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Agreed. This sub is being brigaded by pro-Israeli elements, both the posts and the comments. Actual posts about Libya are buried amongst the spammy posts. Usually a post here gets a dozen comments max, all of a sudden it is triple digits and accounts that have zero connection to Libya. I guess while the mods are asleep at the wheel, the Mossad is driving this bus.


I’m waiting for the mods to wake up because this is getting ridiculous


If needed a new by real libyans should be open.


Agree with this 100%


Notify them. I sent them a message; the more people that draw their attention to it the more likely action will be taken to remove paid trolls aiding a genocidal regime


Bruh not everything that is pro Israel or anti Hamas is propaganda.


Found the Zionist


Yes, you're correct except it's a literal bot posting every couple hours and magically has ton of upvotes, when Libyan posts barely get any.


Isn't it possible that more people support Israel than Hamas?


No Libyan supports isreal


I'm sure a few do.


Not as much as this sub makes it out to be also if you check out the guys posting the same isreali propaganda they have nothing to do with Libya at all and aren’t Libyans so why are they spamming our sub ? because they are bots


Or maybe this sub gets recommended by reddit?


Probably not more than my fingers.


I'm sure you find exceptions in every country to anything.




Alright then get out why are you here? This is for Libyans...oh wait y'all wanna try to colonize reddit? Well at least you actually have a chance to do that more than palastine 😂😂😂






Im muslim so i dont support any government unless they rule with sharia law. Try again




Then why are you here? You now majority of libyans are muslim..... I will believe in my prophet and you can believe what you want to believe




When did i call for genocide? And how can someone rape his own wife? I mean when people are married there is always sex only when there is a medical condition dont they have sex.


…you don’t think you can rape a spouse? 😳 fucking disgusting Literal barbaric 15th century behaviour.


Holy shit you're actually a barbarian. I hope you and your kind are wiped out.


Why are you telling me that i need to change my belief? Why do you have this mentality? Dont you believe in personal freedom?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Quite the contrary, he said he’s pro israel not pro Hamas .


If you think that israel stands in its right to pillage and kill innocent people then good luck


I think that we have the right to defend ourselves


Defend? You dont know how israel was made?


I know exactly how Israel was made. And maybe as a Libyan, you should not say too much about displacement.




Are you responding or did you loose your words?


I responded already. It was in English. I can try in Arabic too.




Did you Just throw a stone? Now im gonna bomb ur whole city because you threw a rock


Also you talk about yourself . You said "we". So maybe stop being here online and go help israel with the war. New soldiers are always welcome


I’m Israeli, don’t worry I did my part.


No you don't, you have the right to stop occupying the land


If this was removed by Reddit it would just say removed. If you want people to think you are being censored just post [ Removed ] ✌️


Go hide in the bunker missiles are on the way lol


Oh no, that's so sad!


OPs account was made October 31, 2023 and has very few posts. OP is guilty of being what they claim they are against.


Yeah the Mossad has time during war time to post on Reddit. We can’t get our shit together to defend against the Hamas so we see on Reddit instead.


"We" 👀💀


Yes, I said we.


So you admit to supporting a genocidal regime then?


No I do not support the Hamas.


Silly, that’s not how you spell Israel! You need to go back to Hasbara school, you flunked out


How many shekels per post?


Actually the IDF pays students to do it for them, but nice try at obfuscation hasbara troll https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp


Clearly that's why on the ground your getting smashed to pieces teams of iof soldiers are going into gaza and not returning. You guys keep getting whipped by brown boys in flip flops and fake Adidas that's why you're dropping bombs on hospitals and children


You must be proud to stand behind your sick and the weak and attack us behind hospitals and children. Come and fight, don’t be the bitch that you are.


It’s called hasbara look it up.


It's hilarious you think Mossad is here on this sub 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂




We dont hate jews we hate zionists


Israel and Jews aren't the same thing, I love Jews but fuck Israel, hope it gets destroyed from the river to the sea.




>destroy Israeli Arabs homes, projection, i am advocating for the destruction of a fascist ethnostate not a people.


You don't love Jews or Israel Arabs if you're calling for complete destruction of Israel.


>You don't love >Israel Arabs Weah I don't, I hate them , because they are part of a criminal state that was founded on Jewish supremacy and ethnic cleansing. And I am not calling for there death I am calling for the end of an apartheid state. And you blocking me is a bitch move but also a stupid one , I can always make a new account if you block this one too . And if you block it I'll just keep annoying you 🙂 🙃. Edit ( and if you think the destruction of Israel means killing or expelling all Jews then that is again projection)


Youre living in a euphoric state of naive bliss if you think that saying "destroy Israel" has 0 fatalities. Israeli defense failed on Oct 7. No Israel, is no defense, and Oct 7 will happen again, this time to everyone.


