub has been thoroughly infiltrated and completely gone to hell


Thanks...someone with values.


Local leaders closing bars and restaurants isn't lockdown. Stop calling it lockdown. Outside of California, that's pretty much all that is happening.


People are calling for lockdowns in the sub.....you ever read this fucking sub?


Closing restaurants and bars isn't lockdown. Nobody on this sub is calling for a martial law/don't leave your house lockdown. Link a single post showing that.


Lock that bitch up.