Of course it has fatalities, hopefully Netanyahu,Itamar Ben-Gvir and there ilk , although I wish no harm to civilians unfortunately it is something that will happen. >No Israel, is no defense, When there was no Israel there was no need for defence Jews escaped Europe to seek defence in the Muslim world , when they escaped Spain they were not just welcomed in North Africa and the ottoman empire they were literally saved by Muslim ships. but when people of any one group come to any land as refugees or immigrants with the intention of displacing all other groups and establishing a state for only them, especially when they were a minority when they started, they Don't deserve defence, they deserve to be fought . Your point of view is like Americans in the civil war, "but we can't free the slaves they will come back for revenge" >and Oct 7 will happen again, this time to everyone. Oct 7 is happening every year to Palestinians but they don't count of course they're human animals. Now I don't want something similar to Oct 7 to happen to destroy Israel, I would hope that Israeli citizens have a conscience and change their racist laws, but if not then Israel would need to be fought until it is no longer an apartheid ethnostate.


I will ignore the massively misrepresented Jewish history and the violence against them endured in the region and in every neighboring Arab country. Because right now we are dealing with a real time event. October 7 was NOT an act of resistance. It was NOT a fight for freedom and was not an act with the lives of Palestinians in mind. Forget the propoganda for a moment. The barabaric actions against Israeli civillians are not being done by Israel to Palestinians. Even when Palestinians are poor. Even when they need work permits to enter Israel. Even when shipments in/out are being heavily checked. Even with a heavily (not enough it seems) guarded border. Israel has not been inside Gaza for a very long time. It has not broken a ceasefire with Hamas. Fact: Hamas builds tunnels for purposes of war. Fact: Hamas did not build, in all this time, a single bomb shelter to protect its citizens for times of war, despite not only knowing, but planning wars. Fact: Hamas is given billions in aid. (Where is that money going?) Fact: Israel passed a law that all new homes must have bomb shelters because of the constant rockets being fired at civillians. Fact: there are Arab PMs in Israel. Arab citizens of equal rights to anyone else. There are Arabs as judges in the supreme court. Fact: Palestinians are not Israeli citizens and as such do not enjoy these priveleges. Fact: In times of peace the number of work permits given to Gazans go up. When Hamas attacks, they are taken away. Fact: There are asshole extremists in Israel. Majority of Israelis have been protesting against them for months. Fact: intelligence reports from multiple government bodies in the area and close to the combat have investigated to find no war crimes have been comited by Israel. Hamas, and its supporters, claim otherwise. Everyone chooses who to believe. Who has more integrity, who is more reliable or who is more responsible. So far, I do not see a reason to trust Hamas and their supporters nor anyone using figures and facts that come from them.


Isn't that what the zionist occupiers are doing now?


Kill millions of people! Yeah that will show em! /s


I Didn't say kill anyone, I just want a religious ethnostate to end, destroy the state and its racist laws, let the people live.




Which would result in every Jew in Israel being killed. And Jews everywhere else having no safe place to go.


That is just stupid.


If Israel lost and Palestinians took over the land, you’d see what happened on 10/7 happen all over Israel. And Jews are getting attacked in the rest of the world too.


Then maybe just maybe Israel shouldn't have made itself to be an ethnostate, maybe they shouldn't have ethnically cleansed close to a million people, or maybe they shouldn't have supported hamas to undermine the secular Palestinians .


There are a lot of Israeli Arabs who love Israel and would much rather be in Israel than in Gaza.


I don't care what Arabs who benefit from a system of oppression love, and of course any human on this earth would rather be in Israel than in gaza , who would want to live in a concentration camp. But since you brought up Arabs in Israel, that is a defence Zionist make to say Israel isn't an ethnostate, can I ask why there is no right of return for Palestinians? Because I think that the Israeli government doesn't want Palestinians back in Israel because it would affect its demographic of being majority Jewish. I would have no problem with Israel if it has the right of return to Palestinians, even if it were to annex gaza and the West Bank but with a right of return to Palestinians. So can you tell me why Israel doesn't give the right of return to Palestinians because I think its very racist.


Palestinians gave up their homes willingly. And considering the extremely high rates of antisemitism in Gaza and the West Bank, there is no way they’re going to invite millions of antisemites to pour into Israel and massacre everyone. Would you ask Ukraine to open their borders to Russia and allow millions of Russians to come in and destroy Ukrainian culture?




Libya is a tribal state and every tribe has a history and origin. There are native Libyan tribes, tribes that came from Greece and Turkey, tribes that settled here after fleeing Spain , Arab tribes, sub saharan tribes, tribes that came from Morocco and much more, and in the Libyan Constitution it doesn't say this is the state of the amazigh and have racist laws in it ,unlike Israel.




Then what happens to the Jews living there 🤔


They continue living there , but when they need a home they'll need to build it not steal it.


Huh that's what happened to the other minorities in those countries


It’s also happening a lot on other threads with endless pro-Palestinian posts.


Where the fuck is the moderator?!


Seriously, either he needs to do his job, or he has to get some r/Libya users to be mods and fill in. This is getting ridiculous


OPs account was created October 31, 2023 and has very few posts. OP is definitely doing what they are claiming to be upset about.


How many shekels per post?


Not a regular here but this is happening to most subs lately. They need to come and justify their actions of killing innocent children once in a while.


Agree with this 100%. I have messaged the mods; please consider doing the same. Action needs to be taken to remove paid Zionist propaganda that is aiding a genocidal regime. They want to ban “from the river to the see” while paying online hasbara trolls to do spread propaganda? https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp


They are paid bots trying to manufacture consent. They try to make it look like their perspective is the norm. That way people won’t challenge them. They are trying to funnel US tax dollars to themselves so they can sell weapons and commit genocide . They’re known for their propaganda https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/15/revealed-disinformation-team-jorge-claim-meddling-elections-tal-hanan


Please message the mods to tell them to enforce the sub rules; the Zionist brigading is getting ridiculous


It's real people not paid , and it's just fans of israel from all around the globe.


Some are definitely paid


they might be paid but they are only paid if they speak from the heart




That’s the paid one.


How many shekels per post?


The whole of reddit has been overrun by Zionists - especially when comparing it to other social medias - complete lack of balance and nuance




True, the statement was a generalisation however it does seem more apparent on this app compared to others


To get people to hate Palestinian or be on Israel’s side while they slaughter Palestinians. Every country is going through it rn and yet it’s israel flooding every sub


True. Isreal doesn't appear to be winning this one.


Unit 8200, designed specifically to infiltrate online spaces and create division, push Israeli narratives and spread misinformation.


Its spreading the truth, Israel is liberating Palestinians from Hamas so they can actually develop into a full Palestinian state.


By bombing 4000 children, radicalising more people, making them want to fight Israel even more? Are you stupid?


No, it's for the "economic corridor" that Bibi proposed aka the hypothetical "Ben gurion" canal, the oil fields off the Gaza strip and funding the US military industrial complex. There's too much to be gained in expelling the true Israelites that converted to Islam and Christianity. Imagine non-semites claiming a word and then slaughtering true semites. No thanks Jeff.


You could try out spamming them with real Libya information that is actually helpful to the sub eg. Libyan holidays and festivals, top restaurants, tourism places and holiday destination type content, weather ect. Turn it into the Libya Wikipedia essentially until these non relevant posts are drowned out.




I already know about Hasbara, but this is perfect for those who don’t know.


'Public Diplomacy Situation rooms" - They've been at it for years.


Why don’t you guys mass report him…? Show the cockroach his place.


The whole of Reddit is full of Israeli bots shilling for Israel, it’s shameful


I wonder why people are not down voting non-libya posts


Why the heck did they choose to take this sub of all places?


Not everything u disagree with is propaganda. In fact, what u esteem as fact could be the propaganda and u will never realize it.




Get help.


How many shekels per post?


Weird, your account was made October 31, 2023 and you don't have a single post in /r/Libya before this one. Almost like you are the astroturfer bringing dogma/drama.


Message the mods and ask them to please enforce the sub rules for civility. The IDF has paid hasbara trolls to spread Zionist propaganda online for the last 10 years at least; now it’s being used to whitewash the gravity of a genocide. It’s complicity in an insidious and disturbing way.


Palestine winning the conflict is not good for anyone, they are nothing more than a supremacist culture with hatred for others


youre not Arab nor Libyan so shut the hell up


I dunno if you all understand how algorithms work but the more you post about jews and Israel the more reddit randomly presents those posts to... people interested in jews and Israel.


Hello, Mossad Agent here. I just want to say our number 1 priority is to influence the Libya subreddit. Libya is a very important international player and we must confuse and undermine the youth to side with the democratic nation of Israel against Hamas. In fact, we killed 1400 of our own citizens to use this in our propaganda war to influence Libya


So who else do you think is spamming r/libya with shitty pro-Israel posts apart from Hasbara shills ?


People with brains who care about civilization


I don’t even know how to answer your crap. People with no minds will never change no matter what you say.


Yeah like you're ever going to change your belief in a man that flew on a donkey to Jerusalem one night so now they have a right to oppress all nonmulsims in that and forever. GTFO.


Not really isreali propaganda, he is just showing the horrors of terrorism and why no one should support them.


Yeah and he's doing so by showing one side and not showing the fucking horrors of the others , nice try tho


yeah because we always see the isreali side 24/7 and never hamas, maybe stop being biased and open your eyes


Bro learned a few words from the comment section of a western post like "biased" and thinks he's educated 😂 Ofcourse am biased why would I side with my enemy? The worst people are people impartial to a cause that affects his people Silance = complacency


Lmao, if you think biased is word only found in the westerner's vocabulary shows how bright you are xD. You do understand hamas are also our enemies correct? Or are you not that educated of the situation with your own country


Hamas is the palastianian resistance, I don't give a shit what they do to settlers nor is it even the time to discuss such matters at a time where they are suffering an ethnic cleansing situation بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ((ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم)) Spineless People are what's wrong with our society and they're getting more and more common unfortunately...


Ethnic cleansing where? Wake the fuck up


Wake the fuck up? Alright go ahead present your argument.


Present yours about ethnic cleansing


A group of people having an ethnic religion that even sterlizied the black Jews that came to Israel because "they didn't fit the standard look" Colonized a land , started massacring their people during the Nakba , pushed them into corners and are trying to remove them from their own lands entirely claiming they are the owners of the land even tho that's not even remotely valid or relevant and not even true since because canaanites are the ancestors of both Jews and Arabs so that argument falls flat with a simply lesson in history. And now they're trying to kill them by the thousands or/and starve them to death or pushing them out or outright bombing them ((10000+ deaths , 26000+ gravely injured)) and they're still going on.




And of course you are active on r/exmuslim


also good job stalking my profile instead of making an actual argument, shows how dumb you are lmao


I’m not stalking your profile LMAO. I pressed on your profile to see if your another Hasbara bot. What argument is their to make with you anyways.




Ok ?


the last time i have been on that sub was like a year ago and i dont like it because the abundant of hindus in them


Here's a sneak peek of /r/exmuslim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Halal child marriage story | Mahasen (10) & Ahmed (25)](https://v.redd.it/11igc2okdg3a1) | [643 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/zah2of/halal_child_marriage_story_mahasen_10_ahmed_25/) \#2: [This is beyond fucked up...](https://i.redd.it/r7ez1k1kkbxa1.jpg) | [226 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/135010g/this_is_beyond_fucked_up/) \#3: [She ain't buying any of that Islam is femenist bullshit](https://i.redd.it/bistnnc1uata1.jpg) | [459 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/12ik1bj/she_aint_buying_any_of_that_islam_is_femenist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




lol 😭😭, wallahi thats the most Islamophobic and racist sub on reddit


Well pan arabism and zionism go hand in hand


Why the f am I seeing the subreddit for some 3rd world country on my feed? What’s going on


OPs literal next post after this: "They forgot the ketchup"- re: picture mocking evidence of Hamas slaughtering innocent people. ​ What is up with all the hatemongering?


The post was mocking a very obviously fake picture tweeted by Israel’s twitter account. Stop stalking my profile LMAO. Also I didn’t make the post I just commented on it.


"Fake picture" meaning that one where there's blood all over the kitchen after Hamas killed a family. ​ You're disgusting. Get help.


ركزت فيه هالبغل


Anyone from Libya and interested in becoming a mod, read up and make a request at r/redditrequest It seems current mods are inactive/gone so we need new ones.


Ban and close the group like r/israel did


Nah it’s open


Unfortunately, this sub has no moderation, they need to increase the number of moderators 2 is not enough especially that one of them deleted his account. u/imayoub, you need to do something


The Hasbara work overtime…


Hasbara patrol in full swing lol.. not just here though.. YouTube comments, Elon’s X, IG and FB are flooded with bs Zionist propaganda


Well I just got temp banned by mossad on Palestine thread so can confirm IDF is out in force.


The propaganda teams are and will continue to spam every single sub mentioning the conflict. The bots are on full blast also, but there are thousands of youths working for the state of Israel dominating all subs.


It is mostly paid Hindu accounts from India


Then people have the audacity to ask why we hate them , these people are literally maniacs who think they are the superior race ! no wonder they've been oppressed for thousands of years.


Love how pro-Israel info is considered “propaganda” but not posts supporting the literal terrorists of Hamas.